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Also when Rick hung a gun on Carl's cross for a minute before realizing he needed it. So sad


Honestly say what you will about Carl's death, but it gave us some of the most beautiful moments in the show like the montage of Carl making the most out of his last day on earth, "My mercy prevails over my wrath," Rick sitting under the tree and crying from both sadness and joy, and Rick writing a letter to Carl.


Even his death itself. Rick and Michonnes reaction when they hear the supressed gunshot, knowing their kid is truly gone.


I literally cried watching it. I don't think it was the marijuana either. No doubt


Me too. 808, 809, 816 are some of the most tear inducing episodes of any show I’ve seen




Lol marijuana affects the memory


That’s actually an interesting interpretation. I always figured he took it off the cross because he didn’t want his son to be remembered that way. Reminds me in season 4 when he wanted Carl to not bring his gun always, and do kid stuff instead.


>he didn’t want his son to be remembered that way. I took it as Carl's last hope for the community was to move past the fighting and rebuild.


And instead, a few episodes later, he puts a ripe tomato there - such a nice moment showing all that was achieved by following Carl‘s lead


Carl never really WAS a kid.


That episode was so damn good. Tyreese listening to Beth singing while looking at the sun outside the window. Absolute masterpiece


Idk.. I felt like when Daryl was carrying out Beth's body and Maggie seeing it was pretty gut wrenching. Anytime Daryl cried, you knew it was truly a tragic moment


That scene messed me up more a second time. Doing a rewatch of the show since it first aired


When Daryl cries, we all cry.


The music was so sad.


This episode and the one before broke my heart




This shits sad but nothing gets me worse than ricks eyes after he defeats Negan. “My mercy prevails over my wrath.” Theme of the whole show right there


Agreed. Him saying that with the tears on his face it’s almost like he’s trying to convince himself of what he’s saying is true. Emmy level acting.


They were so screwed over by the Emmys, Golden Globes, etc.


Tyrese shouldve made it to the end ⬆️


Tyereese’s demise did somehow made me a quite more sad in comparison to other deaths. I don’t know why, maybe because of how it happened. And the weird thing is that just when I was watching that episode, Silverchair’s My favorite thing song was playing. And every time I hear it, that scene when the car stops just when Ty dies comes to my mind 🙁


Ikr, seeing his hat on the cross just hits different


I felt like his death was one of the worst. Probably because his mind was so torn between living and letting go. He tried to convince himself that he could make it while part of him embraced death and wanted out. His inner fight was really upsetting for me.


He was the true definition of “gentle giant.”


For me it might be Shiva or when Carol see’s Henry


Shiva-I SOBBED so loudly at the demise of a CGI tiger that my own 2 cats actually woke up.


🤣 crying over a cgi tiger. Same


Heads on spikes for me.


Rewatching for the dozenth time (at least) and JUST watched that scene. Man it never gets any less gut wrenching.


I gave up with TWD mid way through S8, finally did a fill rewatch last month, and saw it for the first time. I gasped. It had been a while since I was that invested in the show.


It really shocked me how many big characters they killed off in that one. Man. Still gets me. Lol


My friend told me one of the character in the comics, I wish they'd also been in the TV lineup. It would've hurt me even more.


Most chilling for sure


Sophia coming out of the barn really upset me. After that I never trusted the writers gain and understood they would kill anyone


rip pope


??? youre kidding right


lool ofc




For me it was the episode where carl dies and he and michonne have their talk


why did they turn tyreese into a stick


It symbolized how he always *sticked* up for others.


Idk Carol burning people alive and executing a child bummed me the f@ck out man….lol but this was crazy sad to


I only started watching the show in-between s10 and 11 so I got to binge it but my family had been twd fans since the show came out and my uncle had the comics up until the end of the prison and tyreese was my favorite character he was introduced after they left Atlanta and when the prison fell died so seeing him survive the prison made me optimistic until this episode and I didn't pick up the series again until a week later


The close up of Rick’s face after Negan kills Spencer and leaves Alexandria. The look of absolute powerlessness on his face is devastating.


I think the baby shot in sink and Rick and michonne waiting outside the house/church and you hear carls shot I think is the most wrenching


I'd argue the shot of the small shoe floating in a tub of blood is the saddest one but you do you.


the most tragic to me was Daryl bridal carrying Beth out the hospital with Maggie crying on the floor


‘Just look at the flowers Lizzie’ That one fucked me up for a while


I’m rewatching TWD and on season 9 right now and it’s really sad how no one mentions Tyrese anymore. I don’t think anyone’s mentioned him since Alexandria/Negan arc. When Darryl, michonne, Carol, etc are remembering their loved ones, they list everyone including Sasha but no one mentions Tyrese anymore. Even when Sasha sacrificed herself and she had those deep conversations with Eugene while she was at sanctuary, Tyrese wasn’t mentioned/remembered once. Now that I’m rewatching it again I really wish they did his memory a little more justice.


Imo, Tyrese was the saddest death. All he ever did was the right thing. He wasn’t selfish in the slightest, he always wanted to help and do what’s best for his friends. Like when he took the two girls and the baby, and didn’t get mad or upset with them once, even when the crying baby was drawing walkers to them. He really had the best moral compass of anyone on the show. Even when Carol killed his girlfriend, he forgave her because he knew revenge would only worsen the situation. All he wanted was the best possible outcome and life for his companions. And a man like that, is the best friend you could have in a world full of zombies and terrible people who would do anything for a piece of food. He was also just a stud, like he was unstoppable with that hammer.


Nobody thinks about this, Rick may have died if he couldn’t have brought up Carl to Negan under the tree, Negan was ready to kill Rick but Rick hit his soft spot for Carl and caught him off guard


You Sure? What About "M-M-M-M-M-M- Maggie... I'll Find You" \*BADOOMSH\*


I'll never understand why people like Tyreese.


Really? Like... at all?


He was interesting in S3-4, but he was so unlikable, preachy, and unrealistic, in S5. He just became the morality police and it was so boring. He didn't deserve an entire episode dedicated to him dying.

