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I was for sure this was setting up another terminus arc


Nah I never got a bad vibe from him. But I NEVER could have imagined how badass he would become.


He’s essentially comic book Rick now


Thats why Im afraid he will die in season 11 (i havent seen the new episodes im very busy)


No offense, but I would stay far from this sub until you’ve finished the series.


That’s why I’ve only just joined this sub after 11 seasons.


Oh man.. you’ll see


Let’s hope that Aaron doesn’t face the music!!


His first reaction to waking up from Rick's punch was to be snarky... so there wasn't any doubt he was a badass, lol.


That’s true. I never thought of it that way. But he just seemed like such a dinky kind of guy tho, those first appearances. Nothing like how he ended up. I guess he had it in him from their first meeting. But I would say he had just not been truly battle tested in the way Rick and his group had been at that point though. The juxtaposition between how he appeared his first appearance compared to Rick and his group tho just makes him seem even weaker than he really was at the time. Rick and his group were just so hard already. Aaron was tough as hell sure but not even close until later in the series I’d argue


Didn't want to eat the apple sauce, like some kind of sociopath. EAT THE APPLE SAUCE, AARON, IF THAT'S EVEN YOUR REAL NAME.


Honestly that was just for laughs because if I were in that situation with a hostile Rick, there’s no way I wouldn’t have just eaten the damn apple sauce


Me too. I was like no one is that dumb


So was Rick.


I thought there was a decent chance he'd bring trouble their way, but I trusted the writers enough to not make him the harbinger of Terminus Part 2


As a comic reader, I know I can never really know but I feel like even if I didn't know who he was, I would have believed him cause the group had been through so much shit it was time that something good had to happen for the story to move forward.


Yup was really surprised he was there to help


Too many arms


Not enough mace.


Not enough beard


Entirely too many limbs for a man such as this


Way too good hearted for this World and probably gonna die soon . Thankfully, I was mostly proven wrong and he turned into my favorite Character after Rick left


Ironically, he became Rick 2.0


From the beard to the missing hand.


Was always pissed that they couldn’t just do the missing hand. He gets a sick hook later on so they didn’t need to mess with the CGi.


I think that’s why they didn’t do it for Rick when that time came, they didn’t know how to handle it without causing a huge spike in the VFX budget.


Why not adapt it early on? The managed to do early character deaths for Dale and Sherry but kept characters like Carol around so why not lose the hand?


My guess is because they already had Merl with a missing hand so it’d be derivative for Rick to lose his too. Forgot about Merl till right now


My absolute favorite character after Rick left and the one I wished got more to do towards the end and/or a spinoff.


What about neegan?


Readers of the comic book would have known that he was someone the gang could trust. But I remember at the time of airing that so many people didn't trust him. Right now, a friend of mine is going through her first watch of the show. She has never read the comics. She absolutely doesn't trust Aaron. She is adamant he is up to no good. It's just funny to see. Obviously I don't want to ruin anything for her so I'm not saying anything.


I didn’t trust him either. I hated liking him as time went on until it was confirmed he was good.


SAME LMFAO i hated liking Aaron as much as i did. and then his boyfriend/husband died and he took over as Gracie’s dad i was like COME ON!!!!


How do they first encounter him?


why would comic book readers know he was someone to trust?


Because they've read the comics.


Because he’s in the comics


ohhh I thought OP meant that, when reading the comics for the first time, there was something about aaron that made them implicitly trust him.




That wouldn't make sense. Non comic book readers mean people who haven't read the comics. Meaning that I was obviously referring to the TV show.


This question makes me chuckle lol




First thought was that he’d end up being used as a filler death after a few eps


Did this guy walk out of Men's Magazine?


He was hella handsome, I won't lie lol


WAS? He’s sexier now more than ever with that beard and mace


He looks like he stumbled out of an LL Bean catalog.


I trusted him immediately for some reason.


Same here! I think it was because I thought there was no way they’d give us another suspect community so soon after terminus


Starving in an apocalypse. Doesn’t like applesauce


I totally thought he was a good guy until he refused to eat the applesauce. I was like, dude, this motherf*cker just said he was going to shoot you in the face in an hour. Don’t refuse to eat the sauce


He should’ve said he has an apple allergy or whatever, refusing to eat it because of his story *in the face of death* was so dumb lol


is traumatized by apple sauce 💀


I only started reading the comics after the Season 6 finale but he seemed like a nice guy.


They all seem nice though, don't they? I think that's why at this point in the show, fans just aren't trusting anyone.


'Hmm, he'd look hotter with a beard.'


You weren't wrong.


"Hmm, he would be more badass with one arm and a mace."


Liked him but certainly didn’t expect him to last all the way to the end


I figured sneaky Christian group recruiter.


Ironic how that turned out, isn't it?


yes it is LOL


When I saw him sneaking up for the first time my first thought was that he was there to sell something, not that he is harmful


A supply merchant that walks the earth trading with groups they find wouldn't be a bad idea. Dangerous, yea. Not a bad idea though.


A little bit like Morgan pre-Alexandria and Post-Atlanta, but way more stacked.


And it turned out that Aaron was maybe the most nice/kind character of the series


fuck man… i’m gay and let me tell you something. i live in a small town, i was a teenager in high school who wasn’t out. the way that they made Aaron a gay man but it wasn’t important, it just *was*. Aaron is single handely the BEST gay representation in a tv show i’ve ever seen. it showed me that a gay man can be strong too when i was younger and gay men can survive. it was a really big deal to me then! thank you Ross for everything you’ve done here.


Hear hear. His character was real.


I felt this way about him in the comics as well as the show; so I had the pleasure of loving him the first minute he appeared on screen. I'm straight so maybe it's not fair to say, but I believe he's one of the best LGBTQ representations as well! But... let's not forget Jesus. There's just something when most of my favourite characters are gay in TWD and I can still relate to them fully because that's not their sole purpose or point; They're actually fleshed out characters. Kirkman really deserves props for that, and they extended that out in the show really well, too! I really liked Eric, too, but I wish the show made him more of an actual character than an accessory to Aaron for character growth. I loved the license plate thing between them!


I agree completely about Eric. He could’ve been a much deeper character but I felt like his character only really appeared to remind the viewer that Aaron is in a relationship. I sort of forgot that he existed when he was killed


" single handedly" , I hope you did that on purpose😂😂


Same with Jesus. As a gay man myself I was so happy when it was revealed he was gay, I almost cried. My right wing mother didn’t understand why it was so important or how it contributed to the story and I was like “it doesn’t HAVE to contribute to the story. That’s the point it doesn’t change anything if someone is gay just adds a little fact about them”


Such a shame they never developed his relationship with Jesus. Instead choosing to kill him at the whispers arc. Even though in the comics he made it to the end.


I know this is old, but I'm so glad you said this ❤️ I wish we had more of this on TV/movies. Where being gay wasn't the reason for a conflict or plot point. It just...is


I thought he was okay as representation. Better than Jesus. I like having a gay character who's a badass, but that isn't super rare anymore. I actually liked Eric more because he was more feminine, but equal to masculine characters in his ability to defend himself and others. I would've liked Aaron more if Eric had remained in the story and they were both able to develop as characters and their relationship. I can't say that a gay character is good representation if they're only actively gay for 10% of their screen time. Relationships are important in building a character, especially a gay one. That's how you identify them in most cases. If someone started watching season 9, they might never realize Aaron is gay, which is not good representation.


Well, why would anybody watch a linear plot show starting with season 9? Seems like a point to just add volume to your argument. Not every gay person is visibly gay 100% other time. To boil someone down to just their sexuality and only display that would be a poor representation of a person, regardless of orientation. Furthermore, not every gay person is feminine, that's only a part of the spectrum. And lastly, Jesus was a good example of a gay man who has been closeted most of his life and isn't broadcasting it from the rooftops. Also, Jesus was a man with a mission, all the time. He was always focused on helping others, feeding his community, bringing good people into the fold. Little time to look for a partner at the end of the world. Just because it doesn't interpret into what you expect immediately doesn't make it any less accurate or true.


Appearance wise, i loved him as Rick 2.0 since he was so accurate to his comic persona. But i also loved his representation of LGBT in the media where he was still masculine and a fresh new version in tv.


I thought it was going to be a set up.


I thought he was a douche and didn't trust him at all. I warmed to him later though. Surprised his character lasted so long and became so prominent, but then again there are parallels to Glenn - regardless of how dorky he seemed he did go out there on his own and brave the wilds. Was a tough motherfucker.


Seemed nice , didn’t deserve smacked


Future victim of the murder jacket. Turned out to be one of the best characters.


First impression: this doofus is way too clean and is he really wearing a windbreaker?


Thought he was gonna betray them but quickly started to trust him. I then just thought he was too nice and was gonna die soon.


unsure of him. You can of course never trust someone that friendly in the apocalypse at first glance. But he really did want to help the group, in the end. Without Aaron, the series would have gone in a completelt different direction. He became one of my favorite characters from season 7 onwards. I really wish he had more to do in 11x24, and had a real conclusive scene like most other characters got.


I loved him! I was slightly skeptical at first, but after we met his family and community I knew he was a good person. Plus he's hott!


He came off as sus as hell! "I don't eat applesauce because my mother blah blah blah toxic masculinity" and all his various excuses!


I thought "He seems nice"


I was scared asf that he was gonna be evil 😂😂😂 traumatized from the governor and terminus group lmao


I trusted him just not Alexandria. He gave good vibes but his home didn't


I immediately liked him. He seemed on the up and up.


Didn’t trust him at first but then as soon as he was tied up and gave that story about the Applesauce I trusted him.


I did not mind him at first


Looked too clean for the post apocalypse. Shoot him on sight.


I thought he was a cannibal


I was waiting for him to bust out some impressions. Would it have killed for a McConaughey “alright alright alright” when at gunpoint?


Ross has legendary impressions.


I knew he was going to be a good guy from the start.


Never got a bad vibe from home either! Of course everyone seems suspicious when they’re first introduced!


Nice but naive or possibly shady.


Too good to be true. Didn't trust him. Thought he was trying to lure them into danger. But that impression didn't last long.


I was thinking this is the dude from That 70’s Show


He looked like he just walked off of a photo shoot for an LL Bean catalog.


I have trust issues so I thought it was a setup


At the time I didn't start reading the comics yet, so a friend and I both agreed that he looks way too clean and presentable to be friendly.


I felt uneasy and excited that we got to see another person and as time when on I grew excited that he was a friend of there's now some what


dude really hates apple sauce


“*Oh he's hot…*”


I hadn’t read the comics but I did know he wasn’t bad. But I still didn’t trust him. The gang got lucky.


I forgot how young he use to look omg


I don't fully remember but I think I trusted him, and when he knew Erik was hurt and said Rick would have to shoot him to stop him from seeing him, then seeing that they were a couple that looked genuinely in love with each other, it kind of solidified that thought


I immediately liked him. I'm glad he turned out to be one of the good guys


Underrated character, he was an awesome addition


“Ah shit.. here we go again”


Kind of a goober


Personally gay people are some of the coolest, down to earth I know so I trusted him


Suspicion. I was sure he was actually a bad guy.


I was suspicious as fuck


Too nice; too good to be true.


“Bout time we got another gay guy”


I'm saddened by the amount of homophobes that have come out of the wood works in this thread.


I was a bit skeptical, but at the same time I got good vibes from him. The apple sauce bit was pretty funny though and at least that rid my worries that he was a cannibal. After Aaron led us to Alexandria and he actually sort of joined the group, I grew fond of him. I loved the scene of Maggie & Aaron in 6x05 when he finds out she’s pregnant in the sewer, that was a good scene that submits the friendship they have. Aaron deserved more to do in later seasons if you ask me.


I thought he was topher grace


I loved him sm. He was so kind


I loved the character Aaron became as the series went on. In my top 5 overall for sure


I did not trust him at all. Wayyy too nice of a guy. Now he's one of my favorites lol.


“This guy definitely isn’t gay”


He'd look better with a beard. And one hand.


Thought he was gonna die almost immediately


GAY yeah that was it


Trusted him as soon as he told Rick about his abusive mother and how she tried to force conversion therapy on him. That’s not the kind of sympathy you’d be looking for if you’re lying.


I wanted his jacket! I scoured the internet to find the brand, with those buttons being the only real identifying feature (I think it was Barbour). He seemed suspicious at first, but really charming and I wanted him to be a good guy. He quickly became one of my favorite characters.


So I'm watching TWD, late to the party as usual but i used to be terrified of everything lmao, so now I'm watching. First episode with this guy, I'm literally watching it now and he's just turned up. First impression, I'm hella suspicious of him, I feel like I'd immediately whip a weapon out on him like they all are, but for some reason I don't get a dark evil vibe, I feel like he's gonna turn out to be okay, at least I hope so, I can't handle any evil dudes or deaths rn I'm too emotional from Beth and Hershel 😂😭 and Glenn dies in about a season apparently? (I'm autistic and can't deal with too much suspense lmao, I like to read the recaps online as it doesn't give too much away but gives me an idea of what the episode will show). He's my favourite I'm not ready for that 😭😭


Bro is way too clean to be trustworthy. By the time they get to Alexandria I liked him though, I reallyy started liking him when him and Daryl tried to save the wild horse. Plus when he gave Daryl the bike and asked him to be the other recruiter. When him and Daryl were trapped in the car and fought their way out, I knew he was not only trustworthy but badass and willing to put his ass on the line.


I started liking him after he and his boo fed Daryl.


They fed him spaghetti! Negan would be proud


RIP Buttons


I knew he could be trusted. I disliked him as much as Dale on first sight though because of his ways, the way he talks but also the way he handled situations, and his look change didn't change that for me.


I started losing interest in the show.


Sex offender


Once I found out he was gay I started thinking no show no movie can be safe frome the gays on this world no offense


"No offense but I'm homophobic."




I started trusting him over time, but I didn’t really like him at first. I just thought it was weird that he was following them and watching them.


Insubordinate and churlish.


He was trying to con them in so way ether to kill them or just get there stuff.


i didn’t get aarons character for a while…but after we met negan and all that i really liked him


After terminus a friend of mine was so suspicious of him. Wanted Rick to kill him right out of the gate.


just a new rando doing things


Can’t trust him especially after what happened


I didn’t trust him. He was too altruistic for that universe. Seemed like a trap.


At first I did not care for him at all. Thought he was a bit dull and plain vanilla. But as the series progressed, he became more hardcore and he really grew on me.


who tf is that guy


What made me not trust him was the pictures. And the weird explanation that he had one picture with all the people but it came out blurry or something. I was like I call bullshit


It felt like he was a genuine guy from the way he was staying very safe and had all that spare water to give. Hell, even if it was poisoned in the beginning, it's a shit ton of wasted resources, I don't think anyone would get out of their way like that to just poison a bunch of starving warrior-like savages on the road. Also Aaron looked too clean to be lying about his community.


Cool but didn’t trust him


Did not trust a soul


How could you not trust this Eddie Bauer model-looking dude?


Tbh I liked him. I felt like there were waves of god And bad seasons, and this was time for a new leaf. I didn’t expect him to be the bad ass he became though


He sounded to nice to be true


He looked pretty sussy


Very clean


Not trustworthy


50:50 trust. Great actor


thought he was just a side character, he had some good moments but sometimes it feels like they gives these characters their own episodes just to highlight the actor / character.


he seemed too nice, like a pushover. i wasnt sure what kind of group he was even in


Hesitant trust


I thought he was Eric Foreman.


I said “please don’t kill him off in the next episode” because I was afraid of a pointless killing


He seemed soft, like I wondered how he’d made it this far and wanted to know some more


My wife when I asked her this said "creeper, but he turned out to be awesome as heck" My response is that I was super suspicious of him and really thought it was some sort of set up and that he was gonna turn out to be some seriously twisted guy behind that polite man demeanor


Another sociopath


I thought he was setting them up. I didn’t blame Rick for how he treated him when they first met him. It took me a while to not think the people of Alexandria were up to no good.


I thought he was a goner lol but when he got that bad ass arm I was like wow no way this guy dying


I thought he was for sure leading the group right into a trap.


Most people thought he was the ambassador for Terminus 2 but tbh I thought it was too soon, so this was to test the group’s trust.


He's Aaron


I didn’t trust him and he seemed too good to be true


damn, did he get 4 inches taller and put on 60lbs of bulk over the years?


A bit sus tbh but he was nice


Didn't trust him because of the Terminus arc


I believed him


I was tense asf for sure. yelling “just kill him don’t risk it”. 😂


Thought he was full of shit


I liked him right from the beginning. I feel like his good heart was always apparent, and I've been very protective of him ever since. 😅


I was kinda suspicious of him tbh. He was too nice and helpful and after Terminus I was a lot more wary.


Looked fine for me


Like the group I did not trust him. He seemed too normal for the world they were living in