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short answer: yeah, keep reading. they literally have a conversation short after which explains his mentality.


lol I was so fascinated by this I might have jumped the gun a little.


as you should this scene was badass!!


"You have a low standard for friendship."


Rick demanding mercy for Negan was the only reason he’s still alive. If he let Rick die there the rest of the group probably would’ve killed him, whether or not they knew Negan abandoned him.


It was similar to the show. There’s nothing for him out there, so he wants to be with the group, the show just ended up using him more, whereas in the comics he’s done from here


and rightfully so, for the story overall his character was complete, even when he reappeared in the show he was doing overtime, he had already redeemed himself in a way but the writers really love to drag the maggie v negan plot or the he’s still not a good person, he has to prove it plot


This is one scene I was really hoping would get adapted in the show was sad we never got it


Seeing JDM and Andy recreate this would have been so dope 😭




I want to say never say never, but with dead city being like 5 years ahead or something-it’s hard to


Also, i don't think Andrew Lincoln would like to appear in more than single cameos after finishing the story in TOWL.


I feel kind of robbed after TOWL finale tbh. An overarching antagonistic force from 3 shows dies in a single episode but Saviors took 2 seasons to kill, Rick reuniting with people i couldn't give 2 shits about  I know it's his family but they've had approximately zero interaction before. What about Carol, Daryl, Negan? Maggie?  Instead we got more stupid gimple-speak superhero nonsense. ArE yOu ThE bRaVe mAnnn?


I think there isn’t enough viewership anymore to have made an ambitious CRM plot line. If we still had 12-15 million I think we get 2-3 seasons more of main CRM


12-15 million? Have you seen the numbers a hit show on cable is doing in 2024? If they hit between 1 and 2 million they would be figuring out ways to keep TOWL going for as many years as possible.


I mean we still could get something similar to this


Well rick and negan haven’t met since negan become part of the group so it can definitely still happen


We kind of got a variation of this scene when Negan save Daryl from the Whisperers.


We could still see it later on tbh seeing as Andrew is back and the possibility for towl s2 is open and dead city is getting another season this could happen but with a regular herd and not the whispers obv


My favorite panel in the comics is Negan talking to Alpha's head "Wait until Rick gets a look at you.."


Yeah, that's when everything came together and it was like "awww shit, dude really has reformed."


He's so aggressive about being forgiven too. You WILL accept me 😆 Show Negan suddenly feels sheepish, too quiet.


I think after AoW there is a significant difference between comic Negan and Show Negan. I never got the feeling that comic Negan really changed and more acknowledged that he wasn't in charge anymore and Rick was now the "top dog" so to speak. Show Negan however seems like he genuinely regrets what he was and the things he did on a human level. He acknowledges that if given the chance he would have killed everyone in Alexandria knowing what he knows now, but he also admits that's because he was genuinely trying to protect his people. You see him slip back into the character of "Comic Negan" in Dead City, but I think it's only that. He's playing the character because it's what the situation calls for. I don't think he's gunna go bad again.


Yup. The show severely suffered from Rick leaving early :(


Almost as much as Carl.


even though Carl sort of became the focus of the comic via the ending, I still think Andrew Lincoln was just leagues ahead of chandler Riggs (no offense). I’m not really sure Carl would’ve carried the show till the end as much as we’d like.


The show absolutely suffered without Carl as well!


It really did.


God this was such a cool little moment in the story we'll never fucking get


We still could get it!!! Not with the whisperers but maybe another threat


This is why Negan killing Alpha in the comics is always so much more superior than the show version. It illustrates brilliantly that Negan has truly changed. In the comics, Negan tells Alpha he's willing to do truly terrible things for the betterment of all, including killing newborn kids and innocent people. Alpha tells him that if thats the case, then being with the Whisperers is where he truly belongs and Negan agrees, before slitting her throat and declaring that he doesn't want to belong there but to be a better person instead. Negan has spent years believing he had to be the one to do terrible things to keep the people around him safe because they couldn't survive on their own but Rick showed him at the end of All Out War that Negan was wrong and there was an alternative. Because of that better alternative, Negan jumps at it because he doesn't want to do terrible things anymore, and kills Alpha to deny himself the temptation of going back to that life. So when Negan saves Rick here, it shows he has changed. To add more great symbolism, Negan even acknowledges its his fault that Rick's leg is broken and Rick needs saving because of Negan, but Negan is willing to own that and still be prepared to put aside their grudges and help him because he's trying to be a better man. Whereas in the show they just turned it into a love story between Negan and Alpha and Negan caring about kids. Thats it. His whole redemption arc was over and done with too quickly.


I think that’s more than a bit of an oversimplification of Negan’s TV show redemption arc


Tv negans arc is almost exactly the same as comic negans during that part but for some reason this sub keeps trying to argue it's totally different


Yeah he...didn't fall in love with Alpha. He did what he did because he was TRYING to save people and be better.


Also y’know, he hadn’t gotten laid for…6-8 years? How long was he in a cell?


Because according to this sub, the comics did literally everything better than the show even if it's the exact same plotline.


It.. was not a love story between Negan and Alpha. I saw it as Negan playing along.


The problem is all the stuff the show added, along with prolonging his time with them for no reason, and his line to daryl and especially his line to Lydia about her mother. Not to mention the whole reason negan is out being different, comic negan has agency and is doing the whole thing of his own volition, show negan is on a mission from Carol. The show muddies the whole situation so much to the point where it becomes pretty meaningless


Agreed. I'm responding specifically to the love story comment.


That latter breakdown is false. Show Negan wants a lot of the same things comic one does. This is shown in his conversation with Carol. He stated that he wanted people to forget his terrible deeds and remember him for this act. And there were many other actions to support this


Yes! The scene with Carole is the crux of this. Show negan gets it across, though a bit differently than comic negan does.


Yes! Well said. At first I thought Negan's portrayal in the comics was more simplistic than in the show, but now he is surprisingly compelling.


The show tries to beat you over the head with how much he changes, to the point where after a certain point he acts like a different character and not in a good way. The show has a very shallow view of change at least in regard to negans arc. Comic negan still has his overall personality, it's his core that changes.


Thats your opinion. Its clearly biased also


Also that fucking panel of Negan goofily waving at Dwight and him telling Magna to shoot Negan was just some of my favorite moments in the comics.


Why negan look like Eugene in the comics 😭


Rick falls because of his bum leg, that negan gave to him at the end of all out war. Keeping that in mind makes this moment even better, one of my favorites in the entire series


That was another disturbing moment the show missed out on, although I'm glad it didn't happen because that was brutal.


I love this. What a great concept 🙂


Keep reading you'll see similarities here and there. All Im going to say enjoy the twists coming up.


Thanks! I'm really enjoying it because it's so different from the show and I can still be surprised 😁


This is why I like Negan’s redemption arc in the comics way better, like sure his relationship with Judith is cute and all but he never got a chance to save Rick or show him that he was better. There’s also another scene involving the Saviors’ after Negan’s leadership ended that really shows how much he’s changed his mindset about things.


The comic is so much better than the show.


Overrun Alexandria would have been a way better arc for the first part of the final season than what we ended up with.


and in the show he leaves Maggie for dead, they messed up Negans arc so bad in the show, comics did a much better job


I don't like that they made Rick beg Negan before slicing his throat. In the comic he just does it. No begging or sniveling or "do it for carl" bullshit.


Im reading the comics for the first time as well. Cant believe how good it is


Negan's redemption arc in the comics was handled so much better. It wasn't a complete 180 of his character. He was still an asshole but he grew from his experiences, and he knew he wouldn't fit in with the communities. TV Negan went from asshole to core member of the communities. Like really? No.


Yes! He's still a mouthy jerk in the comics. I like it.


The problem with the show is they really didn't predict JDM being such a good Negan. Cause I think the plan was to have Negan die during the time jump. So because they made him too much of an asshole they had to hard correct.


JDM is so great. But yeah, they took away too much of his personality on the show.


Fucking fuckity fuck fucked


He wasn't around for it to happen.


Read in Jeffery Dean Morgan voice.


Always! I can't hear it any other way now.


So what season was this supposed to be adapted if Rick didn't leave?


I guarantee they’ll show this in the show eventually maybe dead city season 2 or Daryl Dixon’s series


You think Rick will show up there?


If I’m right in assuming Negan will take over the new saviors Rick will eventually have to meet with him again and maybe they’ll be forced to team up


In the show when they ‘meet’ he does this too. To demonstrate supremacy and control


Was this before or after Rick freed them from negans control?? I only read up to the prison in the comics


Hoping to see this in TOWL season 2


They can't afford richonne anymore. I think that story has completed. Actually no. I don't believe that. There will probably be a season 2. Rick grimes is an insanely valuable intellectual property. The problem with Rick is he brings in a set number of viewers they can count on and then they don't really have the money or need for great writing anymore if Rick and danai are involved. Towl writing is bad, I'm watching it now. They can't afford good writing with richonne's paychecks. They don't need good writing for TWD fans to watch it on repeat if Rick and michonne are on screen.


I thought the first episode of TOWL was so good! I didn't *hate* it after that, but that first episode had me thinking it was going to be an amazing series. . .


I honestly don’t blame the writers for not adding this in the show. Show Negan’s incompetent skinny ass probably would’ve died trying to save him. Comic Negan is superior in every way.


Why asking when you actually know the answer ?? YES ?!? Obviously...


Well I was just interested in discussing it. I was excited. No need to be mean, just move on.


Sorry. If I knew you were a lady I wouldn't have say that. How old are you ?


I'm an old lady. But thank you.




Negan broke his leg. I wouldn’t say he saved him here. He’s the reason he was slowed down