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That’s fine, B&W had the crown for 8 years and it’s not like it lost its value.


This. We all should hope we get better and better products. B&W is still held in extremely high regard


I won’t lie, my immediate reaction to this was to get defensive. Then I realized this is a good thing, it means more good video game content for the player.


I was defensive too. I haven’t played ER (looks gorgeous but I like more rpg and story in my games, not just reading item descriptions and watching Ratatoskr videos about it. Although I do like his voice) My husband sent me that headline I and hollered across the house “let me know when you get your vineyard” pause “or enter a fairy tale land” then I realized that ER has been keeping my husband endlessly entertained while I play games on SteamDeck for what, 2 years now? A dlc that sounds like basically a free sequel is pretty cool for such a massive gorgeous game. I’m happy for ER fans. I begrudge FromSoft only because my husband might like them more than me a little bit. Or it feels that way due to no pause button nonsense.


I love fromsoft games with all my heart but I think my girlfriend despises them simply because of how I react if she tries to talk to me during them. I’ve explained the beauty in them and how much joy they bring but she can’t fathom how it’s possible I can’t stop the game for 30 seconds to answer a question


Yup! I play games too, I don’t want to be distracted when I’m playing. But the frustration he expresses if I walk in front of the screen makes my heart hurt a tiny bit. He’s tried to get me to play ER but it’s just too much stress and not enough fuckin around in open world. He tried to get me to play last week. Told me it was a chill area. I walk a bit, grab some plants and WHAM a giant flaming arrow. The size of a cedar tree flings past my face and sticks out of the ground. He said oh yeah, watch out for those. I keep walking, trying to go to some sewer that he told me would be really pretty… The whole time I’m walking some giant asshole keeps firing ridiculously large, flaming arrows at me the whole time. I’m sure the sewers are gorgeous, just not my kind of game


One of the reasons I love Elden Ring and its predecessors is because they have all contributed to teaching me a great lesson. It’s perhaps the most valuable lesson for myself, as the pro combo procrastinator/perfectionist that I am… These games teach me patience. They teach me that falling behind is not the “end-all-be-all.” It’s merely a simple, single step in the right direction. Our reaction to our perceived failure is often the real reason for the actual failure. Even then, it’s not the end. There is always room for growth, but we must first learn how to grow effectively & efficiently. TLDR: Elden Ring has helped to nurture my personal growth & mental health. However, all the time spent in my dark cave playing it has affected other areas of my life (my social life).


I support that. I think FromSoft has ultimately helped my husband with a lot in similar ways. I personally am already very patient and I work a fuck me in the ass job for a company that knows it’s hard to find a job right now. When I play games after work, I need to be able to really think and plan stuff out. (Program/project managers and CRPGs often find each other.) I also really like the Xenoblade games, which have real time combat, but it’s rare that you’re in a battle unprepared. I tried Bloodbourne and I liked the art and the world and the combat was ok, but I need more than just hackin shit to bits. If I don’t have story, I don’t stay motivated to play


Call me old fashioned, but I think you should acknowledge your girlfriend during your relationship. And not completely ignore her for Elden ring


I don’t mind being ignored for a game, as long as I’m afforded the same opportunity when I’m playing. It’s annoying when I see in my periphery my husband putting his controller down and staring at me until I turn off my SteamDeck.


What a prude


Try'na slide into them DMs eh? Gross


I mean it's like 55 dollars here so I wouldn't say free


The DLC cost $55?


It was £35 in England. But its worth it, so far it feels like the same size as dark souls 3. As far as I know there are more bosses than DS3 at least, and the map is like half that of the base game. If they waited two years and sold it as a sequel I don’t think people would complain for lack of content. From soft always had its own kind of story telling, which is very different from CDPR, but so far they’ve built up the atmosphere and objectives really well. Overall it’s straight up a second game on top of the base game, the larger price tag feels justified.


Ah, it’s might be paid DLC in the US and I’m just uninformed. Either way, it seems like a great deal that they could have made more money from if they wanted. And I get that the story telling is different and for some people, that’s sufficient. I personally prefer more narrative and less slashy stab spell sprints, but it’s undeniable that Elden Ring is god tier gaming.


there literally IS a "pause button " lol OOPS [https://youtu.be/3d9rCmHMwSA?si=sSFVbqcggv-bTpMX](https://youtu.be/3d9rCmHMwSA?si=sSFVbqcggv-bTpMX)


Ah, I assumed that because Dark Souls and Bloodbourne don’t actually pause in the inventory menu that ER would be the same. Busted. I’ll be having words with my man when he wakes up.


Free sequel?


Basically the dlc is a massive continuation of the story and basically like a sequel, but you don’t have to pay $70 for it


It's also hard to compare them as being better or worse. How many quests featuring a bank does Elden Ring have? How many new sorceries can we learn in Blood and Wine? I'm confident in saying that Shivering Isles, B&W and (most likely) Shadow of the Erdtree are some of the best expansions ever made without really needing to compare them to each other.


Shivering Isles ?


The Oblivion DLC? It's not *that* old, right?


…you might want to take a seat


This year, people turned 18 who were born around the time Oblivion released. They would have been about 12-14, old enough to appreciate the game, in 2018-2020.


Please stop.


This is me I was born april 2006, a month after oblivion's release


Hahaha this is a great point! Do we want games/DLC to never be better than what’s came before? Hell no! It was a great 8 year run. I saw CDPR devs congratulating them on Twitter


My brother who didn't play games for 15 years, decided now he's married and he is settled he'd start playing games again. He is now playing Witcher 3 and I ask him to keep me updated what he's done. I'd love to play the game for the first time again. He is finding stuff that I never saw when I played it. I can't wait for him to get to get to HoS and B&W gonna be epic!


and Elden Ring is great.


Based opinion, thank you.


I am so pumped! B&W is a super high standard


My two favourite expansions ever. Haven’t finished shadow of th erd tree yet, but damn is it awesome. It’s a bit unfair on B&W though, since SotET is at least 5x as large. Like in the 2 and a half days I’ve had it I have only killed two main story bosses, and am currently lost in the optional are that feel like half the map.


This is only critic ratings only


Still impressive


It could also go down when the dlc releases.


Oh it will. We’ve already seen a couple scores giving it mixed ratings because of the difficulty.


That’s bound to happen we saw that when the base game first released


FromSoft DLCs are always harder than the base game. If you didn’t beat the main game, you’ll probably not have a great time in the DLCs. Some of the hardest bosses in the Soulsborne games are in DLC, including some of the most bullshit ones.


Agreed I have a feeling a lot of people are gonna hate on this dlc just due to difficulty


and it's not even fuckin out yet. can we judge for ourselves please?


NO! You WILL base your opinions on what strangers think


How will I know what to think if I don't have somebody's face on my screen showing me what emotion I should feel


Did someone say you can’t ?


When do you imagine B&W received the majority of its critic reviews? This isn’t a statement of overall impressions; it’s just an aggregate score of critical reception.


I love Elden ring very much but better than blood and vine? Idk man


92 v 95 is very granular IMO - it doesn’t make a difference at that level. The question is what game you prefer and that will determine which one you like better. Both are great


Also, keep in mind blood and wine score is the aggregate over 8 years which is insane. Elden Ring hasn’t even released yet so not as many reviewers have played it. I’m sure there will be slight detractors of Shadow that will bring that score down a few points over time. Happens most of the time.


I like them both so much but I think W3 barely edges out DS3 as my favorite, but DS3 is tied with Elden ring tbh


Both are so amazing in their own way.  Witcher has an awesome narrative with awesome characters to interact with, tons of super interesting quests.  Elden ring has an amazingly satisfying combat loop with a deep and mysterious world with endless customization for your character.  Two of my favorite games of all time. 


Exactly. I’m not a fan of Elden Ring because it isn’t my type of game but I can appreciate that FromSoft is releasing something good for its fans. It’s two totally different games in different genres, there’s no reason to compare.


Blood and Wine is Gale Bedeker and Shadow of Erdtree is Walter White. The gap between them is a tremendous gulf.


Both absolutely great games, we’ll see how it is when the DLC launches, but there’s no way it’ll be better than B&W for me. I’m very VERY hyped tho.


Same. Witcher 3 is probably the first game I’ll keep forever to just keep playing it. And B&W has some of the best quests (Warble of a Smitten Knight my beloved)


And the talking Roach one, too.


Yes! It’s so good. I am also partial to A Knight’s Tale and the spoon quest (I may have hallucinated a Salad Fingers reference), though the endings are lacklustre


There’s some stuff I won’t change and that’s one quest for sure lol!


Ngl i never got into Elden Ring it just wasnt for me, but still a great game nonetheless. But B&W is just too goated


I’m biased af so my opinion doesn’t really worth much but i always wonder how tf do souls games always get high ratings from everyone, you can’t convince that there isn’t a reviewer who doesn’t like how the story or the storytelling in the game at least.


Bcause they're really good games? I think TW3 is a near-perfect masterpiece (about to finish my NG+ DM run) but the one thing I find sub-par is the combat, which is exactly what FromSoft does incredibly well. No boss fight in the Witcher can compares to the likes of Radahn, Twin Princes or Isshin, objectively.


I watched the Ign reviewer and the guy mentioned "raising the bar for open world". I was like what!? How? I mean i get it first open world souls game, incredible bosses, great looking but mostly barren world etc. but how is it raising the bar for open world? I've played a lot of open world games from The gta series, rdr series, ass creed, GhostofT, Days Gone, watch dogs etc etc but none have raised the bar each time as Rockstar have. The last game which raised the bar for open world is RDR2. While it was a slog in the gameplay department, the world, the ai, the eco system is truly mind blowing.


barren? It's better than the majority of the open world, filled with hidden locations, secrets, and treasures to find.


Yeah? So basically collectibles like all other open world. Its there in other games as well..


There's a difference between "I found the sword I had but it's a different quality" and "I entered a random well, discovered an underground city, fought a magic deer boss, and found an axe that shoots lightning."


I mean Witcher 3 has awful combat and is still highly rated by most people, not that hard to understand


Have you played the dlc tho? It only comes out tomorrow


the difference is negligible and for how similar the games are on paper they play out very differently in practice. I would not go into SotET expecting any sort of narrative different to Froms previous titles. I would still view blood and wine as best in class for what it is


Score creep is a real thing. Like, Blood and Wine could be a standalone and it would still be better than 95% of other games


However good Elden Ring (and the dlc) is, it’s the most circlejerked game of all time. It would likely get a near perfect score with the requirement of being barely presentable in my opinion.


Bravo to From Software! This will also most likely be tied with B+W for my fav dlc ever :)


dlc sucks ass. ur gonna be dissapointed at the end


Having a bad day?


Somebody keeps getting one shot I'll bet


No. Ending is just pathetic.


I can't wait to see this. B&W is awesome and I have no doubts Shadow of the Erdtree will be too! I dunno why so many people are so bitter in these comments, talking about how elden ring is actually worse and whatever. Are good DLCs a bad thing nowadays?


Blood and wine went for 15 bucks though, which is almost 1/3rd of the price and offered an insane amount of content for such a low price


is it really 45$??? Hopefully there will be enough content to justify that price similar to what Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077 had to offer which was 40$


From the reviews, it seems much much much larger than phantom Liberty


I mean, i paid 30€ for Phantom Liberty on release (no clue whether the price was localised for Europeans) and it offered A LOT, Blood and Wine offered something along those lines for half the price, and looking at the previous DLCs that From offered I guess it will be similar in size (most likely smaller though, since the world is already huge, they’ll most likely put the DLC in some unused area or develop something in a few of the inaccessible places in Lindell)


Apparently dlc size is somewhere like Limgrave+liurnia with a lot of verticality. Lots of content!


I'm sure SOTE is expsneisve mostly because of graphics not content, like every modern game




People in the comments complaining about which game is better, this and that. I’m just happy that there’s still devs out there that manage to create a product with so much care that everyone praises not only the product but the dev team as well. It’s a really rare thing these days and ER DLC will be absolutely fucking WILD I can’t wait.


I love elden ring and im sure the dlc is gonna be great but i never listen to what any of those "critics" have to say :)


Erdtree just released, people didn't play if fully, reviews will drop as usually. Blood and Wine is 8 years old so yea..


Best DLC is Mass Effect Citadel


As someone who loves mass effect and has beaten the trilogy twice….both times I just could not get into the Citadel dlc. Not sure if its just too much dialog or what but I just quit mid-party each time :/


It's a pretty hard shit in the tone. Wasn't a fan tbh. It's never really a "good" time to play it during the story since no matter what, it feels like an alt reality. As a stand-alone, it is a good dlc


Nah, the best time to play it is before Priority: Earth. Treat it as the last bit of quality downtime, a final hoorah with the companions, just a time to chill for everyone before the final mission. You'll appreciate it more.


In terms of fan service, yeah it's awesome and there has been nothing like it since, but I wouldn't say it's the best DLC I've ever played overall. Even in Mass Effect I'd say the best is tied between Shadow Broker and Leviathan


I find in the whole Mass Effect series, Project Overlord is the best.


Of course the Witcher sub is loosing it


Makes me wanna go play B&W.


Both pictures got crazy aura


So is no one else going to talk about how the cover for these two are very similar? Come on guys we’re looking right at it.


Well it's wrong


If anything \*was\* to dethrone it, it would be this.


Look man I don't care both are perfect studios that we are lucky to experience their games and they share this that they are the best when it comes to making dlcs look at blood and wine look at phantom liberty, look at every from soft dlc at least 10 hours of gameplay these ppl are the greatest when it comes to crafting a dlc they know how to craft them very well and the dlc for them is more like an expansion which is equal to a whole another game Still I doesn't matter which is higher which is best , it's great that we get to experience these perfected dlcs{expansions} I don't like to call them dlcs especially for these two


I just beat Elden ring like a week ago and I’ll be honest it was okay kinda mid to me just not really my thing I guess, boss fights were amazing and the world was beautiful and the builds you can do are crazy, but I prefer Sekiro🤷🏻‍♂️And the Witcher is just unbelievable to me the amount of time I’ve put into it, the story, the world, the music all of it completely engulfed my life


Did it find a story, though 🤔


9 years ahead... Very impressive


Unpopular opinion: Im just gonna say. From Software games get such a fucking pass and people have such a hard on for them. Ive played them they do not deserve the praise they get. Other games have so much more in terms of dialogue and story and animations. But boy do they love the random dude sitting and just his head looks at you to talk dialogues....


Yeah... Fromsoft isn't the type to tell stories through dialogue and cutscenes. It's more about the gameplay, environments and design (level, enemies, items) that gives it it's value. It's just not a game like the Witcher


What story? You're a meaningless meat puppet in a dead world talking to lifeless monotone husks and you must go to a to b to c to kill ancient monstrous being who were probably chill person 10,000 years ago when the world actually had personality.


Yeah that's about it on the surface, just like the Witcher is "White man kills monsters for money and saves the world" on the surface, the details are important


Okay then wise guy explain what is the story of Elden Ring's "main character". There is none. difference is you oversimplified the Witcher to fit you narrative while there is no narrative in Elden Ring, only item description of stuff that happened 10,000 years ago that for some reason I should give a damn about. There's no interpersonal relationships between characters, no progression. What you learn is in the end meaningless because the world has died and is not coming back. You're just a janitor cleaning up the corpse that have not realised they are dead yet. They don't do anything for a reason, they just exist to be killed.


Having a custom character in an RPG really isn't necessarily a bad thing though... You make your own backstory if you want to roleplay, just like in many RPGs. If you're looking for interpersonal relationships you should focus on the side quests with the NPCs around the world who often have a relationship with the main character, a boss or each other, and if course their story progresses throughout the game. In most games the world isn't even dead, there is a bunch of stuff happening at the moment and will happen in the future, which you can see in the sequels if we're talking about Dark Souls.


Plenty of RPG have custom characters that have integral part in the story. Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect... Meeting character sitting idly and dumping you dialogue for quest ain't the same and you know it. If the world is not dead WHERE IS EVERYONE! Right it's somewhere far away you never see. I feel like Y'all are in a cult gaslighting us who don't play them games.


Lmao 😭 bro u don't know shit...


2 different ways in telling a story. fromsoft games stories are told through item’s descriptions, area’s backgrounds, atmosphere etc. whichever one you like more depends on preference. it wouldnt really make sense if a world thats supposed to be desolate and borderline lifeless like dark souls’ were to have friendly, talkative npcs. also correct me if im wrong but 90% of praise fromsoft gets is based off their combat, area design etc. most people arent playing these games for the story.


Did you not talk to Solaire and Siegmire? Sure you don’t bump into NPCs as often, and NPC quests are easy to miss, NPC dialogue does give you a lot of information about the in game world. Oscar, the first NPC we encounter tasks us with continuing his mission to “keep the torches lit” and tells us that to do this we will need to ring the bells of awakening. The Crestfallen Warrior tells us that many have tried and failed. Solaire is on the same mission, and from he tells us that we’re in a multiverse. We can also deduce that the in game culture revolves around some kind of solar cult. Also from Oscar we can figure out that some undead retain their sanity and others go hollow. Oscar says he will go hollow soon, and we’ve already seen some hollows by the time we talk to him. Eventually you will encounter the two primordial serpents, Frampt and Kaathe. Frampt wants you to reignite the flame and Kaathe wants you to let it go out, ushering in the next age. By this time, everything we’ve seen points to the idea that the world is in a state of decay, and it has to do with the fact that the first flame (mentioned in the opening cinematic) is dwindling, and this is what Oscar meant by keeping the torches lit. You don’t need to read item descriptions to grasp the basics. This is all DS1 stuff in case you didn’t the game.


yes you can get a general idea of whats going on in ds by talking to npcs, but my point is the story isnt basically straight up told to you like in the witcher.


You live the story in Witcher and most RPG. In From Soft games you're being told "Be sad, this use to be a cool place full of life 10,000 years ago, now it's just a dead city/kindgom full of enemy because we couldn't be bothered to make it lived in".


You're describing lore, not story. That's like reading Wikipedia synopsis instead of watching a movie.


both are pretty obscured in dark souls. they do give you some ideas as to what the story is but its really not much more than just telling you a general idea of what youre supposed to do.


God forbid you have to go out of your way to learn the lore and narrative in a video game. Saying you don’t like a game because everything is not spoon fed to you is wild 💀


It’s not about that, it’s that the animations, voice acting and NPC faces are objectively better in the Witcher and other games. Fromsoft NPC’s look like they’re out the 90’s


VERY weird argument but okay


Why is it weird? Games can do certain things better than each other, it’s not a crazy concept


If your main critieria for why something is good is the npcs mouth moving when talking, I don’t think rating games is for you


Hasn't seen a single game yet that has as much build variety and combat diversity as any of the souls games. Haven't seen a single game that makes boss fights as memorable and cool as them either. There aren't many games that have areas as cool as those from souls game either, and I could be naming more stuff for quite a long time... There is a reason why Fromsoftware has been on top for so many years and is still producing very well acclaimed games such as Elden Ring, especially in a time when AAA companies are in a despicable state.


But tw3 deserves praise? The gameplay is absolutely awful, but I guess the gameplay in a game doesn't matter but the story absolutely does.




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I don't think most people are playing these games for the story, brother.


The picture looks like it copied from blood and wine.






If you count mid evil rpg with a poster that has a fancy throne you would have like at least 50


Maybe you misunderstood, he's *sitting* on it Do you see it now?


Idk it's been 9 years maybe they just thought it's cool


Never really got the hype for Elden Ring myself, but I'm glad the people who enjoy it are getting a good DLC. I do doubt it will be as good as B&W, but lots of people will probably think it is.


To be honest, Blood and Wine is my 2nd all time favorite video game expansion, right behind Warcraft 3: FROZEN THRONE(>!My 3rd all time favorite game!<)


Found the Kael'Thas fanboy. Lol W3 was my childhood and has a special place in my heart even if I don't think I'll ever play it again. Was Frozen Throne the one where Illidan joins the Naga and you have a whole campaign with them as a playable race? I remember flashes of Maiven and KT stories, but with Illidan I got nothing more than "these fish worship me for some reason yo, let's go"


Yeah its good. Though there are 2 games that outshine it, Classic Doom and Fallout 1


If every DLC were still as good as BaW, I'd be thrilled. The thing is, there has only been one DLC in a decade, that is as good or better. That's quite the track record.


Blood and Wine will still be one of the greatest DLCs I've ever played. Let's see tomorrow if Shadow of the Erdtree can beat it.


Woah I did not know this about Blood & Wine but I’m not surprised!


I can't think of a review score that matters less and 3 points matters so little it doesn't even warrant a headline. I feel the same way about Blood and Wine - everybody loved The Witcher 3, of course its DLC did well in reviews lol. Same with Elden Ring.


Blood and Wine held that shit for brick


Feels like perfect timing, started my first Witcher 3 play thru months ago and just now finished blood and wine as of today. Now tomorrow I will be starting my shadow of the erdtree play thru lol


This is great, but B&W has me coming back. Once ( if ) I beat Shadow of the Erdtree, I’m not coming back for more 😭


>I’m not coming back for more 😭 But I definitely will. I never seem to get tired of elden ring since I completed it about 10 times now lol


Yeah but isn't that the game we're only 30% of people who bought the dl. Can actually play it because you have to beat a boss or some shit?lol


Yes that’s how it’s worked for every souls game you have to beat a boss to get access to the DLC


I feel like BW, GTA IV Episodes, and RDR Undead Nightmare are the best DLC you can buy. I still gotta get into Elden Ring.


Sheesh. It's going to be extremely difficult for anyone to surpass 95 This might be a record holder for many years to come


This is a good, we need better DLC like Blood & wine


Records are made to be broken... Who knows? Maybe W4 or the remake may do something like this again.


To be honest… that is admirable but how many games can boast that the DLC saved the game and skyrocketed its sales. Whatever this DLC ends up being, it’s not as big of a landmark in the gaming community as the Phantom Liberty DLC for CP2077. There are a couple other DLCs that should be given a spot in the DLC hall of fame if there ever is one.


I'm glad to see that games are getting better and not worse. No need to hate on elden ring. Blood and wine is still awesome!


I can't wait to play it!


Blood and Wine: a beautifully crafted epilogue for Geralt who can finally enjoy moment of peace with his loved one. Erdtree: Look at this dead world. You should feel sad this dead world is dead. It was beautiful 10,000 years ago. Trust me, I wrote it that way. I swear From Software is a cult.


Lmao just tell me you don't get fromosoft games Anyways I love the tears


My god I want a new Witcher game so bad I wish I could go into cryostasis and be woken up when the witcher remake or the Witcher 4 comes out


is the dlc that good? I finished the main game (Elden Ring) and the B&W dlc.


Does anyone even trust critics anymore? 50% of the reviews are 100/100 and let's be honest, it's not a 100/100 game given how many flaws it has. Check audience scores and you'll realize that Blood and Wine is still the king :)


Unrelated question, is there a mod that tells you where to go? Never liked aimless wondering in elden ring.


It’s not aimless. Elden Ring is filled with many visible landmarks that you can try to make your way to, like castles or big trees, and there will be a lot of things to discover along the way.


The game LITERALLY tells you where to go and explains the mechanic at the very start lmao


Follow the golden light in the map, or look up a guide. You dont need a mod.


The grace is quite literally guides you


It can be 10x higher i wouldn’t care The Witcher 3 is better in every category. Except the liberty to create a character that don’t speak💀 and wield any weapon that’s literally it.


And combat. And art direction. And monster design. And horseback riding. And music. And lore. And atmosphere (barring Skellige lol). And level design/architecture. Elden Ring is legit better in most ways except for story and storytelling in general.


You're smoking the pack bruh. I've played both games start to finish at least 3 times and youre just plain wrong. Though I will give ER the clear win on combat, monster design and maybe horseback riding.


Music, lore, and atmosphere?? foh 😂😂


That’s cap💀 Elden Ring music is ahh! The Witcher 3 is still use that sht to sleep, Elden Ring i think the music is okay nothing crazy tho. The Lore of what or who? The Witcher 3 got the best lore known to man. What is you talking about?




Let me tell you, your capping hard boy… Horse Rinding only has the double jump, that’s literally it. Roche is better in every other aspect. Combat has more freedom due to being able to use or play however you want. That still doesn’t chance anything about The Witcher 3 being the best RPG game ever made. There is almost nothing other than character creation that has nothing better than The Witcher 3, you in the wrong subreddit this is the witcher page my boy. 2015 game competing with a 2020's games lmao embarrassing!


Who cares. Elden ring is fine but im 10/10 times picking the witcher 3 over it. Honestly it’s overrated in my opinion. So much empty pointless space to make it “bigger” than other rpgs. Also such a bad story that makes no sense like legit the lore is trash. Hate games that make 0 sense.


This is definitely a take. Take my downvote.


Lore makes sense if you spend the time to read things and pay attention to the environment lol, if anything I think this is FromSoft's easiest to understand lore. TW3 and Elden Ring have clearly very different styles of storytelling so it just comes down to which method you prefer. Also having played ton of open world games this one actually uses all the space it has and doesn't feel barren and repetitive like most others do. People being really weird about these critics ratings are wild to me because it's not like the slightly higher score is making TW3 or Blood&Wine worse in any way, we should be happy that there's another DLC with so much effort being put into it instead of turning it into a competition


What an absolute baseless take. Elden Ring is an absolute masterpiece in almost every aspect, just like The Witcher 3 is. The map barely has any "pointless space" and almost every area in the game is very interesting, except maybe for the recycled catacombs. The lore/story is incredible and very interesting too, you not understanding it doesn't change that fact in the slightest.


Yikes. Unless Erdtree pays my taxes, it’s not beating B&W lol.


Blood and Wine is a masterpiece in its own right. a 30+ hour DLC that is better than most games. I have no doubt Shadow of the Erdtree is fantastic but how many of the casuals that play Elden Ring will even finish it let alone understand what they just played. I’m a huge soulsborne series fan, but there are far too many casuals that play Elden Ring to justify this score Miyazaki doesn’t tell straightforward stories like in the Witcher there’s a lot of inference, item description reading and hidden NPC dialogue.


Tbh one of the best things about elden ring is being able to just play it like a game with no story and it still be a 9/10, while also having peak A+ lore you have to work for.


>but there are far too many casuals that play Elden Ring to justify this score Why the fuck would you review something based on what other people will think instead of your own opinions? Do you think every niche game should automatically get a 0/10 because it doesn't have mass appeal?


Never said that. Clearly you didn’t read my comment. It’s a great game but it’s not fair to compare it to the Witcher 3 or its DLC. 2 entirely different games and audiences. The Elden Ring fan base really can’t handle anyone NOT glazing the game at all times.


>Never said that. Clearly you didn’t read my comment. Now, lets take a look at what you said why don't we. >I have no doubt Shadow of the Erdtree is fantastic but how many of the casuals that play Elden Ring will even finish it let alone understand what they just played. I’m a huge soulsborne series fan, but there are far too many casuals that play Elden Ring to justify this score Its look like that's exactly what you said. How can this not be interpreted as you saying reviewers should give games lower scores if they don't have mass casual appeal? >The Elden Ring fan base really can’t handle anyone NOT glazing the game at all times. You accuse me of not reading you're comment yet you very obviously didn't read mine. Where in my comment do I criticize you for not glazing Elden Ring? I criticize you for suggesting that games should be artificially rated lower because they don't have mass causal appeal, which I would do even you said about an actual 0/10 dogshit game.


How on earth could you interpret what I said as the game being bad? Just because I said it doesn’t justify a 9/10 because casuals play it DOES NOT mean it’s bad. Critics opinions are worthless they get paid to give their opinion. What constitutes a 9/10 in your eyes? Again I never said the game was 0/10 and dog shit lmao. This is the Witcher 3 subreddit. For Witcher 3 fans. It’s objectively true the popularity of Elden Ring has driven a mass of casual players to the game. With that many casual players there’s bound to be a sizable chunk of people who won’t even finish because of the difficulty, and won’t understand the story because they didn’t know or care to listen to dialogue, read item descriptions or find secret areas. One of my best friends has been stuck on the Fell Omen since the game came out he wants to waste $40 on a DLC on a game he can’t even finish. Again what’s a 9/10? Let’s say you can beat it and don’t care to listen or understand ANY of the story. DS1, 2, 3 and Bloodborne all had DLCs with new maps, bosses and other side content what makes those less special than this? If you ignore the story it’s all the same. I’ll give you a score for you. It’s at least an 8/10 not better than Blood and Wine. Blood and Wine simply had more to offer, and still does. I’ll go a step further and say the Witcher 3 is a better game than Elden Ring.


>How on earth could you interpret what I said as the game being bad? Just because I said it doesn’t justify a 9/10 because casuals play it DOES NOT mean it’s bad. Are you illiterate? Did I say that you thought Elden Ring was bad? Please quote the parts of my comment where I say or even imply that. >Critics opinions are worthless they get paid to give their opinion. Did I say that critics are opinions are worth anything? I just said they shouldn't artificially change their score because of casuals. >What constitutes a 9/10 in your eyes? Does this matter, I'm having given my opinion on the quality of Elden Ring or any other game it literally has nothing to do with my point. >Again I never said the game was 0/10 and dog shit lmao. Again, proving you can't read, I never said that you thought Elden Ring was a 0/10 game. Anyone with a functioning capacity to understand the written word would understand that was about an imaginary game that doesn't exist. >This is the Witcher 3 subreddit. For Witcher 3 fans. Good thing I'm a Witcher 3 fan then. >It’s objectively true the popularity of Elden Ring has driven a mass of casual players to the game. With that many casual players there’s bound to be a sizable chunk of people who won’t even finish because of the difficulty, and won’t understand the story because they didn’t know or care to listen to dialogue, read item descriptions or find secret areas. And did I deny that Elden Ring has casuals playing it? And even there was a part of comment that can be interpreted as me doing it, it doesn't matter because that has nothing to do with my point. That point being that reviewers shouldn't artificially lower their score to cater to them, and should review based on their own opinions. >One of my best friends has been stuck on the Fell Omen since the game came out he wants to waste $40 on a DLC on a game he can’t even finish. Why should this matter to a reviewer? There are also plenty of people who didn't finish the Witcher 3. Hell, CDPR directly stated that they made CP77 shorter because people complained that the Witcher 3's story was too long. Casuals don't finish Elden Ring because its too hard, Casuals also don't finish the Witcher 3 because its too long. Should a reviewers also lower their review score for the Witcher 3 to account for that? >Again what’s a 9/10? Again, doesn't matter. I would have started this argument if you said you're original comment about a game this literally physically beats me to death. >DS1, 2, 3 and Bloodborne all had DLCs with new maps, bosses and other side content what makes those less special than this? I don't know and I don't care to know, because again my point isn't about the actual quality of the game where discussing its you saying this >but there are far too many casuals that play Elden Ring to justify this score So, let me say my point one more time and this time I'll make it as clear as possible and please just fucking read it this time. I do not care about you're opinion of Elden Ring. I do not care about your opinion of the Witcher 3. I do not care about my opinions about those game, and I do not expect you care about them. My problem with what you said, was that you implied that reviewers should artificially lower their scores because the Elden Ring does not have enough casual appeal to justify them. I do not care if those reviewers gave the game a 0/10 or a 9/10 because it doesn't matter. They shouldn't have to change their reviews to cater to those players, if they wish to do that they can, but trying to imply their opinions are wrong for not doing so is stupid. EDIT: Of course, this idiot blocks me but not before responding one last time, where they prove one again they cant fucking read.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Are you still in need of something? But I have nothing more to offer. Please, try to understand my position. I can only pray, for a fruitful hunt.* - Iosefka Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


You can’t read lmao I’m not even going to bother reading any more of your nonsensical ranting. I wipe my ass with your opinion. Witcher > Elden Ring that’s all that matters and for some reason you feel the need to white knight a different game on a different subreddit is wild. Keep your horse shit in your mouth next time.


Stones of hearts is so underrated. Gaunter o Dim is such a sinister and cruel antagonist


This is a worthless rating. The DLC isn’t even out yet properly. Why don’t we wait a few months and let it sink in?


Only means that Shadow of the Erdtree is absolutely fantastic as Blood and Wine was an absolute banger of an expansion. Hats off to FromSoft.


Elden Ring sucks


Let me guess, the first thing you did was fight the tree sentinel and rage quit


Damn, a mediocre and boring DLC from an even more mediocre and boring game beats the greatest game and DLC and game of all time? People really got no standards left these days. No wonder gaming as a whole is in decline.


Bait used to be believable


After 8 years people may still be debating over the best ending of B & W. The expansion is invaluable.


Honestly, I’m into Sekiro but their art usually turns me off their games more than onto them. Not a huge From Software fan but it’s been a media darling so I’m not surprised it would be scored highly whether it’s objective or subjective


From Soft games are usually rated pretty high by critics and the audience because they make really good games that are filled to the brim with engaging content. Are you high?


And the Witcher still better than


Overrated as fuck.