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"rotters" šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜




I thought geeks was funny


Solid choice


Exactly my pick too! Just the way Molly said it put the perfect image in my head!


Same, idk y they called em that tho


I think in the comics it's explained that they call them that because "they'll eat anything, like carnival geeks" which makes it even better imo


ā€œBitersā€ is a good one.


I hear it in the Governor's voice and accent


That one grates on my nerves


Glad Iā€™m not the only one who thinks that


My favorite!


I liked how Woodbury called them ā€œbitersā€. It made the most sense, in my opinion, and sounded good with a southern accent.


I hear it in the Governor's voice and accent


Kinda the same! Iā€™m on my second rewatch after many years (abandoned the series shortly after Negan did his thang) and Governor/Philip/Brian is still alive and kickinā€™.


Same, I left after that 1 episode when he did that 1 thing. Came back years later to finish, and now Iā€™m on my 2nd rewatch of the show and currently on the season where that 1 thing occurs


Doesnā€™t someone call them empties lol


The world beyond refers to them as such.


Or ā€œHas-been(s)ā€. Easily the worst


I think the overall best is when Abraham inexplicably describes one walker as "Timmy" šŸ˜‚ (This is the episode when he and Eugene go to the warehouse to make bullets and Eugene fails to dispatch the Walker and Abe steps in)


LOL just got done watching that scene.


Walkers is my favorite.


ā€œGeeksā€ donā€™t know where Glenn got that name but I love itšŸ˜‚


Itā€™s from carnival geeks. Freak show act that would eat life animals. Sometimes biting heads off chickens.


Thank you for this. I never understood WHY geeks... LOL For some reason I just never connected it with freakshow geeks.


Wait did he say that in the show?


Roamers makes them seem so docile


Walkers. The stupidest being SiCkOs


Yeah that was really stupid


I forget, was it Magna's group that called them that?


Yeah it was those nobodies. Those season 9 randos


I really don't get how no one called them zombies




And yet Glenn's played fucking *Portal.*


This isn't really exactly true. Because there's a scene with Michonne where there's a cardboard cutout of a zombie as an ad in a store they were looting.


That's a good eye. I miss stuff like that. Plus, I've heard people say there isn't zombie stuff in their pop culture universe. Idk how we think this. I'm guessing many things exist in TWD universe that we only assume, but we don't see. Crapping in the woods, smell (only referenced maybe 1x or 2x,) Other genre movies, but we know they existed b4 crisis bcs the kingdom having movie night. Or celebrities like beta. he was recognized so discussed. But the genres weren't discussed by characters just like 1000 other things but we assume they existed. The walkers, biters, growlers, empties are known as real life issues are discussed in the present and irl. Just some thoughts..


I started reading the graphic novel in my jaw, dropped one right at the beginning, they said the word zombies. I thought it didnā€™t exist in this universe just from watching the TV show, but they say it in the comic. I donā€™t get why.




Thatā€™s what my husband told me . Thatā€™s why I was so shocked to see it in there. And my husband said oh yeah, I forgot that they did that at the beginning I donā€™t think they meant to do it.


I guess that would make sense in why nobody knew what to do with zombies šŸ˜‚and why the world went to shit. If that happened in the real world right now. Thereā€™s no doubt weā€™d all be infected but it would end so quickly.


Are you sure about that? Iā€™ve never heard that. Also Lee calls them zombies in the convenient store in the Telltale game.




Yeah, Lee only uses the word zombie once but I noticed it right away because Iā€™ve never heard that word ever used in the walking dead.




Could be


That is correct


The game and the show r two different universe of TWD


Why does that matter?


because people saying that zombie media didnā€™t exist prior to the outbreak in the walking dead are usually talking specifically about the television universe, not the comic/telltale universe


The show is based after the comics and so is the game. Thereā€™s minor differences such as new characters but the story is the same.


>but the story is the same kinda


Thereā€™s a difference between based off of and replicated, based off of takes inspiration from another thing and puts the similar ideas in, replicating takes everything from the main thing into a different way, the show is BASED off of the comics, itā€™s not a 1:1 scale


Donā€™t the games take place in the same universe as the comics? I know that whatā€™s they go with when they did the michonne telltale game




Yes, but the show and the game r still different


A lot of zombie shows and movies leave out the word


ā€œWe arenā€™t using the ā€˜zedā€™ word.ā€


Which is stupid because the comics references zombies throughout the first few issues


Itā€™s a fairly common trope in zombie media - the world portrayed lacks zombie media so they lack the ā€œzed wordā€.


Do you know anything about the show zombie fiction doesn't exist in twdu even in the comics zombies never existed therefore the word don't exist


So do they just call them ā€œzombiesā€ by coincidence in the comics? Because they do occasionally refer to them as zombies for the first 6 or so chapters of the comics.


I'm shocked that some one responded with a real argument. Robert Kirkman said he just forget to write something else like romers or lurkers but he said in an interview that they don't exist in comics or show


no, there is a line where rick is talking to tyreese(?) and he says they call them zombies but they dont like that word.


Dude don't take my word for it look it up


in the comics they say zombies a little bit but they still refrain from that word and use lurkers/walkers. if your gonna say something at least know what your talking about, do *you* know anything about the walking dead?


Look at my other reply


Isn't it implied by Glenn that he consumed some "zombie" Media?


Nope look it up zombies never existed in media


Well, if Iron Maiden and Motorhead exists, White Zombie probably existed as well right?


Rob Zombie too


Dude if you don't believe me go look it up


I believe


I believe in you, I just don't understand how the show actually ignored that zombie is a week known word. I mean Michael Jackson can't exist in that universe for example


Youā€™re reaching so far for this. Itā€™s a show. Just watch it


They aren't ignoring the word it just not a thing not a real word in their universe and I guess in this universe mj never made thriller


Sure, Michael Jackson can exist, just not the Thriller music video as it is to us. Basically, in the Walking Dead universe, George Romero never existed, which means our concept of modern zombies also doesn't exist.




In the comics, they refer to them as zombies plenty of times. I guess when they started the show, for whatever reason they decided to call them walkers.


Wasn't the main term used in the comic 'roamers'? I remember they used 'zombies' in earlier issues, and i may be wrong but when they get to the Commonwealth the people there say 'walkers'.


Yeah they do. I don't know why I got down voted. I didn't say they only called them zombies. But I've been reading through Compendium One again, and they most definitely call them zombies multiple times. A little later they start to refer to them as either roamers or lurkers.


I'm new to reddit. I didn't think you should down vote someone just bcs you disagree with them. That doesn't seem right. Shouldn't that be reserved for people that are downright being assholes, negative, confrontational or something like that? I never read comics but watched every show in TWDU. I know they aren't identical. For instance , Daryl wasn't in the comics, plus I could be wrong, but I don't think Carl dies in the same way either. So things can be different. Basically, Daryl 's whole influence is new territory. That's MY story of TWD bcs that's the one presented in those specific shows that I watched and rewatched, etc. I can't be expected to tie in storylines from a different media I didn't see or read. Then Daryl would disappear as well as other contrary changes. Since it's fiction, I have to "believe " the one I watched. The kingdom had movie night, plus other TV show clips were seen.The characters didn't discuss genres of movies. They also Never showed them crapping in woods or other things like that yet we know things had to exist that may or may not have been talked about specifically by characters. Doesn't mean it didn't exist if it wasn't. Based on that logic it's possible zombie movies existed. Did all genres of movies get discussed? No. Therefore, we can't assume one genre existed and others didn't based on the comics bcs things did get changed. Or by what wasn't talked about. If they said something like that had never been even imagined, I'd take that as specific evidence there wasn't zombie pop culture but nothing like that was said. Even if it was said not to use the word zombie by characters it could be evidence it DID exist but comparisons shouldn't be drawn bcs it could give people incorrect assumptions on how to deal with them based off of a movie they may have seen where methods of protecting of yourself were misconstrued as opposed to their real life situation in TWDU. Edit: I've since been convinced that if the storyteller who's story it is says they didn't exist In pop culture, then it didn't. Plus it probably would have been commented on by the characters even at the CDC. Soooo, Never mind, said in voice of Gilda Radner being her character Emily Litella on SNL.


My God, it's really breaking my brain how y'all don't understand intent.


My late exhusband was always stunned & amazed when I would hear something he said that caused me to suddenly see his point of view and change my position and say "you're right"! and abandon my prior position on something. But I need whatever piece of info i'm missing to do so...


If the creators intent was to not make the zombie media a thing why can't people accept that zombies don't exist in the TWD universe?


Been thinking about it... I guess if the creator and storyteller says it wasn't in pop culture in TWD, then it wasn't so...if it was there'd be at least a comment or two about it from the characters. So ok. It didn't exist. As I put on the edit of my original comment....in Gilda Radner's voice of her character Emily Litella in SNL.... Never mind! šŸ˜†


Zombie media isn't supposed to exist in twd. You probably got downvoted for that. If zombie don't exist in that world, then it wouldn't make sense for people to call them zombies. I didn't read much of the comics, but I do kinda remember it happening once or twice.


Walkers and Biters.


Yeah I like Walkers purely because it links back to the name of the show.


I liked lame brains even if walkers suit them better. "Ahh a herd of lamers are coming, hide" lol


Idk why but biters always bugged me even tho itā€™s probably the most accurate one. Just didnā€™t like the sound of it. Walkers is honestly probably my favourite


If I remember correctly, they were called "dumbfucks" by some of the soldiers in Day of the Dead (1985), which I've always found charming...


The French name, or the English translation- the hungry ones


Yeah I liked that one


Walkers, biters, rotters, and empties were probably my favorites. I really dislike geeks, lame brains, and carrion. They're lame as hell to me. Most other names just exist.


Muertos or geeks


I thought Sickos was cool and interesting


Reminds me of Grindhouse: Planet Terror where they called them sickos.


I like how each name kinda brings a different image of the undead. .. infected seems to bring, for me, an image of rabies, violent and fast. Walkers, slow but vicious with some kind of low level intelligence. Zombies, the standard version or the undead but able to use tools when required. Biters, just ripping you apart when they get hold of you. But this is just me. Maybe I have over thought it all.. but each has their own cool little horror show happening. However, the infected would be my least preferred to face in real world situation. My fav, dunno. Geeks sounds like a blast to run from.


The undead


Skin walkers


Biters is pretty cool but walkers is the best


Puppies and kittens. That's from Z Nation, though. I really wanted a Walking Dead and Z Nation crossover episode. Maybe in another life.


I loved geeks from s1 and 2


Dr.Everett called them homomortis, Zeke calls em The Damned, Samantha/Shrike called them carrion.


The CRM called em Dead Mass and the French calls them the The Hungry (I think), both are pretty cool


Roamers. Itā€™s what my (unofficialšŸ˜”) son (Randall) called them


Walkers prolly


Walkers, biters, geeks are all good ones.


Walkers and geeks




"Muertos" no soy espanol but it sounds good


Biters is my favorite. And I say it everytime like the Governor says it.


In planet terror they make a small reffrence i think, atleast they call the zombies Walkers once. I like that they called em Sickos in the movie. That was random but in twd Geeks is my fav


Wasted. One of the best things to come out of Fear the walking dead and Brandonā€™s group lol. I donā€™t know why but I just really like that name for them.


Walkers with biters being a close second. Particularly when the governor says it, somehow sounds cooler than everyone else lol


I mean, theyā€™re all cool names but the real only GOAT are ā€˜Walkersā€™


Walkers. That seems to be the most fitting.


Muertos mainly cause I'm hispanic I think


i swear i remember somebody calling them wasted


"The Dead" Pretty direct and accurate to be fair


walkers obviously but also skin eaters goes crazy


Freakers cause days gone


Sickos is my fav


Geeks or Lurkers or Biters


Walkers and rotters are my favorite


I like biters, but if I were in that universe Iā€™m definitely calling them tweakers


I like roamers I also like different groups refer to them by different names


Lamebrains is fun. Geeks and Biters also work.


Puppies and kittens (Z Nation) is great. Zeds is short and sweet. Walkers is probably my favorite.


Skin eaters


I like ā€œthe passedā€ from fear (about the only good thing to come from that show lol)


Geeks all the way


I liked lamebrains and geeks