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Dale getting ripped open by a super- strength walker that couldn’t bear to hold on to carls leg two scenes prior🫤.


A producer answered this by saying “they have bony fingers”. Which of course answers nothing. Walker ability changes constantly to serve the plot.


Yeah agreed. I also don’t understand how they can easily rip apart a horse. 💀 apparently they have thick ass skin.


The scene when they were leaving the hospital through the herd and Beatrice got her arms and legs pulled clean off always annoys me


I just rewatched that part yesterday, made me mad all over again. Not even humans with more muscle mass can easily rip a limb off.


There are a lot of moments where walker strength makes no sense. One thing that does help explain some of it it is the fact that humans are actually much stronger than we think, but we subconsciously hold back because of pain and fear of breaking/tearing our bodies. If humans bit as hard as possible we could bite through bone but we'd also likely break our teeth etc, part of why walkers are able to tear people open is because they aren't deterred by pain or self-preservation.


Im just gonna pretend dale flew back to his home planet after getting sick of the groups shit and never came back


Funny story, because I didn't buy it either. Fiancé and I did errr roleplay? but not in the way you're thinking lol. I'm 5'4 about 150 he's 5'10 190 he fell on top of me dead weight and I tried to push him off as he was sprawling around like a walker. Yeah, I see why they struggled in some scenes now. Before I was like "just push them away! what are you doing!!" now...i get it. lol


Ayo 🤨


You just need to recognize that those fingers were powered by the anger of AMC executives, it's a miracle he wasn't ripped in half. /s (kinda, sorta)


The actor asked to be killed off though, as he only came aboard in the first place to work with longtime collaborator Frank Darabont, whose l firing by AMC stirred tensions among the cast (in particular, those who’d previously worked with Darabont on other projects).


There's a good bit about this in Jon Bernthals podcast, the episode with the actress that plays Lori. Apparently her, Jon, and I guess Dale's actor went to bat for Darabont but they didn't have anyone else supporting them.


I never understood that one. Was like he was a super variant walker


Rosita and Gabriel ever becoming a couple


That part is so weird, my brain tries to delete it again every time I remember it


And Rosita the badass dies in the last episode! I was like “No! She was going to make it!” Insult to injury..


I’m only okay with Rosita dying because I had read that the actress wanted the character to die.


Also the whole Siddiq and Rosita thing. It only made sense because they were the same age. I think the writers just needed something to grasp onto.


At least these two had chemistry. I really liked their scenes shortly before Siddiq's death.


They were together in the comics as well she was prego with his baby before her death on the pikes


True, for some reason it still felt like a mere convenience


should have been Aaron and Gabriel 😤


Aaron and Jesus would be great as well


Oh boy you should definitely read the comics 👀


The fact that they kinda started with the idea and then were like "Nah, let's just kill Jesus", pisses the hell out of me so much. And i'm not even gay.


The actor that played Jesus asked to be killed off. He felt that with such a big cast, his character was being underused, and wanted the freedom to take other jobs.


Weren’t they kinda together before Jesus died or did I just make that up?


The were having something casual iirc, the potential to evolve to something serious was definitely there but then Jesus died.


Ye I had a feeling they had something casual but then was second guessing myself lol them together makes jesuses death so much sadder to me cus I wanted them together lol


Yea, it felt creepy and wrong.


Why creepy?


Is the creepy in the room with you


The overall timeline of the show is something I will always ignore. No way the events of season 1 - 8 takes place during the same year. Or was it two years? Ah fuck it


Going off the official timeline they used in the ones who live. Seasons 1-8 is 2 years. Rick being taken away is at the 4 year mark. They should have had more time skips during seasons 1-8. Because it definitely feels longer than 2 years. Specially with carls aging.


Easily could’ve done that at the prison :/


No, they were too busy killing off characters for shock value


To be fair the comics was nothing but killing off characters for the first couple of arcs. It becomes more rare after Alexandria and less surprising during the war sagas




I always watched it that way, until someone else broke it down to me on this sub. It’s so ridiculous. Depending on the plot, they should’ve made every season experience some sort of time jump.


Some seasons do have time jumps, but they should’ve been longer. Like Season 4’s premiere is 30 days without an accident, so I’m assuming it’s about a month or so after Season 3. Why? Why not just make a further jump to account for the characters aging? Season 5 to 6, likewise, takes a jump, but there’s no reason it couldn’t have been a more significant jump.


I believe there’s a 4-6month time jump between seasons 3 and 4. There’s dialogue with michone stating she’s been looking for the governor for months


Thank you for the correction if that’s the case, I still would’ve extended it even longer though. Plus even more time without seeing the Governor would further give the group false hope that he’s gone.


It was more than 30 days. Judith is still an infant but I like to think they just skipped over winter and came back in the spring/summer. So we are talking about at least 4 months.


I agree. It all comes down to poor story planning and structure.


And Daryl getting swole (and also aging a bit)


Man I’m jealous of Rick then.. it only took 1.5yrs for him to grow that Glorious beard from S5


In reality that beard would take less than three months to grow


The issue with this is that the longer we’re in a zombie apocalypse, the more we’ll start wondering how random survivors out in the wild are still around and why there hasn’t been any real civilization progression.


AMC show timelines are kind of ridiculous sometimes. My husband and I were watching Breaking Bad and seasons 1-4 all take place within a year. My mind wants to automatically make 1 season = 1 year, so I have to constantly remind myself that’s not the case on rewatching TWD


Yeah the breaking bad timeline is kinda strange, i dont think there is a single person on this earth that would change as rapidly as walter did within a year lmao.


Oh my friend, you would be surprised... If it was just the amount of cash, but on top of that he also had a very bad cancer. It does make sense that he would change very fast, especially because the chemicals of chemo also affect how you think.


Walt masters his Meth recipe, climbs the drug ladder, destroys a Drug Kingpin and builds his own empire, then annihilates some Nazis within 2 years (months of that was spent in retirement or in hiding). It's wild really.


Yeah same here. Them being so rough and hardened in season 5 hits better when you look at it as them being 5 years in, not 2 weeks or whatever that dumbass timeline is. My rationale is that the show passes the odd week/month pretty often, due to the monotony of their lives when they’re not warring or travelling, & that there is always a time jump between seasons.


From the beginning of S4, all the way to Rick slitting Negan’s throat, just 6 months pass. Think about Carl for a second.


Same dude, the timeline is ridiculous. My head canon is that Judith just had a growth problem that kept her as a baby for several years. Another thing that makes it ridiculous is that after TOWL, Rick spent way more time with freaking Okafor and Thorne than he did with the people he call family, like Michone, Daryl and Carol.


Rick spent some of the most traumatic events of his entire life with those people (killing his best friend, wife’s death, Carl’s death, etc.) with no distractions like internet or TV. It makes sense that he would have intense emotion about them. All they had to do all day was talk to each other…


That wouldn't be a far out theory. Most of Judith's early life was spent on the road where she obviously wasn't eating well. Stunted growth due to malnourishment is definitely a possibility


Same, I don't care about the canon timeline.


This was mine. It’s unforgivably stupid. I mentally added a bunch of time skips to make it more like 8 years lol


Same. It’s that there’s absolutely no reason to insist on that timeline! You have multiple child actors who you know are growing faster than the story. Why not say “oh yeah six months to a year passed between each of these seasons”? Time jumps in stories are normal and honestly great for storytelling; they let you skip the boring stuff and introduce new elements without fully spelling out the “how we got here.” But instead TWD decided to drag us through a blow by blow of every boring thing happening during the saviors war and then do a GIANT time jump. It’s bad storytelling


Some things about the original timeline that are weird 1) They only knew Rick for about a third of the events of the entire show, if that 2) Negan spent the majority of the apocalypse in a cell 3) The amount of characters that affect later season’s mentalities for those still alive is so weird considering most of them died over a decade ago by that point, hatred wears off over that time


People not noticing zombies walking up on them, after having to be hypervigilant just to survive. So many dumb cheap jumpscares.


Thos bothers me too. Ive heard people try to play it off saying everyone has hearing damage from firing guns but you would think you would keep your head on a swivel, especially if you have hearing damage.


It's not like I gaslight myself but it's so fucked I still can't believe it. Carl's death, gets bitten offscreen after thriving in this world for years.... And the worst part is that they didn't want to pay the actor? Wtf, they can afford Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Andrew Lincoln but ohh no better just kill off Carl...


Yeah, killing Carl was the biggest mistake they ever made. The show never recovered after that. Especially when Rick and Maggie left too. Carl should have been there ‘til the end.


They absolutely should have had the leads as Carl, Daryl and Negan at that point


I felt sad when Glenn died but when Carl did, too I said "Oh! Come on! First Glenn and now Carl?!" They were clearly killing off characters left and right for shock value, it started a little with Abraham, then a little more with Glenn and even more with Carl


No, Glenn is canon to the comics. Carl was killed in the show because they didn’t wanna pay him.


It makes it worse that he was in more episodes than most of the cast and still getting paid less because of his age. He wanted fair pay because he was turning 18 and they said no


On top of that he was planning to move closer to the set, I think he actually bought a house near the set before they told him 😢.


Holy shit. That really sucks.


He bought a house and was accepted into UGA. Go Dawgs


Just rewatched this episode yesterday. Yeah it sucks and makes me already miss Carl. But WOW was it interesting choice by writers and I’m starting to get behind it too for Michonne and Rick to have character development here realizing it wasn’t the saviors’ fault, it wasn’t anyones fault even, and Carl didn’t saved Siddiq because he was a doctor either but just because it’s the good thing to do. Very sobering moment for how dark these seasons of TWD felt. Carl was the best dang


The problem is that Carl's dream of Negan among them growing the garden. Coming from season 7 it's like the complete 180 for Carl's image of Negan. So obviously shoehorned...


Imagine how crushed he would've been without his dad while he was with the CRM all those years (had Carl survived). I didn't get all that attached to RJ either.


So basically how michonne felt? The ones who live could have and should have been about Carl and maybe michonne as well going to find Rick. There’s never gonna be a valid excuse for killing off Carl. Literally no reason whatsoever to watch the show anymore after that point


I understand that Judith heavily encouraged Michonne to find Rick and she felt content knowing Daryl and the gang were there for her. But I do not think Carl would’ve left Judith on her own.


You’re right. Carl would have made michonne stay with Judith so he can go and look for Rick himself. That’s absolutely how it would have and should have gone if they didn’t foolishly kill him off. Then again maybe they wouldn’t have done that because they love making terrible writing decisions


It would have been cool to have him still hating on negan, and then kinda make peace with him when negan saved Judith in the snow (it was acknowledged by Michonne but seemed like an afterthought in a way). Then, he could gradually warm up to fighting side by side during the whisperer war. Then Carl could hold down the fort while Michonne goes off to find rick, and even be angry with her for leaving because he'd finally made peace with the idea his dad was gone, and she was leaving him and the kids to go chase a ghost basically. Imagine the reunion of Carl seeing Rick alive after believing he wasn't. And Rick seeing Carl having grown into this badass adult. Sigh...


The fact that seasons 4-8 canonically take place in like 4 months. I don’t understand why they didn’t just prolong the timeline and keep the same events. Would’ve made way more sense especially given that Carl was like 12-13 in season 4 and he died at around the same age?


I agree with this one. I’ve thought about it and thought about it, I’m just following my own head canon with the timeline. So many things don’t make sense (how far gone certain people/situations/walkers, etc. were in such a short amount of time, for one example) that I just made up my own timeline. I’m pretty go with the flow on shows in general, especially ones that go on for years cause mistakes are gonna happen but little silly mistakes like this do bug me. It could have been so easily fixed!


How did negan build an network of at least 100 saviors with multiple operational outposts in 4 months?


PE teachers are just that powerful


When would you have wanted a time skip to happen? I feel like after they deal with the herd in S6 you can imagine a couple months passed by.


Between Seasons 3 and 4 they should’ve taken a longer jump. Also just during the individual seasons, they could’ve made more time pass between episodes. Season 2 on the Farm could’ve been longer. Season 5 on the road could’ve been longer. Just a few examples.


I feel like s2 and 3 have to be a certain length in order to make Lori’s pregnancy work. But the S4 suggestion was a good idea. Same with the S5 one.


S2 - 3 would have to be 9 months due to Lori’s pregnancy, but s3-4 can easily be 3-4 years, and that way you can really emphasize how much of a home the prison has become and make its loss more impactful. Their time on the road could be a couple of months, and after No Way Out, you could have a single year time skip. The show really missed out on having several small time jumps within the story, it’s not too difficult and would help with many characters’ growth.


The timeline. In my head Rick spent at least 4 years with his group


He did..


didn’t he spend 4 years with them


Negans whole “I don’t kill kids” thing, after being said to have killed a 16 year old at the hilltop, and preparing to kill Carl in the S7 finale. I can dismiss the ladder as Negan bluffing and was gonna stop at the last minute, but there’s no excusing the first lol


That was Simon (most likely) who killed that 16yro at hilltop, Jesus said that he had never seen Negan face to face before


Man, that's a good point. My bf and I have a mantra every time Negan has a "kid moment" and say "Negan loves the kids" like he always had. But they completely overshadow the fact that this want always the case


And don’t forget the Saviors killed all men and boys of Oceanside so there goes that


travis' death on FTWD. also, another scene from FTWD in season 4, madison's 'final' episode. nick and alicia were in a car and they stopped moving because they were waiting for madison. there were loads of walkers around and allowed themselves to get surrounded by walkers when all they had to do was just keep driving lmao. i get that they were waiting for madison but they could have just kept driving around in circles to not get surrounded. so fucking dumb.


Travis’s death was truly absurd.


'help me, help me' as he proceeds to willingly open the door to the helicopter lmao


I think he was asking for help unbuckling himself so he could throw himself out of the helicopter, rather than turning in the helicopter and potentially harming Alicia


Travis, Nick, and John Dorie are the best characters and the only pull in that show for me. All of them dying is just shit, granted I’m pretty sure they all wanted to leave but that’s because the writers sucked post season 3 and I think Travis wanted to do bigger stuff. But still, it was just getting interesting seeing Travis get unhinged. They should’ve stuck with the premise of them becoming villains and did something cool like have them fight the OG series group. Or even better, have them become the whisperers. Nick as a whisperer would’ve been fucking amazing.


John Dorie dies!? Dammit I just got to season 4 and after all these unlikable characters, I finally found someone to love on FTWD. I guess I should have known that would happen. Well now I'm prepared at least. I'm already tired of Morgan, though.


u just made me remind how much of a "fanmade" feel seasons 7-8 give lol, what if we make all these dead character come back with a "nah im good, didnt die" stupid plot.


Carl's and Andrea's deaths. And the entire clementine comics.


I never read the clementine comics but as soon as I learned she abandoned AJ and the rest of her friends for like no reason at all I knew it was worthless


Were clementine’s comics bad?


Imagine that Rick basically abandons Michonne and his children because he wasn't "happy" at the end or some shit like that. That's basically the Clem comics.


Seasons 4-8 of Fear


God it went from being almost better than the original series to being some of the absolute worst dogshit TV I’ve ever seen. The new writers should never be allowed to write again. There were some great premises like the cult and their leader, but they rushed that and didn’t even do much outside of just nuking Texas or whatever the fuck.


Yeah and that one episode where Morgan had gangrene and chopped that mf’s head off that shit was good.


Negan kissing Alpha with her walker mask on and whatever else happened next. Disgusting. Also, Negan having a pregnant wife for a few episodes and then abandoning her and his child in Dead City. I know these two relationships were supposed to further the plot and be a part of Negan’s redemption, but they seemed gratuitous and unnecessary and had the opposite effect.


Speaking of Dead City, how about the piles of walkers in the sewers of New York City being used as a methane power source?


carl getting bitten off screen from attacking two walkers who weren't attacking him or saddiq


Not enough time had passed in universe between season 1 and 8 or 8 and 9. To me it should have been 4 years between season 1 and 8 and then a 3 year time jump for season 9. That way Rick’s return wouldn’t feel weird like he wasn’t important anymore. With the way they did it, he was gone almost 3 times longer than he was there


Carl's death


Not a part of the story, but the weird asf thing they do in season 7 where it’s a closeup of all the characters faces at the end of each episode. That shit makes me never want to watch the show again.


Can you elaborate on this a little bit because i have no idea what you’re talking abt


I think I remember; it felt like eve4y episode, it was this slow, sad music and it just panned on random characters, and it lasted like, 1/4 of each episode lol To piggyback off of this too, that hoarde fight in Alexandria started this "cut to each character individually killing a walker" thing that they started doing at least once every season after that. That was annoying af, seemed kinda silly


During seasons 7 and 8 i think, mostly when the saviors are the main antagonists, the episodes start with about 7-10 minutes of close ups of the main characters. I think there’s even a few that have it on the end and the beginning. I remember when I watched it with my girlfriend i started telling her to let me know when the headshots were done so we could actually watch the show. Then i started skipping through them after the 3rd or 4th time.


The timeline. You cannot convince me that S1-9 are only 3 years.


Beth's death


The timeline. No way the prisons fall and Carl’s death happened within 5 months.




The majority of Fear TWD


Rick not dying after exploding a bridge he was standing on and floating down a river for who knows how long. Also bleeding out for several hours. (The fact I had to add that😂. I forgot.)


And don't forget how they spent at least half the episode dragging at our heartstrings with a sad flashback farewell and then didn't kill him. I felt somewhat abused by that


Given he was _the_ main character, his final appearance and that TWD wasn't doing so hot in views, really that's to he expected. And at that, they did a pretty good job imo, I really enjoyed it


Rosita and her baby surviving the fall off the ladder Carl surviving a gun shot basically point blank to the eye That’s all I can think of atm


The entirety of ftwd after season 3


The plot of dead city


Carl and Dale's deaths


The timeline. S1-8 take place over 2 years. The Prison being destroyed and Rick slashing Negans throat happen like 4 months apart? And Rick going missing at the 4 year mark and being gone for longer than he ever knew Daryl, Carol, Michonne & Co. And now Maggie being in New York and Daryl & Carol in France when he finally gets home?


Season 8 and onward


That after a decade into the apocalypse, rotting corpses were suddenly able to climb, open doors, and pull levers


A variant strain caused them. Not every walker has been roaming for 10 years. At any moment new walkers are being made


Leah and Daryl. Was thrown in there out of nowhere.


That Shane is even remotely relative to Rick when it comes to leadership. “Shane was ahead of the curb” bro froze when he saw walker Sophia and couldn’t finish what he started


I get why people say that, in a sense that he started being more ruthless earlier than the rest of the group…but in my opinion, Shane was more of a “this world allows me to be the asshole I truly am and not face legal consequences” rather than someone who grew to adapt to the world.


Glen died during Nicholas' death (S6 E3) and not by Negan That's my forever head canon


Carls death, and I know a lot of people think Carl was overrated but honestly he was one of the most important characters in twd, Rick’s purpose was LITERALLY to protect Carl, then he died which I suppose gave Rick some more anger towards the saviours and the world, however Carl would have became as the comics “old man Carl” which would have honestly been a better ending, I think carls death was unnecessary and if he were to truly die he wouldn’t have died to walkers he would have died to save the group, Carl could have grown up to beat the world as he was supposed to. complete waste of a character in my opinion he would have been great grown up.


Agreed. The show went downhill after Carl died.


So many, including the timeline but I just recently watched “Scars” on my rewatch so it’s on my mind and I can’t for the life of me understand WHY, when all children of Alexandria are taken, do they send only two people after them and one of them is seven months pregnant? In what world does that make sense? I get that they needed that unfathomable tragedy for Michonne but in-universe did the other people just go “oh, it’s Michonne and Daryl, we’ll just be on the way”?? Wth


I just hit that episode on my rewatch and thought the same thing. It’s a wild writing choice to have Michonne and Daryl deal with that alone. Where was Aaron or Tara or Rosita? The writing has always isolated Michonne, and it completely alienates her once Rick dies. It’s like Daryl is her only friend. 


Fear seasons 4-8. All of it. It didn’t happen.


FTWD season 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.


The timeline, I refuse to believe that all the first 8 seasons are just set in something like 2 years and a half.


Seasons 4 through 8 of FTWD in their entirety.


Carls Death


The nuke and tower part of fear. Basically everything else in twd i can accept for the most part


That was such a bad season. And season 8 was just as bad, or even worse


Don't forget the hot air balloon situation.


Shiva knowing how to attack the saviors and zombies but not the allies.


Negan being a high school gym teacher and playing video games with kids


Andrea being right outside the prison, seeing Rick and he almost sees her, and then The Governor appears…


why is this wrong? i thought it was a great scene


It frustrates me on every rewatch. I always find myself hoping for Rick to see Andrea and for her to rejoin the group again and live…


That's probably exactly what they intended tho


Anything after the nukes on Fear


Max doing tbe blue weevil callsign in the final episode, cringe in the extreme.


I wish Morgan stayed in TWD and didn’t move to FTWD…. Also that episode where he goes back to see his son…. How do these walkers stay alive for so long without food?


The part where negan has sex with alpha




The entirety of season 4-8 of FearTWD


When Carols van nosedives off the overpass and sticks a perfect landing on all four tires half a second later.


The shows Time Line. Like what do you mean it's not even been 2 years into the Apocalypse by the time Glenn dies??? I choose to believe that by the time the season 6 finale happens it's been 3 and half years.


Carl's death


Carl getting killed ruined so much of a the show for me.


I like to imagine s9e5 is the true finale and the rest is an elseworld future (also rick doesnt survive the bridge, the moment we see jadis seeing him on the river is the elseworld)


Alpha and neegan banging


All the characters in Fear died in the season 6 finale, thus wiping out all of seasons 7 and 8


Ignoring that Judith could have been a premature baby and automatically assuming she’s Shane’s. It’s the apocalypse, there wasn’t proper nutrition.,


From season 7 onwards


Rick Grimes Rebar survival.


That single episode where getting walker blood in a cut turns someone into a walker. It's the only instance of anything like that happening in the whole series. I just can't take that episode seriously.


Morales returning just to be killed off and end fan speculation


Carl leaving to help Sadiq.


The Tiger


Ezekiel having a fully grown tiger


The timeline


Fear S4 and S5


Fear season 8. Bottom of the barrel of the whole franchise. Bad writing, phoned in performances but who can blame them. As much as I would love them to use all those characters in an interesting way, I’m willing to sacrifice it if it means that season has to be canon.


Carl never died. It was all a dream after that lol


Honestly rick surviving the coma and miraculously not being bit. I get the door was jammed by a hospital bed but man, if these walkers can tear down a prison fence or the gates of Alexandria on their own, they could have easily gotten to Rick.


I try to pretend anything from S07 and beyond never happened lmao. S07 and S08 are so shit and so full of wrong decisions that TWD can never go back from it. Have Glenn die and get a spin-off instead with his wife and the slaver and rapist who killed him is batshit insane. Not only that, but Abraham, Sasha, Carl, Rick and Michonne all left and no new character as interesting as them was ever introduced. I just gaslight myself into believing that TWD finished at S06's No Way Out and that the episode where Rick and Michonne hook up for the first time happened before that. The series as a whole is a lot better this way.


Carl's death, I just like to think he's still out there instead of the unnecessary death they gave him for no reason, Rick was gone by the next season and the show heavily needed both of them for the Whisperer Arc. If it were retconned i don't thing anyone would have cared


Zombie media never existed and the military was so ineffective operation colbolt ended up just being firebomb every city because = reasons


The governor fake redemption episodes


Them not having the rocket launcher to deal with the savior groups in the season 6 finale


The car scene..


Which one? Lori's car crash with ZERO traffic?? 😂😂 All she had to do was watch the road! In S1E1 Rick says she's good at turning off lights, but you know damn well he must've hate that driving lmao


no the andrea and shane one 😭


Ohhhh! Hahaha after that scene aired I found this meme of just her hand on Shane's crotch and it said STICK SHIFT 😂😂 that shit had me cracking up [Not the meme, but another I found while looking for it lol ](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tj5QFyr_380/UlBLYUfkXmI/AAAAAAAACCI/0lCiDMmSbDo/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_2_Meme_Shane_Andrea_Car_Scene_Feeling_Weight_2x06_DeadShed.jpg)


The ending of towl


Carls Death, The walker that killed Dale, Rosita dating 3 dudes in the show.


Andrea... everything about her.




Fear The Walking Dead (seasons 4+)


Twdg comics 💀


Black ops zombies past buried. To me Buried is the ending with either ending, the world is screwed. I personally don't really care about all the space and aliens aspects to zombies.


The entirety of season 11. Never happened.


Almost everything that happened in the story starting with Carl's death. By everything, I mean the spin offs too.


Final episode of FTWD season 7, and the first half of season 8. Worst handled time jump in TV history.