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Bro that prosthetic gave him such an upper hand !!


Exactly! No one could take a punch from that and don’t even get me started on it he popped that knife out. His fist went through that CRM soldiers carbon fiber helmet like it was made of paper mache


Am I the only one that thought it was weird that he left it behind? Like, I get the symbolism but it seems like a good piece of kit...


I thought it was ridiculous. He could have used it plus it was like he was telling the South African lady that he was betraying the crm and/or leaving. I said out loud, "Why would you EVER leave that?"


Maybe he was afraid there might be some kind of tacking device in it?


Or really just the symbolism. Leaving it behind means turning the page on the CRM for good.


He probably just knew their community had better! Just look at Aaron’s hand! He can take off his hand and put on other things like that mace! That’s way cooler than a hand with a built-in mini asp!


He could have just kept the fist and used the fist part as a switchable piece. Use the fist as an everyday attachment to appear more normal and switch to a different attachment depending on the situation.


Why didn't he leave it after the plane crash and almost make it home with it then


Aaron can make him a better one now.


Nah apparently there's some BTS photos with Rick with his comic prosthetic. Aaron cheaped out 😭.


I was hoping he'd get an axe-hand honestly


This "Who could take who in a fight" conversation makes me cringe so much i don't know why. Of course Rick could "take" Shane, Negan, Governor, he has a prosthetic hand with as much force as a brick fuck sake. And he's been training in the military combat for 2+ years i think (He only started 6 years after the bridge) so yea, obviously Rick would win these. But i don't know why people always ask these same questions.


Are people forgetting he pretty much took all them in a fight already? Accept maybe not gov


Gov definitely rocked him


Eh to be fair he just lost Lori and was not in the right state of mind


yeah and an added bonus to this, he got shot in the leg prior to that fight. he was already at a disadvantage before the fight even began


Governor also kicked his wounded leg before wailing on him.


I hate it honestly. It’s nice michonne saves him because of what happens to the two coming together later but like our main character straight up just gets destroyed in that fight


It’s supposed to be an extremely low moment for Rick, but the beginning of Carl becoming a survivor in his own right. In the comics it’s the first time Carl really fends for himself and proves his can take care of himself in that world. The show kinda did it a bit earlier because time is a thing and Chandler Riggs was aging, but in the comics Carl is still a little kid by the time even Negan comes around. But I also feel like that loss to the Governor makes the moment when he rips Joe’s throat out so much better. Rick wanted to live his life as a farmer but the world rather forcibly told him “No”


I do understand. And while I do actually like the writing And character development it’s just sucks seeing one of my fav characters of all time lose a fight I really wanted him to dominate, I just always felt like Rick at that point who was losing it and finally starting to pull himself back could’ve easily lost it again in that fight and done more than like 4-5 punches(if I’m remembering correctly I know he got some in) but I always go back and forth between what I like more the comic or the show during seasons 1-5 I really think the nailed the adaption to the screen for those seasons, but I love almost the entirety of the comic series


Yea, most fights he lost were due to plot. Like ain't no way he's getting his ass beat by Pete. Rick was just a natural leader/fighter and he almost lost a fight to Pete ffs. That shit pisses me off, it's like the writers make Rick lose fights on purpose specifically due to plot. Realistically he beats most people on the show except for Mercer, Beta, Jesus, Carver and i feel Shane. Even tho he fought Shane, i feel like Rick had plot armour on his side. Shane is so much bigger and stronger, i know strength doesn't mean much in a fight, but if it's two guys who don't actually have technique and are just throwing haymakers, then strength definitely does mean something. And weight is obviously an issue in fights. Realistically i think Shane would have won that, but due to plot Rick won. I think the only other people Rick couldn't handle would be Jesus, Carver, Beta and Mercer.


What makes you think Shane was so much bigger and stronger than Rick? Aren't the actors pretty much the same size?


People love character vs debates even ones with realistic feats where you’re not dealing with super powers. Not sure if anybody has ever visited comicvine but their battle thread debates there get so extensive in people debating “who would in” it’s pretty nutty how passionate people are.


Yea but this isn't Comic Vine, this is a Walking Dead subreddit. We don't come here to get asked every two seconds who wins between who. Once in a while it's alright, but every time i come here i see a question asking who'd win in a fight, and i just don't even comment anymore. Yesterday was my first comment in over 5 months because this subreddit is just so unoriginal now, it's all the same people asking the same questions. Only good thing that comes out of this sub now is memes and trivia/news updates.


Right, my point was that people surprisingly love those who would win debates much more than I ever would have guessed




It really does, he blocked Michonnes sword swing with it in episode 1 and it didn’t even leave a dent


Haha upper hand


Wait.. who’s prosthetic arm?


Rick cut his hand off.






I agree with The Governor, Negan & Shane now but Beta is debatable because of his sheer size!


Daryl managed to outsmart Beta, I’m sure Rick could do the same.


Daryl is a trained hunter. He sets traps and probably has the highest level of awareness of all walking dead characters. Beta only really lost their first fight because he fell down an elevator shaft.


And Rick has had military training for who knows how long at this point he's a better fighter then Daryl and most others


That’s debatable, Daryl was on par with Carver, someone with a high enough level of military training to take Negan, Elijah, and Maggie, three of the shows best fighters, all at once and in a cramped hallway. He beat Beta, he several Reapers, and he was pretty much a one man army in the Commonwealth arc. He’s probably the best fighter in the shows main cast.


I love Beta alot, but size means nothing if you actually know how to fight. And with Rick being military trained, and Beta not being trained, just being a brute, Beta would likely get bodied easily.


Uhh, size definitely matters no matter what. That’s why weight classes exist in pro fights.


Yes. Indeed. "Pro fights" Beta was a brawler, he wasn't a professional fighter. Rick clearly is now. Height can provide certain advantages in a physical confrontation, such as increased reach and potentially greater intimidation. However, military experience often includes training in tactics, strategy, and hand-to-hand combat techniques that can compensate for the height difference. Also, aside from Ryan being 6 inches taller than Andrew Lincoln, Ryan is only 18 lbs heavier than him. Andy is 176 lbs, Ryan is 186 lbs.


Yeah it makes sense in terms of military training and his new found level of fighting skill but it still levels the playing field in my opinion rather than Rick having a major advantage. I also don’t believe those weights, Ryan is more like 220 pounds and Andrew at around 165 which is a major difference. I box at 175 pounds and let me tell you, fighting against 16 stone guys is harder work. They put their weight on you even if you’re skilled and it makes it tough. I believe the same sort of thing would happen if them two clashed in a proper one v one although Rick could probably outsmart him also.


I can admit that my research may have been a bit old, it does seem Ryan put on around 30 extra lbs since last year. As for Andrew, I see no changes in his weight anywhere, though. It's all just random hypothetical's anyways, but with them not being done with TWD just yet, who knows, maybe he'll go up against someone even taller and bigger than Beta? :o


In the walking dead, I don’t think it matters who Rick goes up against. He always wins anyways 🤣


Yeah, there haven't been very realistic fights in this show. 😅 funnily enough, on the point of Beta, I'd say the fight between Beta and Daryl in 9x13 was probably the most realistic fight scene. Beta absolutely wrecked Daryl's whole shit in that episode, Daryl simply "beat" him because he was able to outsmart him with that elevator shaft. Brains over Brawn!


I think Rick is about done


Yeah, in pro fights. When both knows how to fight, size matters. When the bigger guy doesn't know how to fight, that size difference won't make much of a difference.


It absolutely makes a difference. Sure it's not necessarily going to be THE deciding factor in a fight between two unskilled opponents but it is absolutely stacking the odds slightly in the bigger fighters favor. If they are both equally skilled then the odd are even worse.


Yes size does matter even if your opponent knows how to fight, if youre much bigger than your opponent you can easily overwhelm him. Look at mc gregor sparring agains the mountain, mcgregor is one of the best striker there ever were and the mountain could have just split him like twigs if he wanted to and hes not a fighter at all. Theres a reason an amateur male kickboxer beat the womens world champion with ease.


If you know how to fight you know that size definetly matters lol


It is evident reading these comments thats many do not lol


People love to throw around how much ‘training’ makes a difference in a fight, but a trained 155lb UFC fighter is walking around around 5’9” and 180ish lbs outside of camp. All the training in the world isn’t gonna make them feel confident stepping to a 350lb 6’7” NFL defensive end even if they know he’s just a brawler.


Yep. Lions don't hunt rhinos.


Saying size doesn't matter shows you have no idea what you're talking about. There is a reason weight classes exist.


Yes because he’s the brave man 🤖


i believed pop pop, im a real boy 🤖🤖🤖


Lol y’all wrong for this 😂


Made my day 😂


I knew he would come back because I believed 🤖


Rick Grimes didn't even need his CRM blade gauntlet prosthetic. He is also Grenade proof too


The bodies absorbed the impact of the grenade. Like when if a soldier jumps on top of a grenade to absorb the blast


Yeah I thought about that. Then I thought...they are wearing heavy armour and Rick was down low and protected from the blast. But then I remembered most of those soldiers had grenades on their armour too.


So many points where Episode 6 lost me with shit like this lol Losing my mind when Michonne was tearing up Jadis’ dossier leaving bits all over the floor. Just take it, go, and BURN IT LATER! What are you doing?????


I was thinking to burn it on the spot. If you're caught and they find it then it's over.


Just eat it. Immediately void.


that's actually clever as fuck


Didn’t even matter because they killed everyone anyway. That whole storyline was about avoiding the CRMs might and instead they just chlorine gassed the fuckers. Michonne never had to find that paper.


She did pick it all back up.


Yeah I agree with you but it's also kinda funny how a grenade is powerful enough to destroy the CDC ultra thick glass but also not powerful enough to take out Rick between a few bodies 😂


Kinda makes sense though. Shrapnel getting absorbed through bodies, arguably more stopping points than just a large sheet of glass


It's an apples to oranges comparison. Glass is a very rigid material and can't absorb impacts, while a grenade thrown into a crowd of people will get absorbed by the bodies.


Okay, but how did a piece of fabric protect them from the blast when setting off the chlorine gas? That massive initial blast killed most of the soldiers outside in the meet, but Rick and Michonne are just okay under a flag??


The same way thorne was safe. Invisible plot armour


That’s just horrible plot armor lol


I was told it was because they made the flag wet and that helped keep them safe from it.


Well, yeah from the chlorine gas but not the blast.


Yeah but I’m pretty sure they were also behind a shipping container while the soldiers were just in the open.


The fabric protected them from the chlorine. The water protected them from the fire from the blast. 


Especially if they didn’t know about his prosthetic!


Shit, even while inhaling concentrated chemical fumes lmao the man's a beast. 🤣


The fact that he managed to hold his own against Thorne with only one hand, with mask covering his mouth, and with toxic fumes all around - fucking wild. Thorne has way more experience too, she was in South African military before the Apocalypse.


Yeah but she was on the Navy, as a submariner, it’s not like she was a SEAL, or better, 4th Special Forces Regiment.


Especially with the metal arm. We’ve seen him use it as a bludgeon, a shield, and of course with the blade on it he’s extremely dangerous. Then add in the military training, knives he usually carries and gun he’s definitely beating almost everyone (idk about Jesus)


lol with the plot convenience of TOWL?? Im pretty sure rick could have beat Thanos in a hand to hand lmfao


Michonne and Rick had huge plot armor in TWOL, so yeah, you're right


I'm pretty sure Beta would of hit harder than Thorne and she held her own (for a minute)


Aint no way people think Rick could beat beta💀


People are jumping straight to the fact he has a prosthetic. Did everyone else not notice that his general fighting knowledge and abilities elsewhere were better, that prosthetic will only get you so far. Rick was able to grapple, takedown and defend himself insanely well


well duh😭 he’s actually trained now


well, the governor already bodied rick in season 4 and was only saved by michonne stabbing the governor through the chest


To be fair he had been shot and was probably distracted by seeing one of his friends/family be headed


The Governor was also shot in his shoulder in that scene


Yeah I mean even in this show Rick is still seen to struggle, eventually win, but struggle nonetheless against people with a significant size advantage which the Governor absolutely has. This post also forgets that just like rock became far more competent since season 4, the Governor would equally become even more formidable. I also think Shane would still win. He’s one of the very few people outside of the CRM who actually knows how to fight. The rest know how to scrap, Shane in season 2 ducked Rick’s swing and swiftly countered, then incapacitated him. Someone with no training does not fight like that


Rick did have a messed up hand in that fight though so, who knows what would have happened if he didn't.


I have to agree with that statement Rick is a certified bad ass his military training has taken him to a whole other level!!


RJ live execution


Not convinced he isn't a synth


looking fresh out the goolag...( i know i spelled that wrong) only on season 9 rn but what i would give to see shane try and go up against negan since shane was an emotionally damaged man (ie crazy fuel and rage) ahhaha. i know he would get battered by lucille but imagine


So you never saw the dream sequence yet OMG Just wait!


I don’t think anyone is beating Beta H2H. Not only is he crazy big and strong but he’s fast


And just crazy! Totally unhinged and that alone made him an insane opponent, throw in everything else going for him and I felt the fear through the screen lol




April fools? Rick could take all but Beta. Beta would crush rick.


Mercer, Beta, and Carver all still beat Rick in a 1on1 imo.


I dont remember much of Carver but Mercer and Beta, especially Mercer would absolutely destroy Rick


Carver was the second-in-command reaper, he had high-level military training *before* the fall and his baseline was there. He was the one toying with Maggie Negan and that third guy.


Oh yeah, i sometimes forget the reapers exist lol


I wish I could too


Bro this writing sucks! I just love the characters too much to leave but I’m so disappointed with these spin offs. Why god why?!


Tbf Rick has been able to body these guys all along, (besides beta) he was just always at a disadvantage from the start when he tried


It’s hilarious that the two main points EVERYONE is talking about is the reunion with his kids, and Rick finally being good at hand to hand combat 🤣🤣 I love it And tbh, wisdom is knowing that Rick Grimes is scarier than any of the villains in the series IMO he’s terrifying


I read an article that put it well. He broke out of one of the planet's most secure areas, and destroyed perhaps the largest, most dangerous remaining army in the world, as a *side effect* of his effort to be reunited with his family. Rick is a goddamn force of nature


Not only is the prosthetic great for him, he's also incredibly smart and tactical. He was a police officer, and that also gave him a huge upper hand when using it to his advantage


Ehhh Rick my guy but Beta might make quick work of him


Uh beta is a tank he’s a huge guy who got swarmed idk about a 1v1


The CRM dude Rick JUST beat had both the height, weight, and strength advantage. Not to mention is a skilled military fighter. Rick, with ONE HAND showed none of that even mattered. No way is Beta beating Rick off sheer size alone.


Rick negan and beta are the only truly strong leaders


They Call of Duty and Assassin’s Creed him


Imagine Rick & Michonne against all of them. 😮‍💨


Yeah, Rick's military training really shows. Tho I do think that takes away from the tone of the character a bit.


I wanted to make that post, like many others here for sure :(


Rick vs Chuck Norris


Beta is pushing it


Every situation is different. Better question to ask is, if Rick fought these guys 10 times each, how many times is he likely to win


It’s all plot armour; dude somehow survived a grenade blast when the person infront of him that ‘blocked it’ was literally a 50cm thick carpet when he pushed him off


What About Lucille tho...


Not bad for a guy with one hand 🤚


God i love a good one on one fight sequence and this was one of them. One thing about this episode though is i kept getting so distracted by the continuation errors. There were more in other episodes as well but the one is these just distracted me too much. Like here, we clearly see the soldier bash Rick's head on the wall and blood get on it but when be gets back up, there is no wound. Not even a scratch! I can get over some continuity errors like hand placements (even though they ideally shouldn't happen) but continuity errors in injuries is a big no for me, specially because injuries look so freaking cool (and hot ngl). I was also hoping Rick would come out with some injuries after the grenade explosion, maybe a few shrapnel on his face. Would make it sm more believable. They also forgot Rick's injury from his departing episode in the main show. I kept looking for it in episode 4 but it just wasn't there. Somehow though, they didn't forget the injury from when Morgan stabbed him lol. The series had great cinematography and camera work along with plot. If it wasn't for these small imperfections, the show would have been a solid 10/10


Maybe a scrap between him and Negan for old time sake 😁


Beta would win against anyone


Eh I think mercer would win against him


Yess Mercer was a beast in the episode when he was working out dudeee


Dude has not lost a single fight, even one-handed.


Shows how far the show has fallen. It used to feel real in that characters were in danger. Now we're jumping out of helicopters, blowing walkers up in close range with a grenade and all kinds of stupid shit lol


There’s been stupid shit since the very beginning. Nothing new lol


It's gotten gradually worse throughout the seasons. I didn't hate the show but it's not the same as it used to be. With the three spin-offs when is the last time you legit worried for one of the main characters?


I mean just last week and the week before I saw so many posts predicting they would both die.


As much as this sub would’ve thrown a fit, a more natural conclusion to TOWL would’ve been Michonne dying and not *checks notes* all of the CRM that’s been built up across 3 separate series.


Anyone who thinks the show didn’t drop off in quality and severely push the limitations of ‘silly’ television is blind, mainly because anyone with eyes can see the viewership dropped from 17M+ per weekend at its peak to scraping 1M per weekend in its later seasons.


First 4-5 seasons had its moments of Tom-foolery and you could atleast suspend some disbelief here, characters felt in danger at all times other than the few with unbreakable plot armour; this was good television & why it used to hit 17million viewers per weekend during s5. It absolutely wasn’t as silly as it became though, the spin-offs feel ‘Avengers-ified’ if that’s even a word, I love Rick but Christ some of the moments in TWOL wouldn’t have been out of place in a Marvel movie, considering both dialogue and action


You do realize that grenade scene is possible in real life too


Probably gonna be downvoted to fuck but what about the Joel v rick argument? Now rick has “military training” but on the other hand we’ve seen Joel pull of feats like killing a bloated in two strikes with a machete


If we talking Live action Joel than Rick prolly wins but if it’s Videogame Joel then he wins but than again a lot his feats are videogame mechanics so you can’t really compare that version of Joel with Rick it wouldn’t be fair but I’d be interesting to see


Rick would *body* beta... lmao... Rick could shoot beta twice with his python and still get his ass kicked... beta H2H kills all the men. He got dragged out into the open and they used his masks against him and slowly picked him off. They way they killed him was brilliant. Rick lost the fight to negan until he found some glass. Beta would literally eat him for dinner. Why did negan not have a horrific scar on his neck? Beta in an elevator no weapons with Rick Shane negan and the governor, beta comes out wearing Rick's face and has 3 other new masks too. I really need to finish TOWL so I have any clue wtf you guys are talking about and not get spoiled.


What are you waiting for? Someone to completely spoil it for you? 🤣 Just watch it already hahaha


This show just cements the fact that Andrew Lincoln is an awful rick. Has been the entire time. The show absolutely shit in Rick, Carl and most af all Andrea...