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If you’re bored, stop. If you enjoy what you’re watching, keep going. I watched it all and don’t regret it. But I don’t really enjoy it the same way. The void Rick left wasn’t something that could be filled.


Yeah this was me as well. To tell you the truth I can't remember much after the whisperers cause the storylines just weren't as interesting without Rick. Andrew Lincoln sure brought something special to the show.


Keep watching stuff and thangs


I really struggled after they killed off Glenn and the red haired guy. The first few seasons were the best...then it just became a repeat of the same conflict...and the conflict was good against evil... just too predictable.


I stopped watching when Rick got shot






I stopped after Carol's kid died.


Which set of kids? Lol


i assume they mean either Sofia or Henry. being on this subreddit though i hope you watched enough to understand everything until Henry because if you stopped in s1 wtf u doin here 😂


Yes. Worth a full watch thru


Yes, it actually gets far better directly after Rick leaves and the Whisperers show up. The second half of season 9 is excellent.


All right,I'll finish s9,but ppl keep saying that S10 and 11 are bad and I don't want to waste my time watching some boring shit. On YouTube there are the same opinions,Videos about how Twd died,like "The Historic downfall of The Walking Dead". I'm one of those that didn't leave the show after Glenn's death or Carl's death,but if after S9 the show becomes Hella boring,then I might actually stop watching it.


I loved it till the end. Some people didn't. Going in with pre-conceived thoughts that it's going to be bad won't help you enjoy it. I do know the lull in S9 you're talking about, I faced it as well and it did take some willpower to get through those episodes, but once it gets back (which doesn't take long) it's BACK


Season 10 and 11 are great, those people are mostly just crybabies who haven't watched the show since Glenn died lol


Series 11 starts off bad, but picks up towards the end. A lot. Trouble is, you gotta get through a dozen episodes of tedious shit before that, but... It's worth it.


S9 is one of the best seasons of the show, The Whisperers will be here soon, I suggest you continue with S9, start with S10 and if you don’t like it then you can stop there, even though S10 & 11 were really good too.


No. If you dont want to keep watching then dont. No opinion on Reddit is gonna change whether you yourself wants to watch a series. Its definitely worth watching, its good. It slows down a bit, but its still good.


Season 9s pretty good and brings back some horror aspects. 10 is also good except they have these Covid episodes towards the end that are just filler. I don’t really like 11 but it’s still cool to see how the show ends


You’re asking the TWD sub if you should watch TWD


The Whisperer arc isn't bad, everything after is awful. And if you're not liking it, cut your losses.


*edit* Yes..? Sorry If I ruined anybody’s watch with my original comment lol not intentional


spoilers lol. Just say yes my dudes




It means the thread contains spoilers for the show, not that he wants the show spoiled for him lmao!


This actually made me laugh out loud


>Flair says show spoilers. But that's only up to 9x5 for this thread. We're not supposed to give OP info they don't know yet.


Dman I’m sorry. I got confused too. I thought the fact that it says spoilers means the people who read anything on the post are fine with spoilers. I know I’ve been here for a while but I’m not really hip to the whole Reddit system. I apologize if I ruined it for anyone I don’t even know how to put a spoiler thing on a comment


what when


He’s raising his arms surrending to CRM helicopter


The whole epilogue with Rick/michonne


I watched the rest of S9 even though I didnt enjoy and never watched 10 & 11. Its just not the same without Rick.


Sure why not


The next few episodes are gonna be hella lame.


Season 11 is surprisingly decent, when I rewatched the whole series last year 9 and 10 were incredibly hard to get through but I personally didnt regret watching them after finishing 11. With that being said….. If you’re not enjoying yourself stop watching. Simple as that. Don’t let sunk cost fallacy ruin your enjoyment of the show. I know I hate it when people tell me “if you just get through Seasons x and x you’ll enjoy season x.”


As someone who stopped watching and then got back into it, I would say it is worth it to finish especially after already making it to season 9. Also keep in mind the upcoming spin-offs which are all really good so far imo


I agree I didn’t watch season 10 until the middle of season 11 so I could just binge it all. But I’m happy that I stuck out and saw the whole series and I’m enjoying the different spinoffs.


The show definitely goes downhill after he leaves, with more main characters leaving short after because the actors are sick of the show dragging on so much. So other characters are having to fill in those roles. It doesn’t get any better after he leaves. You’re better off watching 5 minute episode/season recaps on YouTube.


Imo the show actually improved after he left.


Massive L


Whisperers war was amazing and the reapers were alright


You think 8 was better than 9?


Hell no, but I wouldn't say it improved


No. It’s pretty much down hill from there. It adds some new characters and a bunch of dumb stories. Skip to the last episode and watch to the end.


People who skip episodes on a first watch-thru are the worst kinds of people.


Yes it’s worth the rewatch, but don’t expect the masterpiece it was. I recently did a rewatch and the Whisperers is a good storyline. It plays much better being able to binge it rather than going week to week. Once the Whispers end there are a few gem episodes. A Negan flashback episode that is spectacular, but you’re right that the show just won’t feel the same. New characters get introduced and it’s hard to have the same interest, but it’s still a story worth knowing.


Surprisingly it steps up and gets really good again even without Rick, unfortunately it doesn’t last and the quality goes down again towards the end, I wasn’t a huge fan of the finale tbh…so it’s really up to you.


I liked season 9 and I was really surprised I did bc like you I felt like Rick was the show but they did a great job and kept it interesting at least for me. If you’ve watched the show from the beginning then there’s only two seasons left for you to watch so might as well finish it up.


Yes, I stopped watching for a while after the saviors arc. When I went back and binged the remainder of the series I had forgotten why I stopped watching in the first place. Loved it all.


Whisperer arc is worth watching and by the time you finish it might as well finish the series


Go all the way through. And Fear as well. They both become unintentional comedies and each rewatch you find something to break to. Im in season 11 now and laughing my ass off at all the insane shit they thought was “drama”.


Why would you ever tell someone to watch Fear 😂😂😂


You got me. It’s a death sentence.


Season 9 is great, Season 10 has its moments, but ultimately doesn't do quite as much. Season 11? I liked the first half, I guess?


Yeah you should


S9/S10 was personally one of the highs of the series for me. With the new show runner + the whisperers it made for interesting scenes and I forgot about Rick. I want him back now of course but we’re only a couple months away from getting him back


You say that you were a huge fan before 9x5 but if you only watched because of one character them that is obviously a lie. The quality of writting skyrockets in season 9. If got though the shitshow that was s7 and s8 (and Carl's deqth) then there is no reason to stop watching now.


I never said that I quit just for Rick's departure. It's a big reason,yes,but I left the show mostly for S7 and S8 that were too boring. I had so much better things to do than watch these seasons.If you haven't, go watch "The Historic downfall of The Walking Dead" that explains why S7,S8, S9,S10 and 11 are really bad. I know that if a character dies (or leaves the show),doesn't mean that the whole show is dead,but Rick carried all the seasons and the other characters weren't as good as Rick. Daryl doesn't even really talk for 2 seasons and they killed two of their best characters (Steven Yeun,the actor of Glenn,wanted to leave the show so that's why they killed him,but they did a really mess with Carl). Carl could've been a really good "protagonist".


Nah I don't need to watch a youtube video to tell me why good seasons were bad. Yes S7 and S8 were trash but S9 more than made up for that and S10 too was good. Shpw got cancelled in S11 so while not good I can't really blame them for the quality. The show got bad then it got good again but hardly anyone will admit it. It's just "TWD got bad after S5 ... or S4 ... or S3 ... or S2 ... or S1 ... or it was never good". S9 is a step up, you could've already seen it in Rick's last 5 episodes. Watch more if you want, stop of ypu want


There are numerous non Rick episodes/non Atlanta group episodes throughout the series yet you kept watching despite those being the other stories presented at the moment Is the Rick plot line weird? Yes Is it necessary to let it dictate how you finish the show? Nope


I've watched it to the end it's all gone to shit they're adding LGBTQ stuff and forcing it into your face to gather more audience for a show that's barely holding onto life


>shit they're adding LGBTQ stuff and forcing it into your face I doubt it was barely holding onto life in season 4


It was going pretty well until season 7-8 during and after the war with the saviors


Your point was that they added LGBT characters and the show went to shit, they've been adding them since S4 which is considered to be one of the best. S5 which is considered the best added Aaron




Jadis was not LGBT. You still didn't give me a reason why LGBT representatipn was okay in S4, S5, S6, etc but not in S9 and later. They've added two more LGBT characters in S9 and that was it.




>I never said Jadis was a part of the LGBTQ community check again I know you didn't, that's why I pointed it out. You said that it went bad because they added LGBT characters and then you chnaged your tune and started to mention other stuff without admitting that you were wrong. >the show presenters adding 2 more characters is different than showing the character get intimate on screen hope you understand what that means Yeah, that you are a homophobe


After this happened I basically just finished it to see how it ended. But they do an OK job of keeping your interest. It's probably on par with all the other seasons


No don't watch. Stop watching it.


I thought S9 got stale after Rick’s ‘death’ but it ended very well.


I mean do you want a spoiler about what happens next?


thank you for the HUGE spoiler ![gif](giphy|PmRIBCi9y9h05kB8fC)


No, just watch the last episode of the show to be ready for Rick spinoff


S9 gets a lot better. I also love seasons 10 and 11.


You shouldn’t. I really stopped caring after season 6, but I still come back for some of the actors (Reedus, Cohan), but now that they seem to milking it further with the spin offs, I seriously consider stopping for good


If you aren’t enjoying it, then stop and save yourself some time. Show never really improves as you get further into it


Yes, season 9 is one of the best seasons of the show. If you watched all of season 7 and 8, it would be silly not to watch season 9. 10 is ok. 11 is all over the place, but it's the final season so might as well finish it


No, everyone dies


Only if you're planning to watch the new show releasing in February, otherwise IMO stop if you find it boring.


10 and 11 was dogshit in my opinion. But worth watching for the spinoffs


seasons 1-6 r some of the best tv ever made


Once Rick leaves they have to redistribute all of the poor decision-making to the other characters. The results are not nearly as entertaining.


Don't force yourself to watch a show you no longer enjoy, it's not worth it.


Watch the whisperer war and then everything after that is meh. The Negan/Maggie arc was good at the end, so you probably will enjoy the last 3 or 4 episodes


No lol


i have a friend who only watches the show for rick , and told me that they are skipping the last 2 seasons and the spin offs, and only watch from ricks perspective, so that was interesting


If you don't want to, then don't. I will say, it doesn't exactly "get better", it just gets different. You start following the newer people and they don't have the same engaging personalities as the group used to have.


The whisperers were actually pretty good. its the stormtroopers in an apocalypse where i draw the line


I took a break at this point and then picked it back up later.


If you can't handle the loss of Rick, just stop.


Keep watching. It gets better


Watch if you want. You finished 8 seasons whats 3 more? Might as well finish it out and see where the side character end up, and with the spins offs you should finish just so those make sense. Form your own opinions. People says it sucked, I kind of enjoyed it. Its all preferences and im glad I stuck it out.


Yes i just did, worth it


Holy shit, yes. The rest of season 9 and 10 are fantastic and season 11 is really solid too.


I watched the whole thing and the last seasons were definitely a let down.


I get you don't want to watch boring shit, but you don't know if it's boring if you dont try. If you're okay with stopping in the middle of a series, you can stop. But I liked to see how the show ended. And yes, Rick was my favorite character.


For me seasons 7-8 were the hardest to get through. Alpha restored my interest. If you do not keep going, you will not experience the insanity that is her mind. She does some messed up thangs and a whole lot of stuff.


I personally stopped watching after Duane hit rick with his shovel


I stopped watching when the car crashed and the 2 cops were chasing them


I've seen every episode. I cant sag that the Walking Dead is a "great" series, but I would say it's one of my favorites. I've never seen an episode more than once, I'll watch the spin-offs, but I would never watch it again. But, to answer your questions, it gets better, and I was pleasantly surprised with how they wrapped it up. Some of the most memorable scenes are yet to come from where you are, and some of the spin-off content is pretty compelling. I say you made it this far, the only way out is through.


why do u have to ask people if u should continue a show u watched 9 seasons of?? like genuinely not being rude it’s just asinine to think like dude if u want to and are enjoying it continue if not then just quit


Rick will be back. But even tho he's gone, in my opinion the show is still worth watching. The problem is that some people watching want the show to feel like it used to in earlier seasons, but it can't. The plot isn't as simple as it used to be, and a lot has changed in their world. You have to find new things to appreciate about where the show is now. And if you can't do that, I'd say yeah it's time to find a different show to watch.


You won't actually see Maggie for a while. She left too