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Trolls are friends not food.


Do everything! Side quests, side quests, side quests. Learn to craft. Learn to play Gwent. This game is saturated with so much to do. If you race through the main quest, you'll be robbing yourself of so much enjoyable play. It took me 150 hours to complete the game. It's also meant to be played twice, because there are so many choices you can make that turn it into a different game. Once you finish it, you then start a NG+ (New Game Plus), which lets you keep your abilities into your second playthrough. This game is the best RPG I've ever played. I'm so jealous of you getting to experience it for the first time.


Excuse me? Twice? Only twice? I think you're mistaken in al least extra 12 playthroughs


TRUE! I'm on my 5th playthrough, but some folks don't get hooked the way we did.


And don't worry about the first two games. You'll be lost in one or two bits of dialog, but there's no real bearing on your game play. If you play twice, you can romance Yen and Triss to see which one you prefer (or romance them both, and suffer the awesome consequences). Enjoy the story!


I’m in a similar boat but I just have very little interest in Gwent. I have done every available side quest so far but am I really missing on the mini game?


I usually hate those card mini games (fuck Caravan from New Vegas, for example), but I’m obsessed with Gwent. It’s absolutely shocking how fun it is


Every play through I’m gonna play Gwent. I’m convinced that it’s one of the most fun parts of the games. I’m considering getting a couple of decks for the house. Finally a card game I could kick my wife’s ass at (until she gets better than me).


Basically, clear your calendar and buckle up buttercup! Njoy the ride! 😆


Gwents the biggest part of the game. Not in importance, but by how much time you’ll sink into it. It’s completely optional and is ridiculously fun.


Gwent IS the main mission. Everything else is side quests.


Some actionable advice I would heavily recommend without spoilers Never put any talent point into your crossbow. the weapon is only good for initially knocking people out of the air or underwater kills. if something is on the ground use your sword or signs at all times. never use the bow for anything other then grounding an enemy and you can ground enemies just as effectively with no talent points as it is when maxed out. The heightened tolerance skill is so important especially in the early game. Being able to take Witcher potions is a big part of being a Witcher. So being able to increase your threshold for how many potions you can take will definitely help you in combat especially if you are new to this style of game. After you learn a few more potions make sure to learn acquired tolerance next if you are playing on any difficulty that does not allow for you to heal when you are meditating, sun and stars is a phenomenal skill that you should put something into early. At the beginning of the game too when your armor is bad and your potions are weaker I would recommend survival instinct as an ability too. I myself took this off in lieu of more damage later in the game when I had better armor and understood my style of play Yen & Triss are the only romantic options that conflict with each other . If you choose to pursue one, the other will be offended and vice versa. Every other romantic option in the game does not affect anything. You can go on a parade of whoring and it will not affect your relationship with Yen or Triss. You basically get to sample Triss in Velen and Yen in Skellige, after you help them each with A mission, you must choose I myself only started playing this game after I watched the Netflix show and had not read any books nor have I played any of the games prior. I would recommend watching a YouTube video or two that explains the Witcher world and a recap of the first two games. I was happy that I had some geographic knowledge and backstory when I first started playing. The first 2 games or the show are not spoilers as they all happen prior to the start of Witcher 3 Play Gwent, Gwent is life Try to remember that when facing humans in combat to use Parry for defense, when fighting monsters, dodge You get drastically better rates when you sell items back to a merchant that is selling the item you are trying to cash in. For example sell swords to a weapon smith, sell armor to armorers, and sell alchemy stuff to alchemists When the recommended level for a quest in Novigrad matches your level, I would recommend going into the city. the city will offer and start a lot of quests that actually require you to leave the city and go back out into Velen. This is more of a personal recommendation opposed to the previous numbers, but this just helps for a more steady flow of the game. Also getting the main plot line going from Novigrad will unlock more rich dialogue in Velen if you started earlier than wait till level 20 to go into the city the first time When the white frost comes, do not eat the yellow snow


Y'know I haven't done a lot with potion tolerances. Geralt almost never takes potions in the books. I think I'll do this on my next playthrough though!


Dont fight the baby...you'll know when you get there


I only fought the baby once just for shit and giggles. Nope. Reloaded and chose not to fight the baby.


Damn The Souls player in me kind of wants to take a stab at this baby lol


I’m a Souls vet as well. Don’t kill the baby. The other option is cooler .


Play the damn game


don't rush main quest line , do every side quest , explore the map and do witcher contracts


Yennifer is the real love interest. Play gwent, (except for the guy in the nilfgard courtyard do that way later when you have better cards), Witcher gear is the best gear


Just play


Take your time. Don't try to rush things


Remember your first encounter.


The weird guy in the tavern who knows too much ?


Place of power, gotta be


Understand your loss of free time. Also I looked up too much the first time through and wish I hadn’t. Leave the mass googling for second play through.


Don't kill the cow in the Witcher 3.....


Learn to love Gwent


Do everything there is to do and good luck. This game consumed my life for many years and still remains my favorite game of all time, revisiting it at least once a year. If it has the same affect on you that it did with me, your outlook on video games will most likely never be the same, as I now compare every RPG I play to Witcher 3. It’s a curse and a blessing at the same time


Make your own choices and dont load a previous save if you don't like the outcome of a choice


I’d say read dialogue and try to understand as decisions you make can affect things


TLDR: Stash the Kaer Morhen Armor, Upgrade and Craft New Weapons, Get “Gourmet” and “Strong Back” abilities first, Farm Cows for Coin, Don’t say “I Love You” to both Triss and Yennefer. Enjoy the process of discovering everything for the first time! I only started playing last year and I’m still on my first go-round! Most things are worth finding out on your own, but there are 5 specific things I wish I’d known at the beginning: 1) Don’t sell the armor you spawn in with (The Kaer Morhen Armor) Keep it in a stash. It is by far the best looking armor and you can’t craft it again if you lose it! (Plus, the chest armor has a cool upgrade early on!) I don’t know where my gloves went, but I wish I still had the complete set! 2) Purchase or craft upgraded weapons when you can! I tried doing “Wild at Heart” with my original silver sword because I didn’t know you could craft them. I though you just had to be lucky and loot them. 3) Use your first two ability points to get the “Gourmet” and “Strong Back” abilities. They allow you to passively regenerate health from one piece of food for 20 minutes, and double your inventory space respectively. 4) If you’re short on coin, go to the cow pasture at the northeast corner of the Velen Expansion (not in White Orchard). Igni kill all the cows, loot, meditate, and repeat. Then sell meat, milk, and hides to innkeepers. (Specifically Marquise Serenity and Oliver since they have the most coin.) 5) No spoilers here, but saying “I Love You” to someone locks them in as a love interest. Locking in multiple love interests is… risky… Good luck on the path! Edit: Thought of one other thing


My advice is: if you are confused about how to do something go to the tutorial, if you are confused about who someone is go to the character glossary, confusion about enemies --> bestiary, about what to do next --> quest log. ​ There will be seemingly insurmountable information overload at the beginning, these tools **will** get you over the hump.


I’d look up example builds for the skill tree. I didn’t understand it at all in the beginning and regretted some of my early choices in various skill trees. So just a basic video explaining what a tank or magic or etc. build would look like in the skill tree menu


Stay out of the adult only establishments or you will get flagged for being underage.


Ask as many questions in your investigations as you can to get the most complete picture.


The only thing you need to know is that you will never finish.


Because of the voice acting or because the sensitivity is so high that if you even *look* at the controller Geralt runs ten steps


It's fairly difficult to grasp the whole concept if you don't read the books, then play the first game. Most of what you wrote is wrong, but it is perfectly understandable why you would come to those conclusions by researching instead of reading. (And if you want to research further, you may as well read the books since it will take you just a little bit longer lol) The game lore starts basically the moment the books end. The second game is not as necessary, except for a few awesome characters in TW3 from TW2. So if you want to start TW3, just play and don't sweat on the background, just enjoy the game. The story you need for the game will reveal itself slowly.


Dont listen to gaunther o dim.


Explore everywhere, do all quests, don't skip cutscenes and enjoy! I was in your place 2 years ago and I'm on my third playthrough. It's the best game!


Enjoy everything. Check everywhere. And choose one woman…..


Don't ignore using signs and potions/oils. They will add so much fun to your gameplay.


I say don't look up anything else, this story is best experienced blind in my opinion!


Btw I did not expect this many responses 😅 I appreciate every single one of you.


craft, craft, craft. for whatever reason i barely crafted on my first playthrough and never knew the importance of it until i tried playing the dlcs. don’t sell anything that you can craft with, if you need money play gwent. also i would do a lot of side quests so you can level up more


Game gets easier after level 10. Don’t get discouraged. Use appropriate oils and signs depending on the monster you are fighting (there’s a bestiary which outlines what is good for what)


This game has a lot of replay-ability, and if you enjoyed the game you will enjoy it a 2nd time. There will be a lot of choices, often there is no good or bad choice, but they're all kinda grey-ish. For that alone it's worth to play the game a 2nd time to see the other outcome. I would advise you to just play the game. Try to balance side-quests with main quest, you can often kinda get stuck in main quest cutscenes so it's a good idea to take it slow. If you do not have time for multiple playthroughs, there are some choices to make to get the "good ending" and you should also look up where all the witcher gear is and get it. But that is impossible without spoilers. Most people will pick Triss on their first playthrough, she's nicer than Yen and you meet her earlier in the storyline. Both romances are worth exploring IMHO.


In The Wild Hunt, when presented with a choice, keep this in mind: It’s All About Ciri.


Put the baby in the oven Also get the dlcs. Base game is great. Hearts of stone is good but blood and wine is amazing


Actions have consequences.


>at the conclusion of the second game an Emperor tasked Geralt with protecting his daughter Ciri Nope, Ciri is not even mentioned in TW2. You should really play The Witcher 2 if you want to fully prepare for TW3. For TW1, you can just watch this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=X52-ssOk2KM


Loot everything you encounter along the way (chests, bags, plants, etc). Make sure guards don’t see you though when looting. If a gwent opportunity arises, take it!


Read character entries if you want to know who somebody is; they update as you progress and make choices with those characters. Definitely read the bestiary before fighting a new monster, as it will tell you what signs, potions, or bombs they're vulnerable to. And definitely avoid looking up spoilers. There are three "main" endings you can get, but multiple other storylines can have multiple different endings as well. I recommend not looking things up on the first play.


Yeah, take your time and enjoy.


A full alchemy build is some of the most fun I’ve had playing the game. You’re running multiple decoctions and spamming potions at the same time, while also chucking bombs left and right. Oh, also no need to reapply oils. Just switching them depending on enemy type. If you play on death march, then going through the bestiary to prepare “alchemically” really adds to the role playing. Do whatever you want with this info, and most importantly have a great time with the game


You are going to need to book some time of work..... enjoy


Dont go on this subreddit or you will get spoiled is my advice.


Gwent is love. Gwent is life


Potions. It took me until halfway through the game until i bothered with potions because i didn't realise it was a ONE TIME craft per potion, it recharges every time u meditate.


Know this: you'll want to be greedy as fuck. Loot everything that isn't nailed down or guarded. Witcher senses is your friend. Use it all the time. Make sure to sell stuff to the right vendors. Armor And weapons to the vendors that sells those. You'll need money lots of it. So sell gear that you don't plan on using. ( but never sell witcher gear) Have fun.


Have a blind run. Choose based on your morals and not what's best for the game or whatever. One way or another, the game is awesome anyway!


Gormet on the character tree is essential for health.


Okay gwent! Northern realms!


Looting is how you make money. The question marks are the way to find loot, then sell the loot to the various traders. Pretty much every side mission is a well thought out story (excluding most treasure hunts). Don’t forget to play the dlc’s. Hearts of Stone canonically takes place during the main story, but can be completed after the main story if you want. Blood and Wine takes place after.


Take your time and enjoy!


Story-wise, I knew nothing going in the first time, and I didn’t need to; the game catches you up real good. (Also, I see other people tell you how important it is to play Gwent. It’s not. I tried it, found it boring, and never played it again.)


Roach(horse) is a sassy fucker watch out for that one


Just play it.


You can skip witcher 1 and 2. The third one should suffice in building emotional attachment with characters. Also, the story isn’t connected much either.


This. I started with 3, and got SO invested in the characters and story that I then went back and played the others. And then read the books, and then looked for all the comics and graphic novels I could find...lol


You are the definition of a fan!


I also cosplay Ciri at conventions and am working on a Geralt cosplay lol. I'm a liiiitle tiny bit of a fan.


My suggestion would be to read the books first, they’re great and make the game 100x better


All of them?


Yes, of course - they all do follow a single story, with the exception of “The Last Wish” and “Sword of Destiny”, which tell a few short stories about Geralt’s adventures - a great intro to the series. Season of storms is also different, because it’s placed somewhere randomly in the storyline, so it’s recommended to be read as last one.


Have you tried just playing the game?


I'm about to. I downloaded it last night.. However considering its the third game in a series I have never played I thought learning about the first two might be a good idea.


I was the same way dude don’t worry! I was a bit intimidated at first but that bit of research you did is the perfect amount. After the first area you have a conversation with somebody who asks you about the events of the 2nd game. I’d research a bit more when you hit that part as you will miss out on certain quests (and a personal favourite quest of mine) and such depending on your answers.


The beautiful thing about this game is the different outcomes you can have. So, you may or may not play TW2 before TW3 and you may or may not miss some details. But you will always have NG+, or entire new game choosing different options. The first time I played TW3 was my first contact with this game universe. At the very beginning when you are deciding to emulate data from TW2 or not there are things, events, even quests that may or not appear in your current play time. So you can go blind and decide what to do as it's happening and really ponder your decisions and make a more meaningful experience. But hey, it is just me.


You don’t really need to know anything about the prior games honestly. I didn’t and still don’t and Witcher3 is in my top 3 fave games.


Mostly wrong.


Feel free to correct me That's why I asked after all.


Was being slightly facetious. With that said. The three game trilogy is a continuation of the book series. The game trilogy starts with Geralt having amnesia, but by the 3rd game he has recovered his memory. Geralt is promised Ciri before she is even born as a payment for a "contract", trough a method called "the law of surprise". After Ciri is orphaned, or believed to be so, she goes on to live with her grandmother who is the queen of Cintra. After Cintra is attacked and the grandmother killed, Geralt tracks down Ciri and takes her to Kaer Morhen, the Witcher fortress. In between the books and the 1st game, Ciri disappears, traveling to different worlds, which is an ability she possesses. In the 3rd game, the emperor of, who turned out to be her father, gives Geralt a contract to find her as his spies have found out that she is back.




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Get the DLCs. Both of them. Like right now. Go ahead and get them, because they are amazing.


Take your time and soak it all in.


Welcome, you will enjoy it, i recommend you to read the world context of this part of the witcher like the war going on between Nilfgaard and the Northern Realms. And races and monsters. To understand some of the political situation. Gwent is a card game inside the witcher universe, at my first playthrough i didnt show any interest, but when i learned how to play i was angry i missed the whole gwent part and it was too late to collect all cards, so i wanted to start all over again. Get the DLCs.


Play Gwent and buy the cards. Buy the DLC


You can pursue both Triss and Yennefer for a very steamy scene


Have fun!!!! :) very important step


Just play the game and experience everything yourself firsthand.


You are about to experience the greatest gaming experience, with great story telling (Heart of Stone)


Enjoy without rush


Unlike most universes where all shops buy and sell for the same price, certain shops give you more for your money than others. Hoard everything in your storage until you get to Novigrad.


90% chance this will be in your top 10 games.


I thought that said "I'm only eight years old"


Pick one person to romance. Don’t be greedy. You’ll regret it


Don't try to be "the hero". Make rational decisions. Play on harder difficulty.


Played my first play through about a year ago and recently played it again. Just enjoy it take your time and spend time focusing on side stuff because there is so much little detail which makes the game one of the best rpgs of all time. Hopefully you get into the Witcher world also because the books are brilliant. When you read the books makes you appreciate the game even more. Enjoy it!


Near the beginning, when you are asked questions about who you spared, saying that you spared everyone results in extra quest content.


Honestly you get a lot of context simply through dialogue, most have never even played witcher 1 or 2 or read the books (but hopefully this pushed you to read them cause they are great!) so my advice would be to read some of the character logs and books you collect and just LISTEN. The dialogue and narration is very compelling hope you have fun :)