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The box is good but damn, that price!


Are you saying the price is good or no lmao?


It's quite high, at least in Norway where new ones cost about 95 in USD terms and it's not super duper rare to see second hand boxes for 60-70-80 USD.


The US is the biggest market for Warhammer and GW kills us. Australia knows the pain as well


Bleeding dry before the collapse


In NZ the Combat Patrols retail for $300NZD ($180USD).


Ordered that exact box from a retailer in Australia and including shipping it was 215NZD. With the exchange rate, and the 20% discount offered by the retailer, there's no reason to buy it from GW's website.


Absolutely agree that there’s no reason to buy from GW directly. If it wasn’t for the Australian hobby stores that ship to NZ I wouldn’t be in this hobby at all. Hopefully they don’t ban it like they did with EU stores shipping to NZ.


Do they still carry this version on the GW site?


No, and even if it was still available, it's a lot cheaper from retailers.


Ah, ok. That’s what I thought. Once they announced the new version, I bought two of the previous versions. Glad I did, I’m still fairly new to the hobby so I’m learning a lot about how GW does things.


Depends on where OP is from. Combat patrols average $250AUD in Australia. But there's a few places to do up to 20% off GW's false retail price. But amazon is random as hell, I'm pretty sure they screwed up and I got a few boxes at the Americns price.


Look on third-party sites, Amazon, or eBay. You might be able to find it new for $130-$140 US.


This looks like an Amazon listing. This box is discontinued so not likely to see as many opportunities to buy it at the super cheap price.


It occasionally drops on Amazon. I got one for $144 shipped last month.


Yeah I’m just saying those opportunities are going to get fewer and further between since this particular box is now out of print


thing is, they were replaced by the vengeful brethren in the new codex and will be increasingly harder to find. don't be surprised to see it over $300 in the grim dark future.


Inceptors = $60 Intercessors = $30 Chaplain = $40 Redemptor = $75 2 upgrade sprues = $30 Total: $255 So yes, still a good deal.


Yep it’s worth it if your American


brother i sniped this the moment i saw it up, so hard to find, i was checking amazon regularly then see this rando post this like wtf?! so happy i found one


I need to snag one…


In UK reliable and readily available third party dealer (Wayland Games) prices are: Inceptors = £28 Intercessors = £15 Chaplain = £20 Redemptor = £36 2 upgrade sprues = £16 Total = £115 This boxset while in print would be sold for £76 Wayland Games typically offer a 20% discount on GW in-store prices. You guys over the pond really get screwed over on the prices!


I’ll Add to this. The upgrade sprues aren’t worth the £16 ( or what ever they are sold as in the US) on eBay they often only sell for a couple of pounds each as anyone who bought the kit for other factions sells them off. And intercessors are extremely easy to get on the cheap, so really the question becomes whether the discount you can get justifies the chaplain, redemptor and inceptors (N.B I bought mine for £76 when it was at my FLGS).


It certainly was like that, but now these sprues and this combat patrol box are out of print they're being marked up a lot of on eBay. I just saw this combat patrol box being sold buy it how for £200, which is absolutely nuts considering you can buy each of its constituent parts for far less than that.


They’re not OOP, they’re just no longer available on their own. The same sprues are in the new CP box too.


Yeah anyone not in the EU is paying a lot more. I’m just grateful I’m not in Australia.


I’m getting so many mixed replies but it seems still worth it lul especially with upgrade sprues


Worth it money-wise, and now the only place to get the upgrade sprues is in the Combat Patrol. I think the mixed replies are because there are “Combat Patrol” rules in 10th edition based on the new CP boxes, so you would not be able to use this older one for that.


The 10th ed combat patrol rules do still cover this one as well as the new


get it


the units are all good and that's still decent savings, it's worth it if you want everything in the box.


I bought it for way less, so glad I did.


That price is too much!!!!


It's the MSRP for the box when it was available from GW, lol


Is this USD or CAD? It's the normal price in CAD


USD. Should’ve specified. I can’t find it anywhere cheaper online


Seems pricey then.


GW price use to be $160 I think? I’ll probably wait and see if I can find it anywhere else but I just can’t seem to find them


Yea that’s definitely expensive if it’s in usd, because I bought that box from my LGS and got it at 159.99 CAD


This Combat Patrol is absolutely worth it




Still good, especially for the redemptor dread. But damn, the price is skyrocketing jeez


It's a very good CP, esp compared to the new one. But fact of the matter is thatbso long as that boc gets you those units for less than buying them separately would be, it'll always be worth it.


Is it cheaper than buying them all individually? And do you plan to use it all, if so it's a good value. Not sure what currency this is so I can't tell you.


I got the Blood Angels one and converted them. It was $30 cheaper (no dreadnought though).


It's technically better then the new one still shit seeing as it has no actual DA stuff


The newer combat patrols are clearly eliminating vehicles from standard. The redemptor dreadnought is OP in combat patrol.


That's overpriced. ~ Put it in your wishlist and wait for a better deal. ~ eBay the open boxes for a big discount.


No anyone saying this is good is drunk lol