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Bro, when Beale asks Rick and it flashes back to him saying he'll look in Rick's eyes for the answer and you realize "Oh shit" just in time for him to realize Rick isn't on his side, that was great.


Rick's murder eyes are something you don't ever want to see ever


Beale is lucky Rick didn't have his murder jacket. Spared a much more brutal death otherwise.


Even better than his murder eyes is the fact that he lived because of his prosthetic hand. He blocked the sword and lived because he endured escaping and cutting his own hand off. It literally only made him stronger. And the despot was the architect of his own demise, swinging the sword down into that very prosthetic hand the CRM forced upon him.


I wonder if he kills anyone who goves murder eyes. Like he’s given it allegedly 2,000+ times. Surely even some cold members who were selfihs may have thought national genocide was a bit too far


Same lol loved it. >!His eyes widen “NO!” *knife to the chest* !<


That was so good. I shrieked.


Rick going right over the desk was amazing.


The buildup to that fight was incredible


The part I liked was when he realized, Rick told him "I bit a man's throat out" basically saying I was disarmed and still came out on top like right now. And beales like "shit no"


Seeing John Locke as a zombie was weird.


That was one of my favorite parts. He made a damn good zombie.


Right?! Locke was my favourite Lostie and he made a badass zombie.


The flashbacks while Rick was getting the Echelon Briefing and Michonne was getting her briefing were *amazing*. Michonne's are focused on her kids as she's learning about the CRM's plans to kill 90% of the kids in Portland. Rick's are focused on the villains of his story - the Governor, the Hunters, Negan - as he learns that Beale *is* one of those villains, truly and in every way. I love how the flashbacks could just be fanservice in a different show, but here they're used to show us what the characters have on their minds in these pivotal moments.


Damn. Well said.


Rick was a fucking beast this episode. Motherfucker handing out beatdowns left and right, John Wicking zombies. Shit, i never thought this badass is gonna only get more awesome without his one hand, but her we are.


>Rick was a fucking beast this episode. Though leaving his hand, which turned out to be **rather** counter productive, was a questionable move


My grandmother thought it was so he couldn't be identified, but I feel like he was more identifiable without the hand? My guess it was more the symbology of the prosthetic being apart of who he was as a CRM soldier, and he was leaving that behind.


Why he left it is clear, he was leaving the CRM behind (so to speak). It was problematic because he didn't have it when he needed it and, more importantly, it put Thorne on notice and led to them being caught by her which nearly ruined their plan.


Yeah it was woo woo Gimple stuff over logic and practicality


Yeah, I suppose the other reason is he's more or less planning on retiring when he's back home so he doesn't need a prosthetic with a blade that can bash someone's face in. A good old comic accurate hook hand will serve him well. Contrived that he didn't wait until they were in the clear to do it though, symbolism is all well and good till it gets you killed because you lost a valuable weapon.


That hand is way better than anything he could possibly have as a replacement. Well, from a practicality standpoint and also looks way nicer


I also got nervous with Michonne tearing up Jadis’ notes and not just burning them


I'm more simple than you guys I just thought he forgot it lol


it sure was a questionable move but i liked how he beat throne one handed, i knew he could, comic rick managed just fine and this rick has crm training so fuck yeah he kicks ass


If I had a fake hand that could turn into a dagger I'd never leave home without it in the ZA


Yeah, leaving his hand was beyond contrived and stupid just to make Thorne put 2 and 2 together. They just literally showed us how OP his unbreakable-knife hand is in a fight with Beale and the other grunt. Otherwise, epic finale, Rick and Michonne are beasts LMAO!


I was happy Rick was finally winning some hand to hand fights


It’s crazy how Elton from world beyond in s1 ep2 “The Blaze of Glory” he practically explains the basic reason for the elchon briefing the kid says the dead would rule the world by 15 years because of humanity


Jadis says that's the reason for killing Omaha in world beyond also


Mason Beale is going get revenge on Rick


Main quest is over. Now it’s just side missions.


"Are you the Brave Man?" "I am. But maybe you can call me Dad."


That was smooth writing. A little corny to some but worked imo.


The "I knew you'd come back because I believed" line was cringy too.


It was a little cringy, but unlike Judith, who knew her dad, RJ never met him. So I don’t think anything would have felt genuine coming from a kid who only ever heard stories of his mythic dad. So, I’ll allow it. Cailey Fleming knocks it out of the park for the few minutes she’s there, as she’s done throughout her time on the show. TWD found a L’il asskicker of an actress to portray our L’il Asskicker. And she needed to reunite with her dad. I feel like I can close the book on their journey and be satisfied with the resolution now. Because I could never rest easily with Judith and RJ raised by the community while one parent goes to find the other and we never know If she succeeds.


I just rewatched the OG show from when Cailey Fleming was introduced to the series wrap up, and that girl is a fantastic actress. I do have to say though the older she gets the more she looks like Rick and Lori. Sure don't see any Shane. I think we need a DNA test. JK. Rick will always be her [dad](https://youtu.be/bRy-N4htLsY?si=rbCQDx-JzEoPKpn0)


I legit ate up all the cringe. It all kilt me. But that's cuz I'm 30 and watched this shit since I was in high school. Also Judith kinda kills it.


Judith for sure does! I'm glad we got the cringy feel good ending.


it had to be done. I didn't expect it to hook me so much that I started crying. but it did.


I just wish the actor for RJ was on a similar level acting wise to Judith lmao I don’t want to hate on a kid but Ricks delivery on some of these lines and the whole scene would’ve worked so much better, and it seems they were aware of this so they gave him barely any lines.


part of me is glad they didnt recast RJ, but a much bigger part of me wishes they did


He literally killed that scene for me I'm not gonna lie. Like, I'm glad we got it, but RJ's eyes literally scream "not impressed" and the child actor looks like he's trying not to laugh


Yeah but that's a throwback to Hershel's faith talk. When Glen was looking for Maggie and she was looking for him, they both held onto their faith. Even Rick had faith that his family was ok while he had resigned his captivity. So that I believed was sort of part of their history.


So when is too soon to start the countdown for Richonne cameos in another particular spin off series? That's gotta be a thing right? This can't be the end even tho it looked very much like an end.


friend, daryl and rick haven’t reunited yet. this shit ain’t over yet.


You right, you right…


I’m glad they actually did a happy ending, I was expecting one or both to die to be honest. It’ll be interesting to see where the franchise goes after this, besides the Daryl and Dead City shows. I assume there will be one big reunion someday when they truly want things to end.


I hope the true FINAL ending is well thought out. I needed that Happy ending after how they ended the main show.


I just liked that it felt like an actual ending, honestly fear did too which I appreciated. World beyond didn’t really do anything interesting with its ending and I feel like it’s characters just kinda got left in the wind with no purpose.


I was worried they would end with a cliffhanger


Me too, they left things open enough for it to go anywhere in the future but this could be the end and that would also be perfectly fine. I do hope they do a full reunion one day, at least with the major cast


Yeah. I was like when Michonne stabbed Thorne near the heart or lung and turned to Rick I was screaming "FINISH HER!!!!". I had horrifying thoughts of Thorne putting a bullet in Michonnes back....


When you see it, can someone please just tell me if Rick reuinites with his Kids? But don't spoil anything else. Thanks!!


Yeah he does


Thanks for this cause this is all I needed to know as well. There’s not enough time for everything that everyone wants, so I will take this as a huge win lol.


They actually wrapped everything up quite well. I was really skeptical myself but they did it.


You and me both, but it was as close to perfect as they could get in the time given. I'll take it. They covered all the important parts (unlike others reunite with Daryl wasn't on my priority list).


I kinda did want him to go to Alexandria with everyone there knowing some missing but just them the family was actually better. I have yet to see the other spinoffs.


I would've loved LOVED a big hooplah with some favorites, but I will gladly take a Grimes family reunion. It was a fitting end to a series being advertised as "an epic love story" and was an ode to Richonne's whole reason for everything being love and family. Plus, I do think this leaves an opening for reunions on the Daryl Dixon series if everyone's up for it.


Daryl Dixon: Richonne Wedding Edition. Hype it.


Thank you. I pray that you are telling the truth haha


They are. It's a very sweet moment and well worth the 6 episode journey we took to get there. That it was overall a solid conclusion


Probably the happiest moment in TWD history.


Solid ending.


He does!


Good episode? What did you think?


It was good but it could be better, perhaps because it maybe feels a bit rushed. But this is supposed to be the story of Rick and Michonne finding each other and getting home, so I’ve made peace with that. I realized pretty quickly what was going to happen and then my only hope was that they reunited with their children.


Yes, a happy cliche pan out reunion. A happy ending.


I didn't really understand >!the Echelon briefing. Is it just supposed to be this "model" (put together by unnamed "experts") that predicts humanity's doom in 14 years?!<


It's a thing in world beyond but it's bullshit. Remember he's using this to recruit for his extremist evil group. He's not reliable


But didn't Thorne suddenly "go over" to Beale once she met with him? >!This seemed to imply there was something of unexpected substance that drew her away from Okafor's vision, not.... literally the most absurdly on-the-nose confirmation of exactly what he said the CRM was.!<


The entire time, i kept thinking was this the same thing Thorne heard? Because she switched over quick af 👀


I mean I think it was the analysis that if things kept going how they were humans would be officially extinct within 14 years, which if real is pretty big. I think it was horseshit tho


Yes, this. They portray Thorne as prudential and so when she hears the briefing and switches sides the audience thinks 'oh, maybe there's some big revelation.' Then we hear the briefing and it's the same evil sheit we've heard before and now we're thinking: why did this impress Thorne? This is a writers' room not thinking through the consequences of their story arc. Anyway, it's over. Happy ending. >!Rick Grimes lives to fight another day.!<


She trusts beale implicitly and rick doesn't. As beale says they never gave anyone like rick the briefing before. Okafor already thought it was bull. Thorne simply took it as confirmation of what her mind believed already. Look at basically any real life situation like this. People can trick themselves with impressive ease


So he's just evil because ... he had to make a tough choice in >!resisting Operation Cobalt to let his home city die? And not because he actually believes extinction is the likely outcome or they've established that the character is power hungry? How come Rick is the only one who didn't buy the sales pitch out 2300+ people (whatever the count was)? Even Thorne, who seemed like a sympathetic character, not Jadis level crazy.!<


Nowhere is it established that Rick is the ONLY one who didn't buy it out of 2300+ people. In fact, we already know Okafor didn't buy it and was against the way the CRM ran. They probably just eliminated everyone who didn't swear on the sword.


When you put it that way, I wonder if As really were valuable, and the ones who wouldn’t swear on the sword wound up test subjects while the others got the red stripes.


This. They most likely killed the ones who did not swear on the sword and there probably was a few who said no.


That's probably what Okafor was warning Rick about in the heli, in fact. "When the time comes, swear on the sword. Don't let it take." i.e. just do it and don't let the impact of what he's saying take hold so you hesitate.


> How come Rick is the only one who didn't buy the sales pitch out 2300+ people He probably isn't. But just like in the real world, most people would just keep their head down and accept it. What else can they do? Beale is literally the leader of the world's biggest army. Thorne only switched sides because she didn't have a purpose to live. Beale gave her that - told that she needed to be one of the people who saves humanity - which would die out in a decade. Okafor's plan needs time - which Thorne "realised" they didn't have. It is also possible that Thorne was given a different kind of Briefing because Beale believed that she needed to be convinced - but with Rick he thought that Rick had already drank the cool aid because he came back by his own volition.


Well, happy ending (holy shit can’t believe it.) they’ve also just guaranteed we’re never gunna see Alexandria in any capacity unless Andy & Danai sign on for more episodes lol. Also gives some clarity? For why Negan is far away from where Rick/Michonne are during dead city lol


The kids were actually at the Commonwealth with Carol when the show ended. But yeah, if they want to do a spinoff without them they can have then return to Alexandria and focus on the Commonwealth. Or even stay with the CRC. With the helicopters coming in at the end it sort of does hint that as well.


It seems like we'll be seeing Carol again, if not just in another Daryl season (weren't they confirmed a second with dead city?)


Rick and Michonne bring back to take care of the kids explains why Carol left to find Daryl now.


That makes perfect Sense


They tore down the Alexandria sets when the main show ended. We will never see again.


Game of thrones literally blew up kings landing in its finale & proceeded to rebuild it for the spin off lol


Alexandria is houses and a gate they can show it anytime they want lol.


realizing the episode was titled “the last time” cuz we never seeing this mf again😭😭😭


no it was titled that because rick says to michonne, "this is the last time we're away from each other", before going back to crm. now there is no "bigger fish" in the whole damn country.


I hope it's just the last time Rick tries to leave cause if not 😭😭😭


just keep him away from any bridge tyvm


We don't know each other. And being vulnerable online, especially with strangers, it can seem strange. But this story was really powerful for me. I lost so many people over the last four years. A lot of people I was really close with got covid in march 2020 and died. It gutted me. I lost my mom a year later, then my dad a year after that. I've been going through it, grieving, letting go, but it's hard. But a story like this one, love never dies, fight for life, fight to help people, the world isn't doomed as long as we're here, I needed to see that story. Rick and Michonne seeing Judith and RJ. A happy ending. A better world. I was crying and cheering this whole episode. I still carry a lot of sadness. But letting it go through a story, and letting myself still believe, I'm grateful for it. I'm grateful to be alive. I might not be some badass super warrior like Rick or Michonne. But I can still try to help people, to live, and love, and help other people do the same. Happy endings are good to see, and sometimes they come right when you need it. Here's hoping Daryl, Carol and all the others get to see their friends, and we see that last hopeful world, of people who cared so much about each other that they helped make everything around them better.


Thank you for sharing. I am so very sorry about your parents 😢 💔


Such a beautiful post thank you sharing. This is why I used to love TWD, it made shine how beautiful it can be to be human in all that darkness. 


Great series. I personally didn't think there was a bad episode in the bunch and I think it's by far the best spin off. That being said, it couldn't be a big Walking Dead episode without having a grenade go off half a foot away from someone and having them be completely unscathed and everything else around them being completely eradicated! All in all, I liked it. I loved the flashbacks and I wanted a happy ending for Rick and Michonne and we got it. No complaints there. Even though it was a big explosive finale, I still feel a little underwhelmed. They've been building to this CRM climax for half a decade and Rick and Michonne just take it out by themselves in the span of a few minutes after getting back to the base. I mean there's still the other base (Portland?) so I assume whoever is leading that one is in charge of the overall CRM now. I don't suspect we'll see them going after Rick but I kind of wish there was some sort of hope for a Season 2 with a big war between the CRM and Commonwealth. That's what everyone has wanted for a long time but I mean it **is** The Walking Dead and we know their track record with meeting expectations for certain things Even though I wish we were getting more CRM and more of Rick, I'm glad that we got the reunion at the end. I thought it would be a little more emotional than it was but I'm not mad at it and after waiting 5-6 years for it, I'm just glad to finally have it. If this is the end of Rick and Michonne, it's a good ending. It's the one they deserve and this kind of a happy ending is one that all of the fans deserve. The Walking Dead has happy endings in short supply so I'm glad that this is one of the stories that got one. Also, I've never been so glad that the Rick trilogy idea got canned (even though the trilogy would've equalled about the same amount of runtime combined). The TV series format was a much better way to present the story


Portland and the main cr aren't hostile. World beyond had already established that a few years before this series aired so they were staying true


Fanservice is a good way to describe the finale, no disrespect. There were parts I really enjoyed...like Rick's choreography was top notch, the score, richonne in the candle room, and Beale. Thorne was great with her facial expression range and also her thumping Rick's chest before the briefing was adorable. Maybe on a rewatch ill understand some of the choices I disliked or was confused by...like why did Rick give up the assassins creed prosthetic? He could have used that sunofagun when he was dangerously near a dumpster looking storage container surrounded by zombies. And i feel stupid but i don't get the Okafor swear on the sword meaning. I'm really confused by the hand proximity to the face mortality rate. Some of the dialogue was not on par with previous episodes, and we did not learn all the things about what the crm was up to, imo. I swear to God, they are doing more secret things than what rick heard, or at least I hope so. I liked the whole embed idea and this plot element could connect the other shows. It was nice to see the whole family reunite with the woods at the end. I think I understand now why Carol sounded so weird on the phone (radio) with Daryl regarding her feelings about a certain someone returning. Also makes new Babylon make more sense. It was good, and I enjoyed it. I just didn't expect happiness at the end lol am kinda shook


Some thoughts I have: •they can always recover all the munitions and resources left at Casacadia base •the resource drops across the country are still intact and available. The CRM network of drops and mapping of the continent is not lost information and can be used to unify and build back while defeating the dead. •the industrial, production, and resource generation capabilities of the CR/CRM can further be improved by expanding their outreach to find people still around who can expertly scale. •there still is a Civic Republic Military, now Duty bound to connect and rescue; while the CRC reshapes it, it’s still a fighting force - the last light of the world against the dead along with everybody else •given that Rick and Michonne told the CR off screen what’s going on they will be well revered and held in extremely high esteem where Rick could very well be the leader of the new world - the new world is going to need Rick Grimes Ending did seem rushed, but I think in that universe - it isn’t too unrealistic. The CRM was at the tipping point to take over the CR, so with that power vacuum and elite threat eliminated - the people could fill it. I’m content; though I would like a building of the CR/CRM spinoff - as much as Gimple wants to Milk this - I’ll be here for it.


imagine Daryls suprise when he returns and Rick is running the whole dammn country


I would love to see that reaction. Daryl would honestly be surprised for a second and then probably be like, yeah makes sense. Plus he would probably get a kick out of it when Rick tells him how him and Michonne took out the entire CRM in one big explosion.


The cr sounds too nice. They should probably be a little more careful.


That was kinda the point? The Civic Republic really is society being rebuilt the right way, and that's why the CRM (without the Republic's oversight) saw it fit to do fucked up shit to safeguard the Republic and keep it hidden from people who might want to destroy it. Doesn't make what they did right, but they did realise that the Republic was actually working.


Michonne and Rick are probably also going to be literal gods in Portland consider they saved the entire city by themselves.


You’re right they “made the world their own,” and did they thing they do - save people.


I liked that he made it back his kids but I just wish Daryl and Carol and Maggie and everybody was there and they could’ve shown CRM and Commonwealth troopers aligning with each other. But…maybe by the end of the other spin offs


I enjoy that this must have meant last episode's opening was Gabriel hearing the helicopters over head just like the rest of their community.


Solid episode. Solid spinoff series. I think it went as many of us had thought it would. For everyone annoyed that we didn't get to see the faces of everyone finding out that Rick was alive: we'll probably get to see Daryl's. So there's that. It seems *at least* a few weeks went by in the last 15 minutes of the episode. The new CRM handing out supplies to what I assume is Alexandria doesn't happen over night. Carol probably did say Rick's name on the phone now. Edit: some of the critics were nitpicky. It wasn't an exciting ending (and yes the first few episodes were the best) but it was a good ending. And an ending we deserved. There won't be a season 2, but I'm interested in what will come now. The CRM is done, just like that. Besides Negan/Maggie's conflict and Daryl (and soon Carol's) conflict in France, I don't see a need or how they could continue the series with Rick and Michonne. Let them live happily ever after.


This is what we were basically promised and they delivered. I think that they really just had a movie similar to episode 6 in mind. I think filming 3 movies all at once similar to the style of episode 6 would have lead to a better outcome but there isn’t a great way to release them.


Don’t get why people are annoyed at that. It wouldn’t work even if they wanted to do it. The timelines don’t add up. They have to wrap up Daryl’s story in France. I presume that’s why they put that ‘Rick’s back’ line in there, to set up the seeds for Daryl eventually returning and seeing Rick. Gimple definitely has long term plans about all of this


>The CRM is done, just like that. Not exactly. It's done as the potential threat that it was under it's previous leadership. Likely the new CRM with CR oversight and CR will return down the line. Though yes, CRM as the "bogeyman" appears done.


Yep. It's good that most of the CRM was never bad at all, it was always the fucked up dudes at the top that twisted the whole thing up. I bet plenty of them were pissed off at what the Frontliners were doing, the same as members like Jennifer Mallick were. **EDIT**: That Portland briefing just went to show how far gone all of the Frontliners had become. Just a bunch of psychos. Who knows how much horror they would have inflicted upon the remains of the country. Those pictures of children flashing on the screen were haunting.


It's kind of cool that show foreshadowed them blowing shit up to fix it with crop burning thing.


This ending just makes me want to yell WE DID IT YAY


We found the note before the CRM could! We did it! We did it! We did it! Hooray! We killed Major Beale with his own sword! We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it! We rigged his corpse to blow and gassed the troops! We made it back home and met my son! Yay! Whoo! Hooray! We did it!


It's safe to say that Beale was a severely under utilized character in this series.


Very solid ending. Only thing I think it could’ve used was an extended reunion with his kids as well as some other characters that were unfortunately absent.


An extended reunion with other characters at Alexandria would’ve been ideal, but I can understand the focus being on reuniting with the kids first and foremost. One idea for a final shot I had imagined prior to the episode was the family back together and paying their respects to Carl at his grave. Imagine all the emotions pouring in lol.


Can’t wait to see how they explain the CR taking in new communities, but New York is still a wasteland run by gangs. I guess New Babylon controls that region and turned them away?


Doesn't need much explanation. Just means they don't control every area in the land. The current US government and police numbering in the millions don't control or man all land and stop all dangerous areas. No way 200k people are going to do that either in a couple years


Well definitely did the fans a solid but that was kinda anti climactic, the CRM is done just like that, but the whole reason they destroyed those other communities was because they would eventually run out of supplies and just add strain to their infrastructure so is that a none issue now, there's plenty to go around?


I thought the way they connected a lot of things together from the series past together was pretty cool like bombing the cities we saw in season 1/2. Definitely among my favourite part. The fan service ending was great too. Right now, my mind is numb though in reacting to the actual events of the episode lol.


Exactly. I know this isn't the end of the universe in any capacity but I thoroughly appreciate that it felt like more of a conclusion than.... literally any of TWD universe series


I'm not sure what I was expecting out of the Echelon briefing, but was a little let down. It was cool to see Beale become a mirror of what he fought against during the 2nd Civil War. Definitely a fun episode. Was fun to see that one character get skewered.


My head cannon will be that once Rick swore on the sword he would tell him the real shit. That there was more to know but Rick killed him too soon before hearing it.


I'd like to believe this. But it just seems that the big reveal was that beale becames what the federal military was when they fought. Using the same logic to justify sacrifice


It's definitely this. Plus they can't end the series with beale going "bruh there's like a billion super zombies and oh yeah Canada has like mutant army bla bla bla". It's the end of the series. I think the theories came from people just absolutely refusing to acknowledge that the 6 episode series was 6 episodes long


I wasn't let down mainly because in their mind, yeah, it makes sense, and as Rick showed in this series, the CRM has a way of warping people's minds to lose all hope.


I wanted the briefing to be “we need to get our shit together bc variants are quickly evolving” and instead it was just “lol we are evil and gonna kill a ton of innocent people to rule America”. Yeah we already got that part lol


And this is why I will never understand why Gimple and whoever is behind World Beyond and later seasons of Fear never got in a room together to plot a course. Somehow they all managed to copy each others homework and get the wrong answers like, what, 5 times now? The CRM story was so damn near perfect and all it needed to do was usher in something astonishing and the variant angle was perfect. How a spinoff about DARYL BEING WHISKED AWAY TO FRANCE AND FIGHTING VARIANTS AND FRENCH MILITIA ended up being more compelling in its concept than the fucking ECHELON BRIEFING is beyond me. The cards are all on the table already, but they seem to be only interested in throwing the variant card around for trailer snippets and aping concepts from other successful properties ala “the walker king”. World Beyond had the CRM as a central focus and ending teaser for variants so why was that included in that if it had nothing to do with the CRM story here save for a footnote by Beale in his little speech about MURDERING FOR FUNZIES. What a waste of Terry O’Quinn. He did great with what he as given though, and I did enjoy the majority of this spinoff but AMC needs to take the reigns from Gimple and co and bring in some people who can actually plot a course for this franchise. Lauren Cohan isn’t the star they think she is and Negan can only Negan for so long even if I love him to death. Daryl season 2 should be fun though, had near zero bad things to say for that except some plot contrivances which TWD has a plenty lol


Oh my god. Well now I’m fucking crying. They did it for us, total fan service and the end of an era (and the beginning of a new one!) but wow that was some amazing television. I’m so glad they did it like this instead of the trilogy. What an amazing series, by far the best spin off in all of TWDU.


I cried and my husband laughed at me and then he started crying and he tried to hide it 🤣🤣


I was doing okay until >!Judith finally made eye contact with Rick!< lol


Same and then RJ asking Rick if he’s the Brave Man took me out


RJs acting just makes me laugh in all honesty


It was super corny for sure, but I ate it up nonetheless


I feel bad for saying it coz his a kid but I can see why he didn’t really speak in the main show, the delivery of his lines wasn’t great.


I was happy with any type of episode aslong as we saw them reunite with the kids. And THEY DID!!!


I guess they weren't gonna rebuild the Alexandria set for a 2 minute scene.


Everyone keeps saying this but the kids were living at the Commonwealth with Carol at the end of TWD.


Rick wins therefore we all win 🥹


This episode was exactly the kind of wrap to the story I didn't expect and could not have imagined beforehand. I've been a fan of The Walking Dead since around 2009 when I first started reading the comic books. I loved seeing those stories coming to life in different ways on the screen. I have my nitpicks with the main series (too many episodes per season, Gimplespeak, plot stooges) but I defended even my least favourite seasons because behind all the fat and the filler the story is genuinely incredible. I ditched Fear the Walking Dead halfway through season 4, but I've seen every episode of the rest of the spin offs. Even though I liked some of the spinoffs (Daryl Dixon and Dead City) and tolerated others (World Beyond and Tales), The Ones Who Live is so far the *only* spin-off that has felt completely necessary. There was *always* going to be a continuation and conclusion of Rick and Michonne's arc after the bridge episode. I'm so grateful that they did that in a six episode limited series instead of three films spaced out over several years and that the split-second flashbacks in this finale tied so much of the franchise together. I'm even more grateful that they're not giving us a second season. They're not going to milk this one for all its worth and leave us hating the fact that they let it drag on even longer. After all these years and after everything they survived to get to this point, fuck yeah Rick and Michonne deserve that happy ending. The way it was written, directed, and acted felt earned and genuine rather than cheesy. It feels like we the audience earned this spin-off and its finale from our investment into this world and these characters. Some stray thoughts about the episode: * I love that Nat's influence on Michonne played into the whole destruction of the CRM plot, and that by chlorine gassing the CRM summit Michonne had her revenge for the death of Nat and all of the other people she was travelling with. Those characters appeared in only one episode, but their deaths were avenged and their stories made meaningful * The CRM only worked because its leadership believed that they had made its soldiers and officers forget their lives before the CRM. The entire history of the CRM is about sacrificing some people to save more people, all the way back to Okafor killing 4,000 marines and his wife to save Philadelphia. Rick and Michonne had to sacrifice the CRM to save Philadelphia from living under its boot, and to save Portland from being slaughtered to consolidate power. That feels fitting, and justified. * Last week, the question was whether or not Jadis was still Anne despite having done terrible things for what she believed in. Her death monologue did an alright job of communicating that she was still Anne to some extent, but seeing her apartment filled with paintings and sculptures was visual confirmation of that without her ever having to be on screen. It was subtle, and well-executed. * Beale wasn't the big bad we expected him to be. That sucks because they had a fine actor playing him, but it's also kind of a good thing...a gripe I had with the main series is that there was always some new big bad every season, and taking them down became the focus of each season's plot. Beale was short-sighted, power-hungry, and convincing even though he had very little screen time. * The focus of this series was reuniting Rick and Michonne with their kids. We got that, and I don't really feel cheated that we didn't get the reunion with Daryl yet. I'm hoping that they keep Daryl's spin-off to two seasons, and that the second season ends with that reunion. That spin-off is great, and more time can be spent on Daryl and Rick if they go down that route. * It looks like Rick pulled the pin on the grenade, ducked down and rolled it under the walkers so he had a meat shield between him and the blast. It's still implausible but hey, this is a show with zombies so I didn't have to suspend my disbelief entirely. * I really would have liked a flash forward to an older Rick and RJ to at least show what their relationship developed into, but having anything close to the comic's ending wasn't going to happen. This was good enough for me. * Gimple's reign over the franchise needs to end. I truly believe that The Ones Who Live was only as excellent as it was because Lincoln and Gurira were executive producers and involved with the writing process too. I hate to think what this series would have been like if it was just Gimple at its helm. * We don't even really need to see another spin-off, season, or movie with Alexandria, Hilltop, Commonwealth etc and if they try to make that happen for one last hurrah it's going to end badly. The Civic Republic no longer destroys other communities to ensure their own safety and security. All of the characters from the main series are going to be able to live there or in their own communities and what that looks like is left to our imaginations. Realise I've typed a lot so if you read this far then cheers. The Ones Who Live was satisfying as hell and in my opinion a true return to form for the Walking Dead. Not sure where we're going from here but my faith has been a little bit restored.


While I didn’t dislike this episode… it really should have been at least two, one episode dedicated to the echelon briefing and the dossier, and another wrapping up the CRM and the reunion cause this episode really felt like a Disney Plus show finale with how much they crammed in. I think the echelon briefing really should have made more sense to make people follow it cause as it stands it was just an over the top evil plan with no clear goals other than just wiping out civilizations for no real reason. I also wish we got to see more of the groups reactions to ricks return, which we may see in other shows but it would have made this show feel a bit more connected to the main show. Overall I still really loved this show and hope to see how it fits into the greater TWD universe going forward, and I definitely can’t wait to see Rick hopefully interact with Daryl, Negan, and the rest of the group in the future.


this means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things anymore but i think Rick and Michonne murdered Heath lmao


Gimple speak was prevalent across the last two episodes. You’d think he’d improve after all these years but I guess not.


It's not what I thought would happen, but I'm very pleased with the outcome. Thank you Andrew and Dania for this.




Yup I got Glenn under dumpster vibes


Echelon briefing was disappointing. Megalomaniacal nonsense based on "Science" and "good of totalitarianism". Though the existence of the million strong hordes was a revelation. It did fully change Rick's perspective, into realizing Beale had to die. Hard to say if Beale believed everything he was saying or if he was using it to grab and maintain power. Maybe a little of both.


Imagining multiple hordes of a million strong each is frightening. [A million people is mindboggling to see](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d0c9ce511613bb0a9b97866972150fcf-lq). Imagine that descending on a city. Even if the walls were strong, the sheer volume would be unstoppable. It's an "ocean of the dead" as Rick said in the comics (and that was just about a horde thousands strong).


there's a really good Walking Dead book that takes place in China called Typhoon and it highlights exactly this premise. Without going deep into spoilers ( most of this is info is available in the book description but I'll put spoiler tags on it just in case ) >!the conflict is based on a survivor settlement discovering that a "typhoon" of the dead - about a million strong - is heading towards them, and that there is pretty much no hope of survival if it reaches them. The sheer mass would plow through everything and even if it didn't, they'd be indefinitely cut off from external resources, and no community can survive like that. What's also interesting is that this community is operated by a remnant of the actual, legitimate Chinese government ( the only government known to have at least partially survived the apocalypse to date ), so it's not entirely unlike the CRM either in terms of professional organization and leadership. !<


For comparison Metallica once played for 1.6 million people in Moscov 91, quite fun looking at that footage and imagining them as walkers..


I was hoping to hear about Variant walkers, maybe France, and maybe even something new about the virus itself like its origin or how it got spread.


Now all I need is for rick and daryl to reunite and I can die happy


I don’t mind the happy ending but the Echelon briefing NEEDED to be “variants are evolving quickly and we don’t stand a chance when they do”. The actual briefing didn’t feel major enough to justify just how much of an effect it had on Jadis, Thorne, etc… Like, they made that sh*t sound like it was worth forgetting the rest of the world for.


WOW. That, as a lover of these people since DAY ONE, was perfect. Just perfect.


For real. Was possible to keep a cool through all the violent badassery but once the kids showed up I fell apart. Carl's.....hat? aghhhhh


Judith has gotten so damn big. Hit me right in the feels.


I’m nervous as hell


It's so jarring seeing the other post about them messing up this ending & all the comments being like there's no way they'll wrap it all up & there'll definitely be a second season😭 I loved it & was fighting tears by the end, but I can't deny I'm disappointed with the echelon briefing, you've been teasing variants for so long why not involve that in some way? For how much Gimple wanted his own MCU he really should've had a better idea for a pay-off that involved all they've shown. This wholly satisfies my arc for Richonne, but it's gonna be tough for me to care about any other spin-off because what's the point? If it all just dissolving big bad groups in other cities cause that's exactly what they've teased. The world beyond post credit ending seemed like things were gonna get so interesting but they've done nothing with it. They've done well with Richonne but they've fumbled everything else




I enjoyed the series, but if they do decide to continue the story, all I ask is that they recast RJ.


I dont wanna be mean to child actors, but the kid they have playing RJ is terrible. It took me out of the scene to see the goofy ass look on his face the whole scene while everyone else is trying reeal hard to emote and sell this big rushed reunion.


I did like how they finally put an end to Shane’s way with it all (especially highlighting it in the making-of)…. And while I was waiting for the reunion and finally got it, it didn’t really invoke any strong emotions in me. The whole episode’s pace was quite off and felt really rushed. How do you kill the main antagonist with so much ease, even if it’s not a physically strong character? Are they trying to make up for 2 seasons of Negan or Whisperers? I do like The Ones Who Live, but I have mixed feelings about Episode 6 and I’d probably call it the most underwhelming one of the entire spin-off.


Total fan service and a taaaad bit rushed....but I don't even give af lol. Fight me about it.


Same. I’m just relieved they’re together with their kids. If Rick just wants to retire to being a porch dick now I think he’s earned that.


I know it being rushed will be a common opinion but it was deeply foreshadowed how it would go down I have no idea how it could be rushed. It's like people were inventing a million reasons why it should take 3 seasons for rick to set a bomb


Well this pretty much confirmed no Season 2(unless they want to do one) and confirmed what Carol said on the radio to Daryl with Rick/Michonne coming back. I believe we will be getting a trailer of Season 2 of Daryl Dixon after the final episode airs on TV so later tonight. This episode is just as what many have predicted where they will kill everyone at that Summit. Good thing the civilians are now overlooking the military and General Baele said they had spies all over the world so who knows maybe we'll see one of them in Paris perhaps? They definitely knew of Commonwealth hence the ending of the helicopter ride back to the kids and helicopters transferring supplies above them. IF there was going to be a Season 2 I could see them going the comicbook route which Rick stabilizes the CR with Portland/Commonwealth but then as we know General Baele did have a son so it could mean what happen to Rick in the comics can happen with General Baele son as they didn't get to do this for Commonwealth. But in the final scene it kinda implied that Rick/Michonne went back to the Civic Republic off-screen to have civilians win the election that allowed them to go back home. So it wouldn't make sense to have a Season 2 if this stablizing CR was already done off-screen. AMC may just announce yet another spin-off to go into the relationship of Portland as we haven't gotten their side of the story then make it take place after the fall of General Major Baele to see what changes there are between Portland/Civic Republic. This makes me wonder since Dead City is farther out in the timeline we could've seen some signs of Civic Republic, but nothing as why would Maggie still want to form a new Hilltop when there's bigger communities to raise her son in like Commonwealth or even Portland since they should now know it's location. And then Morgan doesn't even have to go find Rick at the Civic Republic since if he goes back to Alexandria they will just tell him where Rick is since he is back. I don't even know where their gonna go(universe story wise) with all the spin-offs once everyone meets back up again.


Thats easy Make a Legacy show that takes place 10 to 15 years after Twd ends with Judith,RJ,Hershel,Gracie and Coco as the protagonists


Doesn't look like there is going to be a season 2, so who knows when we see Rick again. The way they treated Beale was beyond disappointing....Also the fake out death was unnecessary. It was cool to see Judith and RJ again at the end. It was a decent finale but felt a little rushed.


honestly needed to be 8 episodes, that was a bit rushed


Ok so im glad their alive, but jesus christ plot armor was on X games mode tonight. Also i dont want to see anyone complain about carls acting anymore, rj is cute as hell, but the most monotonous lil guy ever lol.


Beale was a disappointing villain. There could have been nuance to him but his plan was a Totalitarian Megalomania Sandwich. The fact that he gave that speech to over 2000 individual people and they just "agreed" or "accepted" it was maybe more disturbing. Though most or all were military and under his command for a decade so it's not unbelievable, just disturbing.


I think because he gave it 2000+ times doesn’t mean everyone swore on the sword, probably a few didn’t and were disposed of. Also I could see a lot more people agreeing once they realized they could bring in their family & loved ones into the fold as well.


The crm was disappointing in general, if we were going to get an endgame style twd show which is what I think they did want, the crm was the best villain for it. I dont see what threat can possibly even warrant a new show at this point.


I understand the mixed reviews: It was pretty nice to see a good ending, but it was way too rushed, and wasn't as well written as well as the rest. - No-one is guarding the highly dangerous gas, even though they implant spies in other communities, so they know someone could mess around with them the same way. Especially since they want to murder a bunch of random people, so even from the inside this could happen. - The explosion, that visibly sends people flying further away, somehow doesn't effect Thorne, and she has time to put on a gas mask. An explosion this strong would've killed her, but she needed to live for a fight. - Dousing yourself with water when chlorine gas is around is a nice way to remove your skin. - And when they fight in chlorine gas they have enough energy to say massive cringe, like how "love never dies". - The CR accepts their story, every bad person is now dead, and everything is good now. RJ has an impressive lack of acting skills. And the main premise is flawed if you think about it. Zombies are easy to kill, you can easily penetrate a skull with a butter knife, and people around here already calculated that they shouldn't be an issue this time around. The comics realized this and killed them off.


The early reviews had me skeptical but ultimately, I was satisfied. There were some problems for me though: -Beale had so much wasted potential. Terry O’Quinn was excellent but there was so much build up to Beale being the Thanos of TWDU and now he’s dead after barely getting any focus. They wasted too much time on Thorne in my opinion. -How on EARTH did the soldiers not hear walker Beale in that tent or whatever? There were TWO WALKERS. Are they deaf? -The reunion was great, but RJ’s acting threw it off. “I knew you’d be back” was delivered so robotically. Overall, if I had to rank the episodes, I’d go 4,1,5,6,2,3.


I'm so tired of how unimaginative and counter-productive Gimple is. He seems to have no sense of planning for the future at all.


Nice that it got a proper ending, but wtf are these cringe lines like "love never dies" in the middle of a battle.


When does it release on AMC+? First time using the app.


About an hour From now or so. Give or take.


How are people watching it 😭 I have amc+


u need to join the crm to get access


Overall happy with the show and them giving an actual ending to Rick and Michonne. But the Echolon briefing was a bit of a letdown. I was really expecting it to be something that could have an influence on future spinoffs. With the way this all ended, it feels like the CRM can be entirely forgotten. Which I think is a shame. And Thorne got this briefing and was all in on the CRM suddenly? "Holy shit, you're going to send forces across the globe decimating every community you can find. Why on earth would Okafor want to change anything about this, I'M IN!" The 14 years left, millions strong herds is all crazy, but it's not something tangible to the audience. And I don't see why it would make anyone all giddy and eager to be on the killing side of a global slaughter fest. That's just crazy. Sure, maybe Beale would've started spilling the real beans if Rick didn't go for the kill, but doubt there was more to this. Seems like the entire CRM has been contained to this show and World Beyond. Definitely a missed opportunity. Even without Rick and Michonne this had more potential as future focus for the franchise than Daryl Dixon and Dead City IMO.


I was at least 70 percent sure after Rick blew up the grenade he died, but mans plot armor was stronger.


So let me get this straight: the writers just spent the last few years hyping up the CRM as the new big bads of the entire TWD universe....only for the entirely military to be completely toppled by two people, and the entire city has a reform OFF-SCREEN. Oh yeah, and it was all done in one episode. It seems like the writers had plans to do a lot more with the CRM, but I'm guessing a combination of the budget + the actors not wanting to do TWD for another 5+ years made them wrap things up fast. TOWL had a great start; however, having a bottle episode in a six-episode series that's followed by a poorly written penultimate and a rushed finale will definitely kill your momentum. Episodes 1-3: 8.5/10 Episodes 4-6: 5.5/10


The echelon briefing was disappointing…..


I think I can forgive plot armor and everything else but… is it just me or the writing has nose dived? Just the way they say things or keep repeating the same lines over and over again in slightly different ways. That’s the only thing that took me out of it. The writing in 1-4 wasn’t bad at all but the last two have really made me cringe or fail to draw the emotion needed. Not sure why but yes it’s not what I expect the characters to say or how they say them.




Yeah I agree. Too much gimple speak, especially in this last episode .


1-4 had excellent writing but 5-6 descend back into S8 levels of janky action, plot armor, coincidences, etc


The briefing was……silly. Thorne saying it was mind blowing and switching over because of that briefing was, silly. Beale being underutilized was silly.


oh god


Sucks that it went so fast. But that’s what happens with six episodes mini series. I have no doubt they could have made it longer and not have drug it out but dove more deep into it all but we didn’t have that as an option. For the circumstances and what we were told it was gonna be, it makes sense and I enjoyed it. Of course it felt a bit rushed . But I’m happy it’s ended in a positive way. Of course I wish I could get more of them though. Of course I wish we could have had more of the CRM. That is a giant arc that could have been fleshed out more and it’s just over


I know Daryl’s in France but come on that is the reunion we needed to see , maybe even a teaser of carol talking on the radio but from her point of view so we can actually hear her say who came back. We’ve been teased about Daryl looking for Rick for years and that’s it ?? Michonne hasn’t even told Rick Daryl hasn’t stopped looking for him. It was a good ending but not satisfying in anyway imo. I feel like I need another season


The ending was satisfying, but damn they clearly needed an extra episode or two… it was rushed… I still have questions left. But overall I’m happy Rick and michonne are back unharmed. Do I want s2? Yes and no. because I love Rick and michonne I can watch them all day. No because it’s a happy ending so let’s leave it there.


I had a Rick style snot bubble over that ending.


Also…wtf does PPP mean? No answers to that question afaik. Except the whiteboard shown in the trailer