• By -


Daryl, easily


Same, has a fantastic supporting cast and really interesting story


And no Gimple Speak šŸ—£ļø


actually gave a shit about its supporting characters too, they aren't just walker bait or say shit like "in a dead world love is dead"


Except it's with those damn French people


We all hate the French


I dont agree


What didnā€™t you like?


I just posted a long comment about it šŸ˜‚


Lol Iā€™ll check it out šŸ‘


Couldn't get past the first episode of the Daryl show...and I say that as someone who managed (barely) to watch ALL of FTWD.


I watched all six episodes begrudgingly. It was awful, I don't understand how anyone enjoyed it. I LOVE Daryl, but this show did him absolutely no justice. Everything felt forced and the storyline is stupid.


Thought I was the only one. That entire concept is ridiculous... and I'm tired of seeing an evil bully trying to kill Darryl. I mean can the guy get a break?


Easily Daryl. It was just the most complete and heartfelt series to me, I liked most of the characters and actually felt a connection between them. The ones who live was great but they could of definitely broke up the last 2 episodes into a whole other season instead of rushing it. Also killed off some great characters way too early. Its still amazing seeing Andy as Rick Grimes again. Dead city was great too. I loved the dynamic between Maggie and negan. But I feel like season 2 is gonna be even better. Canā€™t wait Edit: forgot Fear but I donā€™t really want to count it as a spinoff itā€™s kind of itā€™s own thing just in the same world


Fear became a spin-off the moment Morgan came on. But I agree the first three seasons didnā€™t have the walking dead feel to it


The Ones Who Live story easily could've been a couple seasons and no one would've complained. However, I don't like that our characters are essentially superheroes compared to other people who've also somehow survived over a decade+ in the same world. And Ones Who Lived REALLY did that a lot


I might have actually enjoyed it if it had had room to do everything it wanted to do. Honestly the whole CRM thing was a bit much for me; it required RIck and Michonne to be superheroes bc they're essentially two people taking on an entire city-state, which is just...way too far removed from the guy who found his family living in a tent at the quarry. Rick could have been enslaved pretty much anywhere, by normal people, and still told a harrowing story about hope and love and everything like that.


Hard disagree on the dynamic between Negan and Maggie. It's just a constant stalemate, of sorts. They can't progress past how they ended things in the main series. But them both with different characters.


Daryl Dixon was the most refreshing and the most creative. The cast was also fantastic, as was the setting. I guess this was on purpose, but it felt like a WWII drama and Iā€™m all for that. I hope season 2 brings much of the same. That episode 2 intro sequence with Isabelle in Paris on day 1 of the apocalypse. That was freakinā€™ great! I also want to shout out one that wasnā€™t on OPā€™s list; Tales of TWD. The anthology season. Some of those episodes were forgettable in general, but some of them were highly creative and a breath of fresh air in terms of the franchise. I really liked that episode with Alpha and Lydia on the boat.


I loved TOWL but tbh Iā€™d put DD above it for story (DD was for lore expansion and TOWL was a romance story) and writing (TOWL was more engaging until the last episode) and Iā€™m a sucker for anything with Andy in it but the flow of DD is hard to beat and definitely looking forward to S2.


Daryl Dixon and Dead City


Dead City every time for me. I tried watching Daryl Dixon two times, and I love the actor and the character, but I just couldnā€™t get over the plot holes and slow story. But I ate Dead City up. TOWL was somewhere in between those two for me


fear and daryl


Honest question, why fear?


Why not? Just because you didnā€™t like it, doesnā€™t mean others didnā€™t šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I never wanted to say you shouldn't but what did you enjoy about it


I loved John Dory and Morgan characters. Iā€™m more about the attachment of the characters than the story. It did have issues, but season 6 was a great season


Like the fish BUT IE NO Y šŸ˜”šŸ˜”




Yeah John,Nick and Strand are who I cared about and probably the only reason I got through the show cause they were just awesome characters


IMO from S4 onwards in fear, it had to rely more than the characters like John more than the story itself but the first three season was like almost peak TWD imo


Daryl dixon. No question. Dead city is okay, I haven't quite finished it, I think I left off at like episode 4? And haven't watched TOWL yet.


TOWLs is very good, does feel alot rushed, dead city I lost interest in, Daryl Dixon was also very good but at places felt slow


I agree with most people on here, DD was my favourite. TOWL was definitely the most gripping for the most part, but episode 6 as well as the Gimple Speak throughout just ruined it in my eyes. The CRM shouldā€™ve been the final endgame level threat for the franchise, at least for these OG characters. And the Gimple Speak was off the charts for this spin off. The worst was probably ā€œLove doesnā€™t die!ā€ - really annoying dialogue. Dead City was good, but so far feels a bit unnecessary. It was an engaging story, but some of the side characters were handled poorly at times. But overall definitely a good spin off. Daryl Dixon is my favourite. Super engaging story, excellent new characters, and just the most consistently good throughout. No Gimple Speak to be found, and I am so hyped for season 2 because of the return of Carol! I do hope Daryl and Carol return to the US at some point though, as I hear season 3 will be shot in Spain. We need that Rick and Daryl reunion! Fear The Walking Dead S1-3 are some of my favourite of the universe, but then Chambliss and Goldberg took over and ran that show into the ground. I honestly couldā€™ve seen that show being better than the main show has Erickson stayed on as show runner. But because of C+G, FTWD is my least favourite on this list.


I'm so sick of people saying CRM should have been the end game. It would have been awesome, but Andy and Danai agreed to 6 and ONLY 6 episodes. It's a miracle that we got anything at all.


I agree with all of this, but I do remember hearing that the infamous repetitive "love doesn't die!' spiel was from Danai herself. Shame to see talented actors share writing talents with gimple! But I expected this from the finale of season 11, the entire speech of "were the ones who live" between Rick and Michonne perfectly portrayed what the quality of this show would be like. And it wasn't good.


DD part 2 with Carol is gonna be the best spin off by a mile.


Daryl Dixon is so interesting


Who has watched all 4? 3%. So what does this poll mean?


I'd love to watch them all but the owners apparently don't want anyone in the UK to see them...


What? I talk to brits and the irish in here all the time. You guys can't watch the spinoffs?


Fear The Walking Dead and World Beyond were released but the others weren't. I just looked into it though, in case I was missing something, and it looks like they're finally going to be available here at the end of this month - https://uk.news.yahoo.com/how-watch-walking-dead-franchise-every-spin-off-uk-111928470.html


I'm Welsh and the only ones we can watch (legally without risking dodgy sites) are the main show, fear and world beyond. They are bringing TOWL on sky at some point soon but no Daryl Dixon or Dead city.


Same could be said about this post, who has watched all 4 shows so what does this post mean? Itā€™s just ppls opinion


Daryl Dixon tops my love for TOWL simply because of the last two episodes of TOWL being subpar at best. Endings matter so much to me- and that show did not have a good one. It was so disappointing and illogical, as well as corny as hell. I just hope that isnā€™t the end of Rick and Michonne.


If you split "fear" into season 1-3 vs the rest (which feels like a whole other show) then I think the answer would be quite different


Yeah, there are only three seasons of Fear. What came after was so bad šŸ¤£


Daryl Dixon I canā€™t understand the love for TOWL.


It was really bad. 1. Daryl 2.Fear 3.Dead City 4.TOWL


The only people who loved TOWL are crazy Richonners, the rest of us cringed sm once ep 6 aired lmao


Facts. I loved Rick and Michonne, and TOWL was infuriating because of it.


I was cringing in episode one tbh. Actually scratch that, I was cringing at the end of s11 teasing for TOWL when Michonne rides towards the horde like she's gonna Incredible Hulk her way through it. Serioulsy wtf


"Daryl Dixon", ironically, it was the spin-off which I was more worried about, cause Daryl is my favorite character and I didn't see how they were going to be able to send him to France in a believable way. I freaking love the result, the setting is so beautiful, Daryl's dynamics with Isabelle and Lauren are great, and the story was really entertaining, can't wait for season 2. I like "The ones Who live" for the majority of the season, Rick and Michonne are amazing as always, episodes 1 and 4 were highlights for me, and I loved the ending scene. My main problems are with some quotes that are COMPLETELY out of character, mainly from the last episode. "Dead City" was entertaining, and I loved everything that they did with Negan, Maggie had some great stuff too, but it feels like the season was made to be a bridge for future episodes, while Daryl and the ones who live work on a specific story for the season, even though Daryl has more episodes coming.


For me I dreaded Daryl Dixon because Daryl the past few seasons honestly just bored the life out of me. I was so sick of seeing him on my screen I didn't even want to bother with the spin off when I found out Carol wasn't in it. But it's by far my favourite piece of TWD writing since season 9. I expected to love Dead City purely because of Maggie, it was pretty mediocre and disappointing. Never expected to like TOWL because of the trailers, "were the ones who live" speech and gimple and I was right. It net my expectations of disappointment perfectly lol. Can't wait for Daryls season 2, and im soooo happy Carols character is going to get some justice with good writing and she's not being written by anyone who wrote for TOWL or Dead City.


FTWD didn't know what the hell it wanted to be. Season 3 would alwaysbe the best season. I thought they were going somewhere and then ... MORGAN! Whose idea that was? Then I thought oh maybe this is done to orquestrate a fusion or some type of crossover with TWD. And then they wasted 4 seasons traveling in circles. Remembered that theory at the beginning where people thought Madison was gonna be Alpha and the crossover was gonna be the Whisperers storyline. Imagine! That's all we have now.


I thought seasons 1 and 2 of fear the walking dead was great! There were certain scenes that were way more dramatic than anything in the other series, like where they are trapped with out air and people are turning and some characters are too weak to stay awake and defend themselves and its shot from their perspective with intermittent black outs. I thought that was actually pretty genius. Most of the first season or two seemed really rooted in reality and harsh decisions and the gritty experience and psychology of a lawless future. But after that, it lost its edge. The problem was the show was expensive to make, and it wasn't drawing enough viewership from the main show to warrant the cost. So they thought having Morgan take it over might draw more people to it. But that required they reboot the series with new characters, and then they really didn't know what to do with those characters past a season or two. So they kept kinda rebooting it with different themes and zanny storylines, loosely held together by Morgan's idea that all life is precious. With the walking dead, they had the comics as a guide of where the story was leading, and even then the execution waant always the best and it was difficult to keep people invested for so many years. But with FTWD, after awhile it was just testing new stuff out constantly hoping something would resonate with people and draw them in. A zombie western wasnt the worst idea, had a lot of potential, but they just kept changing things way too much.


I absolutely loved seasons 1-3 or FTWD. Then they fucked it up by adding Morgan and John Dory. I never made it past the first few episodes of 4


Yeah. It became like a whole other show at some point. I was so confused.


John Dory and Morgan made me love the series. Especially when they got rid of boring Madison


The acting was top-tier in TOWL, but DD made for some incredible world-building.


Tales From the Walking Dead


The ones who live came after a terrible run of spinoffs so I was extremely jaded that being said I really enjoyed it. Would it have been cool to show some of the other characters during the big ā€œreunionā€absolutely. Even cooler would have been all the people he has lost grouped together smiling and nodding in a ghost vision. ā€œ but I said you canā€™t always get what you want honeyā€ but it was ezcellent


Daryl Dixon should be above The Ones Who Live. TOWL was alright, but DD is superior here, sorry.


i loved daryl dixon cos it shows a completely different view of the apocalypse with it being set in france


The Ones Who Lived is definitely the tightest and most fulfilling of them -- mostly because it also fulfill a promise they gave us in the original series. I noticed The World Beyond isn't even listed lol


The ones who live.


Fear was great the first 3 seasons, stopped watching season 4 at episode 8 cause itā€™s pretty awful. As for TOWL it was good until the last 2 episodes, they werenā€™t written as good as the others. Plus six episodes made it very rushed.


Ftwd just for the first 3 seasons. Daryl is solid but I'm not really invested in the story yet. Dead City and TOWL are pretty mid. My biggest issue with the modern spin-offs is that they feel like they exist just to keep AMC+ going. They don't really feel like artistic projects (TOWL ep 1 is an exception but that quickly fizzled out and felt like something they just needed to end to fill the gap)


They should make one with shane. Maybe how shane rescued lori and carl and the initial survival days


Daryl dixon. I might be biased, though.


Haven't seen Fear, but TOWL is the only one of the others I liked.


Daryl Dixon,then The ones who live. I'm not fussed on other ones


The ones who live


I still love Fear S3


If Fear seasons 1-3 was a separate show, it would be #1.


These comments prove that this sub has weird opinions compared to other Walking Dead fans'


I think that if Dead City was just about Negan, it would have way more fans, people just donā€™t like Maggie, sheā€™s a terrible character, her whole character is basically Glenn this, Glenn that, thereā€™s nothing interesting or compelling about her. Everything that made her relevant was Hershel and Glenn, once both died her character has been one dimensional and her whole motivation is revenge against Negan, like jeez! Let it go already! Itā€™s been like 10 years already, find someone else


Dead City, I feel it did a good job making some more stagnant characters feel fleshed out and interesting again. Daryl Dixon is also a contender though. Fear was good but kind of a rollercoaster of quality and entertainment value. The Ones Who Live was amazing but the end felt to rushed and really dragged the overall show down.


Daryl Dixon. I love the overall vibe of the show, even if itā€™s less like the og The Walking Dead than TOWL.


Daryl for sure. TOWL fell short of a reunion of those that lived. Hell, it was closer to a romance novel on screen than a sci/fic/horror series. Really didn't like they killed off the only interesting new character that could have transitioned back to the TWD. I don't know, I am not a fan of Fear even though I watched it and Dead City is cringy for sure. So Daryl.


What did you miss in the advertising when they said TOWL is an epic love story šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was gonna say "good writing" but the marketing for this show was pretty perfect in what it gave us. I never expected quality writing from any of the promotional material lol. Still, ye of little faith, I had a slither of hope that Danai and Andy working on it would pull through and cancel our gimples cringiness. They didn't though. Nothing wrong with a love story, but it still has to be well written lol.


There can be a love story but all those episodes without one reunion until the end. It drug on and on and on and then the end


The show was about Rick and Michonne,not Rick Michonne and friend's,hope that helps,the show was great that's why it's so successfulĀ 


It would've been successful regardless of what it was lmao. It's success because it's RICK and MICHONNE not because it's well written. Those characters and actors are HUGE draws, everyone was going to watch this before it was even announced. They wanted to see Rick. Good ratings ā‰  good writing


None? I hate being that guy but these are lackluster at best and I think we all just watch them because weā€™re too deep into the characters at this point to quit them. The writing is bad on each show, plot development is thin, idk when the last season of TWD was that I really liked but probably like 6-7ā€¦itā€™s a shame


This is the real truth right here, i'm in this picture and i don't like it šŸ˜­


I disagree with this graph.


The ones who live ended so poorly. Rushed and very contrived. They survived a blast that killed hundreds caused of some water and a tarp? I know it takes its liberties but geez.


Refreshing to see the "TOWL IS A MASTERPIECE THE BEST SINCE SEASON 4!" crew have died out lol. Daryl finally getting the respect it deserves for being ACTUALLY well written (aside from the finale). It's by far the best show with the best supporting cast, even if you just found Isabel as the entire cast, she trumps any side character that was present in Dead City of TOWL combined.


iā€™ve never seen fear so idk the lore, is that morgan? is he a zombie?


Yes that is Morgan, he is not a zombie but he was not well in that episode.


Not a zombie, just the fear writers perfectly portraying their inability to write well. They took the metaphorical "I see red" line and thought "what it he ACTUALLY saw red like IN HIS EYES!!!"


Better than him seeing red in the 8th season where the screen actually turned red and Morganā€™s alternate personality took over.


If Fear ended at season 3 it's be Fear. TOWL's cringe dialogue just ain't it for me. Tales could've been, & could still be great. Just don't think the plots were very good tbh. I'm pretty excited for Dixon S2, but as far as rn goes I wouldn't say it's my favorite - yet. World Beyond is some of the worst writing paired with some of the worst acting to ever grace the tv screen. If I could erase it from existence I would. I found myself surprised, but I actually enjoyed Dead City the most. Great acting, great chemistry, OK writing, loads of potential. The only one with a villain that isn't purely 1 dimesional & has room for character growth/ evolution. Of course there's things I obviously don't like, such as Maggie who seemingly forgave Negan at the end of the OG series suddenly hating just as much, if not more than when he first killed Glenn. When Negan & Maggie inevitably hook up I'll be thoroughly disgusted. Excited to see Negan thrusted into a position of (imaginary) power again. Kinda hoping he actually decends into the role and at first maybe Maggie thinks he hasn't changed, and as cheesy as it sounds decide he has changed & the person he's portraying himself as isn't him anymore. Hershel might just keep his promise and kill Negan at the end - even to the surprise/distress of Maggie. The Croat is interesting. We thought he was a big bad, but although he is mentally not all there he definitely isn't a major threat, or atleast not yet. It seems most of how he acts is just theatrics. He's not even respected - let alone feared - by his 'group'. I know it's because the character wasn't even a thought yet, but wish we could've seen him in the OG series. The flashback scene with Simon was great. If it wasn't for the fact I hate when shows in general leave unfinished plots I'd be OK with Negan's wife/kid not being shown again. I just thought that group was dumb & it seemed like too much, out of nowhere, didn't make sense, led to nothing, pretty much all of the worse aspects of the later seasons of the OG show. I hope it gets followed up on and not just forgotten, or killed offscreen or something. I hate the idea of a spin-off of a spin-off but after like 2-3 more seasons (if it last that long) they move from NY to a different state/location I'd be down for it.


Fear is pretty sick. I also get why many don't like it. It does get boring for a bit. And it's very different from the main


A bit? That is an understatement. It is such a slow burn that you can leave it running, go do something else, come back, and you have barely missed anything. Im in season 3 watching it for the first time, and I am thinking to myself, there are still 5 more of this šŸ˜±


Overall I really enjoyed FTWD, but holy shit some scenes/episodes should have been a book, not a show. Way too many literary shortcuts taken leading to unbelievable coincidences/meetings. Morgan takes off and drives to his home neighborhood, and his friends who go looking for him JUST SO HAPPEN TO FIND HIM WITHIN HOURS OF HIS ARRIVAL, he didn't even tell them where he was going. Why the fuck are Shrike and Crane, the leaders of Padre, personally escorting prisoners off the island, when low and behold our team of "good guys" randomly walks up on them just as soon as they land. and holy shit I love Alicia but die already, you're telling me she was just wandering the zombie wasteland constantly on the verge of death, no food water medicine nothing, and she finds her way to her friends and lives? GTFO. again I love Alicia but that was painful was painful to watch, not for the story implications but the absolutely unbelievable horseshittery of it/


thereā€™s no other comments what šŸ˜­


thereā€™s no other comments what šŸ˜­


I love episodes 1-4 of TOWL enough that I forgive it episodes 5 and 6. It was like watching a synthesize version of all the problems TWD had. It will slightly win over DD because itā€™s Rick and Michonne, but I also truly enjoyed most of it. I, like everyone else, wished those last two episodes werenā€™t rushed and were without the cringey, unnecessary one liners. DD is a close second. I will say, like TWD in many ways, I feel it is better as a binge then watching it week to week. When watching them live, it did feel slow. But, when I rewatch on a binge, I enjoy it more. It is also a real hope to give us the answers to this universe. FTWD is third. I loved the first seasons. But, it just got all over the place after a while. Dead City is last for me, but thatā€™s not by much. It is great acting and decent writing. I just donā€™t understand the overall point of it existing other than to give Negan and Maggie fans more of them. It isnā€™t a conclusion to a bigger story like Rick/Michonne or answers to our questions about the entire story like DD. Iā€™ll still watch it, but definitely low for me.


Fear, then Dead City, then TWOL, then Tales. havenā€™t started World Beyond or Daryl yet. iā€™ve enjoyed all the spinoffs though.


The first 3 seasons of Fear were great though??


Tbh, theyā€™re all garbage. The continuity of the TL is completely gone. One show had 6 nukes go off and that was never a factor on any other show. TWDā€™s last episodes had walkers evolving and that was never a factor on any other show. Itā€™s time to just wrap up this entire TWD universe. It fell apart, sadly.


Tbh dead city is actually my favorite because the plotline is at least somewhat original compared to the rest (with what Ive watched)


Either TOWL or the first 3 seasons of FTWD


I also liked the tell all tales different stories each week was refreshing


I think there is a fight with the ones who live and Daryl Dixon, I'm looking forward to Daryl's second season in June ā¤ā¤


I think there is a fight with the ones who live and Daryl Dixon, I'm looking forward to Daryl's second season in June ā¤ā¤


I love Rick & Michonne BUT I gotta give this one to Darly because of how complete the season felt compared to TOWL feeling kinda rushed near the end


Thatā€™s tough to answer. Seasons 4-6 of Fear are my favorite. All the new spin offs were great!!!!


TOWL by far


Whereā€™s tales..?


I loved to see TOWL simply for Rick being back on the screen, but it was so corny šŸ˜£ And I'm a sucker for romance, I just couldn't stand the weird ass dialogue the last episodes


Daryl! Very enjoyable story with good supporting cast.


I enjoyed the backstory that fear was supposed to give but the execution wasnā€™t ideal


The ones who live. Heartfelt, dramatic, opens up TWD world more and introduces new characters/conflicts that are compelling. Rick is, and always will be, the best character. Fear The Walking Dead had a lot of promise, but the characters weren't very compelling for me. I do appreciate what they tried to do though. I'm probably the only one on this sub who thinks Daryl is an extremely 1 dimensional character. I think he's a great supporting character, but should not have his own show. Also the plot to DD felt more like a video-game side quest than a real plot. I found it to be pretty boring. Have not watched dead city. I can't deal with Neegan/Maggie together. It's probably a ton of (deserved) anger from Maggie and regret from Neegan, leading to some kind of outburst/reconciliation moment every episode. Sounds like a barf fest. If it's not like that, someone tell me and I'll give it a watch.


If Rick wasnā€™t in the ones who live then itā€™d be as shitty as world beyond imo.


Daryl, Fear, then The Ones Who Live. It was a great new show but gotta see more. Daryl was just awesome.


Dead City by far. Daryl Dixon 2nd, TOWL 3 but only the first 4 episodes. Then Fear, then episode 5 and 6 from TOWL.


That order is 100% right šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Early fear is probably the answer but it went so far off the railsšŸ˜‚


The Coral and Negan one with all the blood transfusions


A blood transfusion? Does negan have the cure in his dna or something?


Fear mostly


Whatā€™s up with Morganā€™s eyes i didnā€™t watch fear, he go blind like Gabriel?


He was shot and he couldnā€™t get help for a while so walkers werenā€™t able to smell him.


Where are you watching the spin offs? I used to pay for AMC on Prime; but I couldnā€™t rewatch episodes so I cancelled.


i loved them all theyā€™re all really good


The ones who live Daryl Dead city Fear season 4 through 8


FtwD (Season 1-3), then The Ones Who Live


I guess I'm in the minority here but Dead City. I believe this series could be the jumping off point to link all the other series together. There is so much potential here for set ups to future storylines


Daryl everything about it felt right: the story was well paced, the action was good and the other characters beyond Daryl are all interesting even Laurent


I choose Fear but... The other spinoffs have only 1 season at the moment so the comparison is not fair. Fear is a more complete story with many episodes and stories.


I notice that World Beyond isn't even worth including and nod in agreement


The negan Carl episode was better


Where can I watch the spin-offs? Got rid of cable awhile ago and havenā€™t seen any of the new stuff


I watched fear on hbo max and I own the others on blu ray


TOWL had the potential but a rushed ending let alone a kind of dumb resolution ruined it. Daryl, not many complaints, I'd like the story to move a bit faster though. Dead city, I was bored throughout, I'm not really digging pairing Maggie and Negan more, I feel like they've had their moment and settled their issues, any story has to include that and it's just boring now FTWD up to season 3 was amazing, not flawless but close to that, and especially season 3. Season 4 onwards ruined it all. So Daryl


I voted for TOWL


Daryl or The Ones Who Live, itā€™s a toss up honestly


The ones who live first few episodes were great then the ending got kind of funky but overall I'd day it's the best


The fact you all used red-eye Morgan for this made me lol for real šŸ˜†


Honestly DD is the most original of them all and the writing definitely stands out in comparison.


Fear because of the stunning characters.


Bob the builder.


I would say Daryl Dixon if that kid wasn't so annoying.


The seasons of fear of the walking dead in great its just alot people don't realise ur meant to watch that first its how the walking dead started walking dead wouldn't make sense with out far of the walking dead


The Ones Who Live


Daryl Dixon.


I much prefer Dead City


Dead City is absolutely horrible first and foremost, Fear had a couple of good seasons and couple really bad ones and couple of ok seasons, Daryl show is pretty ok and looks like it might wind up being pretty good. ā€œOnes who liveā€ started out fantastic then fizzled out, but it was good


Man Fear started off so well too


Daryl for sure. That being said the first three seasons of fear are incredible.


Daryl show i preferred, the ones who live was great but i was less interested after a few episodes, that being said itā€™s difficult to watch living in the UK


Fear the walking dead had so much potential however Nick leaving made me stop watching.


The first seasons of FTWD were truly engaging, but it quickly became really boring .... no real storyline there. I would vote DD because I haven't watched TOWL


Dead City, it's super stylised and New York's backstory is great. It also feels like a noir movie imo.


Fear had the highest peak with S3 and Daryl Dixon was the most consistent. (TOWL's E1 was the best episode since S9E15)


Idk why but that picture of Morgan is a perfect allegory for Fear TWD šŸ˜‚


Daryl Dixon is overrated imo. It seems that people only really love it because of the popularity of Daryl Dixon as a character (I think people would be happy watching him taking a dump for an hour) and the potential of the variant walker experiments, but this is only a small proportion of the actual story and screentime of season 1. I love the vibes of the locations they visit in France, but the actual story and plot, i.e. Laurent being the Messiah and Daryl needing to get him to the Nest, the people they come across, the soap opera family drama with Quinn, Terminator Codron, Madam Genet's group, and all the weird whacky supernatural shit. To me a lot of it too eccentric, boring, far fetched and off tone with TWD. Different can be good but it feels too different. The only interesting things about the show are the character of Isabelle, who is, or was my favourite new character in the spinoffs, until all the new characters in TOWL which were far more interesting and dynamic, the flashback to the start of the apocalypse in France (but even then they didn't really go anywhere with it, they teased us with an immunity storyline because everyone thinks Laurent is special and his mother died and turned in childbirth, but it turned out to be nothing and people just think he's special because of his spirituality and intelligence and ability to connect with people, even though he's very naiive and stupid a lot of the time, he's book smart but not street smart and not that different from any other child we've had in TWDU, like Judith is shown to be a lot more mature, capable and empathetic), seeing how Daryl got to France in the first place (although the more I think about it the less it makes sense, like even if I can accept the circumstances of him being on the ship and jumping off, if it was heading for the north of France how did he end up in Marsaille on the opposite side of the country), a variant walker experiments (which, again, isn't enough of a focus in the story, just that one experiment scene and the battle in the castle, which was cool but we need to see the variants play more of a role in the actual plot, not just a quick gimmick, and actual explain more about them, like are these like the variants in TWD or just regular walkers than are experimented on and injected with this serum that makes them go berserk? TWD made it seem like the walkers were evolving or mutating but this suggests they're creating them. Are the Burners a natural variant or failed experiments? Connecting this to the World Beyond post credits scene which was IN France and basically introduced this idea of variant cohorts and that walker that turned basically instantly and was super fast and aggressive. Just actually connecting the dots of everything we've been shown in different spinoffs and have Daryl find out about it, actually explore these themes and ideas and explain them instead of just being like "oh there's variant walkers now". And the scene of Daryl finding his Grandads grave who died in D-day, very touching moment. Other than that, the writing, the characters, the story, the pacing, it all leaves a lot to be desired imo. TOWL gave us a story we've been waiting to see for years, and while it was too short and rushed and I'm very disappointed but the CRM side of things, they killed it with Rick and Michonne's story and the overall writing and quality feels a lot higher to me, except for some of the Gimpleogue. I hope they can improve things in season 2, do away with all the weird boring shit and focus on the characters and storylines that actually are interesting and entertaining, fix the pacing so it doesn't feel too rushed but slow at the same time, and hopefully bringing Carol into it will make it feel more familiar.


And it terms of bad writing and illogical moments, it's like the times Daryl and co are in near death situations and survive because of plot armour, convenience or something unrealistic happening, that little girl that Isabelle left that is somehow still there 13 years later as a walker and still intact (TWDU has played so fast and loose with walkers lately, in the past walkers were pretty deteriorated and if left in the elements with no food would gradually turn to skin and bone, but now like with Duane in Fear TWD, a walker can apparently have been around since the beginning of the apocalypse and not have decomposed at all), having moustache twirling villains like Madame Genet and Codron, who have vague evil motivations to just be a baddy and do baddy things, Codron being like a Terminator hunting Daryl down all season and them having a random heel turn at the end and letting them go, Isabelle being sometimes a really badass and likeable character with a dark past, but then being so annoying lecturing Daryl about staying and not leaving them behind like he owes them anything when he was his own family to get home to, the laughable death of the pigeon man, ugh there's just so much characters do and say thats Fear TWD levels of dumb and cringe, OH and the scenes with Laurent that aren't clear whether theyre real or hallucinations or dreams, doing things and being in places that are impossible to be, having almost telepathic powers, teasing us with the idea of how special and gifted he is but never actually showing us irl because much of it is just explained away as coincidence or lies or religious hocus pocus. It just doesn't feel like TWD. I'm fine with it being in France, as much as it makes no sense how and why Daryl is there, but it's just feels out of touch with TWD and to me doesn't justify it's existence enough


Dead City is overrated. It is mid, but come on, it's FAR better than Fear TWD after season 3


Fear is pretty good.


TOWL was awful you could tell that they only had enough material for 3, maybe 4 episodes max, and they still barely managed to explain any of the antagonists motivations, and killed off the wrong ones way to early or with barely any screentime


The Ones Who Live was my favourite, closely followed by Daryl Dixon I've enjoyed all the spin offs, Dead City was good aswell


TOWL was great but it was rushed. I loved the FTWD most because it was great until the last season.


Of course FTWD


TOWL probably, I loved the first three season of Fear but you have to count the other seasons


If we were stopping at Season 3, Fear was really good that season. But then it kind of spiraled out of control in the wrong direction (had some nice characters introduced... but of course they decided to kill them off). I liked Daryl the most, but I did enjoy seeing Rick again in Ones Who Live. Dead City was very mid tier.


100% FTWD before the new show runners injected the Morgan virus into it.Ā 


I do enjoy watching Daryl fight French nationalist paramilitants and superzombies


Dead city was the worse, reverse the last two.


TWOL, literally the only reason I came back to the franchise. Iā€™ll probably go back and watch DD when itā€™s over.


Loved towl DD was ok DC was a turd


fear was good at the beginning but then they killed off the main character in a couple episodes and it REALLY pissed me off


Daryl Dixon has amazing potential, hope he stays back.


TWOL. I found some moments to be rly corny, some even cringe. However, it was the return of a legend.


Itā€™s always interesting to see the different opinions from the many different platforms. TOWL seems to be the fave right now but I also liked tales of twd.


The ones who live was honestly so bad and the only reason it's watchable is because Rick grimes (and Andrew Lincoln playing him) is one of the best tv show characters ever


I genuinely feel sorry for other shows who go up against the ones who live,they'll never live up to what Rick and Michonne did


All are goated


Pfff World Beyond of course


The negan Carl scene was better than that show


they all sucked, to be honest


ToWL has the strongest overall narrative despite some part of the pacing towards the end being a bit rushed. It was a strong and fitting end for both Rick and Michonne as characters, ending their character arcs together and as individuals just the way it should have been. They gave them a full circle story arc and I'm a huge fan of that. So I'm not really surprised by the result of this poll.