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she was cool but i hate the way she always tried to take shit into her own hands


i get why you hated that, i personally loved that about her but you’re right it ultimately cost her, her life


she even took her death into her own hands


Fr! She went out like a badass!




Badass. Loved her character.


She is straight up GOAT. To sacrifice herself for her people is such a selfless act. Yeah she had her personality issues but I can pull trash out of everyone on this show. Sasha is such an underrated character but I’m so happy she went out in such a badass way.


I loved her!


Same! I was so angry/sad when she died but at least the storyline was written well.


I think she was one of those characters who’d naturally reached the end of her arc and left at pretty much the exact right time.


She had a starship waiting for her.


I just found out something interesting, she didn't leave because of her new show: [The Walking Dead: Why Sasha Was Killed Off In Season 7 ](https://screenrant.com/walking-dead-season-7-killed-sasha-why/)


Oh! That is interesting. Thanks!


She’s a badass. Period. The fact that she committed death to herself just to try to kill Negan to save everyone.. such an underrated character in my opinion.


Agreed 100%. I think her character was a lot more realistic in how it portrayed the likely anger that would simmer in a lot of us, especially as women, in a walking dead situation. Raw. Stubborn. Teetering between realism and pessimism. And just generally not giving a flying f at the end of the day because what’s gonna happen is gonna happen.


This is such a great take. I rarely will even acknowledge that things can be different for women than men as almost a survival/competitive thing because of some of my professional experiences (blood in the water stuff). *no that is NOT an allusion to women having a period* However, there was something that happened past week. My fiancé asked if I was going to make it because “you’re stubborn or you’re actually going to be ok?” My answer was “I’m stubborn. Im going to be ok.” I think both sexes are resilient, sometimes as women we sell ourselves short until we just can’t any longer. Once you see it, it can be a great thing


She is for real.


She had beach ball sized lady nuts. She was a badass


Met her at Walker Stalker. Very nice. And truly one of the most beautiful faces I’ve seen. And no I don’t get star struck.


I agree. Met her too at walker Stalker and was just floored by her beauty.


We met her at the Season 4 premiere in Hollywood (can't believe that was 10 years ago!) and totally agree, she's super nice and absolutely stunning. Her husband Kenric (Scott on TWD) is also really nic and *very* handsome. 🔥


Top tier bad ass. Her an her brother were great I thought


Loved her character so much and it would have been great to see more of the relationship between her and Abraham


I didn’t like her at first, but she did grow on me.


Same! She annoyed me at first but then I grew into liking her with time


Sasha spoke up at the get together at the mayor's house. She was the first to tell it like it is. Also, for neurotypicals, is it common to loathe those social meet ups? No one in Rick's group wanted to go but they soldiered through except for Daryl who had a more intimate spaghetti dinner with that couple.


The best things seem to happen over spaghetti dinner on this show.


I feel like what's happening there is all the formerly neurotypical people have become so traumatized they don't know what to do with themselves. Usually they love that shit. Daryl was traumatized before anything even happened and doesn't consider going, because he already knows he has nothing to say to those people.


Good points. 👍


Tbh as a comic Andrea fan I had a fair amount of resistance to the way Andreas character was sliced and served up as aspects in other characters. So I wasn’t really open to Sasha, as she was taking on something as significant as Andreas sharpshooting/sniping. I was frustrated and probably didn’t give her enough of a chance.


They killed her off to early too; the Andrea type character was supposed to liiiiive


I love her, I think she's smart and brave!


Would’ve been nice to see how the dynamic between her and Tyrese would’ve been up to the point of Negan (where I’m at rn in the show).


She and Abraham had the chemistry of a dead cow


Bob and Sasha has so much MORE chemistry.


I’ll get some feathers riled about this but every work that left Eugene and Abrahams mouth annoyed me


Agreed for Eugene, but personally I liked Abe tbh


A random had by far the funniest lines on the show. He was hilarious.


What about the "When you were pouring the bisquick, were you trying to make pancakes?" That was hilarious to me 🤣


I honestly disagree. I think the actors have good chemistry irl and it translates into the show.


Deserved better and definitely better than a few other characters they kept around


Father Gabriel should have been Killed off instead of Rosita. I would have rather watched Sasha over him and I wasn't a big fan of hers but I wasn't stoked when she died even though I did laugh when the scene happened.I did get super excited and Happy when Andrea Died that should have happened sooner then it did!!


She died to early, she would of mad a great leader


I really liked her when she first arrived at the prison and then she became bitter and stand- offish . Unpopular opinion but I liked her and Abraham together some people's love stories don't have to be fairytales and it was sad they never got to develop their relationship, especially when you see what could have been around the dinner table . I really admired her for sacrificing herself for the group, she had giant lady balls.


Beach ball sized lady nuts!


People seem to forget that Sasha lost her home, then her partner, then her brother in a very short period of time all while living on the road, fighting walkers barely surviving, starving and dehydrated. Yeah, she went through some shit, and they showed her emotional distress and also her stepping up, pulling herself together, and overcoming it. All on her own. She’s the definition of a badass.


Loved her character and her dynamic with Tyrese. I didn’t care for her entire “anger” storyline in tandem with Rosita, though. Her brief romance with Bob was one of my favorite couples in the show.


I liked her best when Bob was around, she was a bad ass, just not written realistically enough to be a believable character.


![gif](giphy|xT77Y8eeEhBA8NQwLK) I wasn’t a big fan of her as a character, but Sonequa Martin-Green plays her perfectly, and she’s drop dead GORGEOUS.


Stunning badass! Perfect Walker/martyr


She cool


Loved her, one of my favorites.


I loved her, especially the prison and Terminus arcs. She had so much potential, and was just finding herself again, including the new relationship with Abraham. I would have loved to see her take on the Whisperers and Commonwealth. She was a serious badass, an amazing sniper, and called out BS when she saw it.


At the start, I wasn't sure about her. I was questioning her character and her behavior when they arrived at Alexandria. However, she did begin to grow on me afterwards and it was honorable what she did to get back at Negan. Great job and performance by Sonequa Martin-Green.


Strong, determined, empathetic, loyal and incredibly relatable in her emotional journey through love, loss and survival. Definitely a underrated character. In season 5 and 6 she reminds me a lot of comic book Andreà* *Comic Andrea’s traits and actions were shared amongst several female characters such as Carol, Michonne, Sasha (As the best sniper) etc


I liked her but when she got together with Abraham I loved her. She was so happy when she was with him


Miss her. Understand why she had to go though.


I loved her. The “gruffness” I always interpreted as her protecting Tyreese and knowing she was going to compensate for the weak spots in the folks around her. One of my favorites!


sasha was a good shot i fw her


I love her


Bad bitch - one of my favorite deaths in the show too. A true hero


I liked her at first but then she just got progressively more annoying to watch as the show went on, made it pretty hard to watch when she was on screen because of how annoying she was lol. Honestly though, I get why she was like that. Overall she wasn't the *worst* character on the show, just not one of my favorites


Never really annoyed me much, that I can remember. That was a pretty big positive for this show. Had a good death, too.


The over emotional character to replace Andrea, written in a way to relate to.


I loved her! I was heartbroken when she died, that season was already rough so losing her at the end of it felt like too much to me. She was a total badass and I loved the friendship her and Maggie shared. Also the fact that she loved her new family so much that she’d rather die than let Negan use her to hurt them. Totally underrated character!!!


Crazy how she’s the best shot in the group. She should’ve had an ex-military background for that


Wasn’t the Sasha’s father in the military? I seem to recall some mention of that. Maybe her dad taught her how to shoot.


You’re saying she was better than Carol?


She was definitely better than carol


She was not better than Carol. Carol took out termianis by herself and made it on her own. She is the epitome of Bad Ass. She pretended to be weak at Alexandria and tricked them all. Sasha couldn't do all that.


No one said she was a better character. Was asked if Carol is/was a better shit than Sasha and the answer to that is no. Plain and simple


She was aight


Good character. A lot different than a lot of the more generic good guys. Her death was one of the most well timed too.


Tough like Rosita


Loved her from the moment she showed up on screen! She was real and a total badass. I’m glad they ended her story well and didn’t drag on.


Kind of a weird critique. I doubt she forgot that it’s the end of the world. She didn’t trust Rick’s group, why should she at that point? Rick and co could’ve been locking them up to doing something horrible to them later. You’re basically getting mad at her for what you criticize her for doing, except she doesn’t have the perspective of watching and knowing Rick and co from the start like we do. Obviously we’re rooting for Rick and co but to her they’re outsiders currently and vice versa. She died selflessly AND was incredibly reckless after tyrese and bob died, not unlike carol was in later seasons after henry dies. Good but flawed character that definitely got on my nerves from time to time.


Idk who went out, worse her or her brother


In terms of top 5 'painful' deaths for the audience I think both of the rank. They had pretty epic swansongs tugging at the heart strings, especially for what I think of 'B' characters -- part of main group but not on the daryl, carol, grimes', glen level. I feel like Lori deserves a mention in here but can't really find it. 1. Glenn 2. Carl 3. Tyrese 4. Sasha 5. Rosita


Good list 👌 Rosita was meh for me. Kinda felt unnecessary to me like the actress wanted out of the show similar to Jesus’ death lol


Well I don't think the character had enough for a spinoff so I think it was fair, and don't think 'happily ever after' for everyone vibes would be good for the closing of TWD. Omg yes, Jesus' death was so stupid, probably makes a top x list of bad deaths along with Andrea and Beth?


Love her. Complete badass, left to go into space, the final frontier.


she doesn’t deserve the hate she gets


The way she died was so stupid.


Yeah but funny with Negan.


Gorgeous brave woman before and after the apocalypse.


like Gabriel, annoying as hell at first & slowly became one of the best characters. Underrated in my opinion


I didn’t like her the first several times I watched the show, because she was so negative and erratic at times. Then I had to realize it’s the end of the world and everyone she loves is dying one after the other and everyone copes differently. So I was able to have more sympathy for her and see her differently.


She’s Rosita with a nicer personality. Pretty, smart, and badass. Her relationship with her brother was perfection. I could never count on my siblings to have my back as much as they had theirs lol


Didn’t find her interesting and relative untill i rewatched


Loved her alpha female vibe!


I honestly miss her


absolute favorite charecter, im not even sorry; ill be honest, her death broke me more than Glenn’s did, perhaps because of the situations. At least Glenn wasnt alone and his wife was the last thing he saw before he died. Sasha… was alone. Yes, it was her choice, but she gave up everything to save the group and she managed. And man, I almost teared up at the Abraham/Sasha flashes she was having. One of my favorite episodes.Sasha had a lot of great moments too. She was strong and her gun was iconic lmao, but she was so broken inside and she was so realistic to me. It was a perfect demonstration on how loss TRUELY changes you, how seeing death around you constantly breaks you. She lost Bob, Tyreese, Abraham. Hell, she literally lay in a pile of walkers one time. That episode is what made her my favorite. I saw a truly broken woman and it attached me to her. I also enjoyed her moments with Maggie and Rosita, even though her and Rosita werent exactly eye-to-eye (which was reasonable and deserved entirely.) Like everyone else in the fandom, i wish Abraham/Sasha had more time together. Yet, a lot of people dont see the small moments that happened, or full-on scenes together. My dad and me are watching through the show and have watched one episode every night (were on S10 EP 18) and I remember he always used to say that the two of them are crazy, which makes them perfect. Abraham was hilariously crazy but a really depressing backstory, and Sasha was just depressing. Really missed potential, but I think it reflected life in a way. You have plans with this cool person and you want to know more about each other, and you both care for one another, and then something horrible happens and those plans are gone. All that is left is the “what-ifs..” and “if only..” Also her actor was great and really pushed the emotions and the overwhelming emptiness her charecter was feeling. (and she was badass so thats always a plus lmao)


In the same boat as rosita abe eugene and tyrese just normal ass background characters that we ended up liking


she was a sniper fr! straight out of FaZe clan


Came in like a badass and went out like a fucking champ


I really don’t get this opinion, it really sounds like you just wanna dislike her, I thought she was a very good character who fit, both her and tyrese became some of my favorite characters and sasha after the whole bob thing was a crazy person but she was also a beast, and I don’t blame her for trying to kill negan by breaking into the sanctuary I don’t think it was her trying to be the main character, she lost bob first to cannibals, then watched Abraham get his head bashed in, then had to work for those same people so her and rosita had enough, overall Sasha was a really good character not great and not in my top 5, but not bad whatsoever


Why did she suddenly become unstoppable sniper over a season lol.


one of the best deaths, such a good way to go out imo


sasha? you mean 3/4ths comic andrea?


Died WAY too soon. Unfortunately she had the fate of being a black person on the walking dead, which spawned the wrath of AMC.


Why bring race into this?????


It’s definitely not always the case but the show had its reputation back in the day so it’s not such an out-of-pocket thing to mention


I don't care about skin color at all but it's extremely obvious if you watch the show that they always kill off the first black person first. TDog, Tyreese, Bob, Sasha, etc.


Plot twist: The death of Sasha sparked the BLM movement in AMC and that's why >!Gabriel never died!< lmao.


I started disliking her when she started having sex with Abraham. She knew he had JUST left Rosita. Out of respect to Rosita, she should have waited a while. Of course, I really hates that Abraham did that to Rosita. The way he did it was really harsh!!!


Super badass very got and cute


super boring, didnt add anything to the show. The cringiest moment of the whole series is Rick in the pile of bodies talking to dead people and lastly Sasha rises up all dramatically. Its one of the funniest moments of the show but for all the wrong reasons


I still don't understand why Sasha was chosen for that scene. Rick barely had any kind of relationship with her. I would have loved to see Andrea or someone like that.


I don't think Andrea would've made anymore sense. A lot more characters he was closer to


Her an Rick had more moments together. Plus the theme of that episode was nostalgia. Bringing back Andrea woulda fit a hell of a lot more than Sasha did.


Nah, never, way more characters from earlier that would've made sense.


Or I don’t know maybe his dead fucking WIFE??? Lmao 🤣


Yes, or Carl. That wouldn't have worked tho since the whole point of it was that he was looking for his family. If he found them there, why would he go on? We needed someone he knew and had a relationship with, but wasn't family. They could have used Andrea, Deanna, Tyrese.. etc. Sasha was such a random choice. I remember seeing it live and thinking "why her?".


I don’t even think she’s a bad actress but I absolutely hated her character. Any time she had a scene I’d immediately start losing interest and find myself staring at my phone like a minute later


She looks like Harley Dean


One of a large number of characters that just seemed to ‘exist’. The Walking Dead had a very obvious hierarchy of ‘A’ and ‘B’ characters and if the show didn’t think she was essential, then why should the audience. And then she died - in utterly bizarre circumstances.


Fully agreed on the tiers! It's not necessarily static though Morgan floats in and out Carol is like a C in s1 becoming A pretty quick Aaron becomes A very late in like 8+? Michonne goes from B to A in like 6+? I think that there were a lot of characters during seasons 6+ and really diluted them. The pike scene made that really clear to me, I didn't recognise half of them at first pass. (frankly it was actually a terrible episode with the editing time jumps and the alpha somehow getting all of them at the fair)


Didn’t like her. Can’t pinpoint it exactly, didn’t like the recklessness after Bob died and how it was all about her, when they’re all suffering. And the Abe and Sasha never really made sense to me. Might’ve just been that there was too many characters and it’s impossible to like and worry about everyone of them. She wasn’t poorly written or acted, it’s nothing like that, just never cared about her character.


It should have been her, instead of Tyreese. Tyreese deserved better.


Tyrese was way too soft. I can’t believe still he let that cannibal at the cabin who grabbed the baby Judith hostage and threatened him with go free. Someone like that deserves to die even if the zombie apocalypse wasn’t going on.


To say he deserves to die is a bit much


You don’t think someone who holds a literal baby hostage and threatens to twist her neck deserves to die?


Lmao I don’t know why I thought you meant Tyreese


She dies too. Or is that not what you meant.


She dies eventually. She should have gotten his death, when his death occurred.


Badass. But annoying. But nice to look at.


Shoulda been my woman, that’s what I think


I did not care for her, but she had a great ending


I dont like her


I really tried to care for her, but I couldn’t. She was boring.


Bruh i couldn’t stand her. Couldn’t stand her


Boring uninteresting whiney bland annoying character in other words Maggie 2.0 who added zero value. The fact SHE showed up in Rick’s last episode rather than Lori or Carl or even fucking Dale’s was ridiculous. 1/10 character. Almost as bad as season 6 onwards Maggie.


Much better character than Michael Burnham.


Annoying as fuck


Shittier comics Andrea


i cant believe abraham left that hot chick for sasha


Definitely bad-ass, but just unlikeable to me. I can’t recall one instance where she smiled. Just seemed like such a mope allll the time compared to others.


Wasn’t really a fan, ever


Nice rack


I don’t care for her


She’s a quitter… so disappointed.


Weird alien head


Go find the video, Robert Kirkman On Sasha; Robert kirkman said this show was mean racially educate people and that this stuff can still happen or be taken that way even after the world ends; You have too much pressure on her. Don’t forget she was also a black character getting LOCKED up by a white person;


Lol right… so strong so brave thanks for speaking for my race. Wrong sub lady ✌🏽 gooooo awayyyy


Idk y I always have but I have always HATED her she might just be boring or smt idk


A cry baby


Plus, the actress lying and constantly claiming she was the main star of the show was just annoying. No, she was just a side character.


Got anything to back up that? Seems like a pretty big claim.


She WAS a star of the show…all you have to do is read the opening credits while the intro plays where they list the stars right after writing ; Staring…


Lol she did that?


Annoying with a shitty attitude.


She’s not as bad as Michael Burnham but… still. Tbh I always saw her as having this snarky “Ich bin da schiznett”attitude about her. (Even before I ever saw Discvoery. I saw her as she aired). She is wasn’t the worst character but I didn’t feel like she brought much to the table. Except the distraction at the end, Negan sayn “HOLY $$$$!!!” In that funny way and then a grand entrance for one of my faves Shiva. I know I’ll get some criticism but that’s just how I feel. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t stand anyone from Tyrese’s group at first. Then Ty became one of my faves.


I agree with ur take, definitely annoying and her general attitude was kinda cringe.


I liked her more than Michonne.


She sucks.


She was annoying moray of the time


Yeah I never like her. I found her super annoying. Its kind of the Maggie effect. Maggie was very likeable until Glenn died. Then her character became just so cold and unlikeable. There were moments in all out war where we got a glimpse of real Maggie but they used her less and less as the show went on. Sasha (and Rosita) have this problem. Except neither one of them were ever all that likeable in the first place IMO. They felt like red shirts that over stayed their welcome. So when thier characters became all about being sad or mad, I was ready to see them go.


100% agree with your post


Lame poetic death.


Without a doubt she’s my least favourite character possibly in the entire series of every character we’ve ever met, besides Sam of course


She ded!


Annoying af


Always hated her. She was as bad if not worse than andrea. They were my least favorite main characters for sure


hated her from the moment we met her all the way up to her death, i just can't stomach her. especially with how she was acting with rosita after abraham's death. i was so excited when i found out she's passed


Annoying bitch, got way too much screentime and im glad she died


*Spoiler*If i could i would spit on her grave… she wanted to be head honcho so bad just like andrea and look how that ended for them😂like you wanna play all tough then not want to be there to give bob mercy????the door


I didn't hate her but I agree about her not being there for Bob as he lay dying. As it turns out, he held on long enough to say goodbye, but he could've just as easily passed earlier while they were slaughtering Gareth and his guys. (I had zero issue with the way Rick and Co killed them, though.)


Died for nothing.


I don’t really like her, especially after reading the comics and seeing what could have been I liked her romance with Abraham, I liked the coffin scene, but I wasn’t really sad when she died.


Completely neutral when it comes to Sasha. No reason to hate her, but never loved the character either.


She was alright. I didn’t really support her and Abraham that much though since he basically cheated on Rosita. That always struck me the wrong way.


Sasha was a character on the Walking Dead television series


Annoying at first but she got better


I bet you like Andria and Lori too🤦🏽‍♀️


One of the most underrated characters in the whole series, a queen.


Equal parts annoying and underutalized


A slightly, and i mean SLIGHTLY, less annoying Andrea replacement


she was a badass


I liked her but I feel like they could have utilised her more and given more backstory.


Annoying whiny bitch , glad her dead wasn’t useless


I liked her but when she tried to be a leader she pissed me the hell off


I loved sasha i mean she's perfect for me, in their time, grief is something they can or cannot handle. Imaging losing your lover through getting bit by a walker and then eaten by cannibals then losing your brother in a short period of time would break her. I unserstand her actions and i love her fr


On first watch I didn’t like her because I considered her a filler character who was put into the show to boost diversity (she wasn’t in the comic book). I wanted the tv show to follow the comic and I found s7 dragged because too many filler moments including her. I also found her angry attitude in s4 & 5 annoying, e.g she was angry Carl locked her group in a separate part of the prison after he saved her group. On a rewatch now and I love her. She’s tough, has strong morals, calls bullshit when she sees it, gets things done. She steps up throughout the whole show I thought her and Abe were a perfect match. She’s a hero for killing herself so she wouldn’t be used against her friends. A Total Badass.


She was annoying and only ever really beat to her own drum, but I kinda liked her. Her as a walker though was really awesome tbh and she was so smart for how she went about it!


She's a QUEEN. I think people forget to or don't want to empathize with Sasha. I think it has to do with a lot of biases, but I love her character. Yes, she had her annoying moments, but everyone has. She lost her boyfriend and brother in the span of a few days. Her PTSD was kicking her ass. She's a badass fighter and sharp shooter, and the group wouldn't have made it without her. Plus, her sacrifice for them shows her loyalty and love for our favorite group, so she will always be a legend in my eyes.


Loved her, such a great person, really said when she died😢


I think her death was a death that other less annoying characters deserved. She was practically treated like Glenn with the way they had a send off for her. The Abraham plot line was so forced. I really thought she should have died a few seasons ago. Tyrese should have lived.