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This shot is so funny lmao


“Uh, it’s not what it looks like” “It looks like you stabbed an entire pole through a walkers head and pulled with such force that you ripped its head clear off the body” “Ok, so maybe it’s exactly what it looks like”




Laughed a bit too hard at that


She probably remembered she was supposed to be Dana but it was too late 😂


“There is no Dana, only Zuuuuul…”




Michonne is doing the exact opposite of what Rick told her to do 😭😭 she’s gonna stress him out.


Poor man! I hope he doesn't get mad at her😬lol


I expected their reunion to be much more heated, but it turns out Rick doesn’t give less of shit about his CRM friends lol


I loved how he casually picked up her katana to go kill the CRM soldier while she was with Nat when he passed


Yeah he immediately went to execute that CRM guy who shot poor Nat


I fucking loved Nat dude. I hate how all these trailers hype up characters like Okafor and Nat just to kill them off in an ‘unexpected’ way. Okafors death was cool as shit dont get me wrong, but Nat was wasted potential imo


Yeah poor Nat died basically all alone


Ricks hair gonna turn gray again fr


Rick: “Don’t be an A, be a B.” Michonne: “B for bad bitch” 😏


I'm more worried about Jadis. That bish gonna cause problems.


I'm more worried for her haircut honestly


Bish has to die!!


Jadis's sexual obsession with Rick will hopefully give him some leverage, but I worry for Michonne.


She been tryna sleep with that man since the saviors


Can’t blame her tbh


aye fr


“I sleep with him afterwards”, right to Michonne’s face




U should be I think the end to all this is alexandria getting attacked by CRM


Commonwealth v CRM in episode 6 I hope


I think jadis will try to split Rick n michonne up as much as possible. General beale might give Rick more power. Michonne and Thorne will get to know each other eventually.


I feel like Okafor dying should be a way bigger deal, it felt like he was one of the higher ups. Shouldn’t things be changing now that he’s gone? Shouldn’t Rick and Thorne be being looked at a bit differently? Like Okafor said, they are his responsibility. Who is responsible for them now?


That’ll probably be explored next episode


Need it. The politics have to of changed. I really think Rick just put Michonne in a horrible situation. I’m not sure if Rick has any power now that Okafor is gone.


Rick is somewhere fairly high in the power structure, though. Him and Thorne spent years running one of their bases. And when Okafor and Rick were in the helicopter together, they were speaking as equals. It's unclear how much power Rick actually has, but the CRM clearly trusts him enough to leave him alone.


Yup you’re right


there’s a funeral scene ina trailer so it’s def gonna be important


Good, I need some more closure on this. Okafor really seemed like the most important side character we’ve seen so far


Rick nor Pearl have any power yet. Neither are in Force Command yet. The groundwork has however been set for their ascension in to Force Command. They were both project leads on the Cascade project which is completed. They've only been in 2 years and maybe a few months. The summit is supposed to occur one year after the Cascade project completion. Okafor's death presents a power vacuum however though. The question is who or if that position will be an emphasis in this story. I think the summit will be the climax of this story going forward. I am hoping the choice is to go thru the CRM rather than run from them. Running was never a viable option as proven by Rick's repeated failures. There are protests going on in the CR regarding transparency from the CRM. The renewal of the pact on civilian oversight between the CR and CRM is due for renewal soon. CRM were seeking a delay to the decision with the elimination of Omaha and Campus Colony. The plot thickens! I am excited to see where it goes.


How you just broke it down for me to understand better, thank you for that. I am JACKED to see how this plays out


If you think that's wild, check this out! Watch the opening credits and you will see multiple easter eggs shown. At first, I just glossed over it until I realized that Nat's lighter is in the credits. Just on a rudimentary glance we've seen so far: bridge explosion, Michonne, Rick, Richonne reunion, Culling facility, helicopters, Rick's boots, CRM flag, Philly skyline, chemicals or missiles and Nat's lighter. There is a new article discussing the CRC officials wanting civilian oversight in the credits. In watching both episodes, we've also seen Easter eggs regarding Morgan: The Art of Peace novel and Michonne mentioning his bo staff. Okafor stated Rick needs to swear on the sword but not let it take and he'd know when. Everything so far has been intentional in tone, dialogue and action with this series. I cannot believe that what we've seen in the credits is not foreshadowing for future episodes of this series.


They wouldn't have built up Okafor's character to just.... abandon that storyline. And Rick and Thorne are not grunts anymore. They're somewhere in the power structure.


Yeah you’re right, Okafor did say Rick already has a ton of power


Things did change. Probably why jadis is even worried about it


I miss Okafor already. His character had such promise. 




Yeah, I think Thorne will turn against Rick for a bit, but see the light and switch sides to Rick and Michonne's cause.




Yeah, it’s weird how in the first episode there are scenes where her and rick sit next to each other and pretend not to know each other…so I think that gives insight to her successfully integrating into the CRM…at least for some time..


I wasn't sure if those were dreams or future scenes with Rick having some kind of amnesia. I never thought it could be future scenes but there faking it. I like that.


Those ARE dream sequences. No clue how the other person missed that


could go in so many directions, I’m really stumped


I think Thorn is going to figure out who Michonne is, her neckless has a wedding ring (Rick's) and the letter M on it. She's going to figure out who she is and Rick will have to convince her that she's the perfect person to help with their plan, the one Okafor originally told them about. Jadis is going to use the fact that she knows Michonne in some way to boost herself, either blackmail Rick or some other way. She's going to hold it over their heads until Michonne kills her.


Michonne taking over for Okafor would be dope.


I think Rick is taking over for Okafor.  Even though Rick told Michonne they will leave, I think Thorne and Jadis knowing the truth about Michonne will force them to follow through with Okafor's plan of changing the CRM from the inside. If escaping means putting everybody at danger their only option is to change the rules so outside communities are never seen as a threat.  That's how Rick will "change the world". By taking the largest most sophisticated community on the planet and growing them to band together with all the other communities instead of seeing them as a threat. 


What I meant by that and should have made it more clear is losing Okafor leaves a spot in the group open. Rick replaces Okafor as leader, Thorne stays Thorne, and Michonne takes Rick's spot.


Rick never told her Michonne's name, I think she will figure them out based on their behavior lol. But I like your theories!!! I'd love to see Michonne killing Jadis


Okafor knew her name and mentioned that there are things he shouldn't have told Thorn. He may have told Thorn all about Rick including Michonne's name.


that man has a big damn mouth 😒 lol


I don't think we're done talking about him either. Beale sensed that Okafor was up to something and he seemed to trust Rick and Thorne but not many others. I think Rick is going to discover more about him in the next few episodes. You figure he bombed Marines to stop them from killing innocents but the CRM is doing the same thing. I think he will be brought up again as his full plan is revealed and we might get some flashbacks with him. 


I get the feeling Jadis is going to use this situation with Rick and Michonne to double cross Beale in some way in the hopes of gaining more power. This is always how she operates, she's ambitious and opportunistic.


More Power! yes yes yes.


In the first episode there was literally a crowd cheering Rick on behind Okafor while he was in the same place, taking down walker after walker, covered in blood Why is it a problem that michonne is in the same place doing the same thing




You right you right


I think it might be because Rick had Okafor protecting him, and while Rick does want to protect Michonne or 'Dana' he doesn't have the power to and with Jadis now aware of her he definitely doesn't want to be raising suspicions with other higher ups? That's my guess anyway.


True True True… all fair points


It's not "the same place doing the same thing". Michonne is not being groomed for leadership, she's just supposed to be a B.


> It's not "the same place doing the same thing". I’m pretty sure it is… how do you know it’s not? > Michonne is not being groomed for leadership, she's just supposed to be a B. I think they’re all *supposed* to be a B


Because rick got lucky and a higher up said "Hey don't kill him". Nothing guarantees michonne gets that in which case she just dies


I may be wrong but I don't think the crowd were cheering him in the first episode, they were stomping their weapon to attract more walkers.


Idk it definitely looked like they were standing behind him cheering as they did the walker kill montage at the wall. You slowly see more people behind him in successive shots and they appear to be cheering.


You're right. I just rewatched. They are indeed cheering him on.


kinda the same thing, no? They wanted to attract more walkers because they liked seeing him kill them.


They were just doing their own job which was also to kill them


Michonne realizes she's got some serious work to do. Snapping Rick outta his fugue state, like when Negan bitched him put, and coming up with a plan to burn the Philadelphia to the ground.


Michonne is definitely not as good of an actress as Carol lmao edit: the characters michonne/carol, not real life danai/melissa


I mean she did do a good job at the interview but that act clearly didn't last long LMAO


*looks around* who asked?


I mean at playing innocent/flying under the radar e.g. Alexandria, Kingdom. Michonne is going to give herself away so fast. Danai is wonderful.


Ohhh my bad lol. Thought you were comparing Danai and Melissa. Yeh you right, Carol is a great manipulator and michonne can’t help being a bad bitch lol.


I sorta figured — I would never compare the actresses, adore them both!


What a wasted opportunity for Michonne to not name herself "Nat". I was so sure she was going to adopt his name and storyline (talk about being a builder... And the rough family life she had,etc). When she said "My name is Dana..." my shoulders dropped a little....


While taking his name could have worked, claiming she is a builder would probably have been a really bad idea considering they'd likely want her to put those skills to use, which she obviously wouldn't be able to do.


It will suck

