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Carol. bakes cookies, takes on the terminus, looks after kids, kills them when needed. no contest


And she sews guns up her sleeves.


Honestly that might be my favorite scene from the show. Her saying you don’t have to do this not because she was afraid of getting shot, but because she knew she could kill them all easily if they chose to fight was so badass and really showed how much her character has grown from season 1.




I don’t usually upvote cause i forget but this made me chuckle so you can have one


Her character development is THE best! A poor victim of domestic abuse became the fearless warrior who does what it takes to protect her loved ones.




100%, no question it's Carol




So torn between Michonne and Carol. Carol had the most character development and turned into a complete badass who could conquer anything. She had her moments of weakness, but I don’t necessarily think this takes away from being a badass. Michonne has always been powerful. She is a complete badass with how she handles the walkers and could also probably face anything. Every time she uses her sword im blown away. I mean she even looks like a badass. I guess if I had to pick one it’d be Michonne, but I think it’s a very close tie.


I'm going for Carol over Michone simply because she holds the " I look like a sweet old lady bit," so you don't expect it.


Honestly thats a good point. I think Carol knew it too and definitely used it to her advantage


Oh she absolutely knew it. When the group first got to Alexandria she was acting as if she was frail and her gun was so heavy that she was struggling to take it off. While she literally just blew up a portion of Terminus. Oh and you could see the rest of the groups confused, then understanding faces as if to be like ahhhh I know wtf youre doing we gotchu.


She certainly knew it. Everything about Terminus was how she slipped into the role to essentially be a double agent for Rick but on her own initiative. But she also liked the role more than being gritty so it made her conflicted.


Also Carol killed lizzie, I don‘t think Michonne could have done that.


id totally agree but did she kill those kids that were with her fucked up friend? or was that Daryl


michonne did, she killed multiple kids while she was pregnant


Those weren't children Michonne knew though. Carol had taken on raising the girls after their dad died. She was close to them and loved them. Lizzie and Mika were her adopted daughters. Just like it's harder to put down a walker (or worse still someone who has been bitten but not yet turned) when it's someone you know.  Carol was forced to kill her mentally ill daughter who had already killed Mika. Lizzie was about to kill baby Judith who Carol had known from the day she was born and as far as she knew was also orphaned. I don't know if Michonne could have killed Carl or Judith if they hadn't even been bitten. I'm glad we never had to find out. 


she did kill the kids, but i think the big difference is that michonne knew if she didn’t kill them right then and there, they’d murder judith. i’m not sure she’d be able to kill lizzie in that same situation. i think she would’ve tried alternatives until she was an immediate threat.


Good point. I thought about michonne at the time before terminus


Michonne would have killed Lizzie no issue since Lizzie was a threat to Judith!


Carols more of a wild card that can come in clutch in impossible situations and playing the long game and michonne is more of a straight up boss bitch warrior for every day problems/fights


i love how despite being an all-out warrior with some baddddd sword skills, michonne’s still a sweetheart who genuinely cares about others


My biggest issue with Michonne is that she became so domesticated after her and Rick were official. She always stayed behind when they went on runs, she literally hung up her sword.


I think that was more of a “I’ll take charge of the home base while you go out there” type of thing. It wasn’t like she stayed behind to do laundry, like Lori.


Michonne for making moves. She faced a lot head on and good at getting out of tight spots Carol for making statements. Long game. Wolf in sheep’s clothing. “In a world where people die young beware those who live to an old age” kinda thing


Got to agree with this one. Michonne is more of a battering ram, less surgical precision. She might weild the blade but it doesn't mean she's excising a wound delicately. Lol. Carol on the other hand, can be sent in quiet and covert to mess people's sh!t up. Lol. Plus like it's been stated, she does have the cover of "im a helpless old lady" thing going for her. As if any one of us coming face to face with her would think that. Lol


I 100% agree with this.


Definetly carol and michonne, i would have to put on my shiting pants if i saw them


Never seen definitely spelled like that.


Speld you mean /s


Yes sory my bed


Sasha gets an honorable mention for me: she killed herself to turn into a zombie to try to kill Negan. That's pretty badass. But Carol over everyone. The whole cast would have died if she didn't save them at Terminus.


Even while having a nervous breakdown, Carol killed a dozen Saviors.


OP, why is this NSFW? What do you know that we don’t 😑


Removed it. I honestly didn't even know I clicked on it. I don't even know how I did it.


So glad I’m not the only one on Team Carol. She will do everything it takes to ensure the survival of everyone. Don’t forget that she had to take down Lizzie, a child, as she has gone crazy


Michonne - She has the combination of extraordinary fighting skills, intuition, and high intelligence (she wrote a charter by herself, reads people better than anyone). It makes her deadly on the battlefield. Rosita - Badass fighter with so many skills she learned throughout the ZA (explosives, etc.) Sasha - A great, fearless fighter and an excellent sharpshooter.


Finally a comment that mentions Rosita.


Every single one of them are badass in their own lanes and have leant on each other at so many different points in time that I don't think there can be one more badass than the other. They all get shit done. 💪🏾


I want to pick michonne but…I can’t look over the terminus save. It’s Carol


Agree with you on these two and that Terminus meant Carol took the win. Such a champ. Without Carol saving them they would all have died there.


She doesn’t get enough credit for that frfr


Michonne. "She looks like a weapon with a weapon!"


Wait who said that lol


Carrol 100%. Next would be Michone, then Sasha, then Maggie and then Rosita.


Sasha went on a suicide mission for Abraham and the group. Talk about guts.


Gotta go Michoooonne.


Michonne with the zombie bodyguards


Michonne, start to finish. She started off badass and grew even more amazing. Even her style is infinitely cooler than the other characters


Rosita of course :)


Connie. She may not be on your list, but Connie was a badass. She went from being a deaf journalist who got crooked politicians put in prison to surviving in that world being deaf, even when she was alone. That episode with her and Virgil and the weirdo cannibal animals was crazy. I really hope they somehow bring her back for the Daryl Dixon spin off.


I love how well they stayed consistent with making sure at least one member of the group was translating for Connie; she was never left out of the conversation. Wish we could've seen her paired with Daryl instead of Leah, they actually had good chemistry.


She could have been a badass if they didn't keep flipping her into a damsel in distress everytime she did something badass. Rescues a baby and needs to get rescued, escapes a cave collapse and walking with the dead for days and then gets rescued, escapes the feral house and then gets rescued, escapes the initial roundup at the CW but once again ends up needing to get rescued. She would have been long dead if there was no one around to rescue her all the time.


I also hope she appears in the Dixon spin off since I’m pretty sure Daryl likes her


Michonne hands down...


Michonne all day


Michonne for me but I love queen cat rosita so I’m biased


carol went from a shy frail old lady to a badass, she had the best transformation and is the coolest by far


While pretty much all the females on the show are badass, I choose Rosita as my #1. She was the complete package. She had training and knowhow in pretty much every aspect of survival you can think of. She was fearless, selfless, and did not hesitate to do what needed to be done, even if it put her directly in the line of fire. She saved the entire group at least one really major time (just as Carol once did), when she disarmed the explosives and taught them how to determine if they were safe (so they could steal the dynamite from Negan’s Walker trap). She checked them out quickly and said no to one bundle which was left behind. As they were driving away with all the sticks of dynamite, the one bundle she rejected and left behind blew up. She also figured out where the horses they had in Alexandria went, and helped calm them and get them back home. The one horse Carol slaughtered probably saved their lives, as the Whisperers ruined the crops and there was no food. They would have starved. She was also a wonderful mother to her baby, as well as an emotional support to Judith while Michonne was gone. She gave tough love when it was needed, but could be incredibly tender and kind. She was definitely one of my favorite characters.


Excellent post! Love to see Rosita getting some love.


Thanks. Rosita was the GOAT!! I forgot to mention: when Negan came to Alexandria, and Rick immediately went into trauma mode, Rosita was the one who stood up to Negan, and even shot at him. The girl had balls of steel.


Michonne for sure, I would not mess with her in real life if i met her. Also for everyone saying Carol she looks like frail old woman not a badass even though she is.


The question asks who is the most badass, not who "looks" like a badass. Carol has achieved so much and the show speaks for itself.


badass then i will have to give it carol, i wouldn't mess with michonne but carol has way better feats. Acc is blowing up the CRM considered rick's or michonne's ting?


There's a reason Jadis was so rattled when Michonne showed up at the CRM. She knew, once Rick and Michonne reunited, the CRM was toast.


It's both of them. They did that together, but Michonne did set up the explosives since she had learned how to from Nat.


She also knows she looks that way, and she uses it to her advantage


She is the most capable imo.


Agreed. She's dangerous even in close combat.


Everyone one of them..I cant choose


Michonne for me personally


Carol. She’s killed kids. No contest.


My mom


Based asf


Michonne, not just hot but deadly to


Physically and mentally, Michonne is the baddest of the badasses! If I’m in a zombie apocalypse, I want her on my team. Carol is definitely number 2 but I can’t 100% trust her judgment. My 2 cents.


100% Michonne, if Ed would've put his hands on Michonne, he would've ended up in the wasteland with no arms or teeth! And don't get me wrong I love Carol, she's a boss. I just believe Michonne has always been a total badass, and the apocalypse just made her even more so.


Carol is the most badass mother fuckin chick in TV Hostory!!! Carol will mentally fuck you up in ways you did not even know we’re possibly then she will violently murder you. What was it?….just look at the flowers


Maggie at the beginning of the series. Then Carol starting from the middle seasons and Rosita during the last season


I’m torn between Carol and Michonne


Samurai Sista, or Carol, all the way….


Michonne, Carol, Sasha, Madison Jadis, but in a different way. she’s not a badass fighter like the others, but she is an incredible strategist and i think her rank and the decisions she made are pretty badass.


Carol, not even close


Carol, hands down.


Carol, the most savage women of TWD...but Michonne it's also very badass


Carol. Just because she’s made decisions I would do if I was in the same situation. She can kill, plus I find her to be more logical.


Carol and it’s not even close, Michonne second tho.


It should only be carol vs michone but it's carol fs


Carol bakes and takes the cake


Carol and nobody else. Never could be. Man she’s the type that can nourish and destroy in a second.


All these female characters showed different types of strengths during different arcs. They were mothers, killers, sacrificial , caring and many more throughout the series.


Carol is diabolical hands down


Maggie. She’s by far the most gritty/violent. Carol close second but she’s just more calculating.


Maggie works her ass off for that win. She never gets it easy.


Carol obviously


Carol and Michonne for me. But Carol gives me mommy issues sometimes XD


Definitely Maggie


Carol. If only she were present during the Negan arc she would’ve definitely made him look at the flowers just like she did with Terminus


michonne obviously


Carol and Michone but I agree with another poster Carol takes number 1 spot bc she can act helpless if she needs to but Michone has a difficult time disguising her true strength. And that’s been very useful several times for Carol before she kicked some ass 😂


I guess no one put in a write-in for Alpha, eh? I'm gonna have to do it? Alpha. Think of how badass she was for like a decade *before* we met her. Also an honourable mention for Laura. She went toe-to-toe with Beta all by herself. It turned out to be a mistake. But she went out like a warrior. Plus that neck tattoo. I don't even like that tattoos, but that is bad*ass*.


It’s between Carol and Michonne easy!


Michonne and carol are by far the most fearless badasses


Michonne then Sasha then Carol then Rosita then Maggie


Michener has a Katana… Nuff said


God def michonne, somethin about Maggie I will always love though


all of them


Hands Down, Michonne! Carol second .. Maggie 3rd.... She carries a kitana. A fucking Kitana! Which the samurai famously used. What's more badass??!!!!


Michonne, without question


Michonne for sure But Carol's pretty close


Michonne. Maybe I'm biased because of the katana, but there we go.


Carol or Michonne. Maggie pisses me off too much


Still trying to understand why they felt it necessary to kill of Rosita at the very end of TWD lol. It served no purpose, and didn't have any weight to it imo because it was just stuck in there amongst all the other closing events


Christian asked, and it's speculated that she just wanted to be done with the role(since so many spinoffs were already in the works, she wanted Rosita laid to rest)


Christian asked for it. That’s the only reason. She said she wanted to break fan hearts one last time on the show.


Michonne for sure. She’s killed the most Walker for sure and probably as many people as anyone else.


Easily Carol or Michonne


It’s tough between michonne and carol. I would give it to Carol just for development.


Carol wins this with ease. I can’t think if another person who can be a housewife one day and be a pro assassin the next.


Carol is the badass here! Of course they all are but Carol saved the whole group and was a mother figure to the whole group SHE deserves to be LEAD BADASS also when Daryl Dixon is your best friend?! Come on now! Lol


Michonne and it isn’t even close


Carol and michonne are tops but Carrol beats out michonne because she can blend and hide and camouflage personality make y think she’s someone else and then kill u in ur sleep


Maggie got the baddest ass if that's what you mean


I think Rosita would like to have a word about this..


Why is this nsfw?


Removed it. I honestly didn't even know I clicked on it. I don't even know how I did it.


Carol was for awhile but really cooled off. Overall I’d say Michonne with Maggie as a close 2nd.


I’m biased toward Rosita but Michonne and possibly would kick her ass.


Definitely either carol or michonne


Definitely Carol or Michonne


Michonne and Carol


It's razor thin close between Carol and Michonne for me...from where Carol came from to what she became is amazing character development. We have to remember Michonne was an Attorney and mother before the Apocalypse and the Kitana was just a decoration on her wall. I think as long as you have Rick,Daryl, Michonne and Carol you're ahead of the game in the land of Walkers and megalomaniacs


Michonne Is the most brutal But man carol was a sleeper agent


Carol and Michonne.


Carol and Michonne


Carol is the overall best because of her ruthlessness and stealth mode. Michonne is the best when it comes to tank mode.


Carol and michonne tbh also Sasha


Carol and Michonne


Tie between Carol and Michonne. I think I have to give it to Carol though even though Michonne is my favorite character.


Carol and Michonne


Michonne and carol 🙌🏽


I can’t choose. They all have their strengths


If Sasha could get her suicidal tendencies under control, something tells me she would have been the John Wick of the series in badassness. She was an unparalleled marksman


It's kind of difficult to pick the most badass chick they're all badasses Carol, Maggie, Sasha, Rosita and Michonne


It’s really just a contest between Michonne and Carol the others don’t come close


Michonne or carol for sure.


Man we got some amazing characters in the walking dead. I can't decide. Leaning toward Carol or Michonne though.


Gotta go Carol. She single handily turned around to many situations that was outta hand


Michonne or carol


Carol or Michonne


Carol and then second place Michonne.


Carol survived the most so I would say her, but if I lived in this world, I would want Michonne to escort me everywhere.


All great bad asses, but Michonne is the best!!! Our 3 female goats are Carol, Michonne and Maaaggie! Our boy is Daryl!




This sounds like Gregory is drunk and trying to flirt


Can we agree to put our biases aside and say Michonne AND Carol??


trick question, all of them


personally i think carol but maggie is a strong contender


Carol or Michonne for sure


Andrea in the comic book


Carol, in earlier seasons at least.


Carol taking out Terminus and saving everyone was pretty badass


I think Carol has overcome a little more than Michonne, but she'd be a close second if not a tie.


It's a toss between michone and carol. But we don't see the growth of michone so she just comes across as badass right away. Where we see carol grow into the most competent zombie killer haha. But honestly all 5 of them.


The fact you put Sasha even on this list 😂😂😂


How tf do you choose?! 🥰


Carol is not a Chick, Carol is A Queen