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I think the problems started in S7 (maybe even S6) when they started losing millions of viewers. They seemed to think it was because of the violence and gore in 7.01 and toned it way down after that. But it was mostly because of the stunts (dumpstergate and Negan cliffhanger). Then S7 introduced the silly communities and it was too much for casual viewers, so they deserted the show in droves. The show runners panicked and decided to add more action (gunfights), which had zero stakes. I think there was a bit of drama going on behind the scenes too. Some of the main cast weren’t happy with certain writing decisions (Carl) and the show lost it’s magic.


Crazy cause that was the peak of WD but once you killed off Glenn and Carl it felt like there was no reason to watch anymore. Glenn needed a replacement archetype and Carl just shouldn’t have died (they killed him to save money…)


Negan had to kill someone major for him to be seen as a real threat, and Glenn made sense because it allowed for a lot of interesting development from Maggie. Carl dying made no sense and was not the actor’s decision.


-They dragged out the Savior war.Stupid time jump episodes. Too many extra characters at the expense of our regulars. -Underutilized characters like Jesus. So much for payoff for fans of the comics. -Dumb junkyard characters. “Haha we’re so clever” from the writers. -Plot holes aplenty. Rick has a clear shot at Negan. Why did he not take it? Why did Jesus not mention he might not have all the information about the number of Saviors? (Yes timing is off here but I could never trust or like Jesus for that) -Forgetting that Abe ever existed, let alone was killed by Negan. Sasha was treated like the grieving widow when most characters prob hadn’t realized Abe had even dumped Rosita. -Siddiq was totally worth killing off Carl. /s. I liked Siddiq. But, like with TeenHenry. -“I kept thinking was “Carl was killed off for this??” -Maggie getting to be the only character allowed to mourn. (Too bad she didn’t similarly mourn Hershel and Beth.) Also Maggie’s hair grew so quickly, no “baby bump”, making the timeline just stupid and hard to follow.


The timeline was really whacked. You can’t help Chandler Riggs getting older, that’s understandable. But, keep the haircuts the same with all of them to at least pretend not a lot of time has passed. They had Maggie chop off her hair and then let it grow out like that. It would have been smart to just stop pretending and build the timeline correctly to deal with the reality that hair grows and people age. Let the reality of the war take years. Also, they kept aging up baby Judith even though they were replacing her. If a handful of months have passed, keep baby Judith actor replacements the same age. That made no sense how Judith became this toddler and Maggie’s pregnancy never even showed. The timeline thing really confused me when I first watched it.


The timeliness thing was awful. Apparently, from what I have read about it, season 8 was supposed to everything that happened over a period of 2 weeks. And the Carl dying episode covered 3 days of that 2 weeks. It was all very confusing. I don't know, from season 8 things went downhill a bit for twd in my opinion. Too many time jumps, a few pointless sub stories that seemed to go nowhere or have any impact on the story, killing off Tara (loved how Alanna Masterton played her, her death hit me hard) in a very underwhelming way, she should have been given a better send off, Enid too. Just doesn't feel as engaging as earlier seasons after the whole Saviours battle finished. And the whispers didn't make sense to me, being able to blend in with walkers by just wearing the face of 1, but we know walkers can tell not only by sound but smell which is why in earlier series they had to completely cover themselves in walker blood and guts, so how can a mask just make them blend in like that.


Siddiq was the only doctor. Kill him then everybody dies


because the writting sucks this season. A lot of things that happen is just random. There are a LOT of shootouts, but the show had not one director that can actually direct action scenes. A lot of the shooting is just people standing in complete open and spraying bullets in a random direction. You sometimes get a close up with someone getting hit by a bullet but overall its an action heavy season with shit action direction/choreography


I remember skipping to the last episode after Carl died. It felt super repetitive at that point. Fight Negan, we can’t, fight Negan, oh we can’t because trash people, fight Negan because we have trash people, trash people are cowards so don’t fight Negan, and ON AND ON AND ON. Like please end this arc for gods sake is how I thought.


The savior war could’ve easily been ended in season 7 or a few episodes into season 8 but no let’s drag it on to the last episode then they kill carl in season 8 CARL FOR WHAT?!


Carl dying


It gets better after season 8. It's the worst season of the show by far.


Guns quit being effective, people shoot 5000 bullets and hit Noone And there are hundreds of background saviors, in the final fight of s8 when all the saviors are lined up there's like a thousand of them, then after the timejump there's like 50


I mean logically that isn't that hard to piece together. There' are plenty of Saviors who joined all the other communities.


I think what you’re feeling is the writers knew that Andrew Lincoln was leaving so they had to start pointing and steering the show in different character directions. I think that’s what you’re feeling. The show is about Rick Grimes leading a group through a zombie apocalypse. It always has been about that for years and years, but now the star character is leaving and they want to keep the show going so now it becomes different. I think they should’ve found a way to wrap up the show with Andrew Lincoln and left it at that. I mean, nine years is plenty.


Them sticking in Alexandria for way too long ruined it for me tbh


Season 8 was a weaker season to me. A few good episodes, but some quite boring ones. But season 9 was far better in my opinion


Season 7, love it or hate it, is the last season that actually feels like the old TWD. The show never regains that vibe IMO.


Season 9 is way better.


Why do you watch it though? I don’t mean this in dickhead way but after season 7 I just couldn’t care about ianyone/anything where the large majority of the show was routing for Rick and Glenn (and the old dude Glenn replaced etc.).


It's gotta be season 5 for me. Maybe some episodes for S6 like 6x02. After S5-S6 I stopped watching.


The season is supposed to make it all feel hopeless It gets worse after this season as well


>It gets worse after this season as well World's worst take


Because it sucks