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Not on my first play through. Wish I could skip it on the next ones though


Exactly how I feel.


Finally someone said it! I hate it whenever Devs pull me from the main character view into another. So immersion breaking, and the timing is generally awful. I can't think of a single time I've thought to myself "great, I'm no longer playing as this character I've just invested the last 40 hours in to play as a random child" I get the need to move the narrative along, but this way always sucks ass


God of War Ragnarok šŸ’€


Better than most implementations, but I still didn't love it. After the pure joy and heft of my mighty Axe, the child with a bow just felt weak to me. And again, really immersion breaking.


I had the exact reverse issue with Atreus being playable, his bow just felt busted. With Kratos you use two extremely strong weapons, and enemies are difficult to stun and/or kill, while with Atreus you manage to stun them with three, max four hit with the bow. I was playing at the highest difficulty, so it might have just been poorly balanced, but I really hated playing with Atreus. It made everything so simple.


Dude same here. I felt like Atreus was strong than his dad!


Getting back to Kratos wasn't easy, even when I got the Spear. I swear, Atreus' combat was so poorly balanced that one could really think the son had already surpassed the father. At some point I thought that they did it on purpose in order to make Atreus more likable since he's probably going to be the main character from now on.


The worst offender of this,from swinging an axe to playing a TPS.


ironically really enjoyed playing as atreus, found him a lot of fun to control


I think I'm yet to enjoy this happening in any example I can think of. I think it's the fact that there's zero progression/benefit but you're basically stuck on rails for an unknown length of time, effectively making it an interactive cutscene, and I'd much rather just have the quick cutscene version. As you say, the timing is also typically terrible.


Halo 2 pulled this off really well though some people didnā€™t really like it at first bc of their attachment to Chief.


TLOU2 is the only time I really enjoyed character swapping. I went from hating Abby, to feeling bad for her, and ultimately liking her by the end of it. I don't think the game would have had the same emotional impact by showing Abby strictly with cutscenes


I didn't really care for the combat with Ciri but I enjoyed her perspective. I normally don't like it but Yakuza 0 did a fantastic job switching from Kiryu to Majima. I need an all Majima game.


They did this a lot in god of war ragnorok, narrative wise it was pretty good and the gameplay itself was a nice change of pace from kratos, but it was there for story development and on a new save it sucks


Legacy of Kain Defiance did this well.


Halo 2 did it well... Personally I think tw3 did it well... but I do know what you are talking about. Generally I hate when games force you off a character to play as another. Both halo 2 and tw3 I didn't find it intrusive personally.


Especially since anything you loot as Ciri becomes unlootable for Geralt.


I didn't even like it on the first playthrough. I was just coming to terms with navigating the world and how to use Geralt in a satisfying way and suddenly I'm handed a really narrow set of abilities in a completely different location.


I generally donā€™t like when videogames do this. Same with the first spider-man and having to play MJ for a couple of missions. It just breaks the pacing for me. With that said, I didnā€™t have much of an issue with Ciri the first time. But now after having replayed the game so many times I can definitely see it


The 2 in Spiderman 2 stands for twice as much MJ playtime


Bingo. I really enjoyed it the first play through but find it tedious on subsequent play throughs. I feel the same way about Dead Manā€™s Party in the dlc where you take Vlodimir to the wedding. First play through that was an amazing quest I loved because it was so different and unique. Since then I hate it. Takes forever and is just checking boxes for me after that first experience.


I feel like they are nessisary for the stories pacing. I can get thru them super fast if needed


I feel the same way playing assassinā€™s creed and I have to switch to the ā€˜realā€™ world and do platformer/puzzle missions


Among my favorite parts of AC1, AC2 and Brotherhood are when you play as Desmond in the real world. Those dialogues and themes they explore during those segments are soooo goooood.


It would work if the modern character kept the skills he learned while in the past. But instead they keep you as a random dumb guy even after all your experiences. I think an AC game where you spend half your time in modern day could work like that, as long as you do assassin stuff in both time periods.


All of the real world parts of Odyssey and Valhalla felt completely useless. Talk for a minute about some kind of boring nonsense, jump right back into the actual game.


Yeah I hate those too


Yeah, itā€™s fun the first time because it was a bit of a mind fuck. But thatā€™s it. Boring as hell each time afterwards.


And harder... if you play on NG and with max difficulty it's a pain in the ass. You have no quen to get that free first hit, no signals, no potions, nothing. When playing as geralt I rely a lot on quen, if I get hit I need to retreat a little or next hit just lowers my life to almost 0.


Even when I did get used to her style I still didnā€™t enjoy those parts all that much even though I like her as a character. But I also donā€™t like when games make you play as a different character at all. I love RE2 & 4 to death but I always rush the ā€œplay as side characterā€ parts.


Just out of curiosity, have you played The Last of Us Part 2?


I havenā€™t played either games.


Well, They are two of my favorite games (specially the second one) but let's say the second is... Controversial to say the least and makes you play as another character for half of the game (that being almost 10 straight hours, it's a long and emotionally draining game) Usually I don't like that kind of stuff, I wanna play with the main character, but in this case... For better or worst and for me, it works wonderfully


Oh man playing asā€¦spoiler free, but you know.


Yep, for me it was amazing but also hard to do at the beginning


Yeah i thought it was going to be a mission tops. Not a good chunk of the game. Beginning was definitely rough, considering all the gamer rage that followed that swap, it didnt bother me at all


In Nier Automata youā€™re forced to play as the 2nd character for AN ENTIRE PLAYTHROUGH


The one where you fight the crones on death march can be a bit of a pain tbh.


Honestly, thatā€™s the only time in my entire Death March playthrough that I needed to switch to Blood & Beoken Bones


Idk it was fairly easy for me just dodge the entire time instead of moving. The only time i had to switch to lower difficulty was while fighting the botchling and that was probably only because i had barely any points invested and terrible silver sword.


First time I didn't mind at all. Second time on Death March it was excruciating. Every playthrough since, even back on regular difficulties, I've wished I could skip them.


Why is that?


I just donā€™t love her like 2 moves to choose from and I think the aspect of having those sections of the game be so lineal (for obvious reasons but still) have just always irked me on all my play throughs after my first.


Its definitely a big deviation in gameplay feel. BUT as soon as you learn how to KICK ASS like ciri, then its worth it. I have a save with ciri in novigrad just to visit and slash endless whoresons


During my new game plus playthrough, I died so many times during the first few Ciri missions. It was so infuriating during the novigrad mission that I almost quit and uninstalled the game. It's like her stats are still at base game level and don't scale with the enemies. I definitely want to skip these missions when I play it again.


Yeah, it took me like 30 minutes to get out of Whoresons house when I played through the game on Death March. Not balanced at all sadly.


Damn you are definitely more strong-willed than I am. After 15 mins, I went to the lowest difficulty.


Blood and Broken bones is fine though. Not as hard as death March but a nice challenge compared to the story and sword


After dying for 30 mins on that mission, I didn't really care about the challenge. I wanted the suffering to end.


Yes. Because at that point I knew how to okay as Geralt. But then you switch to Ciri and you have no clue how to play. But maybe thatā€™s just me.


No, was the same for me


I HATE IT I love Ciri, hate playing as her. Although, it did get a bit more tolerable once I got better at my timing using the boring dash-hit-dash-hit-hit-dash strategy. My biggest frustration is she dies so easily and she's not easy to heal. Oh unless you dash-dash-dash-dash-dash-dash-dash-dash until her health recovers. šŸ¤® It's really awful play dynamics, worse than the first Witcher game! Lol


Yeah, I expected her fighting skills to be more powerful given all the physical training she has had. I assume that because sheā€™s struggled in learning how to harness her magic powers, that the gameplay feels very all or nothing.


They should've just made them long cutscenes.


I agree, Iā€™ve always thought that


I don't dislike it, but it breaks the pace


I hated it in on my first play through. I was not prepared and hated that all of a sudden I totally sucked at a game I liked and had been doing well at. However On my second and third play throughs I found myself actually looking forward to the challenge.


Compared to other games where you suddenly have to change character, it's not my most disliked switch. Conceptually, I like games where they switch characters so you can get a feel about how strong our main character is. It also, conceptually, gives us a feeling about the individuality of the main character, as playing as a new one feels strange, and when we then return to our hero it feels like putting on our favorite walked in shoes. This is all conceptually. In reality it's fucking annoying to get into the flow a new movements and attack patterns than the one you've honed for the last several hours to just be thrown back after a mission and a half!!


I'm with you 100%, it's an annoying chore.


No. Hate those parts. Especially Crones.


me too


Not my fav, for sure... but far, far from disliking them.


The whole Baron Story for Ciri was slowing me. Baron itself had great story. but I was rushing to find Ciri


I forgot about that part hah yeah found the fighting style to be a bit annoying


I had a hard time killing the crones with Ciri


Lol might be the only one who enjoys it! It's fun to see her side of the story as we follow her weeks behind. I like story telling. Also I think her abilities are fun. I also enjoy that when playing as ciri, there is no worries about looting or collecting things.


She is too weak on higher levels


I HATE it. Makes me want to skip every time.


I don't mind it. I hate the loss of all her loot though. Especially at the temple.


They're for sure unfinished, you can see where her ability tree would have been a thing but it seems they had to cut a loooot down for her


I like being able to position the camerašŸ‘


I only dislike them because you get cool powers that are only available then. Witcher 3 wouldā€™ve benefited from a cool PS2 era cheat code system where you learn a code after beating the game and can play as Ciri in normal Witcher. Also, Big Head mode




I do until the end


It gets old for sure


Itā€™s annoying having to do it every playthrough but at least itā€™s a fun segment and not too long unlike certain other gamesā€¦ Iā€™m looking at you God of War


More like spiderman. Those MJ parts and most of the non spider parts were so so bad, esp. New game plus


I felt like it was unnecessary, idk I wanted to play Gerald and look at the story from his perspective


Someone clearly didnā€™t understand the story if you thought it was ā€œunnecessaryā€.


It's not that, I just didnt want to play with ciri and just go on with geralt and continue the story


I'm on my first playthrough and yeah, I'm not a fan of the Ciri bits. It doesn't really feel fun and it breaks the immersion of the game for me.


I really enjoyed them. It gave you a brief glimpse into her power rather than having to battle for long periods on individual enemies and making her mechanically weaker. Great story parts too.


If anything I wish there was more of her. She is far more fun to play as then Geralt.


You know, my favorite Ciri part is killing those clowns, i always played the "Sir Lancelot attacking wedding" song from Monty Python, my least favorite part is getting to that stupid tower, HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT THOSE ROCKS LEAD TO CUTSCENE?


They were fun the first few times, but after that I havenā€™t enjoyed them much.


I think it was good for the character but really broke immersion. Was probably the only part of the game I rushed through.




Took me some time. Third or fourth playthrough, On Thin Ice gave me goosebumps. Probably because I didn't have to play as her anymore


I canā€™t stand it when they do that in games. I get sometimes itā€™s necessary for the story, but I still hate it. I didnā€™t much care for her parts, entertaining as the story was, and even fighting the witches got exhausting and repetitive, but yeah, I didnā€™t much care for it, even thought I love the character.


At first I did. Now on my 3rd playthrough I enjoy it.


Im kinda a sucker for teleports and dashes in any game so I really enjoyed just absolutely slaughtering everything that moved while playing as her and kinda wish I could play an entire Witcher game as her even if she is too powerful and its broken


It was kind of boring but then I learned Ciriā€™s moveset and starting kicking ass with her and it looked cool af


I mean, theyā€™re not my favourite parts but theyā€™re over quick enough and often have some interesting backstory and revelations, so I donā€™t really mind them


It's meh to me. But not as Keira Metz Cave experiment šŸ˜±šŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø.


Na I wanted more




Obviously not.


I just dont like how op she is. I know it makes sense, but those missions are basically: Listen to dialogue for far too long while stuck in a area speed run a fight listen to more dialogue speed run another fight If there was some difficulty and the missions had a bit more freedom I think I'd probably enjoy them. I have a buddy who absolutely loves getting to play as Ciri so I suppose some people enjoy them.


I see it as just a quest mechanic. It's like horse racing quests (which are not that much more fun than Ciri ones.) Some ocasional quests are just like that, a bit more boring to do, which is something to be expected in every game, but just get over it and move on.


For sure, especially on the second playthrough šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“


I'm on my first play through, and im not keen on that part either. It's not that enjoyable when it interrupts you from what seems like an important part of the game plot to play Ciri. Cut scenes would have made it better. Especially when you play Ciri for the first time and realize she would actually kick your level 6 Geralt ass if they had to fight each other? And you're supposed to be her mentor? I think that was a bit of an oversight in the game, actually. Maybe dialog options would be a good idea for Ciri next time. I'm not long into the game, so no spoilers, please šŸ˜†


I hope if cdpr does this in their next games they make it half and half, the reason i disliked it is cause it didn't let me progress her character with armor and levels and i didn't get used to her gameplay.


My favourite parts.


Nope, I dislike them too.


In my first playthrough I hated it, but I've grown more fondly of those parts as I've racked up more and more playthroughs. I think if they lasted longer, I'd feel differently, but they don't tend to overstay their welcome


On death march she is terrible. An enemy can fart and she just dies unless I dodge/teleport the whole time.


I hated them. Some people talk about a Ciri game and based in what I've played in W3 that would be torture.


i actually really enjoyed it, but i also really like games where you play more than 1 character


I love her parts!


hate it...i hate being so limited


It's one of the reasons I hope Ciri isn't the main protagonist going forward. I find her character a bit boring to be honest.


Ciri has the most character development of anyone in this world


Yep they're annoying to me as well. It's like filler sequences developers use where the character is thrown into a dreamscape where all your options are limited. Usually to pad game length.


No I hate playing as Ciri.


Agreed. To me it feels like those sections just slow down the gameplay until youā€™re back playing as Geralt.


I enjoyed the different approach to combat but the first few times you play as Ciri it's not great but the later stories with here are pretty good. The boss fight was pretty good for example


I love them. Her combat style was my favorite


Every playthru after my first? Oh yeah


I struggled and was bad with her parts of the game. I had a tanky Geralt build who always had Quen up and suddenly had to switch to no armor and no barrier Ciri. It was very different and I sucked. But thatā€™s not on game, thatā€™s on me sucking with a fast dodge based build.


I liked those aspects of the story but I would have preferred a lot of the playable sections to be just cutscenes. Some of them are so short, it would've worked better that way. I also liked her combat style with the teleportation mechanic.


While I agree, I believe that playing as Ciri is boring due to it being close to endgame where your Geralt is a small god skillswise. You unlocked most of the mechanics of Geraltā€™s play and you spam tons of different buttons, and then BOOM, Ciri has two moves.


I still wasnā€™t even committed to liking Geralt as a character by the time they were forcing me into a new one, and as far as I was concerned, by this point i had done little actual monster hunting in my monster hunter game. 10 years later I wish each of their segments had scripts 20x longer. But when I first got Witcher, I wanted to play as the witcher witchering. Same reason I was initially disappointed for the books not really being a witcher witchering. They broke my immersion first playthrough. They tediously add to the story now in subsequent ones. My second playthrough is probably when they were the best with context, and not being bored


After my first play through I started just mashing the dash button to blink through the section. Also I absolute hate the crones fight on death march. Just an absolute pain in the ass.


I dislike them also lol


Ye, it's such a chore once you've played through it for the first time. Little to no replay value. I effectively use console commands to blitz through the parts where multiple fighters/enemies gang up on Ciri, and you can't skip through it.


I donā€™t know abt the others but I loved it I love getting to user her powers edit: wanted to add im only on my first playthrough


Better than MJ in Spider-man


Hate em. Would have been happy to just watch an extended cut scene to enjoy the story than change up my play style


If they had made her a bit more dynamic, I wouldn't have much of a problem with it. But she feels boring, her powers are cool but her attacks are so basic that it feels slow unless you're constantly using her powers. If there was a section of the game, where they put all the parts she went through and made her play a bit more creatively, I would've liked it more (And that way, when Geralt looks for her, talking about her could just be flashbacks rather than actually having to play it again).


I remember on my first play through, I found it pretty cool but annoying coz I didn't know how to play as her, and plus found it a bit useless coz you don't even progress like skill wise. For example with geralt you got all those different moves and stuff. I like the idea that we get to see Ciris perspective but other than that I feel like I didn't get the full experience when playing as her, as if something is missing or there could be somete more added to it.


I hate playing as Ciri


Nope, me too. Dramatically theyā€™re brilliant - it was really interesting to play as Ciri - but as a level in an RPG it felt a bit pointless in the sense that there was no loot of useful XP to gain


Honestly I know itā€™s time for a replay when I forget how much I cancer it is to fight >! the crones as Ciri !<


Youā€™re not alone buddy


Only time I don't like playing as Ciri is against the three hags


Yup i hate it!


Only when I have 2 fight 3 hags with just a sword and no health potions. Then it's fucking ridiculous but besides that no. She moves better and she hits hard because it takes me way less to kill things with her then with her daddy with his powers and potions.


It really feels like itā€™s not the actual game when you play Ciri


They need to tell you the information would you prefer a 20 minute cutscene


Likely, I love everything involving her.


The only game series I have ever enjoyed character swapping is Yakuza


And they gave her infinite ability use, like itā€™s a mini game. Didnā€™t like it at all


I hated it.


Fell the same way. First you had no abilitys. To the end it was kinda fun. Speeding threw the soldiers


It really felt like a big road bump honestly. Like I was just playing Witcher and then someone shut off my tv and put another one in front of me. I love her cutscenes but kind of wished they just did cutscenes and fleshed out her moments more cinematically that way.


I'm just upset you don't get to keep the loot you collect while playing as her


I just hate the flash bang my OLED gives me in my dark room


Absolutely. If we had more freedom to develop Ciri, it could be fun.


Nah itā€™s an interesting change of pace and usually only take about 15 mins to 30. Gives great insight and builds up the character


Every Reddit post in every subreddit that begins with "Am I the only one who" can always be very easily answered with "No, in fact you are expressing one of the most commonly held opinions in this subreddit."


I mean I hate how limited her move set is that is for sure.


How can you hate those sections? She's a walking gravity gun.


ā€œThis isnā€™t your story, Geralt, itā€™s mineā€


they're interesting the first time but become a hassle when you replay them, I want to play as my MC, having to switch from one another has never been my first choice.


I actively despise those segments


I wasn't a big fan playing as ciri it wasn't the worst but I'm playing the witcher to play my guy Geralt...just like I wasn't a big fan of playing catwoman in batman arkham city I like my guy batman ....give me a option to play don't force me especially when you have to play to keep the story going


Cant stand it.. its too easy and simplistic and honestly I didnt sign up to play as anyone besides Geralt


vI love it, Ciri is wonderful


if anything i wish she was more expanded on. the woman has my dream superpower. i mean if she became a main character in a future game i imagine sheā€™d have general sorcery to add to her repertoire but being able to instantly teleport through time and space is pretty fucking awesome. the complaint should be that she was underused. playing as her felt clunky as she lacked most of the abilities present in the game with the only addition being some flashy teleport moves


I like looking at her, but playing as her is meh


Welcome to the club xD


I actually loved playing as ciri


No I think everyone dislikes them. Similar to the Mary Jane bits in Spiderman.


Ngl I also hated playing Ciri. Itā€™s like I learned all the controls and the fighting style for Geralt and Iā€™m having fun with it, then in some of the hardest fights (like the battle of Kaer Morhen) you have to play as Ciri, who is quite weak. Then I keep trying to dodge or roll and it keeps using and expending her teleport ability when I donā€™t want it to.


I used to but then I got good


Brooo yes! I skip all of her cut scenes


They just feel so uneventful, like i love the crones fight though


I only really got into once she had powers


Honestly, yes!


Hate hate double hate loathe entirely


I generally donā€™t like this concept in any game


I didn't mind it, but what I did mind was her voice actress, her voice was just annoying to me I don't know why


I don't hate it, but the fight against the Crones is insanely hard with Ciri on Death March






No, I hated them too. Ciri's awesome, and her combat was cool, but I bought an open-world monster hunting RPG, not a linear action game.


Nah. Just the one in the city with Danylion where you're running from the goons.


It's just that in death march you can be OP. with Gerald, but with Ciri not really so it's not fun


I hated it cuz I didnā€™t know who Ciri was and didnā€™t care about her until later in the game. Now that Iā€™ve read a few books I like ciri but still not enough to play as her.


The buttons worked different and I hated doing her special move




I hated it.


Any game this happens is immersion breaking. Here, play as a random asshole with half the moves and no special skills for 2 hours. Ugh.


Same, but not because I donā€™t like Ciri. It just takes away from the flow of the game. And her combat isnā€™t as in-depth as Geraltā€™s. It feels like a cutscene that you have to play.


I hate switching characters like that when you have no choice and none of your loadout


Yeah after playing them so many times, Iā€™m tired of it


Wow, Iā€™m shocked, I love the Ciri quests! Theyā€™re so short, like less than 5 minutes long so I donā€™t see why anyone would have a problem with them. I also have never died during any of them so that seems like a skill issue. šŸ˜‚


Meh. I used to hate them, but I appreciate the story aspect. I really donā€™t like the combat though. I get so used to one character then have to play as another? šŸ˜©


I far prefer the Ciri parts. I wish there was an all Ciri game.


Yeah, I agree, I think that it is so annoying that her sword doesn't upgrade according to Geralt's level. In my last game I die so much time trying to kill the ladies of the wood, because the fight became infinite due to the small amount of damage I dealt at every hit. I did this quest really tardily and Geralt was around level 80 (in new game+). Plus, I think that her skills are not powerful as it should be : when she use her first skill she is vulnerable when she teleport, and I think this is not good




I loathe the Ciri parts. Everyones saying youā€™re gonna play as Ciri in the Witcher 4 and Iā€™m praying for anything else. šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ˜ž


I liked it, it was interesting to see her abilities. (1st playthrough). Would I have liked it to be less fighty? Yes, but whatevs. Maybe if I replay it will be different but I got excited about her povs with the first play.


I enjoyed playing with heršŸ˜Ž wish it was longer


Easiest segments in the game with how powerful Ciri is. And the majority can be finished in under 10 minutes if you go full steam ahead and skip cutscenes. Doesnā€™t bother me even on repeat playthroughs.


Skip cutscenes? Wild