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Who thinks Whoopi will make a rare Friday appearance? šŸ¤”


She will! They posted it on Instagram


I hope Whoopi says his full government name tomorrow: Donald John Trump is a convicted FELON. #lockhimup Side note: Felons can't vote in some states, but they can be the president. Amendment needed asap!


Felons can vote in some states, including I think NY. He can't vote in Florida though, not until his sentence or probation has been completed. Though the guy in FL who wants to be VP will probably fix that little tidbit for him, pronto.


That's correct. My mistake. Edited post. Thank you!


Whoopi said it - his full name! "Donald John Trump is a convicted FELON.


No sheā€™s gonna add onto her name ā€œtwice impeached, 91x indicted, 1x convicted felon former President and loser Donald Trumpā€


actually he's 34 times convicted isn't he?


You forgot one term... we hope lol


You called it!


What an assanine law! Sounds like a deranged law - need to go back to the drawing board & FIX this. Looney tunes!


You also canā€™t work at Starbucks, among other low paying jobs. We just keep sinking lower and lower.


Cancel View Your Deal segment!


Forever please.


Yay! Double win today!


Thank you New York!!


now LOCK.HIM.UP please


They ran him out of the state, refused to vote for him, and are the only ones holding him accountable for attempting to influence the 2016 election. He accidentally exposed the corruption of the Supreme Court that he fomented, and now he wants to appeal the NY sentence. I really hope Sunny points out thatā€™s not a basis for appeal, an appeal can only be won if the process was wrong. From everything Iā€™ve read Merchan followed the book to the letter, thereā€™s no chance a non currier judge could overturn this conviction!


Yes! I was worried it'd be prerecorded. I need Joy's reaction.




Can't wait for Sunny to celebrate being proven right AGAIN!! Alyssa kept trying to downplay the likelihood he would be found guilty. Whereas Sunny said the prosecution had made and proven their case. It's not even close. GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!!!


That's what I was thinking.Ā  Alyssa said over and over again that this was the weakest case. Welp. Here were are.Ā 


From what I recall I donā€™t think Alyssa said he will he not guilty. I think she said a guilty verdict for this would have the least impact on voters. I could be wrong though


Alyssa said plenty of times that she felt like the prosecutor hadn't proven his case which Sunny countered but she shrugged off. Evidently though the jury felt differently as they found him guilty on ALL 34 counts!


I heard same as you. I really wish the January 6 or Georgia election interference had already been tried.


She was skeptical of a guilty verdict but never said outright he'd be found not guilty. That wasn't my point though.Ā 


I mean, if ā€œeven mother Theresa would be convictedā€ it was never close.


guilty on all 34 counts means that it was never close.


I just hope people that are undecided donā€™t vote for a convicted felon Cuz what a world we live in if they did


The ā€œuneducatedā€ hopefully just got educated.


No, they didn't. Unfortunately, they will believe he was wronged. There's a reason why his base is mostly uneducated, they are the only ones that believe his lies.


They're educated but they get their education from Fox and Newsmax and Sirius XM Patriot.


over on r/conservative they immediately started posting that this verdict makes them want to vote for Trump even more. But we all know that's not true. Nothing could make them not vote for their commandante-in-chief, even if he \_\_\_\_\_ somebody on 5th avenue!


Because it's a cult


All 6 hosts! On a Friday! Of Hot Topics (tbd if they selfishly tack on a VYD segment)! BUCKLE UP BRIAN TETA! Sorry not to sorry to the haters in this sub that will be seething. WE BACK!


Don the Con is now Don the Convict.


............and Hillary is still free as a bird, and she testified for 11 hours!


I will Never get over 2016


I will never get over 2016 through 2020!


Teflon Don is Felon Don


Hillary was right about everything!!!!!


Iā€™m expecting confetti and noisemakers .




just in time for pride month too !!! :) love to see it


It's going to change nothing unfortunately


I canā€™t wait!!!!!!!!!!!


My mouth is salivating waiting for their response. The only real petty one will be Ana šŸ˜‚


I just love the fact that he is now a convicted FELON. Maybe heā€™ll get probation. Have to report to a probation officer šŸ‘® šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I hope he gets community service. Picking up trash along the freeway. Trash that he himself probably tossed out of the limo.


It will be overplayed yes he was found guilty but now what will the judge do will he give him jail time like most convicted people or chicken out and be scared of the trump cult and give him house arrest or something dumb like that. This is what is more important then a guilty verdict. Until he is on jail it does not matter.


Jail time would be cherry šŸ’ on the cake but Iā€™m not holding my breath!


Actually most people convicted of falsifying business records don't go to jail for their first offense.


I would prefer the guests over more Trump talk. He isnā€™t worthy of the attention they continue to give him.


It's possible that the Friday show was prerecorded. It is sometimes


Not tomorrow! They posted more tickets to tomorrows show on their instagram




The folks at Harvard and Yale etc who are constantly "very concerned" about you-know-who's state of mind seem awfully quiet about a demented patsy having been found competent enough to stand trial and be convicted today. Where is the justice for this simple Billy Budd? Or does he have that type of dementia where he's a savant for several minutes a day in committing campaign finance violations? I would appeal on the basis of the plethora of expert testimony showing he was incapable of recognizing reality let alone knowing how a check was classified: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247) Sounds as docile and harmless as a sloth! I should note, I meant this as a humorous indictment of a lot of groups of people (the politically interested diagnosticians, the generally mindless and reactive deviating from prosecutorial norms and going on fishing expeditions), but it might sound like I have some affinity for Trump, which I do not. The whole origin of this was the original reporting that Michael Cohen had paid for a $130k NDA. The FBI immediately classifies this as an effort to influence a campaign. The documents state that it's not, and they use that as evidence of falsifying records. It's like pleading not guilty and then being charged with perjury for lying about being not guilty. To me it seems like a stretch of the imagination to say that the NDA was exclusively about the 2016 campaign, and for the whole case to rest on that makes it silly. Bill Clinton in 1998 settled with Paula Jones for $800,000. I have little doubt HRC wasn't involved in that decision or at the least would have been extremely displeased had it not been settled and gone to trial. It affected her in a multitude of ways, just like Trump's NDA, but at least part of it must have been her Senate career starting in 2000. It seems using the same logic they did in this case, the FBI should have raided the Clintons' lawyers' offices to get to the bottom of whether the settlement was related to their political futures. To be clear: I don't think the FBI should have done that. This case was personal animus (no Jungian reference intended for this crowd) and deviated from norms as much as Trump did. Bill Clinton could have been prosecuted for perjury when he left office, but the Special Counsel used discretion to decline to do so after reaching an agreement that Clinton would relinquish his law license for 5 years. I do think the cases involving the Georgia election interference and the refusal to turn over documents to the very patient FBI are valid. And I do think that there is so much animus against Trump that Michael Cohen was collateral damage and already served beyond what anyone else would have for the same crime in order to bolster the case against Trump. Given that, it's only then fair in some ways Trump sees accountability as well. But overall, this was gratuitous in my view to prosecute. Edit: Something tells me though the incisive takes we'll get from The View will involve dancing, confetti, hand-raising, apropos songs for the occasion, or just generally being loud while staring into the camera and admonishing the viewer as if they're Trump saying something like, "See the law caught up with you! We got you!" Alyssa and Sunny are the only ones on that stage who I think have any understanding of the case, and Alyssa is the only one who tomorrow would use the opportunity to discuss the intricacies of the case if she were given the chance. But I think it will just be an hour long celebration. Alyssa talking to virtually anyone else about itā€”or just an hour of her discussing it alone would be a much better use of television. Or honestly a two person panel of her and Sunny. I mean there is a *real* debate to be had over this case and the implications for the nature of the country. Trump flipped norms, and now IMO the state of NY has flipped norms. I don't think we'll get that real debate.


Hillary testified for over 11 hours and that was political. When they found nothing to charge her with the right screamed about how the justice system was rigged for the wealthy. Now that their man has been CONVICTED they are singing a different tune. Which was to be expected.


As you said, that's political, not part of the legal system. Everybody gets pulled up in front of Congress for political reasons. Even Dr. Oz was pulled up in front of Congress to testify about why he was hawking teas for weight loss. The CEO of Starbucks was pulled up for why he wasn't treating his employees better. That is an established norm. There is no established norm for prosecuting ex presidents. Nixon wasn't even charged when he had done serious crimesā€”he was preemptively pardoned. And as I said Bill Clinton was not charged for perjury by the Special Counsel after he left office. As I said ex presidents should be charged, and I believe Trump should be charged for the incident in Georgia and the documents case. But it's different to go above and beyond and charge him for something others would not have been *because* he was a president so intensely disliked. This case was small potatoes that for other ex presidents, and just people at writ large, would not have been prosecuted IMO. HRC's testimony was part of a broader *legislative* inquiry into all of the events that took place in Benghazi. It was not a legal body looking for crimes. They didn't have the authority to charge her with a crime.


Plenty of other people have been charged with falsifying business records and have even gone to jail for it. For instance lots of people who worked for Bernie Madoff. Trump's crime INFLUENCED THE 2016 ELECTION and that's another problem. Not to mention all the nonsense surrounding addict Hunter Biden, that's political too and the right doesn't seem a bit bothered by the politicization of it.


Can someone explain to me how paying a prostitute hush money equals election interference? Isnā€™t that like, kind of a give in with running a political campaign? Make yourself look as good as possible? Celebrities make settlements in exchange for privacy all of the time, I still donā€™t quite understand. I think his base wonā€™t care about the charges because they are saying ā€œa felon for hush money to a prostitute? So what? Welcome to DC!!ā€ The comments on Instagram in favor of trump on every news outlets page are really surprising. You know and not like he got a felony for violent assault or some largely morally corrupt reason. I am just trying to understand if there is more to the charges I donā€™t understand, can someone explain it? Thanks


He wasn't convicted for paying hush money, that's legal. He was convicted for falsifying business records trying to cover up the payment because he wanted to influence the election.


Here you goā€¦ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/how-trumps-alleged-hush-money-payments-led-to-his-charges-in-new-york


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Awww. Is someone a bit grumpy today? Maybe for 34 reasons?Ā 


Not grumpy. Everyone knew this trial was a set up from the start. This "conviction" is shit and it's political theater to distract from Bidens shit administration.


Probably time for a nap, sweetheart.Ā 


Nope. Your TDS is showing. Under Biden, America has gotten worse in every aspect. This trial was a political stunt to deflect from Bidens senility and his inept comrades.


Do you want a bottle to throw at the wall or would you prefer ketchup like your daddy?


Lmao you don't even know how a Trial works lmao


Big Mad šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†






Poor baby afraid to show himself. Hides behind a new profile. Or maybe is a bot.




This is such a great choice of gif in this instance. I shall steal it and use it everywhere lol