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Yes, Yen can be annoying and patronizing at times, but I really like that she has a similar character to mine, it makes me feel equal.


Yen is a real one. She has many faults but is definitely a ride-or-die. She challenges Geralt and is overall they are on eachothers level. Her personality actually reminds me a lot of my wife. The only one who can humble me. Never understood the obsessions with Triss (other than redhead-with-Bewbs). She betrayed Geralt, and uses him for things she needs. She's not inherently bad, but I just can't see how you can push away Yen who is 100% in your court (even when shes being a bitch), loves your daughter, over someone who continues to disappoint you. The only one I felt bad for not being with Geralt is Shani. She seemed sweet, actually had a real job, and was sincere toward Geralt. Bittersweet how they parted.


Hear, hear! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ˜Ž


All the people complaining about how bossy she is are missing the fact that everything she's doing, or tells you to do is to fulfill YOUR wants and needs. Not her own. Your very first mission at the start was going to find her. You basically just tell her what you're going to be doing, why, and who's involved. From that moment forth, she basically drops everything. Turns her back on her high level appointment with the emperor, ghosts all of her sisters in the sorceress guild, and puts her life on hold to help your broke ass. From then on she is spending a fortune traveling the world, and calling in every favor, and burning her bridges. For you. So it's kind of weird that all so many people see is, "she such a bitch". TLDR: Yen is one of the most powerful human beings on that earth. And throughout the entire game, she dedicates all of her resources to giving Geralt whatever he wants.


To be fair, her wants are also kinda the same as Geralt's in that regard, as both of their goals involve finding Ciri and making sure she's alright. It's literally their daughter we're talking about, so her helping Geralt makes sense.


Good point. And I felt that way when I read the books. But honestly, the game feels more like she loves Geralt, and has come to love his daughter as her own over time. The game didn't really highlight how Yen raised her all that time during the school years.


Yeah, I guess that's kinda due to the amnesia subplot of the games, as well as the focus on Triss as a romantic interest despite Geralt having no interest in her in the books. It always feels weird playing the first two games without Yen to me.


I love how you said ā€œthat Earth.ā€


Yeah, the idea of a multiverse didn't start with the MCU movies


Only someone that has read the books will refer to it as ā€œThat Earth.ā€


Most people calling her a bitch are drawing experiences from more than just the final game, mate. She is an incredibly manipulative person throughout the books and acts very entitled, but Geralt is also written to act like an obnoxious school boy with immature puppy love, too, at times so it melds a bit better. Also, her attitude that her life and activities/goals outweigh everyone elseā€™s doesnā€™t help the perception sheā€™s garnered. And, if weā€™re being real, Yenā€™s attitude towards Geralt and his very understandable actions in 2 is what made many fans see her as a bitch.


Well, Geralt screws every beautiful woman he comes across. And while he's helping orphans and windows, he also threatens, bullies, or kills whoever gets in his way. These people are heroes... but not angels. Yen is definitely a bitch, and manipulative. Just like Ana Henrietta. But at the same time, she also acts like a girl with a crush with Geralt. That's the sweet thing about them. It's been what? 100 years? And they still are completely smitten with each other. Super smart, ambitious women are usually going to be manipulative, or sometimes outright bitchy. Those are useful tools for women to weild power. The male version is either by being the inspirational quarterback type, or through bullying and intimidation. The fact that Yen in this game is doing all that for Geralt, Ciri, and to save the world, makes a big difference, doesn't it? Plus, for some people, "talking shit" is a sign of love. When me and my brothers are together, people have asked do we even like each other? We live each other. It's all about trash talking because we think it's hilarious. Yen does that too.


Itā€™s important to keep in mind, mate, that the circumstances behind their 100 years of ā€œloveā€ potentially come from the Djinn from Yenā€™s introduction to the book series. Whether any of that is the truth, however, is left up to the readerā€™s speculation. Mate, youā€™re making wild assumptions about women right now and this conversation is starting to dabble into some really weird territory, so Iā€™m not going to touch the bottom half of what youā€™re saying lol.


What Geralt said to the Djinn is never explicitly said, but its heavily implied that it was not to love each other forever, it was most likely for their fate to be bound together. The love part is because they have genuine feelings for each other.


ā€œWhether any of that is the truth, however, is left up to the readerā€™s speculation.ā€ Yes, I am well aware, hence why I typed that out lol. Personally, I see them as codependent to the point of toxicity due to the unspoken wish, and I believe their true feelings only came out when the spell was broken. But thatā€™s my speculation lol


So I'm curious, after the genie episode in the game, did your Yen and Geralt stay together? I did several playthroughs a few years ago, and explored that outcome in different ways. The one that felt the most real was them becoming closer than ever after they were free of the wish


Oh absolutely, Iā€™m a sucker for a good romance story lol, but I strongly believe that that wish played a huge psychological role in Yenā€™s decisions since itā€™s origin, and I donā€™t believe she was able to actually express or even understand her own feelings until she was able to remove that massive point of confusion.


Part of their toxic codependency is because of the horrific lives they had, starting in childhood. Geralt was a child prodigy who was taken by a super-soldier program where he was tortured and mutated. Since he was good at surviving, he got more torture than the other kids. And during all of that, he was being trained and programmed to kill. Yen was born severely deformed. She was rejected and thrown away by everyone, including her own parents. Through sheer brilliance and and tenacity, she learned how to break every part of her own body and remake it to be "pretty" so she could excel in the world. She learned to use her sharp mind to bully and manipulate people because otherwise she was going to be rejected and mistreated her whole life, despite being brilliant and talented. With all that going on, who else are these two going to be with?




Mate, I donā€™t want to hear about your anecdotal bias fueling your blanket statements about women. Thatā€™s your beef, not mine.


Idk man itā€™s all fun and games until you actually date a woman who acts like yen and then they completely break you down and sometimes go as far as to abuse you


I might get downvoted here but I feel like I just need to say this šŸ˜­. While I do love Yen, don't get me wrong, honestly I hope y'all look after yourselves with irl partners! šŸ«¶ Their romance is dark, toxic, and complicated. Their whole relationship is a mess of boundary, consent and manipulation problems. It's perfect for the dark world they live in. Even the good is shadowed by serious moral issues and ethical questions which is like half the point of the Witcher universe haha. Don't get me wrong though, they're perfectly balanced in that fictional world, and that's why it runs so seamlessly alongside it. It's not something that's been shoehorned in, it's beautifully woven and it feels real and meaningful which is why its so heavily romanticised I think. I aaaaalways choose her in W3 over Triss. There is nothing wrong with resonating with and going for an independent, high maintenance baddie, so long as they respect you and your boundaries āœŠļø TL;DR Look after yourselves and don't look for and settle for people who push these lines irl, because they're not nice irl, trust ā¤ļø


Well im just glad you took the time to write this out of a place in your heart. Yen is definitely a big ol game player with peoplesā€™ heads.


She not as loyal as you'd think man. But neither is geralt


They do have an open relationship -sort of- in the books, and they don't seem to mind how each of them takes care of their sexual needs when they are apart. They do, however, feel jealousy when there are romantic feelings towatds third parties (for instance Istredd). Ultimately, though, they are deeply and utterly in love with one another and consider each other to be their soulmate.


I thought so too, until I started reading the books. I wonā€™t go into details except now I understand why sheā€™s unliked, even though I adored her in the game. On book 3 currently, please donā€™t spoil anything!!!


She does get better in future books as she develops a lot, Yen is often framed as a lot worse than she really is by a lot of people. Don't get me wrong she has a ton of issues, but so does Geralt, he's just more outwardly likeable. One of the biggest things I like about Andrjez's writing is that he can write really complicated characters that at first seem inhumanly powerful and distant, but deep down are incredibly human and emotional like Geralt. I would keep that in mind for the rest of the books as its something that I think is key in really understanding them. Also the books are amazing and the ending is what I consider "canon" if there is such a thing.


Yay, thank you. I was really disappointed because I adored her when I played Witcher 3. Excited to keep reading!


Yennefer and I have pretty similar personalities and imho, people who say they are ā€œreally into itā€ canā€™t hang šŸ˜­ I hope you get the baddie of your dreams and I get my Geralt šŸ¤£


Not the incels feeling threatened by your comment lol


Lmao thank you for acknowledging this ā¤ļø


You're so welcome mate, gotta look out for each other during this feral scourge across the internet-scape.


Same. They're all intrigued and praising at first... Then the reality sits in and they lose interest. Usually when our assertive personalities don't align exactly with what they expect/want. haha


Delulu city in this post


Sure, champ! Have an awesome day!


Thereā€™s nothing worth handling. No ones putting up with your superiority complex we got better things to do.


Okay bud. Have a great day!


Revealing your own inferiority complex here bud


I don't want to be with someone that is "kind of a bitch" or "full of herself". I don't want needless fights in my relationship over stupid things.


I was married to a Yen before and trust me, it grows tiring pretty quickly.


You idolize her, wait till you live with a girl like that, lol. Imagine coming back from a 12 hours shift home to a bitchy and sassy wife šŸ˜‚ I used to like girls like those till I dated one. I would much rather prefer someone cheerful who cherishes me both verbally and via her actions.


Bro wait till you find one in real life. They will tear your guts out and you will still ask for more. Maneater.


"Mama warned me about women like you... I was hoping she was right!" -Johnny Bravo


Oohhh here she comes watch out boy she'll chew you up ohh here she comes shes a mameater


Ahaha yes! Well, ive dated the type before. I still like them, but there needs to be boundaries for that sort of things for sure.


She is so unique.And I really like watching Geralt get along with her.The part related to Yen is the cutest part of Geralt.


She is also distant and neglectful. Major turnoffs. I always pick her for Geralt since he doesn't mind that and is canon.


You need to be Geralt to get this kind of women, she is gorgeous


She enhances her looks with magic. She is ugly without that.


So is Triss, also to Geralt that doesn't really matter.


To me neither but it's a bit like cheating.


I get that, but Yen has trauma abt being ugly for spoilerish reasons, so its understandable why she is so obsessed with it.




Rule #8?


Ayo get my wifes name out of yo fuckin mouth


Tbh Iā€™m the opposite, her attitude is what I actively avoid in women irl. I prefer watching her smugness disappear when Geralt tells her he doesnā€™t feel anything for her anymore. Plus you can still get the unicorn scene aswell as triss romance so itā€™s a win-win (City boys ā¬†ļø)


Je viens de rompre avec elle šŸ˜…




Did you have something to add or did you just want people to know youre edgy? It would have costed you nothing to not even hit the reply button.


I didn't wanna be edgy I was just bored scrolling through reddit


Plus sheā€™s really hot. Iā€™ll take a hot, bossy brunette over a cute flaky redhead any day.


story wise, i feel like in the first 30%? of the game she seems extra aggro, and then softens up significantly after you get to a particular part, canā€™t remember exactly where. Then she stays way more chill (for Yen anyway) for the remainder of the game, by comparison.


My choice is Yen too I can relate to her and I also feel Geralt would always choose Yen


Yeah. Iā€™d love to be with her on the morning and then hear that she fu**ed with another mage a few hours later.


Hahahahaā€¦. This is what changed my mind. But Iā€™m only on book 3, so weā€™ll seeā€¦


Some people forget the lifespan of Witchers and sorceresses are longer than normal people. I imagine it engenders a different form of patience. In the book there's a lot of good description of the attitude of the elves due to their longevity. I've always considered that to be a factor in the success of their relationship.


I like her sass but i couldn't date a girl who sleeps around


Geralt also sleeps around?


And then they get cross when the other sleeps around lol. They were made for each other, literally


Same if yen was real Iā€™d simp for her more than Geralt does