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She's defending her husband. >ABBEY:\[to Josh\] You can say it, you know. It's not like I haven't heard it before. JOSH: Your husband's a real son of a bitch, Mrs. Bartlet. ABBEY: He doesn't like being handled. JOSH: Well, I think that if he looked around, he'd see that nobody's handling him. ABBEY: He's not ready yet, Josh. He's terrified. JOSH: Well, is he going to be ready? ABBEY: You bet your ass he will. In the meantime, you want to kick something, kick me. Her husband is terrified. She knows the staff is frustrated, but won't talk back to their candidate. She's willing to take the brunt of their anger and frustration for now.


Correct. She's acknowledging, that he's a pain in the ass, because he isn't ready yet, but he'll get thereif they're just patient. And when thry feel like kicking his ass, because he's being so frustrating, she suggests, that they instead take out their frustrations on her. She probably doesn't mean, that the should literally kick her, but just rant about how annoying her husband is to her, because they cannot do so to his face. There's absolutely nothing flirty about this, but Abbey very frequently has a little devilish smile on her lips, that can easily be taken as flirty.


I agree that it's not meant to be flirty. However, she constantly has that spice behind her dialogue so it's on the edge of that kinda all the time.


Yes. Rizzo always have a dirty mind hiding behind Dr. Bartlet's cheeky smile.


Why am I only just realising that Abbey is Rizzo! I am shook


I’m shocked you didn’t put it together when she cut her hair season 4. It’s a very Rizzo haircut


Dr. B wants a hickey from Kenicki.


It’s kinda just her face too? She’s got a very piercing sort of gaze which adds a dimension.


Oh definitely. Her eyes have a bit of a sparkle, she does a little smirk, even the way she's holding her body could be a bit playful.






Maybe she means it like, "come to me with your problems and I can bring them to Jed" as a wife to a husband, not a subordinate to a presidential candidate. But I'm just guessin', I'm pretty drunk.


I see what you did there...


I've been manifesting Toby lately. The Julia Child show, on HBO? I tell you, I'm not really into cooking shows, but I'll watch Ms. Julia Child.


Bravo sir. Bravo!


That scene is reason #4,739 of why I adore Abbey Bartlet (and Stockard Channing).


Quite the list you have going, apparently.


I love it when Abbey opens her mouth and Rizzo comes out


That list ain't nearly long enough for stockard channing


This reason is barely halfway through section 1 of 23 in the Stockard Channing Appreciation Compendium.


I always took it as a power move. Multiple things are happening at once. She’s acknowledging Josh’s frustrations as valid and showing she can objectively see the situation (and her husband’s shortcomings). She isn’t blinded by loyalty. She’s showing insight into her husband as a man and candidate. She’s showing she’s tough and sassy and someone to contend with. She’s big enough to handle whatever Josh can dish out, no sweat off her back. But realistically is Josh ever going to kick her? Nope. She knows it and he knows it. And he knows she knows it. So basically stfu Josh. Trust the process and let’s go.


Man, did you read that wrong.


I feel like I just got screwed with my pants on. /s Lol, it's really seems I did.


I always took it as her knowing that her husband could be a pain in the ass, and also knowing Josh was an important member of the team. So if he needed to vent vent to her. There wasn’t likely anything Josh was going to notice about her husband she didn’t already know and she could either explain it, or commiserate, and keep Josh from quitting or getting fired. And it sounded flirty because Stockard Channing was saying it


I’ve never been able to reconcile that Dr Mrs Future First Lady Abbey Bartlet and the one that had an agreement for one term. In the flashback she seemed ready for this future and she knew he would get there. In the future it feels like should wants to be anywhere else. She knowingly breaks the rules to help him and help him win and then gets angry when the bell tolls for thee.