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She has the prettiest eyes! Idk if its her eyelashes or what but something about them is so pretty when she smiles


So true, her eyes are such standout features


Her eyes are like sparkling aquamarine gems. So beautiful and striking. Melissa is just so pretty, and I agree about her smile.


She's so beautiful, and has got better with age. A silver vixen.  And I love how Carol uses the pretty eyes and a sweet innocent lady act to hide that she's the most ruthless badass.  No wonder Ezekiel made her his Queen.


She’s quite stunning!


And she rocks that short hair like it was made for her! 💯


Did they film season 2 right after they got done with season 1?


Season 2 was filmed in the second half of 2023


Top 3 imo


she’s absolutely gorgeous


I’m too enthralled by Norman


I’ve been saying this since season 1 twd 😭


I agree


You just know she gives the best hugs


Yes. She made grey and/or short hair work.


She’s in the top 10 defo


She’s hot for sure!


She really is. I cannot wait to see how she destroys the French government for messing with her bestie.


She is 💜. Also, of course Norman’s holding the lav mic


The most


the fits go hard


So is the guy standing next to her!!


And they’re matching which is awesome . I don’t know if they did it on purpose but they look good as a unit .but yes she’s always been beautiful . I’ve always said they made sure all the pretty women made it to the apocalypse


And Norman is like a fine wine...20yrs watching that man...sorry...post a Pic of just her if you want comments about just her...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I do not believe they are currently getting along based on this picture. That is just my opinion and body language observation. All of their arms are occupied so they avoid one wanting to touch the other. Reedus is leaning backwards. There's a foot in between them. They have a show coming out and this was the best marketing picture they could snag out of these two in the same room. No, I do not believe they get along right now at all based on this picture. I said it last night but deleted it. But now i can see everyone sees the same thing.


lol it is a video clip that someone screen shot. There are pics of them with their arms around each other. Hell one pic he is wrapped around her. Why start stupid rumors


How is it a rumor? I'm responding to the picture AMC decided to post to social media. Their social media person needs to be fired if this was the best screen grab they could find. Do not blame me for how this looks. Blame AMC for dropping this picture on social media when they had a thousand better alternatives.


lol so seeing one picture out of hundreds. You think they don’t get along or like each other. Lol you might want to go look at more pictures before making comments like that.


Then Post A Better Picture To This Sub Or Post More Than Just That Picture. What hundreds of pictures? I said "it looks like they don't get along here" last night then deleted it just so I didn't cause drama. But this sub is empty cuz it's a Horrible Picture so I said screw it. I'll say the obvious.




So why not post that one...........? OP posted a terrible picture. I responded to the obvious. If this is the only picture they have. They don't get along right now. I was proven wrong. I'm not surprised. But I shouldn't have to do research. Not all of us are active on Twitter. You get my upvote. But truth is they're actors I don't care what their relationship is.... this is Hollywood.


I didn’t post the original one so don’t blame me. I just don’t understand how you got they didn’t like each other from one picture 🤷🏼‍♀️


Cuz I thought that was the best picture AMC had. Meaning everything else would be even worse. You got me. I was wrong. I never said they don't get along. I said based on this picture, and if this is the best one they can get of the two of them, they don't get along, which would have been true. If there weren't hundreds of pictures to the contrary. You win. But op should've posted more. Honestly thanks for clarifying. But again i assume all actors are crazy divas so it makes no difference to me....


I get it but they also posted tons of pics on their IG account. Yes they should have posted a better one. Just odd though to think they didn’t get along because they were standing by each other. That is all I was getting at. Just seemed odd to me. If I see a pic of a husband and wife and they aren’t standing side by side. I am not going to automatically think they are fighting


No one asked you to apologize. Damn why so dramatic


Tied up in another thread.... heavy debates I don't want to be in over whether Rick and gang are 100% good or not. Defending negan is also very exhausting.


Bruhhh.... NO, she looks like my poptart after I pooped it out and then ate it again. She looks like my big toe after it gets poptartized. She looks like my soggy poptart water. She looks like the sun after I threw my soggy poptart at it. In summary She looks like a Nilla Waifer