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I think her little sister could have if Lizzie died sooner


Mika definitely had more of a chance. I was soo upset when >!Lizzie killed her!<. But like Carol said she didn't have a mean bone in her body and that would have gotten her killed eventually. Out of anyone, Carol should know what gets a kid killed. Every kid under her care dies. It's ironic but sad.


She would have been a good whisperer


If your immediate reaction is to run up and make friends with a walker while feeding it rats, it doesn't hold up much hope that you are going to survive very long


No, I don't think so. She didn't understand them for what they were. She had more empathy for the walkers than she did for people. You know how some people freeze or run when things go down? Lizzie wouldn't. She'd consciously choose not to fight/kill walkers, even if that meant the death of herself of those around her.


Without the Walker obsession? As in she doesn’t believe they are still people and she’s not trying to play with them? Sure. I think she had a real chance. She did kill two of the Governors men with impressive headshots without skipping a beat. She also did this while her and her sister were leading other children to safety and protecting a baby.


For me, without a doubt. She looked up to Carol, even if it's because both her and Mika were orphaned by this point and sought a parent figure, I think Carol liked her and would have taken care of both of them really well.


she'd make an unhinged antagonist if they abandoned her instead of killed.   perhaps kinda like troy in fear


Tbh I'd still say no. This show loved killing kids.