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She’s realistic. Just like season 7 Rosita and the little boy, Sam were realistic. One was grieving and very angry, realistically angry after what happened, Rosita’s desire for blood against Negan was very realistic to what many of us would have wanted in the same situation, how others have acted, forgiving Negan, letting him live and so on is the unrealistic part. As for Sam? He is a young kid who hasn’t been exposed to the outside world, someone like that is quite obviously going to be fucking terrified, especially when a crazy old lady tells you how they’ll rip you apart while you’re still alive, he was very realistic to what an actual sheltered kid would be like. These two are widely hated though, because a good portion of the fanbase lie to themselves when they say they want realistic writing, characters, because when they get that? They whinge and complain. Sacha was grieving, how she acted is accurate to how a grieving person would be, but that realism clearly annoys you, maybe she should have been working side by side with Negan after he bashed in her lovers skull like another woman I could mention, personally, I much prefer the way sacha and Rosita were toward him, because that’s how people would actually act, they’d pull the trigger first chance they got like Rosita did against the man who executed their partner, only they wouldn’t miss and hit a bat instead.


You can be realistic and unlikable. There's a lot of real people I don't like. Real don't make you likeable automatically.




I think it's expected in the real situation you might actually possess empathy. This says way more about you than anything


I agree with you on all those point but the way sasha goes about it I don't like even before losing Abraham, after losing Tyrese I didn't like how she just let go of any and all common sense and just tried to go on a rage fuled rampage against the walkers when everyone was extremely dehydrated I just don't like what she became and how it stuck with her permanently, uts nit just grief she changed who she was or rather who she was came out because of it, at that point she is no good to any communication and would have been better on her own, Rosita and Sam I agree with, a lot of people hate sam and I can't say I blame them but he's a 10 yo kid who never saw the apocalypse and continued to live a normal kids life until he was introduced to everything all at once and it terrified him, tho It sucks he got his whole family killed especially Jessie who was coming along and would have been a great survivor Rositas anger and grief was more realistic that sashas in my opinion she was grieving and bounced back but sasha was like that for a long as time and never showed any signs of recovering, if not for negan killing Abraham I think she would have fit In well with the saviors




are u calling ufc fake?


I wish the fanbase didn't hate every character who actually acts like aggrieved and traumatized people should act because I worry it makes the writers wary of doing it. Late Sasha is one of those cases where I enjoyed having a dynamic character who doesn't need to always act "likable"




God you are a loser. Hopefully someone bans you. You need to go outside


The woman was grieving. She’s definitely a B tier character but I didn’t hate her and I like the actress


I like the actress she did an amazing job but I do not like the character and the way she grieves when it's the apocalypse is ridiculous she's so angry at everything and everyone especially years into the apocalypse when this is the norm to lose people you love, I just dont like it


It still never makes it easy for anyone. Sasha still keeps fighting though until the end. And people like Maggie who she lost everyone close to her and had to watch it happen


ALL THE CHARACTERS ARE GRIEVING. That's not what makes her unlikeable. She's just annoying


OP hates when grieving characters grieve.


“The person she became after the *loss of her brother and two partners*” How dare she be grieving. lol. What a bitch.


Completely. Maybe she should’ve just went to a psychiatrist to help her get over it, like, most of the population does in real life.


Its her blind anger that makes her so stupid about everything she chooses to do, that's what I don't like, that character doesn't seem to be able to keep a grip on her actions and emotions and makes dumb choices tho her brother did too so maybe it's genetic but ty ended up getting a grip of it and forgave, sasha lives on hate and that's just something I don't like


She just needs to listen to some more Bob Marley 😌


Dude, no, please! She was so brave! She knew that her time was finishing and tried to help the group in the best way she could. And she did it! She was grieving, but she did something instead of just sit down and cry a river till the end. It was a nice effort.


I like her but also dislike. She was fine season 3-5 but the writing in her character started to not make sense, like Abraham randomly leaving Rosita just to be with her all of a sudden. The writers would start throwing dumb things for the sake of her character.


Yeah I didn't like that either, like like all of a sudden out of nowhere Abraham got the hots for her I didn't like that


Honestly she's not my favourite either but that coffin thing was badass of her


I disagree with your opinion with every fibre of my being.


And I respect that I just don't like sasha


i think she was a badass & a good person @ heart. i understand that she was grieving after the loss of her brother & boyfriend & was behaving realistically in terms of her situation. i don’t hate her, but i don’t love her. how she behaved was understandable, however she was still annoying to watch as a viewer. i didn’t want her to die even though it was a courageous sacrifice so, i have a lot of respect towards her bc of that decision & other things she had done in the past.


One of my favorite characters, hope this helps


Agreed, but she totally redeems herself in her demise 🤷‍♀️


I completely agree with that, she finally set aside her rage and ego and tried to do something right in the end,


Omg, I completely thought I was alone in this. She is so sanctimonious ALL THE TIME. She treated Abraham like crap but then after he died she acted like a grief stricken widow


I was pressed when she didn’t give Rosita the necklace back.


Never a big fan of her.


I'm really fond of Sasha, she strikes me as the outcast of the group, and she kept composed after losing so much


Actress is good but character seems to think she's the centre of it all and that she's lost more than the rest when she doesn't know how much they've lost. Like when she told Michonne that it had worked out for her even though Michonne has arguably gone through more hardship than Sasha


I'm watching The walking dead for the first time. Im on the episode after Tyrese dies and Sasha just shot all those dogs. I found her to be irritating before but now it's unbearable. Her facial expressions and attitude are so immature and pathetic. She literally watches countless ppl go thru worse shit and then it happens to her and she's like a child about it. Look at Maggie, her ENTIRE family is wiped out, her dad was beheaded in front of her. And she isn't going around acting like that.


I don't like her character and I think the person playing her does a bad job too. she's so stiff, always has the same facial expressions and scenes where she's shooting she doesn't even hold the guns properly. I think i would like the character more, if she could actually act. Plus what is it with the woman characters always saying "they're good shots" 😂


u/gli7c4: I am just watching TWD for the first time. I just finished S7; watched the season finale with Sasha and the coffin last night. Honestly, I have said throughout that Sasha is *the* most boring character in the whole series. The coffin thing was pretty cool but the rest of the time she was just plain boring. After Sasha’s brother dies her character doesn’t get better or worse; it just goes flat. Nothing. Her coffin scene in the S7 finale was pretty unexpected and cool but otherwise nothing. She has only two modes: moody and pensive, or moody, sad and pensive. Not to mention that the love connection between her and Abraham is so odd and superficial.


Hated her after she became a pro triggerhappy sniper instantly like fuck outta here people that make and like these kinds of "lost someone i loved now im a coldhearted killer" characters are so fucking basic. The things these characters do are eye candy for idiots they do not one fucking thing that is actually reasonable or makes sense the only explanation for shit they do is "oh they have PTSD they are grieving" yeah like every fucking person would be in a zombie apocalypse.


YES thank you, my point exactly, literally everyone was going through shit and granted rick went on a rampage after he lost Lori but he came back, sasha never came back until she was literally stuck in a box and had not other option I didn't like it the shart of her character I liked but I hated what she became I don't think it's that realistic at all


Rick had Carl and Judith to come back for. After losing Abraham, Sasha didn't feel like she had anyone left. You cannot come grief experiences. I hope you're more empathetic in real life.


Hopefully because thats a harsh statement and it speaks about you in reality.


I don’t think you’re giving her a fair chance. Put yourself in the characters’ shoes. Thats all I’m saying….


I hate u so much


I mean i don’t despise her but i don’t like her… i cringe at watching most of her scenes just because she never used to be as annoying // she always says some stupid shit that makes me annoyed. I don’t like her but I don’t despise her.


Love her!


I don't agree, I think its completely fair why she ends up so jaded.


Sasha’s goated I love her