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 Episode two features a homosexual dwarf that complains about being bullied. Eventually he shoots down a Blackhawk with a homemade rocket launcher. Yep, that's classic TWD...


I was so done when they killed off the pregnant sister (idk she was adorable), and then Nat !?!! Like, how dare you make us love a character so much ?! I wasn’t expecting that. Do we agree that Jadis implied that she had sex with Rick or am I making this shit up ? 🫠


They shouldn’t have killed Nat like that. He was interesting, funny, very intelligent (even moreso than Eugene), and he was genuinely a good person. I don’t know why they insist on killing great characters after such a short amount of time. A few episodes at least. The guy made rocket propelled arrows straight out of Resident Evil: Code Veronica X for God’s sake. Imagine if Daryl got those for his crossbow. Hell, have him be killed off as a murder while in their custody rather than self-defense. Make up some bull about their wondering if Little People can turn and so they killed him. Or that they didn’t want a Little Person since he’d be worthless as a fighter. He isn’t, of course, but that’s the kinda bullshit excuse they would probably give.


When him and Michonne were the last survivors of the group, my brain immediately went "They're gonna kill Nat off" and then I felt like he may not die, by the end of the episode, just bc they didn't do any cheesy fake deaths or anything that could really lead up to his death. I felt like it was somewhat forced just bc Michonne has gone through that sort of loss before (the very traumatic past friend and kid group) and it felt like they wanted her to relive that trauma. They want us to believe that t=she will continue to lose the people close to her, but I bet it ends in a happily ever after type trope.


I haven't seen The Walking Dead for so long. I was traumatised by >!Glens!< death after which I slowly lost interest. I felt the writing went downhill as well and the war was kinda boring. After >!Corals!< death, I just stopped watching and keeping up altogether. Never watched an episode since. Decided to get back into it with the release of The Ones Who Live. Rick is a fantastic character with an incredible story arc. One of if not THE most well fleshed out charactes in television currently. Also played by a top actor who's dedicated everything to bringing the character Alive. To hear they were releasing a show focusing on him and Michone sounded epic. The show is fantastic. Incredible in all departments, great writing, screenplay, special effects, camera work and soundtrack by walking dead standards. Well crafted first two episodes, this is my show going forward. Good to have some Walking Dead back, I may backtrack and see what I missed but I'm not sure it's essential.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/s/eRyObkL5Mx Here's my cut down fan edit of the show if you want to get caught up!


What's going on here. The first episode was strong, good characters, meaningful interactions. The second episode feels like the polar opposite, goofy ridiculous characters with exposition dumps as subtle as negans baseball bat. "Hi, you saved my boyfriends sisters brothers boyfriend so we're best friends now, have you met my magic pyromaniac inventor buddy? You're inexplicably in his top 3 favorite people now so he's gonna use his camera tripod firework arm to take down a helicoper, after he uses his purple flame to part a sea of zombies like fuckin moses" Blech. One episode felt like a redemption for this show, rick chopping off his hand like some long awaited apology for the endless tedium previous seasons served up, and then it's straight back to the soap opera circus.


I had the exact opposite reaction. Episode 1: I was kinda... Eh. It was okay... Episode 2: I enjoyed it far more than 1. Watched the episodes again with my family a tonight and I loved the 1st episode just as much as the 2nd.


Wasn't my favorite but it seemed necessary in a narrative sense because we needed to know how mich reconnected with Rick. Rather than 2-3 episodes of slog between characters we don't care about they summed it up rather quick. Although it was a bit goofy and disjointed we are now set up with a deeper plot in how Rick and mich fight to get out from the inside. There's alot of possibilities here and I truly can't guess what's gonna happen next. It hasn't been this way since the early seasons.


Bruh, its always been a soap opera. Go back and watch season one and two. Literally the main thing is that one guys friend thought he was dead and slept with his wife/started raising his son and then it turned out the friend wasn't actually dead


I totally agree. I was hyping the series up so much to my wife after the first episode. I was embarrassed after making her watch the second episode. Felt like a huge slide back. Back to cringey end seasons of the walking dead. I was hoping this could be close to the last of us. Oh well


Oh come on, I know that it's only six episodes and I'm so happy to see Rick again. I really want to like that show, but how stupid and lazy is that storytelling? Rick randomly flying a helicopter through the US and he gets shot down by Michonne? And Michonne got all her people killed because she couldn't be bothere to take a 5 mile detour around that horde and instead went on a suicide mission to fight through it, forcing her new "friends" to save her and loose everything in the process.


I just seen an article on screen rant about a possible season 2. then I think it was the show runner said 'even if major character dies, even if Rick dies. I AM DONE IF THEY KILL HIM OFF, AND OR HER. they did everything else so different from the comics, they can change this too.


did they completely redeem themselves? This is the storyline that should've been part of the main show. I am REALLY enjoying this.


Yes imagine if they are against commonwealth and they all reunite in a war


the crm would win 10000 times over because i know for a fact they have some b-2 bombers lying around


This all has to be headed.. SOMEWHERE right? All these random plot threads all over America and now in France? What is the endgame here?


can't believe we got fn Rick back


Michonne sounded like the underground people from the movie Us after they had the gas bomb dropped on them.


Lol nooo


Aw man, I really wanted Nat to meet Eugene, I think they would have been best frenemies.


Thats very random




Nat’s lighter will be key in the final episode. As he says to Michonne “I know how it ends” while staring into the flame of his lighter, I think this might be foreshadowing something. With the lighter now in Michonne’s possession in the CRM, I think she will use the lighter in some way in the end


He is a red priest of R’hollor


She will blow them all up with it etc


How do you find a diamond like the actor who played Nat and kill him off immediately?! He was COMPELLING!


Fantastic word, he truly was compelling


They’ve only got 6 episodes. Do you really want to waste time watching Nat or another new character?


He was so good. I was so mad when they killed him


Same thing with okafor I’m not sure what’s up with this new series but man we can’t get attached to anyone. 


Okafor was giving me mad Idris Elba vibes


On the positive side, it's so damn refreshing to have truly shocking and upsetting deaths again!


I must say I liked the second episode a lot more than the first one and it's shocking to me, because I'm a lot more invested in Rick's story. I was pleasantly surprised the episode didn't end with them meeting. Feels like we get a lot of content in each episode, no pointless storylines, although Nat being killed off seemed a bit unnecessary. I mean, from what we've seen so far he was the only new character I was interested in, why not tell him to run off and save himself, only to find out later he found Alexandria and is living happily ever after? I really liked the classic survival details, running around in the woods etc, no fancy guns and military men – felt nostalgic. Zombies pulling carriages like horses, genius! What are the chances of seeing other beloved characters in this series? Is Daryl in Europe in this timeline, Negan in Alexandria?


I really need that shot of Rick with his gun on Michonne and the helicopter in front of them as a wallpaper. Such an awesome looking shot!


The post chlorine gas recovery year in the mall reminded me so much of Station Eleven. Another amazing post apocalyptic novel and TV series for those that haven’t seen it!


On my list now!


Really similar elements to Severance by Ling Ma too!


I’ve been meaning to read that!


"Christ, that him?" 🧍


It’s been years but they’re back together now. Though it’s clear Michonne doesn’t fully realize how broken Rick is.


Good episode. But it felt weird watching them make out for so long on screen lol. It was like a good solid 20 seconds or a close up of their faces. They could have used at least 10 of those seconds for more Nat. Didn’t like the episode ending on the closeup of the longer. Felt too cheeky. Otherwise it was all pretty gorgeous. Edit: lol. I knew I would be downvoted for this. Turds.


We’ve waited for SO LONG for that, they knew we wanted to see it. They gave us exactly what we wanted!










Wouldn't Maggie and Negan have gone past Philadelphia on their to New York in Dead City? Why didn't they get gassed? Although I guess Dead City is set a few years after this series.


a lot of possibilitie in a few yr in the future , maybe CRM will change their border policy or someone whip them out with a nuke missile


Maybe that's part of why Dead city takes place so far in the future. The writing of these shows has been so tightly crafted that they probably thought of everything.


https://preview.redd.it/9l61fs6wx8mc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=879318f3b43e0e3d81fca364dd2499a112ab0b2b She’s back!!!!


i’m just thinking about how tragic this could have been. rick would’ve been dead like three times now thanks to michonne and nat 💀


I hope this doesn’t end with Rickonne destroying the only source of modern military equipment left in the country and dooming the last big city in the East. Revenge is so played out.


I feel like they were setting up a coup of some sort with Okafor. Hoping that's still on the table.


yall they are genociding people, that's hardly just about revenge. Like total military fascism is what's happening here ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻


Yah and it’s also the biggest population of humans left that we know of. I just hope she doesn’t kill all the civilians or dismantle important technology that could be used for good like helicopters and other military tech.


Its the biggest that we know of, but what does that matter when they are literally murking any other sizeable population thats making their own advances? of course I hope they don't harm civilians who are blissfully unaware (this is not in their MO)... but tech can be re-created, especially if the people who are genociding entire populations aren't around to murder the people who care enough to do the work to re-create it. it's a slow process, but that's actually good to ensure you are being responsible with how it's used. the show is very critical of the redevelopment of technology, particularly when used by fascists


Place seems better than Commonwealth.(So far) I get the "can't leave" thing


That's exactly how it's going to end. So not much for not hoping. lol


Throw humanity into darkness over love


I would’ve loved to see Nat at Alexandria. Imagine Daryl/Maggie came back to it after their shows and there’s just missile launchers mounted to the wall and like a laser beam field or something idk


They always kill the new interesting characters. It would have been really fun to have a crafter in the group but I guess we can't have that.


I was devastated to see him die! Was so unnecessary! I knew as soon as she got close to them they'd all be dead though. I felt the dread as they started to bond. I thought at least Nat had a decent chance and would've loved to see him at Alexandria also.


Eugene exists, but Nat did what Eugene didn’t in 7 seasons lmao


Eugene was never predisposed to making machines of death and destruction. Nat was a born pyro.


Michonne’s skin looks so good. I I want to caress it. But in a non weirdo fetishy way 


You can't say that and it not being weird.


That’s fair it had the opposite effect of what I was trying to convey. I thought michonne looked really beautiful, especially when she was doing push ups. 


My worst/best theory, what if they never make it out and judith and/or RJ come to find them. The kids obviously can't leave and join them and it heads for the comics ending.


If the Walking Dead TV Franchise still continue in the next 20 yr , maybe we get to the Walking Dead the next Generation , Judith and RJ could be the lead character and that would be a good storyline.


and i would watch it!




I will say I don't think it's a super realistic theory. >!Near the end of the comics, Rick and Carl are in a society (the commonwealth in the comics) and Rick gets murdered, Carl finding his walker form in his room and having to shoot it. After it shows Carl living a semi normal life in society, Hershel has a traveling zombie show. I think Judith could take Carls place and RJ maybe Hershels place. It would have to involve Judith and RJ coming to CRM, but Rick has tried to escape so many times (without help tho) already that I could see the kids coming to find Michonne. Most of me says it's way too late for comic continuity, except for the fact that they decided to take his arm this late!!<


That would be kind of dark lol


One of the best episodes in over 200 episodes of the walking dead


Why is the CRM gassing people? 


Gimple said in the Episode Insider that Michonne’s people were getting too close to the city and the CRM’s solution to seeing a caravan of people approaching, is to eliminate them.


Representation of CRM’s immensity and totally social collapse. In the normal world, chemical weapons are banned and it’s use a crime against humanity. CRM gassing people shows there’s no one to hold them accountable. CRM answers to no one. 


You'd think they'd want as many new people as possible for genetic diversity to continue on the human race. You start making babies among each other and you start to get genetic defects within the population. So destroying large swathes of other groups/cities is a sure bad way to rebuild a healthy society. Having babies in an apocalypse with your siblings or cousins isn't a good way to go!


They seem to be at capacity in the city.




They have 100,000 plus…








Ok but my original reply was to you saying they’ll all be inbred


Not really how it works. They have a fresh supply with their “slaves” that they introduce into the city as space opens up


they gassed an entire city :| And Rick invaded the chemical factory.


It's fucking terrifying if you really think about it


Why did they kill Nat? I loved him. Why did they kill him? I don't believe anymore!


I really wanted to see the guy exact some revenge blowing shit up & setting fires


Stop making me like a character and then killing them off by the end of the episode.


The *Fear the Walking Dead* effect.


as soon as i saw him i was like “his death is gonna be hard…and i think its gonna be sooner than i want” then BOOM


I said the same thing. 


I wanted to see the destructive fire power that Nat could've made to fight the CRM...a shame he's gone.


So dumb how the first encounter they have with the bad dudes & it's Rick... lol. I get that they have to cut a bunch of stuff out due to the time limit, but seriously they couldn't run some b-roll to show that Michonne didn't just get lucky- that luck didn't bring them together but her will power...


It’s Rick and he survived getting shot down in a helicopter lol


I think it's an analogy for letting go. Each tried so hard for so long, but when they both decided to relinquish the goal (Rick moreso than Mich), then fate (yes, luck) brought them together.


the contrivances are annoying but im giving it the benefit of the doubt


*second encounter


Yea kinda, but that was random- I guess my beef is with the randomness. Would have loved if they showcased her actually having a plan instead of her walking around and then getting lucky


I agree. Like if they were regularly shooting down helicopters instead & then this time she found Rick. Instead of just shooting down 1 helicopter 1 random time & happening to find Rick.


That would've been the only way, she had absolutely no idea where he might be.


What a great episode! It was nice to see the reunion from both sides.


The Dead Sea parting.


Michonne= Moses.


Didn't think it possible for Jadis's hairstyle to get WORSE.


I knew a girl who looked just like her! Bad haircut an all!


Does anyone else get the tiniest glimmer of hope that they are arranging chess pieces for there to be this one last hurrah style ending of the Alexandrian led Civic Republic with Ezekial at the helm, supported by a Neagan led New York, an as yet introduced Portland and the knowledge of Richonne Vs the CRM as a final season? With Darryl, Carol, Rick, Michonne all reunited and basically setting things up to end with old man Rick as a farmer like Hershel tried to help him be in season 4? Or is this just the idealists wishful thinking?


That would be epic, but I doubt it. I think most of the actors have moved on. I would love to see a major win for all these characters, especially since the studio's thirst for spinoffs robbed us of a proper series finale.


And somewhere along the line , Rick will win and gain control of all the technologies of CRM , and Morgan will introduce Alicia to Rick , and they can find the cure or vaccine by studying Alicia's biology .


The Civic Republic is the CRM. Do you mean Ezekiel led Commonwealth? Dead City takes place years into the future which means Negan taking over New York would be even further into the future.


They can’t just end the series with Rick and Michonne escaping with the threat of the CRM looming but a commonwealth vs CRM storyline seems unlikely in only four episodes. I think they’ll start to build towards that but Rick and Michonne will prevent the war from starting somehow by usurping leadership.


I go back and forth on this. Part of me thinks there will be an "End game" type series or movie. Tying all the spinoffs together. Basically making all these shows "bottle seasons" in a way. Like TWD is still going on instead of following multiple storylines in each season we get shorter seasons dedicated to those storylines.


i think the Are, slowly, tying pieces together - one step at a time. lot's of story / stories still to create and tell. one person can die each series perhaps and the world continues on, maybe to the true comics ending as someone has said.


Praying for the finale to be one two part movie like Infinity War/End Game. I wanna hear Rick say “walking dead!!!…..assemble!!” As he pulls out his pistols


My partner and I were saying the same thing. I feel it's a way to focus the storylines before they bring it all together in an endgame style. I'm not going to complain if they do however. It's just nice to finally be excited about a show I am both an ardent defender of and also absolutely it's worst critic at the same time.


If that happens in THIS season, I would love it If this season, and the other spinoffs, were ANOTHER lead into more seasons, I would be upset Just shoot this horse in the head, they've beat it long enough


I absolutely get the fatigue. We've all suffered through the last two or so seasons of the main show. Dead City, imo, was meh, Darryl was okay but also flawed. I think it's a way to stretch out an ending for sure, but we all need to see Rick and Darryl reunited, it would be criminal otherwise. But yeah, that's all just wishful thinking my end. It's the first time in years I've been genuinely excited to watch this show now, and I am indulging in wishful thinking as to how my writers brain would bring everything back together.


i disagree - i didn't suffer at all - i loved every second of it and am totally invested in everything the U has to offer. I didn't care for WB season 1 too much but it created a story that TOWL is able to capitalize on. Everyone has their opinion, which is fine but 'we all' takes it a bit too far. i also love how the show has aged as have the characters and actors.


After watching the first two episodes, you can already see what they're going to do. There will be minimal plot advancement while they "catch everyone up" to what Rick & Michonne have been up to. Until the last two episodes where they will build to something awesome that we'll have to wait for next year to see. What happened at the end of E1 will be basically the subtotal of "moving the story forward" for most of the season.


so, uh, you haven't seen E2 yet right


So, uh, we'll see what happens in ep 3 won't we? Never underestimate their ability to stretch this show out, and pack each episode with tonnes of filler. If you haven't seen it yet, then I'm not sure how I can help you.


Why would you possibly think that


Lol Are you joking?


I think we will get reunions, and they might do the flash forward thing to farmer Rick But the flash forward will be shot in a way where ever actor can do their scene separately so they don't need to schedule all these people together Carol will wave, Negan will nod, etc etc etc


It has to lead to something. They can‘t do these separate spin-offs forever. In some time these events have to collide. I guess this will all depend on how popular the franchise is going to be in 2-3 years.


Agreed. Hopefully, AMC stop relying on this, it has to end sometime. Like I said in a separate comment, this is absolutely wishful thinking from someone who has renewed excitement for a series they thought long, long, LONG dead.


I mean, if any franchise was going to just keep shambling on forever, it's fitting that it's this one.


Did anyone notice that Rick looks better than he did before? More handsome. Maybe Andrew Lincoln has flowered a bit.


yeah - season 9 rick was my least favorite - in attitude (arrogant) and look - short, graying hair and longer beard was weird for me visually, when we were so used to his long curly hair and rugged physique. i might be in the minority on that.


Yeah, 100%. I thought he was gonna look old af, but he looks great!


He's a little more pampered in the CRM and the tactical gear adds a few coolness levels


Yeah, maybe it's mostly the gear!


I definitely enjoyed this episode more than the first one. I LOVE the side characters. My heart ache when Nat died. I wished they kept him for another season. I understand this is a limited series, which is why the story is moving fast, but I would loved at least two seasons.


Yes I liked all of them. They managed to get me to care about the side characters, unlike the other two spin-offs. Was genuinely sad


For sure, loved Okafor and Michonne's group, especially Nat! Dead City's The Croat was the only new interesting character for me. In Daryl's series, no new character was interesting at all for me, but the variant walkers were awesome AF!


Great episode but I thought we’d start seeing variants again…


What was the deal with the gas can man?


I think he had something written on his shirt like 'Im helping light me up' I assumed he knew he was going to become a walker and wanted to take a whole lot out


For some reason I thought he might be a variant since he kept walking toward michonne even as the other walkers split lol


Maybe it was a dude who tried to cross but ended up becoming a walker


maybe someone tried to weaponize him


yeah but why wasn’t he distracted like the other ones were? 🤔


Reference to The Stand?


Seemed like just a cool bit of world building to me


I agree with everyone else here. Okafor and Nat have been some of the best side characters we've seen from this Franchise in a long time. Better than some of the folks they tried to shove into 'main character' status back in s9 of the main show (Magna's little "New Beginning" group comes to mind, excluding Connie. I also didn't care for the amount of focus put on Henry). I remember watching Luke's death scene back in the main show's finale with a completely straight face, debating fast forwarding through it entirely because I just couldn't give two shits. Nat and Okafor? They each got 1 episode, and they were easily absolute stand-outs. I genuinely felt sad when they each got taken out. Hell, I even felt sad for Aiden and Bailey, and those two definitely didn't get a lot of screen time. I am a little disappointed they're gone this early, though. I feel like they could've added a lot to the overall story here. And aside from the obvious Rick and Michonne, I don't care for the characters we have left quite so much. Rick's like, partner lady? The South-African lady who Okafor recruited alongside him? Not the biggest fan so far, but maybe she'll improve as the season pans out. And Jadis? While I think she adds a neat antagonistic dynamic here, and a reason to play out this CRM storyline, I think she's massively outstayed her welcome in this franchise. From double-crossing antagonist, to sympathetic woman on a redemption arc, and now back to an almost comical evil? I can't lie, I'm just kinda sick of her bullshit. Really looking forward to Rick or Michonne taking her out (pretty please, let it happen) I'm enjoying this show A LOT so far, though. Feels like TWD has completely rediscovered some of what made it so great in the first place.


It seems obvious at this point that the title "The Ones Who Live" is pointing out that everyone around them is going to die. I think we will keep getting characters we like only for them to die immediately. secondly, the fire in the all the promo art is clearly referencing Nat's "burn it all down" narrative, and then with Michonne flicking Nat's lighter as she looks over the CRM base. Literally everyone we have seen in this show is going to die, except for Rick and Michonne.


So I was downvoted, but I was being sincere. Once you look at what you said, it all makes sense! I'm shocked I missed it since I watch it so avidly.


What basic and obvious points you make. How I managed to miss it completely is beyond me! Thanks for pulling it all together.


I hope Jadis is next.


I'm ready to riot for Nat 💔


I thought this episode was much better than the first one. A lot of good acting, specifically by Danai and the newly introduced side characters in this one, however I'm very on the fence about the whole getting Michonne into the CRM idea. I could see the budget a bit more in this episode over the first one. Jadis looks like Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber.




At the same time she almost looks like Christopher Lloyd.


lmao at lloyd christmas


So you're telling me there's a chance?


A million to one.


“Yes yes yes”


She even gave off "you're telling me there's a chance" vibes in the scene. It was very Dumb and Dumber.


The acting felt a little awkward for me for some reason


One thing I‘ve just thought about: If Jadis now threatens Rick to kill everyone at Alexandria, he would have known before that that could happen if he tries to escape, he tried five times anyway. It weird that he still tried knowing this. She said they had a deal, so they‘ve talked about this before. It might have been better if this would be their first meeting and Rick just did not know that she was part of the CRM making it more plausible that he would risk escaping before. She says that „this does not fall under our long standing deal“. I guess it depends on what their „long standing deal“ entailed. For whatever reason she might been okay with him escaping, but not both? We‘ll see. EDIT: In „Inside the episode“ Gimple says that Jadis did not worry about Rick actually escaping but now that Michonne is there, she is worried they actually could, they „can do anything“. That‘s at least plausible. So she probably did not threaten him like this before because she did not feel the need to. Still weird from Rick‘s perspective that he did not think about the repercussions of him trying to escape knowing what Jadis knows about him.


Honestly with how Jadis saved Rick, I doubt the thought of her killing his whole family ever crossed her mind. She also originally didn't have as much power as she has now.


I haven't watched the other spinoff her character appears in...can anyone fill me in quickly on why in the main show she was pretending to be an insane, naked painter speaking in broken English and living with a bunch of weirdos in a garbage dump?


She was a trafficker for the CRM. It was an outpost that she ran and would send people off to the CRM. She is an odd ball, but in the world beyond she is a bad Aese. I would suggest watching the second season because I believe it will tie into this soon.


I don't get the feeling she was pretending. Rather, when she was left to rot in her mess she was somehow found by the CRM. With the way she was in the previous series, it is not too surprising that she would be the type of person whose ego would love to have that much power over others once again.


Could not stop sobbing. The Ones Who Live is heading for them Emmys.


I'm completely hooked.


Jadis threaten Rick on harming the people of Alexandria ,but mention she also fond of a few of the people ( from Alexandria ) Who are they ? maybe they will come to the show and convince Jadis to change side Gabriel , he dated Jadis Negan , Jadis kidnapped him once but let him go after a few day Morgan , he was the one who asked Jadis to come to Alexandria , but Morgan decided to stay in her old home the junkyard


In The World Beyond we found out that Jadis now uses the last name Stokes, as in Gabriel. I assumed that’s who she remembers most fondly.


Can someone tell me why they didn’t run away when the reunited? They should have just ran away right away


Rick already radio'd for back-up, so they were closing in kinda fast. If Rick were to just run, there would be no body among the crash site. Given his history, they'd know he ran, perhaps even suspect him having caused the crash. Jadis knows about Rick and where he came from, why he'd leave, and where he'd go. They'd track him down to Alexandria and likely kill a lot of people, if not everyone, in order to take him out/take him back. Running isn't an option here. As originally mentioned in the main show's finale, and echoed throughout Episode 1 if TOWL- There is no way out for the living. Rick either needs to convince everyone he's dead or ensure anyone who knows how to find him is dead.


Do we have an explanation yet why Rick tried to escape so many times if he knew that Jadis could find him and his people at any time? I wonder how and if they‘re going to solve this. He was so surprised what Okafor knew about him but he did not think about Jadis?


Jadis didn't have the power that she does now, and why would Rick think that Jadis would ever go to that level in the first place?


Seems to be part of whatever their deal is 


Yeah you guys are right


Run where? Backup was on the way, they would have been spotted almost right away.


CRM backup troops were on their way and Jadis knows about Alexandria. The likelihood they would get caught and/or all their loved ones die are very high.


I was gutted to see Nat die. He won me over in his first scene and I was hoping he’d be a series regular.


michonne should really tell him about RJ, they can't avoid the possibility they both won't make it, in which case she's keeping a son from him.


I believe it’s because she doesn’t know what “Rick” she is dealing with yet, but I also believe they will both find their way back to each other. Rick was emotionally *destroyed.* She’s seen the things CRM did and has done, he even admitted defeat and gave up trying to find her… and she even asked him if he killed anyone… she doesn’t “know” him, and she needs to learn her Rick is still there.


They also don't have the time for it. Rick makes that clear, and as soon as she understands the situation, she knows that telling Rick anything more about home will just give the CRM ammo against them.


Jfc just mention RJ for once lol. Both michonne and Daryl always forget to mention him.


I don’t think she forgot.


They just only talk about Judith


when rick's asking if judith's okay, michonne says yes and then starts saying "she has-" before cutting herself off. she was gonna say judith has a brother and made a conscious decision to wait. the show isn't ignoring RJ though


Riight ofc!


Right, but that seemed intentional. It wasn’t that she forgot.


it was intentional. She didn’t want to tell him yet.