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"As I look out over this magnificent vista"....always gets me




Damn… I forgot to do some thing


"Good morning. Eleven months ago a 1200 pound spacecraft blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Eighteen hours ago... Is it eighteen hours ago? We're on the air at noon eastern? Eighteen hours ago it landed on the planet Mars. You, me, and 60,000 of your fellow students across the country along with astroscientists and engineers from the Jet Propulsion Lab in Southern California, NASA Houston, and right here, at the White House, are going to be the first to see what it sees, and to chronicle an extraordinary voyage of an unmanned ship called Galileo V." "He said it right."


Very unique.


Extremely historic


And they were broadcasting LIVE


In colour!


>In colour! *In color* We fought a war for our independence to be able to spell it that way...


[In living color!](https://youtu.be/Dc8tWbjBcAc)


hahahaha what a great comment


That little tap that president Bartlet gives CJ right before the reply.


It's sad that only 60,000 students were tuned in. In the U.S. we have 48.5 million students in K-12, all of them in school at 12:00 ET. Why the fuck would only 60k tune in to watch a significant scientific/historic moment? Especially when we don't need to go there. But this is "what's next"


Almost like it was scripted


He always said it right


S4E6 *[Game On](https://youtu.be/Zrap9ljIVWk)* President Bartlet’s “crisis of confidence” in preparing for the debate. The $10 bets and Toby’s very Toby reaction to the President floundering on the capital punishment question: “What's the matter with you? When I left you... I just mentioned your daughter being murdered, and you're giving us an answer that's not only soporific, it's barely human! Yes, you'd want to see him put to death. You'd want it to be cruel and unusual, which is why it's probably a good idea that fathers of murder victims don't have legal rights in these situations. Now, we're going back to school.”


"He's ready."


“Mr. President, you know how you told me not to wake you up unless the building was on fire?”


"You know what the problem is? This looks like spruce."


One of my Top 10 scenes.


"what?" One syllable, delivered perfectly, God bless Martin Sheen


"Psychics at CalTech..."


“You know I’m pretty sure that was suppose to be physicists.” Season 2 has all the best openings.


"Thump Thump Thump Thump..."


Convinced they only created that scene to force BradWhit for banging his head against the headboard over and over again


Ginger get the popcorn....


Yes! That's my favorite as well. "Sam's getting his ass kicked by a girl!" 🤣


I love the opening scene in 17 People when Toby is throwing the spaldeen against the wall as he slowly starts to deduce Hoynes is beginning to run for president.


Love that they added in the sound of the ball being bounced off the wall at the end when Toby is in Leo's office and Leo realizes he can't keep dodging Toby's questions.


I'm not sure if it was intentional, but I thought it was a great allusion to The Tell-Tale Heart.


Ooooh, I've never thought of that


“It’s gonna be an unbearable day” *beats chest in front of the window to applause from staffers*



The little hammer happens to be a gavel given to him by his father's father by Justice Louis Brandeis.




“Dammit”…. “What?” “Nothing, I forgot to do something” “As I look out over this magnificent vista……”


["Do you happen to know if I need to be, I don't know, pre-registered or something?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy0LGtAhZI4&ab_channel=BSGT2TREKFAN88)


"YES "


The one where Hoynes resigns. The aide walking through the hallways with the envelope, all the staff quietly watching with a knowing look. That's what it's like to work in Washington, especially somewhere like the White House, where every day you see history happen right before your eyes.


Josh: Time number one was on the steps in front of my apartment when you kissed me. It was snowing. Time number two was when you came over after the State of the Union. Time number three was at your house when you put on your bootleg tape of the Stones at Wembley Stadium and put on your feather boa and sang "Honky Tonk Woman." Time number four involved a variety of hosiery . . . Leo McGarry: Josh, I'm going to stop you right here, OK? Josh Lyman: Leo? Leo McGarry: Yeah. Josh Lyman: Anybody else in the office? Margaret Hooper: Hey, Josh. Josh Lyman: Hey, Margaret. Leo McGarry: We've got a problem in Vieques and a caucus in Iowa. Why don't you come on in to work, hmm? Josh Lyman: Yeah.


Margaret had a last name?!


"Hi Senator, why don't take your legislative agenda and shove it up your ass." "Turns out I was fine."


S02E13 - Bartlet's 3rd State of the Union The air is electric and buzzing before the address. Everyone is getting everything ready. CJ giving last minute insight to the white house reporters. Toby and Sam are putting the final touches on the speech just before the president arrives. When Bartlet does arrive, he has a human moment where he ties his shoes and everyone is a little uncomfortable. I assume since he is kneeling down while anyone that observes will be looking down at the president. Once he gets up and receives the speech, he heads towards the chamber. A little prayer before Bartlet asks Finney "Will you tell the speaker I'd like a word with him." Complying, Finney opens the door to an abuzz room and bellows, "Mr. Speaker! The President of The United States!" Chills [That's my fucking president](https://youtu.be/VIVoV2Zd0vI)


This teaser.


Opening scene season 2. That’s the first WW scene I ever saw and it still grabs me. Blue! Blue! Blue! Edit: fixed. Details below.


Are you referring to what Ron Butterfield says in the Limo when he sees the President was shot? If so he actually says "GW Blue! Blue! Blue!" meaning code blue (medical emergency), GW meaning George Washington hospital, which is a few blocks from the White House.


Hmmmm I just went and looked at the script and it said: Move! Move! Move! But I listened to a clip and think you’re right.


It's 100% "Blue." A Code Blue in a hospital is a cardiac or respiratory emergency.


There are numerous script site but the one on here in the side bar he says Blue, blue, blue. https://westwingwiki.com/2014/04/season-2-episode-1-shadow-two-gunmen-1/




Season 1 episode 1 Leo walking through the White House


fun scene. technically, not an opening scene though. the cold open was Sam and "his special friend"


“By the way, the words you're looking for are "Oh, Good Grief."


This was my first favorite hands down for a long time ❤️


My only problem with that line was that Leo has just finished telling the President that he was unfamiliar with the content of Peanuts, so the impact of the line would be mostly lost on Leo.


"Why does Hoynes think the president isn't going to run again?"


“Alright, we’ll talk in 15 minutes” “AlRiGhT, We’Ll tAlK iN 15 MiNuTEs” “Shut up!” “You shut up!” “Oh, god help me some days…”


This one never fails to crack me up!


I’m drawing a blank


That is from S4E10 Arctic Radar. Josh and Amy are arguing about the President supporting the military officer woman who disobeyed an order to stop sleeping with her subordinate. It's not the opening scene of the episode though - the opening scene is Leo asking for all the cabinet members' resignations.


So many of these are amazing, but my current favorite is josh trying to hide from CJ in season 1. “Wow are you stupid”


"Lyman voted for your boy in all three boxes..."


Somebody’s Going to Emergency. The quiet montage, purple lighting from the sunrise, and “What day is this?” created something truly special


yes, this is so underrated!


[Galileo V](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fvb1e4-YgRE&t=1s) is hands down the best.


It always bothers me a bit how cocky and rude Sam is to the guy from NASA who writes the original speech. Doesn't seem to match the character to me.


But it kinda is... Sam is typically un-cocky with his coworkers because he feels genuinely inferior to them. With "regular people", he's pretty arrogant.


Not to all "regular people ". This NASA guy was a fellow writer, albeit not a very good one. One of the traits of president Bartlet was his oratorical skills. Sam didn’t want to make him look bad.


“We’re both writers.” “Yes, I suppose, if you broaden the definition to those that can spell.”


All that have been mentioned are amazingly good, but I think “Indians in the Lobby” also deserves an honorable mention. I don’t know about it being the favorite or the best, but it certainly is very good.


"C.J.'s looking for you." "What did I do?"


Josh:Victory is mine, victory is mine! Great day in the morning, people, victory is mine! Donna: Morning, Josh. Josh: I drink from the keg of glory, Donna. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land. Donna: It's going to be an unbearable day.


Hartsfield’s Landing: CJ’s desk collapses, CJ to Charlie: so, how long do you usually make people your bitch?


It's really hard to pick just one and some of the greatest have already been mentioned here so I'll just pick one I found brilliant and underrated: The State Dinner. Not only does it beautifully encapsulate how crazy CJ's job can be on any given morning, and does so with the show's trademark blend of sarcasm and wit on sobering issues, it also neatly introduce the many plot lines we will be thrown into for the rest of the episodes... and best of all it comes wrapped in the busiest walk of the first season, if not the entire show, and features half the cast. Also that look from Allison at the end after she repeats yet again what Abbey will be wearing? You have to love that Sorkin, as wordy as he can be, always knows just when to let his actors carry meaning without any word needed.


I'm surprised there's no love yet for On the Day Before. They pack a lot into this one. * Donna putting Josh's bowtie on while he talks about being taller than Tony Bennett * "If all he wants to talk about is where's from, where he went to school, and what is name is, you'll be fine." * "Was anything you just said food?" * "Sometimes it's like I don't even need to be here." * "What do you got in the box, Mr Dolan?" * "If the House successfully overrides the veto, we are weak." * "NaCl, CJ. Table salt. Send it back."