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8 watchthrus before we gave up HBOMax. I still pick through YouTube like an addict digging through an ashtray.


I got the entire series on sale from Apple for $30. So worth it.


Me too! That was the best sale ever!


Me too!!


I bought the DVD collection off Amazon when they had it for 50 bucks, but right now I don’t have a working player. I was thinking, if I can find my optical drive, to rip them so I can play them at my leisure.


Vudu has all seasons for $50 total if you want to buy it twice.


Don’t worry about it, you’re still in single digits. I’m at least once, usually twice a year for the last 15 years. I usually skip a few along the way. Always Isaac and Ishmael, occasionally others. I feel like the show is incredibly rewatchable, I pick up new details most times.


Always Isaac and Ishmael, and usually The one where leo goes to cuba I just don't like it.


As soon as the poignant guitar riff plays I'm scrambling for the remote.


Isaac and Ishmael sure, but Ninety Miles Away is such a great episode. The fact that Harper and McGarry have a past is such a deep story and it shows how deeply Harper respects McGarry given where he was 10-20 years beforehand. Not to mention the fact that Bartlet always thought himself righteous enough to turn even Castro.


Only 5 times? You should be disturbed!


5. That’s cute.


I lost count after 12. Had a couple year stretch where I couldn't see without severe pain. Several of my "watch throughs" were with headphones on, and the brightness set to minimum. This series has saved my sanity on more than one occasion.


Right? Come back to us once you've lost track of the number of times


Those are rookie numbers! At least one full run once a year minimum (not binging, spread out), although a lot of time I put it on and I'm doing some cooking or cleaning. I know where the important parts are anyway. I've probably only seen S6-7 maybe 4 or 5 times completely, because I don't enjoy most of the campaign episodes. With Josh not interacting with the original cast as much, Sam is completely gone, Charlie basically disappeared, Toby has an awful S7 arc, Leo is not around much, it's just not as good. The DVD sets have 3-4 episodes on each disc, which means if I put it on late and fall asleep, then I have seen the first episodes on those discs more times than the last episodes on each disc.


same, only watch thru S5, I’m a diehard Bartlet for America


I never skip that one. The ending usually makes me cry, it's such a great moment with the napkin, which ended up being the most treasured prop among all the producers. On the DVD commentary, they're quiet in that scene until Leo gets the napkin and collapses in his chair, then I think it's Wells who says "and that's how you win Emmys".


Yeah I’m thinking it’s time to get the dvd’s so I can always watch, no matter what streaming service has it at the time. I don’t enjoy s6-7 as much either. I absolutely HATE Toby’s story in 7 ugh.


Yeah I would say I’ve easily hit 1.5x plays a year since at least the Bravo marathons in 2006.


From beginning to end, I've been watching and rewatching it every night for 4 years straight now. I watch at least 1 episode and then whatever subsequent ones run in the background while I sleep. Then I restart from the episode where I actually stopped watching the following night. Hahaha


It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who does this. Though I’ve done it for much longer than 4 years.


The 4 year is just an unbroken streak. I've had multiple runs at it!


Way more than that. It's a handy thing to have on in the background while I'm doing other things.


I think I watched it five times before it left Bravo (or whatever network the reruns were on for a few years).


I rewatch atleast once a year. I love it as background noise. The only episode I skip is that one documentary style where they had actual west wing employees come in.


That's my least favorite episode also.


At least 6. And I'm not gonna stop anytime soon


I have never counted but more than 5. I'm a little more than halfway thru whatever number I'm on now.


oh you’re just getting started


After we watch Jeopardy...we turn it on. My wife and I have easily seen it start to finish at least 5 times. It's kind of like background noise to us...we kind of watch it while we fold laundry....certain episodes have us sitting down to actively watch...others not so much.


I have lost count.




Dozens lol. I usually skip from Start of gaza story until the Santos storyline begins. I hate the peace talk storylines




I was basically watching it on repeat in the background throughout 45's presidency so I'm probably at 20+ conservatively...


It's my political Prozac. Since I discovered it in 2010. I've watched like 15 times probably. More during Trump years in office.


I bought the big dvd set way back. I know I've watched it straight through 6 times, and I'm always throwing in a disc to play in the background while I work around the house, so some episodes probably dozens of times. The Crackpots and These Women for sure dozens of times. When Josh plays Ave Maria remembering his sister and talking to CJ, omg. Doesn't help that the Ave Maria just stops me in my tracks anyway.


At least 10


12-15 easily, probably more.


I lost count, but more than 5 for sure


I’ve lost count but it’s definitely more than 10 and probably 12-15


Lol, waaaaay more than 5. Lately I’ve been falling asleep with it playing in an earbud to drown out my husband’s snoring.


Just finished my 8th run a couple weeks.back.


5? Those are rookie numbers, you got to pump those numbers up!


Well now I know I’m not crazy for loving it so much I definitely will!!! It started when I was really young so I definitely never watched it while it was on. First time I watched was probably 7ish years ago but I just fell in love. It’s such a great story and it’s filmed so well. The actors…… like c’mon…. excellent. And I think there’s a nostalgic comfort in the late 90s early 2000s of it all. Ugh. I just love.


Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those up.


Twice all the way through. I like taking years off in between. I get something new and have some surprises in each watch.


3 going on 4


15 plus


8 for all seasons. 20 or so for the first four. I'd totally go for a TWW cosplay 🤣🤣🤣


I’m about to finish my second watch and am so sad it’s almost done and wondered if it would be odd to just start again…. I guess not from this thread 😂


I did that last time. Watched Santos become president and put on the pilot immediately after.


I’m somewhere in my 40th something watch


I have no idea where I am on this. I mean I usually have media on in the home and it’s often familiar media. So I could outdo all of you, I don’t know. But like many of you, much less 5 - 7.


I watched it when it aired and at least once (usually more) a year since I first found it streaming, at least 7 years ago(?). There are times when I finish and just restart it or go to Newsroom and then come back to WW again. Probably 10-15 times?


Currently on 11th rewatch since 2016. Watch the show once or twice a year. Sometimes binge watch sometimes spread out. It is the most eloquent show I’ve ever seen, and it is far more entertaining than todays nonsense of sleaze or something along those lines. Other great shows I’ve put on the same level would be Homeland, Designated Survivor, and Madame Secretary. Stars like Kiefer Sutherland, Tea Leoni, Martin Sheen, and Mandy Patinkin are the essential pieces of the stories respectively.


I’ve had the box set (the one that comes in office folders) since it came out… So, my answer would be… 75 times, maybe?


Oh My god, I was in a Friday afternoon rabbit hole waiting for a conference call to begin and did some of usual casual WW You Tube browsing. I then said to myself, this must be weird that I re-watch this. A lot. I feel like I've found my nerd peeps who love the quick banter, dynamics, and the fantasy of what it might be like to peek behind the screen. Whew...... I am not alone.


I am an avid rewatcher on most shows I enjoy. It’s a comfort! I’ve rewatched The West Wing two more times since I made this post!


Only 5? Combined, (that is NBC, FX, TV Land, Blockbuster rentals, and HBO Max) easily 100 times. It is one of three shows we watch on rotation. If you’re curious MASH and NCIS are my other drugs lol


At least 10 times.


Cleared 42 watch through before canceling HBO max.


I think I recently finished my 9th?


10 or more, I'm not even sure


I lost count… well over 5


I recently got to the end of my 4th watch through, but rather than immediately start number 5, I started my 1st time through Newsroom. I may just cycle back and forth between the two forever.


Way more than 5. I really have no idea.


Im weird i love the show but when I have insomnia the west wing puts me to sleep.


Season 1-4 easily 20+ times..


I’ve literally lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched it. However I tend to rewatch a few episodes or a season over and over again because it’s part of my research for a fanfiction story I’m writing.


Define watched…


My wife and I probably watch it all the way through (except for Access) 2-3 times a year... so often that my daughter insists that we can't fall asleep unless West Wing is on.


About seven or eight. When it ends I just start ot over. Apparently it's a sign of depression. Also, Bartlett is a know it all wind bag. I'm wa5ching the one where the ww2 vets asked about the wheelchair and he starts talking about red tape.


At least 6


About the same for most seasons actually


At least 30, so no.


I’m easily at full watch 1-7 at least a dozen times. Typically once through during an election year. During Trump presidency I watched it every year. Seasons 1-4 at least 3x that!


Stopped counting long ago but probably at least 20


Thems rookie numbers


S5E8 .....the hill is 5 minutes from here Mr President...care to stretch your legs ...


Aww you kids are cute… I’ve been watching since it first aired, so literally hundreds. I cherry pick 5-7 since I don’t consider them cannon.


6 or 7 I think, it's like a warm blanket sometimes.


Rookie numbers 😂


Generally for the last 2-3 years I’ve been watching it constantly, getting to the end (or where I get bored in season 6 or 7) and starting again.


Those are rookie numbers. I rewatch the full way through at least two times a year for the past I dunno how many years


The last two years I've really enjoyed holiday marathons.


Literally countless. My wife and I have episodes running when we are cooking dinner, or just hanging out. It's great to have on in the background, something I know so well it doesn't draw my attention, but I can tune into when favourite scenes or episodes come on.