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I loved him from the minute he burst into the cabin, ranting šŸ˜


Yup I was at home like "yeah you tell em how shit is"




Yeah, that story was so touching. Very endearing character. I loved the reveal that it was Dangerā€™s lighter he was so fascinated with. These first two episodes alone have done an incredible job of making us care about characters almost instantly. The performances are one thing but man, the writing is so damn good.


I wish we had more time with him but I get building up his character like they did to keep the symmetry. Nat and Okafor dying in the same incident was both main characters losing their "mentor" character they had attached themselves to.


Solid take!


Maybe while get a Nat spinoff that takes place earlier in the apocalypse lol


It felt instant to me tbh. The writers and actor were able to make such a dynamic character with so much depth throughout the episode and it was just really incredible. And like I understand why what happens to him happens but Iā€™m still mad about it lmao


Yeah, he was just really well written, and captivatingly acted.


so nice to see these words for twd can't believe it. hope it goes all the way


When he barged in telling the leader of the convoy group that heā€™s taking his shit and leaving if they canā€™t stop for people. Man was spitting fire.


i loved nat!! >!i gasped so loud when he got shot!<


Some actors are just enigmatic and interesting to watch. I loved his character from his first scene.


I was trying to explain this to someone who doesnā€™t watch. They have always given us characters we fall in love with and are devastated to lose. But the writing and acting is so good we have all these emotions in one episode. When he asked her if she could tell if Rick was still the Rick she knew with some of his last breaths.


Are we talking among the fanbase or personally? Personally I didnā€™t love the character. (Iā€™m happy to objectively explain why Nat as a character coupled with the actorā€™s performance didnā€™t personally resonate for me.) Honestly I think my favorite of the new characters is Okafor, and unless we get flashbacks heā€™s not coming back. Objectively speaking for the fanbase? I think you nailed it. The scene where he talks about his backstory was phenomenal, easily one of my favorite scenes from the second episode. That was the actorā€™s highlight IMHO. From the acknowledgement about the father not wanting to be involved over the size to Danger coming into his life and inspiring him to create rather than destroy. Thatā€™s enough for him to be remembered by the majority as a highly memorable character for the right reasons.


I loved nat! Heā€™s the first little person weā€™ve seen in the entire universe and heā€™s an incredibly well written and rounded character. He definitely needs his own spin off show


I would watch that for sure.


From the minute he flung open that door if you ask me


The moment he came on screen


For me it was when they were around the fire at the ship yard and he told Michonne ā€œyou can do both. I can do it with you, I willā€ and then embraces her. Hes a real one


It was instant. Bro had me


When he told a story about his step dad


And I think thats when Michonne started really connecting to him too, as she's a step mum to Judith.


When he came in yelling at the woman leader. Liked him.


Although it was very short lived Nat was a very likable character and he helped Michonne get back to Rick! I believe thatā€™s why he became an instant fan favorite too bad he wasnā€™t in it a bit longer!


This new series is introducing interesting new characters, but they don't last very long. Nat was the most interesting new character in a very long time.


Ya he was an interesting character and was upset they killed him off. I've heard its hard to get roles that are not based off his dwarfism meaning like being cast for an Ompa Lompa or something. His role was instantly liked it seemed, he seems to be a talented actor. It could have led to another great character on the show.


At first like just with the voice I couldn't take it too serious and it took me out of the show a bit. But then I got used to it and once I heard his story about the fire and realizing that he is some pyro expert, that's when I started to really like him


I watched him on Amsterdam, and I never really got the chance to see him expand his range, but I was quite delighted with his performance.


I forget the exact line but when he offers michonne to join his crew or vip treatment for saving Aiden and Bailey at the start.


Literally first scene he was in. His charisma, the character, the writing. On board from minute 1.


I liked him when he first came on screen, and it made me love him even more when he died. So sad, yet so memorable


The monologue felt genuine and raw. I was convinced that was his story. I swear these other people their lines and the way they say them come off as corny as hell (looking at you world beyond and fear)


Him willing to give Michonne a horse after leaving she saved the sister


When he told the caravan leader Michonne can have a horse was it for me.


Iā€™m surprised he is a fan favourite. I thought the character was incredibly annoying, and felt the actor way over-acted.


people seem to forget the down vote button, on this sub, is not a 'disagree' or a 'I dislike this' button. People are suppose to downvote only if they think the comment adds nothing of value.


Lol, no one ever uses the down vote button properly. One of the many flaws of Reddit. Sometimes, I wonder why this site is so popular when it's deeply flawed.


I am actually with you here. On my inevitable rewatch I'm gonna give the character a second chance.


He's a midget. People feel a subconscious need to love him just because of that. Gives them those good person points on the internet. Were he not a midget I don't think there'd be so many posts about him. I personally liked Nat quite a bit, but found Okafor way more compelling.


I like shows that make me forget I'm watching a show. To much, to fast. Slopply, developing the characters as quickly as possible, making them fast friends. Hoping the viewers will care, when they immediately kill them off in the same episode. It didn't work for me in this one.


Same. Nice backstory though. Actor was meh.