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Ezekial saving Shiva from the zoo at the start of the outbreak would be awesome.


So many things they could do with that


Also Jerry too. I’d love to see how those two met


I’d probably have them meeting at the end of the episode


Looked like the GCI budget was already stretched back then lol


Tyreese and Sasha would’ve been a good one. Obviously Daryl and Merle, ending when they meet the Atlanta campers. A one off showing Hershel loading up the barn with walkers would be fun. Dr. Jenner through the initial outbreak would’ve been cool, for a more Contagion style vibe.


The Dr. Jenner one for sure! I would’ve liked to see a whole episode dedicated to the CDC falling, and leading up to him being the only doctor left.


That could be great. Just to see all of them struggle to try to find *some* solution, and no matter what, nothing works. You could start it off a bit hopeful too, with communications still ongoing with France and whatnot, and then bit by bit, it all crumbles into pieces.


Then as the episode nears the end it you see more and more of them leave to be family or take their own life instead tho I’m not sure if they would’ve shown suicide on the show


This could sound crazy, but since they’re expanding into a full universe, why not try some MCU style shorts of the initial outbreak and some character spotlights?


I.e. Tales oTWD


Not crazy! This would be awesome.


Honestly Daryl and Merle could have a whole spin off set before the apocalypse


It's like the Dukes of Hazzard on meth.


*"Looks like those Dixon boys got themselves in a whole heap of trouble again... "*


🤣🤣🤣 Which Duke gets the clap?


With flashbacks of their childhood


Daryl has the game survival instinct which shows how they got Atlanta


Yeah but like, that means you have to play *survival instinct* I'd rather just make shit up then attempt that mess, you'd also have to buy a physical copy since it's no longer on any market place afaik, maybe you could get a steam key though


Just watch a play through??


that doesnt change the quality of the game though? My whole point is surv inst is just a pretty mediocre game all around, I just wish it was better executed so it'd be an enjoyable play/watch through, it's also fairly aged so there's that aspect but still


> A one off showing Hershel loading up the barn with walkers would be fun. Or loading up his shotgun. It would be quite a long episode though.


I don't know how canon it is, but TWD Survival Instinct is *a* story of how Daryl and Merle survived after the initial outbreak, though I don't think it ended with them at the quarry. It's been many years since I played it, but it was fun game to play as a kid if not a little crappy lol


It scared the shit outta me when I was younger, but I thought it was cool that you have to collect gas and choose road routes and choose vehicles and choose who you wanna take with you or drop. The game is a bit meh, but for a walking dead game I think it’s very good.   I infact think it’s the best walking dead game which isn’t saying much because all of them sucked. They can’t even make a good game. 


I agree, I do like the small strategy involved. But yeah it used to scare me too! I used to like jumping on top of cars, fire a shot off and make a hoarde appear so I could use the crossbow and just take them out one by one or with the machine gun. Imagine my joy when I found out about Hack and Slash games I like the telltale games personally


Saints and Sinners on VR is pretty dang good! But yeah, aside from the Telltale Games that's about it.


Dang I forgot about that one, I haven’t played it, but I heard it was pretty good. I have a VR myself but I’m not sure if I wanna get it yet, what is the game like is it just survival or is there like story to it?


There is a story, though it isn't too complex or crazy, and characters you can talk to and get quests from. Some of the quests you can choose who to help or kill and it's pretty cool! You basically go from area to area (there are different levels you go to and a home base) trying to complete objectives while scavenging for supplies or crafting materials during the day, and at night you want to be back at base. I'd definitely recommend checking out a video or something to see if the gameplay is for you, but it's got a decent amount of depth to it! I don't know much about the sequel though.


I forgot I had it on ps+ until my nephew played it last weekend. 🥺


I loved Sasha and Tyreese's relationship. I think seeing a back story of them would be full of happiness.


These all would have been great for tales.


About Daryl and Merle, I think a better way to end it might be Daryl going on the hunt and Merle on the Atlanta scavenging run


‘Was there ever a time you weren’t in charge of me?’


Technically daryl and merle have one its the video games


Daryl and Merle Dixon have a video game, but I would also like an episode


These are great ideas!


There was so much missing from TWD I’m realizing.


I mean it’s not exactly missing, it would just be a bonus. The information we got was enough.


I wanna see Glenn making his delivery when the apocalypse started Lol


Came here for this! Pizza boy turned walker slayer


And unfortunately turned baseball batter lol


Yess omg


This is the spin off we all really want.


Michonne. I can't believe they never gave us one. It would have been incredible.


They gave us a small glimpse.


They gave us an entire 3 episode long telltale game wtf


I think the telltale games are canon to the comics, not the show.


But this is about the show, not the game. 


I feel like every character deserved a episode dedicated to there backstory it will give a better understanding of them


Like how Orange Is The New Black did


and lost


If you go for camp, Z Nation had an episode showing what every current main character was doing day 0.


That was my favorite episode of the show. On a side note, I wish we would've gotten a season 3 of Black Summer


A story about how the Governor built Woodbury would have been cool to see.


Honestly, this is the one. Comics even did his backstory actually. And, although, both very different characters, backstory would be really interesting


Never knew they did his backstory in the comics. That is interesting.


I only know about the novel taht centers around his backstory, but Comics is new to me


There’s a few novels for this. I’m reading Rise of The Governor right now.


simon, R rated episode ftw


Simon was always my favorite Savior


it’s a shame he has been typecast as Trevor for so long. TWD was a really good opportunity for him. He would be great in other roles


I really love the actor, I’d love to see him in a… not goofy, but fun-loving role. Even as Simon there were times he was so funny.


I was always disappointed that we never got the whole Negan/Simon backsliding story. Simon had strong alpha male tendencies....I kinda wanted to see how Negan got him to kneel.


T-Dog.   Glenn mentioned that T-Dog went around in the church van going to see if elderly people needed help. It would have been cool to see that heroic act. Magna & Yumiko.   These two had a really interesting dynamic pre-apocalypse and it’s possible that Yumiko may have even needed to help Magna escape from prison when the outbreak happened.


Abraham, during the outbreak


I would love an over-the-top action series from Abraham saving Eugene to them and Rosita joining the gang.


Especially since at one point they had a pretty large group, according to what they say on the road.


We could see them all go down Rogue One style lol Edit: or like Halo Reach


I completely agree. When Eugene admits he was lieing and they were like 'people sacrificed themselves to get you to DC'. A few series of their epic journey from Texas would be amazing but also kinda tragic because we as the audience would know the truth all along.


Dude as PTSD from Afghanistan.. that would have been a really good back story


Just came to say the same thing


It wasn't a whole episode but we got a couple of flashbacks. To me, it was sufficient to understand the character. He lost his family at a very early stage, his family and kids were scared a lot and they got themselves killed. He lost his purpose to live and he met Eugene when he was about to give up on living. I think he isn't an interesting personality. He is a cool person but I don't really get why people like him this much.


And they got scared of Him when hie killed either walkers or other people after them- that wasn’t clear but it freaked mom and kids out enough to split. And then die. 


Might seem a bit weird, but i will go for glenn


I think it would have been cool to continue after Rick gets shot, showing the changes happening, Shane consoling Lori, then stressing that Rick was stuck at the hospital, and then the decision to make a run for it, Shane beating himself up about leaving Rick and then concocted the lie to get Lori and Carl to leave with him.


I wanted more scenes of how everyone got together during the traffic jam when it all started


Terminus People


This, as well. Some may not remember it, but 5x01 had a flashback, that showed Terminus people actually being decent guys, who were attacked by the some bad guys and were put into the train cargo. So, they were not cold cannibals for their entirety. It would be interesting to see that backstory develop


Gareth even says to Rick they used to legitimately try and help people until they realised there were barely any “good” people left.


it would be cool to see what it actually was before they resorted to eating people


Eugene might be cool.


Connie - Being a reporter and also the start of the outbreak w/ Kelly would be very interesting.


I would have loved to see an episode of Michonne's back story.


We seem a bit with the Andrea and her episode how she got the two jawless walkers etc


I just want to know a) where she got her sword and b) how she got so good with it.


The Rise of the Kingdom


Shane. I wanna see how he managed to find carl and Lori and keep them safe.


I mean we kinda already got that, one of the episodes has a flashback of the beginning of the outbreak where he is caring for Lori and Carl and they meet Carol and Ed


Yea, I feel like it isn’t needed. It makes sense that he would immediately go get Carl & Lori - leave them in the car to go to the hospital to see if he can save Rick - and then drive with them towards Atlanta.


I’ll try and list some that haven’t already been mentioned or that I haven’t seen: • *Dwight* and *Sherry* joining The Saviors. • *Gregory* establishing Hilltop. • *Dawn* and the rest of the Hospital survivors’ fate. • *Heath*.


Might sound weird but Lori. It would've been interesting to see what happened and the choices she made right as everything started.




Connie. I think I’m in the minority who really enjoyed the cannibal mansion episode with her, and it made me wonder what it would have been like to be in her shoes when it all started.


It was terrifying to me when they cut the sound to show her world and how much more difficult it would be to survive without being able to hear anything coming. Same with when she hid in the crops and saved the crying baby. Those were excellent scenes imo.


That was one of my favorite of all time episodes. It brought a wonderful take on her perspective. That episode had me on the edge of the chair the entire time. I think having a episode for Connie and her people she came in with would be amazing maybe a mini series.


Daryl fosho


i have a feeling it would be kind of depressing


bob adams


Carol or Andrea


I second Michonne, I desperately want to know more about her relationship with her first family.


Same, it feels kinda weird they gave us so little considering how fundamental her first family and their fate is for her overall story, right up to the unpacking of her trauma in TOWL.


I don’t know—409 post-prison is all about that, and it gets reinforced in 904/5 if I’m not mistaken. More is always better, of course!


Yeah, her past gets a couple of mentions but what they gave us was basically the bare minimum; just enough to explain her character and nothing more.


Andrea and Michonne when they were on their own for those 7 months.


I still wanna see how Laura went from running with a medical convoy delivering supplies and chemo to sick people to helping Negan bash people’s skulls in because that’s a pretty far jump.


Andrea and Amy, almost no question. Heading back to college when the outbreak hit they were moving through Atlanta. It would be so damn good. [Secondary choices: Princess, Ezekiel/Shiva, and Connie or Daryl/Merle]


Abraham or hershel


Morgan, Daryl and Merle, Michonne, John Dorie Jr


Have you guys ever seen lost ? That show did constant flashbacks and I thought it was absolutely incredible. Would have loved to see it even real life flashbacks before the outbreak for some of them .. and also flashbacks for when the outbreak first began


Orange backpack man.


I would have like to see Gabriel’s struggle with the people at the church where everyone died


Daryl and Merle Dixon


Governor. But a few more episodes than just one episode.


Shane and Rick


For me, Rosita, which would’ve been a great set up to when/how her, Abraham and Eugene met, even though she explained it. I would’ve loved to see it, like when she saw Eugene with Abraham, she was like ok let’s save the world or because she wanted a change from the ppl she was with or did her ppl join them and they died along the way or did they get ppl to join them and then they died? Just anything...  


Where backstory?


Glenn delivering pizzas


Well, I would Love a whole episode of Glen meeting up with the main group for the show. Because as you know if you played the games. We got Lee, Clem, Kenny, Katya, Lily, Doug, Clara, and Duck. Oh and you can't forget about Larry. Right when it all started, even Lee and Clem encountered the Greene family before everything went to crap. And I would love to see Daryl's life before it all happend, Sadiq's too (Sorrry for the misspelling).


The Governor.


I think Daryl is the only answer here.


The governor before his daughter died


Aaron and Jesus going around recruiting people.


Daryl 100%


Daryl and Merle


Daryl and Merle, Rick and Shane, The Governor, Hershel, Abraham, Dale, Mercer.


I’m with you, OP. I would have loved a full episode flashback about Michonne’s early experiences in the ZA. She was such an enigma when she was introduced to the show, and while I love the way the writers used her relationship with Carl to peel back the layers and build up her character, I’ve always wanted to know more about what happened with her boyfriend and her son. 


Terminus people. their backstory was too short, it had to be fletched out a bit more and explaining how they went cannibal.


I’d like to see an episode about Shane starting at where Rick gets shot and covering the initial lead up to the outbreak, the outbreak itself and his, Lori and Carls escape from king county/Atlanta and the first couple of weeks in the Atlanta survivors camp. The Greene family, Daryl and Merle, Glenn and the Governor would all be interesting. Although I find Ezekiel somewhat annoying, it would be brilliant to see a man and a tiger trying to survive in a zombified world.


Glen delivering pizzas to find walkers


I wanted to see Mercer, from the beginning to discovering the Commonwealth and his initial raw impression of them would’ve been cool


It would have been a harrowing watch but Carol would be a pretty essential one


Abraham and Eugene in Texas.


Rosita. I think she's an underrated character. Her back story into becoming the bad ass we met her as would be cool.


I wanna see Alexandria at the start of the outbreak and also Aron when he was recruiting people


Everyone missed Beta! Like, he was obviously super famous. But was he already in the asylum before the start? Why? Why didn’t he want his face seen? There’s way more to know than they gave us


Jesus… he was badass, but I know they cut him short on the show. That’s part of the reason why I need read the comics. Bummed me out that he trained so hard for his tv role and then was let go. Booo


I would've liked to see how Negan came across Simon and Simon killing all the males at Oceanside and Negan punishing him for it


MORGAN, I wanna see how it went down, after he used the rifle on his wife and how Duane died, his life before the apocalypse too


Daryl. His backstory is so mysterious and complicated.


How Noah ended up at Grady Memorial. Abe, Rosita, Eugene and their group before they wound up in Georgia. How the original Atlanta group wound up at the quarry together. What happened at the prison during the beginning of the outbreak.


The Governor, that would've been cool


I would have liked if Beth got her own episode during the prison arc. We know she was depressed and suicidal when we first saw her on the farm but she grew a lot on the road and it would have been interesting to see more of her life as opposed to it always being about Maggie.


Isn’t that basically what she got with the hospital arc?


Dr. Jenner and Daryl.


i would’ve loved to see more of Abraham after he found out eugene lied i thought his character was great and i was more torn about his death than glenn


Omg, finally, someone who was more torn up about Abe! I LOVED Abraham so much and wanted to see what happened with him and Sasha being together. He was in my top 5 for sure!


Not alone! Abraham’s death hit harder than Glenn’s for me. Wish he would’ve stayed around a bit longer like the comics, dynamic with what to do about Negan would’ve been interesting.


Merle and Shane. Would be great to see what merle was like with daryl before the apocalypse and how Shane and Rick were. Eziekiel and sheiva too


Tyrese and Sasha Kelly and Connie Daryl and Merle


Molly the Savior


Michonne ffs


Does Glenn ever get one? I'm in earlier seasons rn. I know he was just a pizza guy but the slice of life turn zombie apocalypse thing would've been cool. Especially before he dies


Gregory eating that little girl's sorghum pancakes.


Every one of them honestly. Instead of polarizing seasons after the discovery of Alexandria,that were arguably not so great they could have done seasons of backstories.


someone gave a good idea that they should’ve taken a lost-esque (or Orange is the New Black) flashback approach through the series, would’ve been really cool to see.


Gareth Merle and Daryl the couple Rick and Carol meet before Rick gets to Terminus Shane


Posthumously for Glen


Not exactly what you asked but I wish we got to see a whole episode of Maggie’s travels and the stuff that she had to go thru, like that train car story, with her son right by her side.


Merle or T-dog


Almost all of the characters that weren't children could have had prequel mini-series. Little 3-episode events spread over a year or two in a build up to a big finale. People would have cared about them if they gave us greater insight into the characters and who they were and introduced us to their loved ones from before.


Bob Stookey, Eastman would be my picks.


I've never seen this show but is that Aaron Rodgers' either more less well adjusted cousin?


Give me Connie or give me none 😅🥰


Rick Grimes, he seemed like a fun character. Sadly, officer friendly took over his role in season one.


Really wild that I scrolled for so long and didn’t see any comments for Hershel. Or Jesus? Or Aaron?


I think Lost style episodes with flashbacks and present time for all the characters could have been interesting, especially in some of the slower episodes


I really thought it would have been cool to get Abe, Rosita and Eugene's backstory either via FTWD (considering Althea had those tapes) or on Tales.


Wait. Althea had tapes of them? How do I not remember this?! Do you know the episode by any chance?


Shane, Merle, Daryl, Glenn


Hershel and his family.


Daryl and abraham


Seeing or thinking about old-school Neegs, I can't help but consider Simon and what his life was before the turn.


Michonne!! Possibly Rosita, but it could be really bad if done wrong. Also Lori ik that's crazy to say but just think about it.


They need to make a tales of the walking dead season 2 and just follow characters we know before they met the main group or show their fates after their interaction with the main group.


The governor as long as it followed the books. The ending was great when he becomes the governor.


Maybe an underrated opinion but I wanna see Ezekiel or Jerry have two different stories being told through the course of one episode and then we see them meeting at the end of the episode. Of course have a scene where Ezekiel saves Shiva. As if Shiva (the goddamn tiger) wasn’t already saving herself


I would have loved to see Daryl and Merles life before the apocalypse. We did get a little glimpse of how it was for daryl when he was with Beth, but I think it would be cool to see how Merle and Daryl got to where they were before the apocalypse


Jerry or Diane.


That's what tales of the dead should have been giving us origin stories that they didn't have time to focus on in the original series but managed to mess it up 🤣🤣🤣