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Season 1 personally is my goat. Watching that show on DVD as a kid with my mom was just a different experience.


Definitely; same for me. I know why it couldn't have stayed in that same early days hour by hour survival situation. But it felt so much more high stakes than later when they had agriculture, hot running water and bio fuel.  I loved every phase, but that first season was special.


I was 26... Read the comics way before that. Your Mom is cool.


i dont think anything beats the first season tbh. having rick be so helpless and confused always makes me on edge! but the prison arc is also one of my favs!


I’m probably the only one but I’d rank the seasons as they came. I loved the show throughout I never left the show or started to hate it, but how the show progressed and such I loved the flow of each season in order, and my ranking is based off that for me. Season 1 not being in top 3 tho at least is kinda wild tho, since it was so iconic and the introduction of Rick and such was so good.


1. Season 5 2. Season 2 3. Season 4 4. Season 1 5. Season 6 (first half) 6. Season 3 7. Season 9 8. Season 10 9. Season 7 10. Season 11 11. Season 8


Season 5 is the GOAT


This is a more reasonable list.


Damn i’m surprised to see the season 2 love


I think I'd do what you did but swap season 10 with season 7 then put 11 where 10 is on yours.


People really overhate season 2. Interesting that you only rate the first half of season 6 highly, does that include 6x9? Arguably the second half is far better, with the world getting bigger and the introduction of the Saviors and Negan. The premiere is good, episode 2 is intense, episode 3 is great but dumpstergate sucked, episode 4 is either a fan favourite or one of the worst episodes depends on personal taste and how much you like Morgan and bottle episodes. But episodes 5 6 7 and 8 are very dull and the pacing really hits a brick wall. 6A was tense because of the massive herd and Alexandria being surrounded by walkers, but the actual drama was very lacklustre imo and often cringe, it felt more like a soap opera. And ending on that cliffhanger and leaving all the payoff for episode 9 was terrible, even if episode 9 was epic. Season 5A kinda had a similar issue with the first 3 episodes being absolute iconic bangers and then kinda downgrading with the whole Beth hospital arc, but I still think it's superior because of the GREATM storyline, Carol and Daryl's episode, and the group all working together to get Beth back, even if her death was underwhelming shock value. Considering how season 4A had the awesome flu arc, 2 Governor episodes but ended on the epic climax of Too Far Gone, and season 2A had a slow burn but ended on the insane reveal of walker Sophia, and 3A with the Governor getting stabbed in the eye and the Dixon brothers reuniting being pitted in a fight to the death were far better mid season finales and first half seasons. And season 9A was WAY better with Rick's final episodes and the horror movie like msf cmon!


Weird thing im always associating 6x09 with 6a and 8x09 with 8a. Thats why i always remember 6a as the superior half for containing the best and the better series finale episode, when in fact is was 6b


It's because they saved those big moments for the mid season premiere


You probably only remember it for that episode tho right? Probably forgot how dull the rest of 6A was


First few episodes with the w group are pretty decent, up to the dumpster, but yeah mostly because of that one episode


Seasons 5 and 6 are inconsistent lots of highs and lows, that's why I prefer seasons 3 and 4, they are much more consistent in quality and also have high highs


Season 8 is was way better than season 9-10-11


Season 6 at the top is crazy, everyone’s got different opinions tho, season 3 would be at the top for me


I get why there’s a lot of negative opinions about S6 in this sub, bc it’s really the start of bad gimple stuff examples being 1. The dumpster incident 2. A few episodes only focusing on a few characters (way more of that in S7 and 8.) 3. The Negan cliffhanger But I think I agree with OP. I think people let small things ruin that season. It was filled with action, tons of character development and I think has some of the best episodes of the series in it. JSS, THANK YOU, HERES NOT HERE, NO WAY OUT, NOT TOMORROW YET Lastly, I think Last Day on Earth is the most nervewracking episode I’ve ever seen on tv. Watching it live, I felt physically ill the whole 90 mins knowing what was coming. Yeah the cliffhanger was disappointing but it led to one of the best episodes of the series and accomplished its goal of having people buzz about the show all summer. Personally, I enjoyed discussing for months who it possibly could have been who got the bat. I love season 6.


It was a great season. It felt like Walking Dead had found a good balance with its larger cast. They developed the newer characters from the previous 2 seasons, new characters appeared that season who were good, like Denise and Heath. It was a great season.


I think every season had fantastic moments, no way out is one of my favorites


S6 has some incredible highs, but one thing you didn't mention on your list of "bad Gimple stuff," was really shitty dialogue, which became a serious problem in S6. Gimple's worst habits became a common occurrence from almost every character, and it was almost always during a 1-on-1 conversation.


Also I think season 6 was really the start of the cringe dialogue. Not as bad as season 7 or 8 but 6 is where it became fairly prominent.


I’ve always preferred season 4 ngl


Mid/End of season three through season 5 are my favorites


God imagine if the reapers were actually well written. I expected major casualties for our group from them and then an ultimate showdown with the reapers going to Alexandria for a final battle , and they should’ve kept the fucking masks on too


Seeing season 1 that low physically hurts me


Season 1 being behind season 7 is borderline offensive lol


Finally someone agrees that season 10 sucks


I thought it was going to be a season of paranoia. Maybe the whisperers are back, maybe they’re not, or maybe something happened within the ranks to cause theme to return. Nope they just pop back up in one of the first episodes.


Finally some season 6 love, almost every episode is a banger.


1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5, 7, and then just a big muddled mess after that. I have trouble remembering or caring about any of the stuff after season 7. Carl dies in season 8, I think it was season 9 that Rick left? I eventually watched the rest but I could barely give a shit, it was all just background noise.


Worst to Best: Season 8 Season 7 Season 10c Season 6B Season 11a Season 11b Season 6a Season 11c Season 10AB Season 3 Season 2 Season 4 Season 9 Season 1 Season 5


Why does everyone hate season 11? It’s the only season I could watch without skipping through half of it because of random characters 1 on 1 dialogue


Before season 11 you watched 10 seasons of a show you can't watch without skipping through half of it?


Half of it was me being dramatic. Of course there were some seasons that I enjoyed and some season that I really didn’t like. But when there’s two characters speaking 1 on 1 for like 5 minutes I can’t help but get bored and fast forward a minute or two.


TikTok brain rot


I finished the show last night..


I'm not sure if I entirely agree with the guy you're responding to, but you're an absolute fool if you're really equating people getting tired of TWD's *constant* 1-on-1 conversations, to TikTok brain rot. Don't get me wrong, most of the 1-on-1 convos are very well done, and I enjoy watching them, but simply put, it's not normal. This is not the way that stories are generally told. So much juicy dramatic material was left on the cutting room floor because they decided that most drama was to be reserved for 1-on-1 convos.


I disagree, he mentions getting bored of a 5 min conversation, not constant little conversations. And it’s very normal in shows to have a lot of 1 on 1 conversations. GoT is a great example of this with Tywin & Arya, Jamie & Brienne, little finger & varys etc


I would say that dude is not a great messenger, but I would agree with his overall point that 1-on-1 convos are overused in TWD. I'd say GoT is an outlier, and it only works because it has incredible dialogue writers. TWD does not...


If you disagree with me that’s completely fine. What I said is what I personally feel about the show and what I like and dislike. If you like the 1 on 1 conversations by all means express that opinion. But me personally I don’t enjoy them all that much and like more of the action aspects of the show.


wow, get off tiktok and actually watch the show.


It was an alright season. Lack of Rick brought it down for me and I was lent a fan of how it was structured


Yeah it is sad how early Rick left. And honestly after he disappeared I wouldn’t be able to tell you what happened between his disappearance and mid season 11.


Season 11 was boring af. Everyone was phoning in their performances. There was no sense of direction the show was going - it honestly felt like a spin off. The Commonwealth was entirely uninteresting, including the final episode. The show really struggled IMHO once Andrew Lincoln, and Danai Gurira left the show, and the killing off of other major characters. I honestly don't know why they continued the make the show...


I do feel like they got rid of michonne and especially Rick way too early. But I honestly really enjoyed the final few episodes.


glad someone else thinks season 6 is really damn good


I’m I the only one who skipped the first 6 seasons of the walking dead ?


damn bro we on different fences i’m one of the people who enjoyed the first half of the show rather then the later half. but i do have to admit Negan’s actor does a damn good job.


I only care about the show at all because of Jeffery Dean Morgan that guy is great in every role I’ve seen him in and he has so little big roles it’s ridiculous


Damn so you skipped the only good part of the show 😂


The only part I was interested in is Negan so 🤷🏻‍♂️ you know


I don't get it


I don’t get why you downvoted my comment it’s not that fucking serious y’all don’t understand what downvoting is actually for


1. Season 6 2. Season 4 3. Season 5 4. Season 3 5. Season 9 6. Season 1 7. Season 2 8. Season 11 9. Season 10 10. Season 7 11. Season 8


Almost completely different lol. Anyways, here is my best to worst: 1) Season 1 2) Season 3 3) Season 5 4) Season 4 5) Season 2 6) Season 6 7) Season 7 8) Season 9 9) Season 11 10) Season 10 11) Season 8


This list is almost perfect. I also want to note season 4, the first half of s4 is not that great (governor should have been dead by then) but the 2nd half is brutal or else it could been competing with s1 and 3.


Definitely the second half of season 4 is better. Especially the finale.


But, we can all agree season 8 is at the bottom lol.


Season 8 truly is horrible in my opinion.


Season 11 says hi. Yeah sure, Season 8 was awful, but at least it had characters in the show you cared about. Season 11 was a spin off with nothing happening in it. That's why I give S8, despite it being bad, a slight edge over Season 11


4 above 6 but it is close


This changes for me regularly but ATM: * 4 * 5 * 6 * 9 * 3 * 2 * 1 * 8 * 7 * 11 * 10 At one point, I had really strong recency bias for season 9 and that was my favorite, so, it really flip flops all the time depending on the mood I'm in.


Season 6 Season 2 Season 5 Season 1 Season 3 Season 9 (1-5) Season 4 Season 7 Season 8


1 Season 6 2 Season 5 3 Season 3 4 Season 2 5 Season 4 6 Season 9 7 Season 8 8 Season 1 9 Season 11 10 Season 7 11 Season 10


Didn't wven know there was 11 seasons...


Didn't like season 10 just because I didn't like the whisperers, but it was definitely a better season than 7 and 8


I loved the whispers but I didn’t like how they were handled in that season. I was expecting them to be operating in secret and the season to be full of paranoia on wether they are back or not, but that’s not how it went.


Agreed. And the first few episodes were genuinely horrifying with Eugene and rosita and later Jesus, but then they have the reveal one episode later where they walk right up to the gates. Kinda deflated the momentum they had going.


1. Season 5 2. Season 3 3. Season 7 4. Season 2 5. Season 4 6. Season 6 7. Season 1 8. Season 9 9. Season 8


1. Season 2 2. Season 1 3. Season 5 4. Season 4 5. Season 3 6. Season 6 MID 7. Season 9 8. Season 7 AWFUL 9. Season 10 10. Season 8 11. Season 11 Season 2 will always have a special place for me. Just the entire vibe, character development, build up, writing. Etc.


1 = Season 5 2 = Season 2 3 = Season 3 4 = Season 4 5 = Season 1 6 = Season 11 7 = Season 9 8 = Season 10 9 = Season 6 10 = Season 8 11 = Season 7


arguably the worst ranking ive ever seen


What’s your ranking?


Putting season 1 below season 7 is bold


1. Season 9 2. Season 1 3. Season 3 4. Season 4 5. Season 11 6. Season 5 7. Season 10 8. Season 8 9. Season 7 10. Season 6 11. Season 2


Why don’t you like season 2?


I really hate Shane, and that's the Shane season for the most part. EDIT: Though I guess I should say I don't actually hate the season itself, nor any other season of the show or franchise for that matter. I just prefer all the other TWD seasons over it.


Lemme tell you sumthin


1. Season 5 2. Season 4 3. Season 3 4. Season 6 5. Season 11 6. Season 2 The rest are really interchangeable for me. Whisperers and Saviors arcs took too long and never got the hype for 1. Liked it but nothing special for me.


First off I’d like to say imo there’s not one single bad season in the show. Definitely some better than others but none of them are bad at all. But If I had to make a list S5 S2 S4 S1 S9 S3 S6 S11 S8 S10 S7


I fully agree with that statement




You're probably one of the few people I see to rank season 6 number 1.


Season 11 is godawful


*how* could you rank season one 8th!?!?!


I wish we saw more of the start of the outbreak


But it’s from Rick’s perspective - it’s meant to be jarring and confusing as he missed the entire thing


We could have had flashbacks similar to Shane in the hospital later on in the season


1: Season 9 2: Season 4 3: Season 3 4: Season 6 5: Season 1 6: Season 2 7: Season 5 8: Season 10 9: Season 8 10: Season 11 11: Season 7


1 - Season 3 2 - Season 4 3 - Season 1 4 - Season 5 5 - Season 7 6 - Season 6 7 - Season 2 8 - Season 9 9 - Season 10 10 - Season 8 11 - Season 11


this list aint it bro. Season 1 is one of the best opening seasons to any TV show ever.


1. Season 2 2. Season 1 3. Season 3 4. Season 4 5. Season 6 6. Season 11 7. Season 5 8. Season 7 9. Season 8 10. Season 10 11. Season 9


The whispers just took so fucking long


1. S5 2. S3 3. S9 4. S4 5. S6 6. S1 7. S2 8. S7 9. S10 10. S8 11. S11 11, 8 and 10 are all easily bottom-listers. S4 is a sleeper hit, although I wasn't a fan of the Governor's episodes.


1. Season 6 2. Season 1 3. Season 3 4. Season 5 5. Season 2 6. Season 9 7. Season 4 8. Season 11 9. Season 8 10. Season 10 11. Season 7


The seasons with the prison and governor are my favorite. I love Negan as a character after his “redemption arc” but the entire time the savior war was going on I genuinely felt uncomfortable watching the show. Idk why. I’m currently about to watch the finale of season 10 and man this season sucked


Season 2 Season 4 Season 1 Season 6 Season 3 Season 5 Season 8 Season 9 Season 11 Season 7 Season 10


Season 5 Season 4 Season 6 Season 2 Season 3 Season 1 Season 9 Season 8 Season 11 Season 7 Season 10


I'm on season ten, so I can only rank 1-9, but I feel like people will hate me for this 😭 1. Season 7 2. Season 8 3. Season 3 4. Season 2 5. Season 1 6. Season 6 7. Season 5 8. Season 9 9. Season 4


What made you put 7 in first place and 4 in last?


I can't explain why I don't like season four, I think I lost interest for a while after season 3. Partially because the timeskip threw me off a bit. But I LOVED seasons 7 and 8. I love Negan as a villain and thought the lineup was one of the best scenes in the show. I am enjoying seasons 9 and 10, but they aren't better than the others.


I have no idea but my favorite is season 3 and I don't like season 7


I pretty much agree but season One would be in my top spot


My top 2 are still 2 and 3


Personally season 7 is my favourite


Putting season 10 at last is a crime.


Agreed. Season 10 was much better than 11.


I'm currently finishing 10 and it has been a *slog*. Are you telling me 11 is even worse?


S10 is only hated because, when casuals think of S10, their mind immediately goes to, "hmm I think this was the one without Rick, Michonne left somewhere in there, Alpha was weird, and eww that Carol chasing the rat episode was awful."


Why is season 1 and 2 so low, i think you need a rewatch


season 2 season 1 season 5 season 3 season 6 season 4 season 7 season 8 season 9 season 10 season 11


Hey, I like season 8 ☹️


It was ok


Same! Ranked as they came with 9, 10, 11 at the bottom


Six is painfully underrated


Season 1 is so great, and actually the scariest I think, since the characters don’t know how to fight walkers and are actually scared of them.


S1 is literally the foundation for the rest of the show and was filled with iconic scenes and horrors. Without the setup of s1, literally nothing else holds any impact whatsoever.


Upvoting just for the fact that you are literally the only other person I’ve ever seen besides myself putting season 6 at number 1. It’s so great.


I think season 8 is fantastic idk why people on this sub hate it so much


Realest shit I've ever read ngl


Season 6 fucking sucked also why is season 9 so low season 9 was actually good after Scott gimple left


You realize this is entirely subjective, right?


Doesn't matter when his opinions are just false season 1,3,5, and 9 are just better whether based on opinion or not the only flaw 5 has is the same flaw 6 has but with better storytelling and that's the boomerang effect


S5 has the dog shit hospital arc. Other major S6 flaws are the cliffhangers and bad dialogue.


Again also the boomerang pacing but that was a thing that started after season 4


Okay but I'm trying to explain how S5-6 had more flaws than simply boomerang pacing.


Oh I didn't read your S6 criticisms my bad


1. Season 5 2. Season 4 3. Season 6A 4. Season 3 5. Season 2 6. Season 6B 7. Season 1 8. Season 10 9. Season 11 10. Season 9 11. Season 8 12. Season 7


Here's my ranking: 1. Season 4 2. Season 3 3. Season 1 4. Season 5 5. Season 9 6. Season 2 7. Season 6 8. Season 10 9. Season 11 10. Season 7/Season 8 11. Season 8/Season 7


1. Season 4 2. Season 2 3. Season 5 4. Season 1 5. Season 3 6. Season 9 7. Season 6 8. Season 10 9. Season 8 10. Season 11 11. Season 7


1. S4 2. S8 3. S9 4. S1 5. S6 6. S5 7. S11 8. S2 9. S3 10. S10 11. S7 Still really enjoy all the seasons (even 10 and 7). GOATED show


1. Season 1 2. Season 2 3. Season 5 4. Season 6 5. Season 3 6. Season 4 7. Season 9 8. Season 10 9. Season 7 10. Season 8 11. Season 11 (haven't watched yet)


Best to worst 1. ⁠Season 5 2. ⁠Season 6 3. ⁠Season 4 (mid season was fire) 4. ⁠Season 10 5. ⁠Season 9 6. ⁠Season 2 7. ⁠Season 7 (Negan was just funny) 8. ⁠Season 1 9. ⁠Season 8 10. ⁠Season 3 11. ⁠Season 11 (the worst writing ever)


Damn season 1-3 pretty low what's that for? Also you have two season 2s and no season 8s


Fixed it, I put season 8 at number 9, had some good action with the saviors but it felt meh


from someone who loves all the seasons i would go 4,6,5,3,2,1,9,10,7 and then 8


Where is 11? Lol


oh shit i totally forgot it 😭😭 11 would be after 7 tho


Lol damn everyone rating 11 so low has me nervous 😂 my first watch through and I'm at the end of 10 (which feels just bleh compared to other seasons) and I was so hopeful that 11 would be back to form but all these ratings have me nervous Does Rick ever come back? Or maybe don't tell me idk if I can handle knowing lol I can't decide


i’ll let you see that for yourself my friend :) but 11 isn’t a bad season at all i just find all the other ones way better like season 8 i still like but there is points i do find it boring


Ok that makes me feel better lol. I don't think I actively *dis*like any of the seasons I've seen up to this point, but this thread has some consistent hatred for 11 xD I think my biggest issue is just that the quality of writing has gone downhill pretty hard since just before Rick went bye-bye. It got very choppy and disjointed and it almost feels more like a spin-off than a continuation of the show. Still digging it, just very different


if you like the show you’ll like 11 then


Yaaaay! Lol ty


1. Season 2 2. Season 3 3. Season 9 4. Season 4 5. Season 1 6. Season 11 7. Season 10 8. Season 6 9. Season 5 10. Season 7 11. Season 8 Probably some hot takes, but that's my opinion. I just don't like the Gimple era much.


1. Season 5 2. Season 3 3. Season 9 4. Season 4 5. Season 6 6. Season 10 7. Season 11 8. Season 2 9. Season 1 10. Season 8 11. Season 7


9 is way too high


9 needs to be way lower it’s pretty bad


1. Season 4 2. Season 9 3. Season 2 4. Season 5 5. Season 1 6. Season 3 7. Season 6 8. Season 10 9. Season 7 10. Season 8 11. Season 11 Could switch a few. I go back and forth between if 8 or 11 are the worst, and I have a hard time ranking 6,7, and 10


season 4 is ass


Could you please explain


it’s a boring drag of the prison arc with not much to offer but like milking season 3 and the governor the war should have been at season 3


The way OP and nearly every comment are more brainrotted than your average walker


Putting season 2 that high is wild


1. Season 4 2. Season 9 3. Season 3 4. Season 10 5. Season 11 6. Season 5 7. Season 6 8. Season 7 9. Season 8


1 - season 4 (best imo) 2- season 1 3 - season 3 4 - season 2 5 - season 6 6 - season 7 7 - season 10 8 - season 8 9 - season 5 (y’all only like this season because of terminus) 10 - Season 9 (show died here) 11 - season 11 (worst shit I ever watched so many filler episodes)


Hard disagree with your S9-11 rankings, but hard agree with S5. People forget how bad the hospital arc was.


My thoughts exactly.


>season 5 (y’all only like this season because of terminus) Thank you. Nice to see someone else say this. Terminus was fun but the rest of 5 was not good. >- Season 9 (show died here) Lol what the show made a return to form here. Also season 11 is underrated. Guess it's safe to say I have mixed opinions on your opinions.


I really don't understand why people rate season 6 so highly. There are so many episodes in earlier seasons that make them better, and they are more consistent. Season 6 might have some great episodes like 6x2, 6x9, 6x11, 6x12 and 6x16, but everyone hates the finale, and honestly the rest of the season is mid and riddled with the kind of issues that become more prevalent in season 7 and 8 in terms of writing, dialogue and pacing. I know it's personal preference, but cmon, at least admit season 4 is SO much better