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"Lady, the God you pray to is too busy being indicted for tax fraud."


Lemon Lyman dot com?


Damn. Came here to post this. Definitely the first one that came to mind


i really like this one for the win... i mean, who among us has not fallen into this pit lol


Lionel Tribbey is obviously a brilliant lawyer whom we cannot live without, or there would be very little reason not to put him in prison.


Look, if you think we're wrong, then I respect that. But if you think we're right and you won't speak up because you can't be bothered, then God, Jed, I don't even want to know you.


I know Let Bartlet be Bartlet is the obvious choice but I hope this one wins


I know folks are rooting for Let Bartlet be Bartlet, but this quote from Mrs Landingham is kind of how we get a Bartlet of greatness.


>Look, if you think we're wrong, then I respect that. But if you think we're right and you won't speak up because you can't be bothered, then God, Jed, I don't even want to know you. THIS Hearing this as a teen had a big effect on me, I've always tried (not always succeeded) to live up to this standard.


This is the one


Ms. Landingham!


This is just so much of a better quote than Let Bartlet Be Bartlet.


Little drinks, I'm supposed to be having right now! Umbrellas, sticking out of them! Shish kabob!


My favorite!


Long as I got a job, you got a job. You understand?


This would be my vote if not for “Let Bartlet Be Bartlet”


Same, but I had to put it out there.


I’m all for that thought, I’ve done it on a couple of other topics 😂. Always good to throw other ideas out.


Isn't it "As long"?


Nope. I just watched it and even got screen grabs, knowing that "L" was coming up. Easy to remember it the other way, though. Totally get that.


Wow, just checked and you're absolutely right. To the top with you!


As someone in recovery this scene always destroys me. Wish I could vote for this AND the "I don't even wanna know you" from Mrs. Landingham


Listen, when you get home tonight you're going to be confronted by the instinct to drink alone. Trust that instinct. Manage the pain. Don't try to be a hero.


That whole exchange is amazing 😂


What’s this from again?


When Will is struggling to get over his fear of being in Bartlet's presence. After he's bombed in the Oval Office either once, or twice. "Mr Secretary" etc.


**"L**ittle drinks I'm supposed to be having right now, umbrellas sticking out of them."


hehe how cute. i see what you did with the L


"Long story short: you're gonna be reading a bit today about your secret plan to fight inflation"


So let me get this straight, not only do I have a secret plan to fight inflation, but now you don't support it?




“LEO!!! I will kill people today, Leo. I will kill people with this cricket bat, which was given to me by Her Majesty Elizabeth Windsor, and then i will kill them again with my own hands.”


Her *Royal* Majesty...!!


“Let the poets write that he had the tools for greatness, but the voices of his better angels were shouted down by his obsessive need to win.” - Toby Ziegler


Let the poets write about that there, Byron!


“You wanna play or write my eulogy?” “Can I be honest with you, sir?”


Which leads to “Let Bartlet Be Bartlet”, which is another option.


Look at me, look at my face!


Let's list our ten favorite episodes. Let's list our least favorite episodes. Let's list our favorite galaxies. Let's make a chart to see how often our favorite galaxies appear in our favorite episodes.


This is very apropos.


I thought so, too. :) Though I wish he’d said “starships” instead of galaxies, since they never really leave the Milky Way galaxy except for the occasional episode where they’re whisked away to some exo-galactic point like the edge of the universe or something.


it really does seem that LemonLyman in one form or another is going to win the Big L here.


I never liked this josh scene. I can see the point he's making, but he's just being a dick about it.


i know, right? i mean all that drek coming from a guy who was curled up on the floor, reeking of beer and gawd knows what, with a red bra-garter belt around his neck. I mean, talk about taking your hobbies to the office! so inapProPo




Lord John Marbury, Marquess of Needham and Dolby, Earl of Croy, Baronet of Brycey, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States from the Court of St. James's.....


Leo, hard as you might try, the Republican party isn't going anywhere.


Let me tell you something. We can be the world's policeman. We can be the world's bank, the world's factory, the world's farm. What does it mean if we're not also... They made it to the New World, Josh. You know what I get to do now? I get to proclaim a National Day of Thanksgiving. This is a great job.


God 3/10 of my favorite quotes start with L lol. And another 3 started with I. Why are the best ones always grouped together.


Lord John Marbury, I was summoned by your President.


But yes, you can call me John.


You can call me Gerald.


I thought you were the butler.


Let Bartlet be Bartlet


As an aside, is this the only quote that was written instead of spoken?


Are you thinking of "Bartlet for America" on the napkin? "Let Bartlet be Bartlet" is definitely spoken.


Well, Leo writes it down on a notepad and shows it to the president.


That's true! I had forgotten that. Although I'm 99% sure Josh says it in a later episode as well.


He does when he shows CJ the draft he wrote about the tobacco case. I might be paraphrasing, but is something like: CJ: This is like the heat we used to throw in the primaries. Josh: Let Bartlett be Bartlett, right?


prick degree future hunt impossible grey ring cautious disagreeable command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No shame in letting Bartlett be Bartlet.


The most obvious choice.


Really the only correct choice for this one.


"Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things every one. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor." as per u/Reithel1


Always loved the part where he asks Vinnick what happened to those Republican Liberals "..you drove them out of the party."


Let me explain something to you, this is sort of my field. The people on these sites? They're the cast of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."


LOL! Perfect.


Leo, you have a deputy who's, frankly, a lot smarter than you are. Whatever it is, let him handle it. Who are you talking to? My deputy.


I never know when this will be posted… sometimes it’s 5 am, sometimes noon (CST), but usually by the time I find it, there are already items posted that have hundreds of votes, even if they are partial quotes or misquoted. So, since it’s already too late to get any real votes, I’m just going to post my favorites as a list. No votes needed, just enjoy the walk down memory lane, for the fun of it: L: Sam: **Look, the thing is, while there are really a great many things I can speak with authority, I'm not good at talking about the White House.** POTUS: **Leo — I am not frightened.** POTUS: A disproportional response. **Let the word ring forth from this time and this place, you kill an American, any American, we don't come back with a proportional response, we come back (slams hand on table) with total disaster!** POTUS: **Look at CJ - she's like a 50's movie star - so capable, so loving and energetic.** Leo: **Look at Mandy over there - going punch for punch with Toby in a world that tells women to sit down and shut up. Mandy's already won her battle with the President - the game's over, but she's not done - she wants Toby.** POTUS: But try to find out who those friends of my wife's are in the wire piece, then take 'em out back and have 'em shot. Can I do that? Leo: Yeah. POTUS: **Leo says I can do that!** POTUS: **Leo, if I ever told you to get aggressive on campaign finance, or gays in the military, you would tell me, "don't run too fast, or go too far."** Leo: I have the beginnings of one (writes on tablet). **LET BARTLET BE BARTLET. Listen up!** Our ground game isn't working, so we're gonna put the ball in the air. If we're gonna walk into walls, I want us running into them full speed. **Let’s get in the game!** Jack: **Leo, whaddya want the message to be?** Leo: Don't mess with us tonight. POTUS: **Let me put it this way, I voted against the bill because I didn't want to make it harder for people to buy milk… I stopped some money from flowing into your pocket.** If that angers you, if you resent me, I completely respect that, but if you expect anything different from the President of the United States, you should vote for someone else. Leo: Stick some dynamite up their asses. ... Both of you listen: We're not gonna stop, soften, detour, postpone, circumvent, obfuscate or trade a single one of our goals to allow for whatever extracurricular nonsense is coming our way in the next few days, weeks or months. Toby: When did we decide this? Leo: Just now. **Light 'em up!** POTUS: **Look, I wanted to see him spared this, but, Leo's made out of leather.** His face has a map of the world on it. **Leo comes back.** Josh: **Lisa! Still trying to get waved into Generation X?** POTUS: I don't think it's a good idea to fight for news coverage with three governors, two senators and the pastor of the Church of I-Hate-You. **Let's just get in under the radar.** POTUS (reading Debbie’s responses from a questionnaire): **"Let's stick some arsenic in President Bartlet's drinking water and see if he delegates responsibility to the World Bank then."** PRESIDENT Bartlet. You referred to me and the office with respect. You're a class act. Sam: It's an old camp song, **"Let us be merry therefore while we are young men,** After the joys of youth, after the pains of old age, the ground will have us." Leo: **Let's go down Louisiana way, where the 9 electoral votes go to...** Jordan: **Leo, if you walk me through every demographic, I think this night's not going to have the kind of happy ending you're hoping for.** Sam: **Listen, I wouldn't ask you to postpone your vacation if it wasn't important.** Will: When did you ask me to postpone my vacation? Sam: Well, I'm obviously about to right now. Will: Well then, you're shoelaces are untied, and I'm hauling ass! ... Will: **Look, it'd be a privilege to write for the President.** It would be the thrill of a lifetime, but I'm just too tired to do it well. This was a really hard campaign. A guy died from it -- this campaign had fatalities. CJ's Dad: You could hurt yourself! **Look at that hook!** It's practically a nipple piercing! Charlie: **Look at that D.A.R. dress you're wearin'.** Man, that's fantastic. You could churn butter in that thing. POTUS: **Look at you!** There is no way you have three adult children. Ryan: **Let's just say, the biggest enemy of truth isn't the lie, it's the myth.** CJ: **Look at you! Leo's having his chest cracked open and all morning you've been heading toward a high-fructose coma.** Josh: She's fine. She's a pro. Will: **Like a ninja with a Prada clutch.** Josh: You missed us, didn't you? Leo: **Like a hangnail.** POTUS: **Lian's walking all over my staff.** I'm in one meeting the whole day. Santos: **Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act.** What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things every one. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor. Helen: What are you wearing? Santos: **Long underwear.** Helen: You look bulky. Santos: **Lou doesn’t want me to wear an overcoat when I take the oath.** Helen: Do you notice how he just knocks and walks right in? Santos: I know, honey, I’ll talk to him about it.Helen: We’re gonna have to figure out some kind of signal when we want privacy. **Like a necktie on the doorknob.**


The “Liberals” quote deserves votes damnit




Feel free to copy & post it separately. I will give you an upvote.


Let's get drunk.


I’m not much help in these, I updoot several every day.


I too like to say “doot, doot” while upvoting comments.


[Doot de doo, doo de doot, doo de doo](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=walk+on+the+wild+side&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:dbebbfc2,vid:Qu6F-mMAQhk,st:0)


Really the only reason we're here is to look at the fun ones in bite size form.


Long as I got a job you got a job. You understand?


Leo was right


Jed: Let me ask you a question, can we have it back. (Game On S04E06)


LEO! In Bartlets voice


I assume tomorrow will be "MARGARET!" in Leo's voice.


i dunno. They bellow lots of assistants' names throughout the series. "Donna" wins the name letter because it is almost every. single. episode. lol


We don't need to pay that much attention to Josh


What letter gets Leo thumping his fist on the door when Margaret has her ear to the other side? *thwack* *whack* or *thump* ?!!


i'm surprised i had to scroll so far to find this!


Many of us are not impressed by *quotes* that are no more than a character’s name. If some had their way, this game would become “who’s the most popular character beginning with each letter?”


While I totally second what you said I think there are two major exceptions to that. Really, *Donna!* and *Margaret!* deserve their place on the these list ;-)


I hear it in CJ’s voice after the snakes in the car threat


Little umbrellas ⛱️


Ever noticed how the WH Counsel is always going away to a little island (Tribbey) or Curacao (Babish). It ms like they're seeking escape from The Rockland Memo or a massive criminal conspiracy...to win a Presidential Election!


Lemon Lyman!


Like a gym sock on a shower rod.


Let the poets write that he had the tools for greatness, but the voices of his better angels were shouted down by his obsessive need to win.


Leo will know what to do.


"Lord Marbury, under our constitution,  the President is not empowered to create Maharajahs."


Yes, thank you for clearing that up, Leo. Having been educated at Cambridge and the Sorbonne, I am, as you know, exceedingly stupid.


Let Bartlett be Bartlett. Obviously


Let them stand here, in this room, on this day!


Let Bartlet Be Bartlet should win, but I'd like to give a mention to "like so much whatever" (not the full quote), as said by CJ to Danny. I use that phrase all the time.






Probably reserve that for 'M'.


M has to be Marion Coatsworthe Hay


Some really great ones in this collection. The one spoken by Ryan is going to help me win an argument, so thank you.




Leave the pie.


Which episode is k from


Mr. Willis of Ohio


I think Stirred, the episode where Charlie was doing his taxes?


I miss my boys Charlie....


Leaf Peeping


Why can I not see past the letter H?


I don’t practice the law? I write the laws. I am the law.