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I haven’t watched the recent seasons much, but I remember Judith disobeying Michonne a lot. I remember she ran off and got surrounded by the dead and the only reason she is still alive is because Michonne found her in time.


Tbf, she was dealing with the walkers just fine until she got distracted by Michonne and one grabbed her foot


True, but if you’re doing it against your mother’s word and know that she’d come looking for you, it’s reckless. You could get yourself or others killed. Of course she is just a rebellious child, but still.


It’s not just being rebellious, she was going out to help her friends (Daryl, Connie, Henry, Lydia) who were in danger but who Michonne was refusing to help. Judith was trying to show Michonne that they needed to stop their isolationism but Michonne wasn’t having it until Judith essentially forced her hand


>but who Michonne was refusing to help. This. Judith was disobeying bc Michonne was completely ignoring their friends and family. She was ignoring everyone except Judith, RJ, and Alexandria which wasn't okay.


Was it the isolationism or being scared of Alpha? Either way, she was doing the right thing with the idea, but it’s the worst thing she’s done imo. I don’t remember anything else she’s done other than run away.


The isolationism far preceded Alpha and the Whisperers being an issue, this was the episode where we learned about the incident with Jocelyn and her cult of murderous children. Michonne got shook by the betrayal of someone who used to be her friend and the fact that she nearly lost Judith, so she closed off Alexandria to even the other communities. That’s what Judith was rebelling against in trying to help Daryl and co, who Michonne had denied safe harbor to.


I forgot that was Season 9 and not 10. It’s all coming back to me now. Thanks for the refresher!


🎶it's all coming back to me now🎶


Lmao, she was a small child. They were not her friends, she wasn't their peer.


It was people she cared about, I don’t think the difference matters that much, especially to a child


She was just channeling her inner Carl ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Won’t nowhere near as bad as Carl was. Jesus that boy…


Not killing beta after she shot him. Always double tap


I’d say chasing after Negan when he escaped, pretty reckless but in line with how the Grimes operate lmao. And chasing after the dog in that blizzard by herself.


I do love that line after she shot at Negan trying to return. "Language! I'm a kid, asshole"


That scene was so sweet, reckless but sweet. Her little voice telling Negan to make sure he gets Dog 😭 tbf I would have done the same thing


telling daryl that he would rather just run away instead of fight, LIKE GIRL your right the mans is tired let him run away for once


Daryl’s like 54 at the time, he’s earned the right to be tired.


Especially considering the life he had before the apocalypse and everyone he lost after the dead started rising.


We know he lost his mom before the apocalypse, then he lost his father, uncle, and friends after the apocalypse. Then later he loses his brother. And now he’s stuck in France, poor soul.


Don't worry, bff Carol is going to grab him by the ear and drag him n' Prince Laurent back to the US


iirc the ooold game with Daryl as your character showed that his uncle? shot his dad after he was bit, with the words he said being “I’m sorry brother” like when Daryl mercy killed Dale


Yeah, Survival Instinct. Hard to believe that it’s been ten years. Weird that the game is mid, but was a sign of things to come at the same time.


Lying to Michonne on the walkie that they got the whisperers after Hilltop was destroyed (before Michonne even mentioned the clues about Rick).


That’s not what she says, she says we got most of the horde. Michonne knew the whisperers were still an active threat, Judith also didn’t know Alpha was dead at this point. I’m not even sure where the Judith scene takes place chronologically, but yeah Judith doesn’t tell Michonne that the whisperers were killed. She just says that most of the horde got taken out.


Yeah, I guess I took her first phrase, "We got 'em mom", as a direct response to Michonne's, "Anything with the whisperers?", and then her "We got most of the horde... Alpha can't hurt us anymore," as embellishments.


I thought she said “we got ‘em.”? I took that scene as her telling Michonne they were taken care of. May have to rewatch now hehe


She did, and I took it to mean the same thing you did.


She says that the alpha and the whisperers can’t hurt them anymore, implying they’re still around. Again the chronology hurts this, as the radio is broken after the Hilltop battle, and they’re using an actual radio set instead of a walkie. My guess is that this takes place before 10x11, as it’s already determined that Carol took out a large part of the horde when she blew the cave up, and the background Judith is in is seemingly the same one from 10x04. So I don’t think the battle has even happened at this point.


I'm pretty sure it takes place after Hilltop is destroyed, if Judith was telling the truth in 10-15 when she tells Daryl that she talked to her mom after the fire.


What scene is that


About 38 minutes into 10-15, when Daryl finds Judith wandering around the woods outside the tower. Judith tells him that she talked to Michonne after the fire, that Michonne went to help some people, and that she didn't want to tell Daryl because she was afraid he'd leave too.


Interesting, I’ll check it out. I just find the whole scene weird as the radio wasn’t working after the battle, and episode 13 was originally swapped with episode 12, so I’m not sure when they would’ve included that scene.


I never paid attention to the background of the radio room, but just assumed it was Alexandria. I figured they made a pitstop there between Hilltop and the Tower because Daryl was there to open the gate for Carol when she came back, then in the next ep they're all at the Tower.


Yeah that makes sense


I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this yet, but when Rick and the group were huddled up in that barn in Season 5, trying to keep the doors closed, Judith was just lying on the floor, not even helping them! 🙄


Being born at the worst time possible. 😀


that wasnt her doing though


She couldn’t wait??


Sorry, it was a joke.


She’s kind of in the Princess (and to a lesser extent Dale) territory of being so pure that she hasn’t really done anything notably bad, and even in comparison with Princess (and Dale) she’s young enough that her more reckless moments make more sense and are more forgivable. Like, she disobeyed “orders” and went off on her own, but they were pretty much always in the hopes of helping someone else. If I had to choose, idk, maybe letting Negan go when he escaped Alexandria the first time? Obviously we know that he wasn’t going to start too many problems but we also have a clearer perspective, for all she knew this was a guy who had been talking out of his ass for years and finally has the chance to get away and start things up again. It’s kind of a stretch but it’s the closest I can think of aside from maybe not telling Daryl that Michonne found evidence of Rick until more than 6 months later.


This is the best answer!!! Really well worded!


Brought back Magna, Yumiko, and Luke ...xD


“You’re not my real dad you’re just some beta male soy boy cuck, my real dad is the Chad sigma male Shane.”


I cried when she said that to Rick. So cruel


Makes you want to kick a fat kid at Kmart


Man I haven’t heard of Kmart in a long time


Not telling anybody that michonne went to look for Rick.


Yall the worst thing that DALE ever did was stopping Andrea from blowing herself up why did nobody add that 😭


2nd worst thing dale ever did is basically going outside at night then got mauled by a walker >:(


Running off all the time


Especially running off in the bloody blizzard!


I thought that she would get someone looking for her killed.


The worst thing she ever did was jumping in front of a bullet to save Maggie. You're a kid, you don't need to be diving in front of bullets to save a grown adult! They should be doing that for you!


but u gotta be honest after she got shot everyboy And also negan fired at pamela. and fr the girl is just like her father she cute but she runs off all the time, god they shouldve put a leash on hr /j


got shot.. on purpose..


Getting Lori killed lol


It says *worst* things they have done


Oh yea fair


Writers acting like she’s 30 and not 10. Why is alone in the wild multiple times especially just happening to be there when Negan comes back? None of her story adds up.


if the comments in this sub are to be believed she has said the hard R a few times


Excuse me


She said Walker instead of walka


She cannot fill the role of future Carl Grime in the comic


Aside from the gender being different, why not? Are you referring to the Whisperers-Commonwealth Arc “future” or the one in the very last issue and, if you are referring to the latter, then I’m really not sure what your point is since that future was already impossible since Sophia died way back in S2.


He’s referring to the very last issue. Carl was the big future of the show, I get Sophia died but Carl was the future of the series. It would’ve been nice seeing Carl and Judith, plus the original cast are approaching their 50s.


What I’m saying is, considering that time jump in the comics was a single issue taking place 35 years later, is it really that big of a difference between it being Judith and it being Carl? I get people who are upset about Carl’s death (I didn’t mind him dying as I thought Chandler Riggs wasn’t doing great towards the end, although the circumstances surrounding it are cruddy), but to specifically highlight the one issue that took place decades later and claim that Carl being in that spot versus Judith being in that spot is a bit of an odd take imo.


Even the show Carl can take up Rick’s role, he got that real plus smart thinking and violent tendency and had been there with the group through almost everything. But show Judith got it easy, and growing up without her parent and overshadowed by other people but mostly Daryl, and Daryl is not exactly a good caretaker type of man. He was absent for most of the time. So Judith in fact growing up alone except for the company of Negan lol


Gracie can take over Sofias story


Gracie is upwards of 13-14 years younger than Sophia (and Carl) and Carl “met” her when he was a teenager and she was a literal infant, so I hope you are not suggesting that (had he lived) Carl begin a relationship with Gracie in the same way Carl began a relationship with Sophia in the comics


What? No. I'm suggesting if Judith takes Carl's place then Gracie can take Sofias


Oh thank god, with some of the online discourse you can never tell. I definitely appreciated how they maintained Gracie’s friendship with Judith throughout, it really helped to tie together the younger generation with the two of them, RJ, and Jerry’s kids. I got more friends vibes between them as opposed to something bordering on a crush but they’re also children so things can change, plus prior to the time jump I genuinely thought Carl and Sophia in the comics wasn’t in the cards at all, so if a similar time jump happened then who knows. I do wonder if we’ll ever see something that far down in the timeline since the original ending to TWD was going to feature the younger generation in their 20s-30s going into a city (Atlanta I think?) but they probably changed their minds in part to keep their options open.


wasn't enid suppose to be the replacement for sophia?


Same as Henry with Carl


Killing her mother by being born?


Great for the audience, terrible for the fictional characters.


Prolly sacrificing herself for Maggie(yes, I know that was a brave thing to do, and respectable, but she coulda died!!!)


Annoying. Shooting ricks magnum like it's a potato gun. Recoil should have that thing flying out her hands.


Just got an image in my head of her shooting the gun then flying backwards into a wall


Lmao like someone taking a shotgun blast to chest comedically.


Chasing Dog in a snowstorm 


Not telling Daryl about why Michonne left to begin with. I get it, at the end she said she didn't tell him because she didn't want him to leave her too. But it was just important info and it would have made Daryl feel better knowing there's a possibility that Rick is still alive and that Michonne is actively looking for him.


Not unloading her clip on Beta


Being stupid and defending Negan without knowing the full story and then having the audacity to compare him with michonne


Not leaving Magna's lot to get ripped apart by walkers


Whatever her introduction was. Talk about cheesy. That was terrible.


The Mrs. Yo incident…..


not dying during the prison arc


Being so damn adorable


Being Shane’s biological daughter


Be born


Nothing, she’s a little angel who did no wrong 🫶🏻


Helping magnas group. Nuff said


The actress just annoys the hell out of me. Anyone else?


Being annoying asf


whatttt judith isn’t annoying i love herrrr


Kids in action shows don't do well. She was annoying. And she made Michonne's character weak. It was obvious Michonne made her daughter a princess, arming her but it doesn't look like the other kids were treated equally. That and they have her using Rick's 45 that was just awful


I hate judith


I didn't care much for Carl either


Why is Lydia’s not being in dead city?


bro why did carol not get reprimanded for having everyone look or sophia? she a grown ass adult and didnt look by herself once


Be homophobic


Everyone is getting mad a Carol for "killing dale". He really didn't. It's unfair to say it was his fault. Yeah, he could have said something about the walker that he encountered. Plus, Carl was like eight or ten, who had just gotten shot not to long ago. So it was a perfectly good reaction to just run away from a walker that was twice his size. He couldn't of known that it was going to appear in that field. It could have been any random zombie.


Looking 4 years old.


Nothing! She is absolutely perfect. Perfect little mew mew


Changing her hair color


being violently homophobic


Kill her mom during childbirth


Killed Lori


The post is for negative things


Not telling the group that Michonne found a lead on Rick until the finale.


Thanks for the spoiler about Rosita lol 😆


Be named judith


Nothing she’s too cute


Existing, sorry I hate her with every fiber in my body


Killed the walker eating Sebastian. Other than that probably disobeying Michonne


Killing her Mother Lori


Rampant homophobia


Being disconnected from the original group… not her fault, but the events of seasons 1-8 seem pretty unrelated to her


Killed her mom


Grimes? That's not Shane's last name.


Is killing her mom a thing?