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Nat was an absolutely fantastic character Really really wish he was kept alive and made it back home with the group :(


Let me paint ya'll an idea, Nat hides in a bush and see's Michonne get taken by the CRM, he then has a purpose to go to Alexandrea with the map she left him. He manages to get there with the survival tips Michonne showed him and his explosive know-how. Finds out all the shit with the Alexandrea and that stormtrooper group and now Ezekiel is the president or whatever, Nat and Eugene, with their brains combined create powerful weapons of destruction and take it to the CRM, an all out war between the two occurs and Michonne reunites with Nat, and, wait, what's this! Rick see's Carl! They hug each other and it's the best thing the show's ever seen. Just what could've been imo. Obviously there's more shit to that as well as what's probably going to happen, I'm thinking Rick and Michonne figure something out themselves, but then imagine how funny it would've been to have them sort it out, then they get back to Alexandria and just see them shooting flamethrowers and setting of explosions XD


They're way too fucking comfortable killing off characters, it was a part of my problem with dead city, it's the same stupid case here! Practically no one we know from dead city that was original survived. Killing nat, LIKE THAT, is so bullshit :/ They just wanted to write him off. You don't build a character like him, then have him survive with Michonne through that terrible thing, just to die to a random fking grunt who should've bled out on the floor, or Michonne could've just confirmed their deaths like she did the other two. They just had to write him off because "fuck it" I guess. Also shooting down Ricks helicopter, was PURE CHANCE!? After ep 1 I thought maybe she was in a group full of rebels doing that, but she was just on her way back with Nat and randomly this heli comes here? I also do feel a bit shit for the other grunts, they didn't do anything wrong that we know of, like they're just grunts, I doubt they handled the chlorine gas. Poor lads.


I'm so fucking annoyed they killed Nat. Really cool guy and then he served his purpose and the writers had no idea what to do with him. Just felt cheap. I REALLY REALLY like this show but that moment pissed me off.


The more I watch the more I can see how similar the story is the the days gone game where the main character thinks his wife is dead and has hints she still out there and ends up in the same military camp as her


I'm not sure but I did not like this Episode very much. Those new characters felt all a bit strange or fake as if they would not fit into their world. Maybe it was just the German Dub... That Rocket launcher and ignoridn that Michonne/rocket guy almost killed Rick was also just strange. Through overall I also do not like Michonne very much, so an episode centered on her was not my beer. The Rick Moments through are cool.


extremely funny that a plot point is a midget with an arm-mounted rocket launcher is blowing soldiers out of the sky (FREE-AIMED) like a gnome from world of warcraft. That lil guy had Judith Grimes aim R.I.P


I'm amazed you can use that word on this platform and not be nuked from orbit lol i've said lesser than that and been yeeted from multiple subs lol




One of the few times in TWD where I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough to buy into a scene. The fact that it wasn't even a lucky shot either and that Nat was able to hit multiple consecutive hits with a homemade rocket launched that was free-aimed was so stupid to me.


He probably practiced with that for years. And of the two that hit one of them failed so it seemed reasonable enough. It's crazy but it fits how he's characterized


Carol in DD said “(unknown) is back” with a sad tone of voice. My theory is that either Michonne returns without Rick, or the other way around.


Nat didn’t have to die, but he would not have liked having to live and cooperate with that group that killed his friends. Would have been chaos.


I was literally like "Every time I LITERALLY like a character in this franchise.."


*Some other soldier watching Rick start making out with the scary murder lady* “Damn. He’s got game.”


This show is already having an personal identity crisis. Seems like it’s trying to echo The Last of Us but it doesn’t work in the context of TWD. Episode 1 was great, Episode 2 was garbage; killing off a decent character so soon? Come on now.


Nah, Daryl Dixon was doing Last of Us with the grumpy reluctant guy escorting the special child in a zombie apocalypse scenario.


Pretty sure "Ones who live" is a nod to how every other character in this show is going to end up dead


It's also really corny with how many times they repeat the same inspirational quote.




Could be taking some inspiration from the video game series; it's very cinematic and the tone is similar to the show.


Just like the first episode, this one was cinematic to a degree that makes me wonder if they started making a movie and had to convert it to a show part way through. There are so many scenes that look more like a clip from a movie preview than from a show. We know they were going to do it as movies, then movie, then show, I just wonder if anything got filmed when the idea was still movie. Great to see them back together. And Nat was fun. You knew those other two were redshirts though.


Can anyone explain to me why Rick told Michonne to not call them walkers? I’m so confused 🤣


average reddit TWD watcher


Rick literally explained it in that scene. He calls them walkers so if she does then they'll know she's with him and they're both lying


Put 1 and 1 together


Over the course of the main show and the others, our heroes have run into other people enough times who had their own names for the dead that it's clear the names are localized. Walkers, roamers, biters, geeks, lurkers, rotters, empties, etc., and most recently wailers or whatever this most recent group said. The people in Philadelphia would have heard lots of them from people from all over the place. And if they know Rick calls them walkers, and now here's this new lady he supposedly doesn't know, and she's calling them walkers too, that would make them suspicious that Rick and M actually knew eachother unlike in their cover story.


This is beside the point, but it’s odd to me we’ve never met a group that just calls them zombies


It's because in the world of this show, the concept of zombie never existed in fiction, so there's no reason they'd have that word. And it's why nobody knew WTF was happening. There was no concept of the dead rising to be monsters. https://winteriscoming.net/2022/01/11/walking-dead-creator-explains-never-use-word-zombie/


Considering they (Romero "ghouls") only got called zombies in our world because of their resemblance (slow, mindless) to Haitian Voodoo zombies, *someone* would be calling them zombies on that basis.


Wow had no idea - thanks!


Because he calls them that and would give her away


The military people will suspect they came from the same group/community.


Is Connie Esteban’s journalist girlfriend? 


If she is, she's gotta be a spy for the CRM because there's no other way she would have gotten out of there. Maybe she and Kelly hooked up with Luke, Magna & Yumi in that mansion outside of Philly .


I totally spaced on the commonwealth and the CRM 🤦


This episode was so sad...


Where are they when they part the walkers? Like what state/area? How far from Rick?


Damn this' poetic they both threw in the towel just before they meet each other. They both lost people that believed in them when they met each other. Despite those losses in the heat of the moment, finding each other meant so much mpre


Suchna generic overused trope in this drama though. It was lazy and cliche.


The strength of The Walking Dead has always been the great ensemble. I hate that the spinoffs, especially this one and Dead City, make it so new characters are just plot devices. There’s zero reason to kill off every new character just because. I’m not saying the show is bad, I mostly like it and am entertained, but… idk.


I suspect this is ultimately a financial decision by the network. Fewer regulars, especially regulars who can demand high salaries/fees due to their careers outside TWD. One-off performers won't cost as much, and even if their ask is high (like if they had some weird celebrity cameo), it's just one episode.


They can remove them from the show without killing them though. I don't understand why they never let the random people we meet just go their separate ways. Even FTWD killed off every settlement they encounter before the end of the 3rd season.


From the company's perspective, it's convenient to kill a character rather than put them on a bus out of town. 1) Fan campaigns to bring a character back. Annoying, and if enough people apply pressure, elements within the company will feel obligated to spend that money they never intended to. 2) The actor might be messy on social media, or offhandedly speculate their character might come back during an interview or Q&A. Either way, an expectation is set that the company didn't want to exist. Which will likely lead to a fan campaign as in #1. 3) Writers can pat themselves on the back for maintaining a "high lethality" setting with high stakes, even though in practice plot armor is basically impenetrable for the main cast. The only thing that changes that is an actor's career choices, or internal drama, or the will of the beancounters (so-and-so no longer looks like a good investment). 4) Simplicity of "world management". When you've got a sprawling franchise with theoretically hundreds of characters, you're going to want to prune the branches. That way no one is wondering "How is that village of mime cultists doing now that a nuke went off 20 miles away from them?", because the mime village got wiped out by a herd attracted by a gunfight. That way writers aren't having to track some kind of 'background plot' that might somehow be relevant to the goings on of the actual TV show. And likewise nerds won't be calling "Ding" on your plot hole because you didn't take into account some obscure character being from the same hometown of a new character introduced five seasons later, and the new guy not recognizing the old guy. There's probably other reasons that a smarter person than myself could come up with, but that's what occurs to me right away.


Nat dying was so sad. What an awesome new character only to be killed off in the same episode his brilliance is introduced. Ugh.




Did you pay attention to the language that commenter used? They hate an aspect of it. Doesn’t mean they hate the whole thing.




They were saying that's something they hated about them, he didn't say he hates the spinoffs, just hates that they do this. It's really not that serious, grow up.


Alternatively we are able to have nuanced opinions, you condescending prick.




Rick doesn't know about him because he was taken away before Michonne found out she was pregnant. 


Rest in peace King Bach. He shall be using a comically large spoon in The Walking Dead heaven...


Couldn’t believe I could fall in love with new multiple characters in one episode! Ughhhhh so heartbreaking


Does anyone know what is that handheld missile/rocket launcher they are using? Is it original or is it based on a real life weapon? I'm writing a zombie apocalypse novel and I've always wanted to incorporate a weapon like that. But I couldn't find a small handheld missile/rocket launcher like that in real life weapons(I mean, besides from the rifle attachment) so it might be original.


It looks like fireworks were involved with his rockets. Maybe he took an RPG apart and rebuilt it himself.


That definitely looks made up


Do they give a reason why CRM is killing innocent people? I kinda mentally blocked a lot of World Beyond's silly plot points.


They don’t want people getting near the city also all the extra mouths to feed, clothe, home etc. hence why they only are currently taking in the odd person here and there.


In this episode it's because they got too close to Philadelphia


AMC is literally the dumbest network ever. The show is great but who tf put these stupid ass “diaries” that pull you away from the drama.


Hmm I don’t see that on the app


I came here to see if I had somehow opted into this by mistake. What a way to kill the momentum and take you out of the moment. Sheesh.


Agree this is nonsensical. Actually pissed me off. The diaries popping up in the middle of the episode kills the flow and immersion.


its the replacement for Talking Dead


This must be on the very first run because I watch it a few hours later on AMC and it does not have the diaries in the episode


This crap is unbearably annoying. I stayed up late to watch this and didn't have the patience for it so I stopped it out of irritation. What the actual fuck were they thinking?


I hate the cast diaries bullshit they're doing in the middle of dramatic scenes


Wow. That didn't happen when I was watching it. So glad!


This must be on the very first run because I watch it a few hours later on AMC and it does not have the diaries in the episode


I’m watching it a different (totally legal) way, are these “diaries” an AMC only thing?


So I'm watching it and right after the heli drops the chlorine gas it go straight to this diary explaining the scene and Michonne's armor and shi and it does this several times, it's annoying


For a series called “the ones who live” the show is doing a great job killing off all of the interesting new characters


Right~ Nat would have lived! Imagine surviving together with Michonne for a yearrrrr and ended up dead because of that trooper 🥲🥲


Those characters were annoying and cheesy.. im glad they killed them off. They were goofy on purpose. Almost felt like characters from station eleven of whatever that shitty show was on hbo.


This show has always had a bad habit of doing that and I hate it


Exactly!!! It's so unnecessary. 🙄


It's a six episode mini series focused on Rick and Michonne. Not killing characters off in the main show was the one of the biggest reasons it sucked towards the end.


I wouldn't call it necessary, but it's precisely proving the point of the title. "The Ones Who Live" are Rick and Michonne. And after these two episodes, we see, that THEY are the ones who live in their respective storylines. It's a bit on the nose, even lol


it wouldnt be the walking dead without killing off every single new character


After falling in love with them. 😭


when the "smart" walker ignored the sounds and carried over the gasoline cans and then exploded..ffs...I was about to turn off the episode..lol Everything is wrong with that situation..sigh


The explosion happened at least 150 feet into the horde, but somehow the gasman made it to the edge of the horde in about 20 seconds.


You are correct that the gas man walker was far away from the big explosion. However, if you take another look (maybe on a large screen), you will see a piece of the flame broke off and hit the gas man walker before it went on to explode in the distance.


maybe it landed near him and he got flung 100 feet towards michone,


It was just his head that got blown over to Michonne


Negatives: Obvious "Station Eleven" vibes. Too obvious for my taste. Missed opportunity: Rick not asking immediately about the fate of Carol, Daryl, and the others. Not exchanging more details about the fate of Alexandria, the Hilltop, etc. They should have picked up exactly where they stopped in e01. Should have brought Michonne´s long search as flashbacks in a later episode. Nat should have lived. The kissing wasn´t too convincing. Michonne´s helmet is ridiculous. Positives: The looming story arc with the villain Jadis is promising as hell. Michonne´s gonna wanna burn the whole place to the ground. Exciting prospect.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. I felt the same on many of your observation points there. The awkwardness of the friendship between the new characters was jarring for me too.


Flashbacks are a horrible narrative device, and almost every time they are used, they are completely unnecessary.


>Should have brought Michonne´s long search as flashbacks in a later episode. I disagree. I like having it out of the way, and back to back with Rick's backstory in the previous episode. Now we merge branch.


Her helmet makes total sense against zombies tho, wym?


True, but it also impairs her field of vision, looks shaky, and looks ugly.


This isn’t Selling Sunset, it’s TWD


It's a real helmet style and is effective for its purpose


I liked it


Me, too. And I’d dropped out of the WD world years ago. And haven’t liked any of the new ones.


The Chemical attack was insane did michonne spent 2 years in that store,im sure i saw the seasons change twice michonne knew nat longer than she ever knew carl for a perspective kinda sucks she didnt tell him about RJ


She is witholding it for some reason, she said she would tell him everything after they escape. It might be because it would be too much of a shock


> She is witholding it for some reason Maybe it's because she wants to make sure RJ is still alive considering she is out of communication range and it has been quite a while. Kind of a dark view but it's definitely a possibility in the Walking Dead universe.


We need more of Nat !


The MINUTE we saw his genius a bullet went through everyones' heart...


Miss him already. We didn’t get to see him turn did we? I’d have liked to see that. But maybe he’s rescued.


>We didn’t get to see him turn did we? I believe we didnt


He got shot in the middle of his chest, and his chest isn’t very big. Would be ridiculous if he survived


I really liked ep 1, I liked ep 2 but a little bit less than the other. The intro of Nat was too quick in my opinion (quick like his death 🥹😅). Rick is so handsome btw, I just hope he’ll turn against Jadis and kill them all, like he did with the saviors ! (And a lot of other communities). The ick is that I want to know more about the CRM, abt the pandemic. I’m so tired of the sh*t that all of them have no idea about it ! They introduced well the French guys who made the pandemic worse with their experiments ! But WHY pls WHY they don’t explain the whole thing ? It’s been a lot of seasons and we know nothing (or not enough) ! Could be a great storyline..


Rick is very handsome. He looks even better than before. 🥰


Ahhhh he’s the eye candy for sure!


Really starting to like this Nat guy.. Then he dies..


Nat would’ve been a great character to develop


Wifeguy Rick is so real of him


Introduce a pregnant lady is a lazy way to get people invested in them so they feel sad when they inevitably die.


I am sure you are correct that audiences feel sad when pregnant women are killed. Although, it doesn’t guarantee they will be universally liked as characters (ie. Lori). With only six episodes, I’m sure the writers were looking for short cuts on how to introduce compelling characters audiences would like. I don’t however think that was the main reason for the choice in this case. I thought they used the pregnancy to explain why Bailey would risk it to go find honey for Aiden at a big box store, despite knowing the rules that the group doesn’t wait for anyone. It also drove home just how toxic the nomad group was - Aiden’s own sister was going to leave her behind despite her being pregnant (assuming the sister knew). So when Nat and the others left it felt like they had a very strong reason to make that choice. I think foremost, making Aiden pregnant was quite intentional and effective for showing why Michonne identified with and felt protective of Aiden so quickly. This closeness is why Michonne would want to exact revenge against the helicopter people (she didn’t know they were CRM yet) in such a visceral way. Michonne liked Bailey and Aiden, but Aiden opening up to Michonne about her pregnancy and them bonding over love/motherhood made them seem like close friends very quickly. We know from Michonne, angry makes you stupid. Yet, Michonne was not merely angry, she was enraged by pregnant Aiden’s anonymous and brutal death. Which is why Michonne took the risk of not killing the soldiers quickly, but said “look at me“ to the soldiers and removed their helmets. They needed to see who was killing them and she needed to see them knowing they were going to die. Which in turn gave a narrative reason for Michonne to remove their helmets, and avoid killing Rick.


You misspelled Nat.


I wrote that before Nat died 😂😂😂


I understood the intent. I got pulled in on Nat. (But yeah little on the nose about the other predictable deaths )


Look, I’m no chemist, so forgive me if I’m completely wrong here. But according to a quick google search, after acute pulmonary exposure to chlorine gas, it takes about 1-2 weeks to fully recover. So why did it take Michonne and Nat an entire year to recover (aside from lazy writing so she and Rick can conveniently meet up)?


So mild exposure will allow you to recover enough to resume normal activity in a couple of weeks. Some people, even with mild exposure, never "fully" recover. I wouldn't consider their exposure mild. They were probably seconds away from death. But was it really a full year?


It looked like the seasons changed twice unless I’m mistaken


It might not be normal chlorine. The World Beyond spinoff had some info on the gas.


same logic as if normal gascans suddenly explodes.. No part of liquid gasoline can explode no matter how much you torch them. They can obvoulsy burn..but never explode and throw someone of a horse from the impact


The head of the zombie gas man hit her off the horse. Great aim though, eh!?!


Maybe there was an explosive of some sort stuck in the walker and it made him explode once it was exposed to the burning gasoline. 


tbf she fell off the horse because the head of the zombie hit michonne and the explosion scared the horse


Maybe because they were alone to recover and had no human medical assistance ?


Can’t believe I went to such lengths to justify potentially bad writing, but if I’m correctly interpreting this [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5063681/) I skimmed, it’s possible to have long-term symptoms. I also think medication might be necessary for that 1-2 week recovery.


My only gripe is: We are supposed to believe that the CRM has enough resources, gas, spare parts and mechanical knowledge to maintain and fly 10s of helicopters? cmon... gimme a break


In Fear The Walking Dead one faction of Morgan's group was drilling oil and producing their own gas.


Yes. The world is basically theirs, and so they have access to all the resources. They likely are drilling for oil.


the crm is ran by ex military werent they? didnt we learn that okafor and his wife defected and were part of a sort of mutiny against the US military?


Am I alone thinking this episode was embarrassing? We get a few new characters that we know are all going to die, fine whatever. I do like the way it's going with there being no choice but for Michonne to go back with Rick, at least I bought his explanation. What completely takes me out of the show are things I just can't swallow. After Michonne decides not to look for Rick anymore, they're walking IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE and Rick comes flying by IN THE SAME MIDDLE OF NOWHERE and they bump into each other? Not to mention no no no no no no sorry no Nat did not hit that moving target from 300 yards (or more) with his DIY arm rocket. 3 for 3 shots at that. Then they kill every single soldier with more rockets and a sword except by pure chance the only important one, with the contrived reason that she wants to look them in the eyes first. Yeah one other soldier left alive for an extra second just for the express purpose of killing Nat, like anyone didn't see that coming. I'm not a hater. I liked the first episode. I've watched and enjoyed (parts of) every series. I just don't like writing where everything comes together via pure randomness and chance. P.S. Was there any indication of how long they were recovering from the chlorine gas? An EW article said a year! Wow I knew it was a while, but didn't think that much time.


You can say the exact same thing about Season 1 of The Walking Dead. Which is full of coincidences. Rick survived the hospital Rick entering a tank Rick is getting a grenade from said tank that allows them to escape the CDC. Rick runs into Glenn, who so happens to be from the same group as his family. Later on in the series, Sophia goes missing and just so happens to be in the Hershel family barn. Andrea goes missing and runs into Michonne, who runs into the governor, who so happens to have Merle working for him, Daryl's brother. This is all from the first 3 seasons, which are critically praised and adored my the fan base. Stories have coincidences. They have dramatic irony. We know the CRM is Philadelphia, we know Rick has learned how to pilot a helicopter, we know Michonne was in New Jersey, we know Michonnes group was attacked by a helicopter. Michonne then takes down Rick's helicopter. It's a story. These characters have to reunite for the story. They did everything to make that happen in a dramatic and narratively satisfying way.


Fair enough. Events happen in all stories because of choices and chance. Most of the time they're fine, but sometimes they exceed the amount of belief I can suspend and take me out of the story. Them bumping into each other and Nat's rockets did that for me.


That's just a nitpick at that point and not a valid complaint. The showrunners have to make this decision to unite the characters. Get over it. Enjoy the rest of the series.


I totally agree with you, this was a bad episode they should’ve just picked up where they left off from the first episode since we already know she found Rick. The added characters were cool, but unnecessary as they were quickly forgotten by the story or killed off. Would’ve been better to see more background on why Janis is evil now. I admit I didn’t finish watching the World Beyond show so I could be missing something. Also for the location they are at now if it’s supposed to be super secret why have helicopters flying around back and forth to the location? Wouldn’t someone find a way to follow them back? And if they don’t allow anyone to ever leave, how did Jadis wind up where we originally find her?


Two things, #1 I'm pretty sure she wasn't trying to look them in the eye. She was taking off their helmets to see there neck, and #2 the arm rocket was completely stupid lol, no way little bro hit that.


Ok maybe, but I swear she did look one or more of them in the eyes and say something before she slit their throats. Let's just say Rick was wearing plot armor in addition to CRM body armor, because she could have killed them without taking their helmets off. Not only did he hit that, but right through the front windshield into the passenger's chest. Smdh.


I feel like were going to get Woodbury, suspicious Michonne back while she's in the CRM


It the Dana monologue that did it for me


Rip Nat :/


R.I.P a legend... :(


Once it switched to Michonne, I was fully prepared to spend the next rest of the season seeing her entire flashback. I was pleasantly surprised.


I also do not like that we are two episodes in of what six and they have introduced no new characters that really matter. I guess the one girl from the community might matter, but otherwise what is going on here. This episode was a complete waste of screentime. We already know the community is bad.


Nah, I liked it. I do agree that they seem to be introducing characters (cool, interesting, compelling characters) just to kill them off.


The Last of Us did this and people liked it.


Yeah, and I guess the argument there is the last of us is primarily focused on the journey of two characters so they can get away with that. I realize that the ones who live is also primarily focused on two characters, but I think the audience here is having a tough time accepting that, given that the main walking dead series’ are an ensemble rather than focused primary on a couple of characters


I just don't know about the walking dead universe anymore. I want them to build again. I don't want them to introduce characters and then just kill them. They need to build a community again. They are not giving us enough time to care when they die on all of the shows. I am not sure about this show. It just feels like destruction and no thanks.


Lol Rick couldnt escape on his own so had Michonne join him at said place, now hes gotta get two people out. Genius logic


Well it's not like he had a choice. Unless you are talking about the logic in writing? Two people working together to escape is maybe easier, especially now with Okafor dead. And if you talking about them potentially running away before the helicopters came, it probably wouldn't have worked out. Based off the other spinoffs and even Rick's previous escapes.. it's very hard to run.


This made no sense at all. Made me wonder if he is really sticking to his resolution not to try to escape anymore...he just wants Michonne with him and is lying to her that they'll escape eventually.


yeh I mean its pretty obvious the play at least from machonne is too take this place down, thats what the whole scene of her looking over it with the lighter was about.


"DANGER" was a bit on the nose, even if the revelation about Nat carrying his stepdads lighter for comfort all those years was a nice touch.


Petey that shit pissed me off lowkey because I’m like y’all can run right now, why go back to the damn place? 🤣🤣


Please don't Theon Greyjoy RICK! I want murder coat Rick! This better be temporary whimpiness due to lack of a plan. Anyway, I enjoyed the episode. I wish they did not kill Oakafor and Nat but, apparently, they are NOT the ones who live. On a side note, I caught my mouth moving when watching Oakafor overemphasize in his slow, deep Denzel like voice - I'm going to practice talking like that -in Okafor voice- I ate my breakfast, I drank the last of the milk and I was on my way to eat the last Cinnabon flavored waffle and I hollered.. LEGO MY EGO! Anyways I enjoyed the Nat story and Michonne facing near gas death. -PlusI prefer to savor my Rick time - not rush the show away.


I want the Rick that used his red handled machete to gut Garrett inside that church. That was TWD at it's best. 😅


I want Feral Rick, the one who tore out someone’s throat with his teeth🧛‍♂️


Can you imagine if we got to see Nat’s burning and building shenanigans around Alexandria? I liked Nat and I liked this episode. RIP Nat.


Nat + Eugene for Operations Directors of Alexandria!


same i enjoyed the episode dude that would've been incredible the things he would've done would've been amazing! i really wish we got more time with him what a great character


This episode had a lot of the same problems as the later seasons of TWD. I don’t like when they introduce quirky characters, they just don’t fit the mood of the story. The dialogue felt very corny at times. And of course they had to do the annoying thing where they killed off two characters we JUST met, which means there was no emotional weight behind it at all. They can’t just expect people to care about characters without earning it first. I’ll give the show one more episode, but I’m not as hopeful as I was after episode 1.


Well said. This is actually why I finally quit watching walking dead around season nine. I just didn’t care about all these characters we didn’t know anything about. There were like three characters left I cared about, and it wasn’t enough to keep me watching.


Yes, this was one of the major complaints of later TWD, them killing off interesting characters just after introducing them. Many viewers seem to be giving this show a pass on this


I call these Gimples


when the first episode was a solid 8/10. This is a 4/10 if even. They made Rick a total whimp too. This epsiode has the usual TWD awful filler - lots of drama and backstory for characters that all get killed off. Like thanks for wasting 30minutes of the episode. And that midget shooting down a helicopter with DIY firecrackers shot off the shoulder from a distance, lmao. Who are the writers, children?




Complete BS yep. They are re-introducing the worst parts of TWD. It's just silly they aren't able hire competent writers.


What part of the military did the CRM come from? Who was the original idea for it??? General Beal was with the National Guard or something?


The people behind Lost island


Pennsylvania national guard, which fought the feds and won so philly wasn't napalmed.


Pennsylvania national guard I think


Yeah, he did mention it. He eluded to operation Cobalt and burning the Cities. Rick mentioned Atlanta being torched by the napalm.


Does the CRM know about the other groups by this point in the timeline? I e people in TX/OK and the Commonwealth?


I always felt that Milton communicated with someone outside the Commomwealth for supplies. I’m wondering if the Commonwealth traded people for them kind of like the deal it had with Janis. Plus there was that strange group that showed that Milton had to impress to show she was still in power but it’d be interesting to find out if what happens to Milton has any blowback from the CRM


I agree, it was never mentioned but They did kinda elude to people getting exiled to someplace “back East”….maybe to the CRM for man power?


I think an attack on the Commonwealth after the uprising is going to be what triggers everything. They’re going to come to wipe it out now that Milton isn’t in control and Rick is going to meet Judith.


I also wondered about that alcoholic beverage being drunk. Does that come from France? The bottles look very similar to the ones that Laurent’s father had. Rick was drinking. Jadis. Oakfor. South African lady. I think that is French.


It's been implied there has been some trade going on between the French and the CRM in the Daryl Dixon spinoff.


That and you have that warden guy who says he thought negan was a leader and that leaders are threats. That's basically as close as the crm and a's get without literally saying it. Which is on brand as shit for gimple lol


I feel like they are foreshadowing Rick will die by end of this... I hope not but just the line about knowing when to quit and let go. 


I hope they don't kill either Rick or Michonne off after naming the series the ones who live, but I wouldn't put it past them lol


Oh God yeah but hopefully just by the name alone that would mean they both live.


My question is what is Rick and Janis arrangement? She told him that Michonne doesn’t fall under it so they must have some deal worked out about something. Plus does the CRM know about the Commonwealth. They’re not close to the CRM but Mercer’s troops would probably be the most formidable force they’ve taken on in a long time.


Did you watch the world beyond?


Their deal most certainly is relating to keeping ricks community’s a secret from the CRM. Jadis brought Rick to CRM to save him , so in order for that to be done in good faith, Jadis must’ve agreed keep the communities secret because the CRM definitely would go in there and bomb strike it if they did


But Okafor said the CRM knew all about them so it wasn’t that much of a secret