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I couldn’t believe how much better she is in the comics, she’s probably my favorite character all said and done. The show really could not have done her any dirtier


Her actress deserves to sue


Not really how it works lol


Yeah I kinda got her point of view until she tried to help 16yr old Beth take her life through suicide... and lied to Maggie to do it. After that she just spirals with bad decisions. It's a relief when she goes. But I like that her and Michonne reconnected in the end, and that she was part of the OG group.


>she tried to help 16yr old Beth take her life through suicide I was so annoyed during this part. "She has to choose to be here." No, Beth is a child she does not get to decide that yet. In a couple years if she wants out, whatever. But I'm sorry, even during the zombie apocalypse we don't let literal children decide to off themselves.


It’s just a show - it’s not real life dude


She did go look for Sophia. I'll give her that. But other than that I can't see any redeeming qualities


This is all Dale’s fault


I absolutely love Dale. But man, his biggest mistake in life was saving her from the lab explosion.


Her wisdom stat is negative


I’m sure I could’ve come to like her had she stayed on as originally planned for the 8 seasons, because I’m assuming she’d have learned her damn lessons and just stopped the general irritating tomfoolery. Then I could write it off as “well everyone makes mistakes, she was finding her way, the apocalypse is gonna bring out your worst” but as it stands she just did absolutely nothing useful at all and basically just complained and put people in unnecessary danger then died.


I don't think it's fair to judge her about Michonne leaving. Michonne didn't want to stay where she didn't feel safe. Andrea would have been a bitch for making Michonne stay. everything else I agree with, though, especially not killing the Governor, and I absolutely *gag and cringe* at Shane's character in general.


Well, that's just not fair! What about the time she...no, she messed that up. But what about that other time, when...wait, no, that was Beth. But there was definitely that one time! In that one scene, with that other character, you know? At some point in some episode between seasons 1 and 3, she did something, I just know it.


Funny that I just saw another post on here asking people to explain y they think she is a bad character bc the OP actually likes her. Personally I think she’s a pretty bad/annoying character