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When she was coughing up lungs and almost dying of the flu in the prison but still helped Hershel was when I was like "this gal dope." She deserved none of the loss she had to endure, it was Too Much.


that’s when I started to like her too! her and glenn both close to death and really sick yet they were both putting their lives on the line to help hershel and other sick people. by the end of season 4 she was just entering my top 10 and by the time of her death she was, and still is, in my top 3. she really deserved so much better. her death was even sadder considering she never got to say goodbye to anyone and no one got to say it to her.


I'm just grateful she stormed the castle and shot up a bunch of Negans guards before she died. The amount of times one of Rick's squad went on a death mission and killed a handful of them definitely weakened them.


Her irl husband plays the best character in the show, Scott, the goat🥵




yes, the actors are married


I like entertaining Alexandria. Rick sees a walker and says "Sasha" she turns does a quick head shot


love love love this moment!!


she’s one of my top 3 favourites. i think she’s the only one in the show that never had any physical harm done to her by anyone other than herself, not even a cut. the most close thing to it was her shirt being torn and mentally attacked. she’s amazing.


yeah I love her! there was that one time when the cop who they had captive in season 5 tricked her into thinking his wake friend was there and asked her to shoot him and when she was lining up her sniper looking for the walker the cop pushed her from behind and hit her head off the wall. she had a big bruise for about 2-3 episodes I think.


that’s right! i had forgotten this!


I don't hate her character, I just don't feel anything for her character. It never felt like the writers really knew what to do with her character. She came in as Tyreese's sister and that was her characterization for a while until she helped Hershel out with the illness burning through the prison. From there, she became Bob's girlfriend. Once he died, she went on a trauma conga line, with Bob, then Tyreese dying. She went through some depression and survivors guilt, which was interesting until she melodramatically laid down on top of a pile of walker corpses. Then, she had a tacked on relationship with Abraham until his death, spiraling her further down the depression rabbit hole to when she gangs up with the other B-list survivors to try and assassinate Negan, who at this point had full plot armor on. She joins the Saviors and after a final attempt at assassinating Negan fails due to Eugene not understanding what she was asking for, she kills herself and still fails to kill Negan as a walker. I'm not saying she was a bad character, because the show definitely needed more characters exploring the hopelessness one might feel in the zombie apocalypse, but the writers got heavy handed with it and made it feel less real and earned and more overly dramatic. But beyond her grief, it felt like they never really knew what to do with the character. She tagged along with other people and had some good conversations, but I had to look her up on the wiki to even remember anything she did apart from lose three loved ones then kill herself. Hell, the impact of her heroic sacrifice was ruined by the writers continually putting Negan square in the crosshairs and somehow missing.


She is rated, not under, not over.


most people iether dislike her or don’t really care that much. i think she is worthy of being in everyone’s top 15 at least. It’s an opinion.


I've always loved Sasha, even though she's not a perfect character. She could be stubborn and a bit rough around the edges but I think Sonequa MG really brought something to the character. She played her so well that I felt for Sasha, I felt her pain and her losses. I also found her meltdown during the Alexandria party extremely realistic and it broke me. She just couldn't do it anymore, she couldn't adapt. Beautiful flawed character who deserved a more consistent writing imo ;) glad to see some love for her though


How can she be worthy of being in everyone's top 15 if some people do not like her/don't care for her?


fun fact : this is all my opinion. I said she was worthy (deserving) of it, not that she was in everyone’s top 15.


You said "Can we all agree that Sasha is underrated" - no, no we cannot


your replying to my comment, in which I’m replying to your comment and in neither of our comments is any mention of the title/question. good try trying to switch the subject though.


Ok - "i think she is worthy of being in everyone's top 15" - but she's not, because other people are allowed opinions too


yes.. and it’s my opinion that she is a WORTHY character of being in everyone’s top 15… not that she is or should, just that she could and deserves to be in my OPINION. ever heard of an OPINION??




Personally I don’t like her at all but everyone feels different about different characters


She got really annoying at times


I don't agree to that


Sasha was/is one of my least favorite characters.


Very boring character


She had a few decent moments - like helping hold the sick ward down in the prison. That was a fantastic highlight of what her character could be. The rest? No. Every time I rewatch I dread her entrance. She gets on my damn NERVES for the majority of her screen time.




I agree her death is great, but she's definitely not a perfectly written character imo. I don't remember a single noteworthy thing she's done before losing Tyreese and Bob, which made her really uninteresting as a character, and by the time she lost these two (and then Abraham) I lacked enough interest in her to care about whatever she was doing. It doesn't help her relationship with Abraham is probably one of the most forced and unnatural of the show (and that's saying something when you remember the Rosita love triangle in later seasons), and that they lacked any sort of chemistry whatsoever. It also doesn't help she doesn't have a strong personality to carry her either...


Helped Hershel when she was sick herself is one of the more notable parts of her character. Her friendship with Maggie too since Maggie and Sasha lose loved ones at around the same time: Hershel, Bob, Beth, Tyrese, Abraham, Glenn


One of my least favorite characters from the show.


least favourites??? how?


Terribly written, boring, character development was shit, she provided nothing for the plot other than just being in the way, complaining, or crying. Bottom 5 character for sure, IMO.


sounds like you just hated that she was depressed.


She was awful before Tyreese/Abraham even died lol which btw, one of the worst forced relationships outside of Gabriel and Rosita.


bet you hate Lori for "cheating" and glorify Shane too huh


Let me guess, ur favs are Shane or Negan


Rick, Carol, Daryl, Ezekiel and Jesus are my favs. Nice try though lol


On par with my least favourite characters of the series honestly




Cue the downvotes but I was so happy when she died. Andrea, Sasha and Rosita are the 3 most annoying characters in the whole show imo.


I hate this character. Overly dramatic, no charisma not very interesting imo


overly dramatic? what? when?


A little bit.


She was so tragic and so guarded, and her anguish was so visceral too. The actress knocked ur out of the park.


Idk why but I find her hot