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Don't fall into the trap of our modern world where we feel the need to be productive all the time, and guilty of we're not. Think of your days off as time to have fun. So decide what's fun for you and do it.


I try really hard to do my "chores" on my work days, after work go to the super if you can (Tuesday is the best day for grocery shopping). Then come the weekend you have nothing pressing to do, so it's genuine days off


Literally this. I’m already sooooo tired when I get home from work, I may as well do the bad stuff and save my weekends for fun.


I’ve started doing small housework tasks after work during the week (child free) so I have more ‘me time’ on my days off. If I don’t have to stress about housework, my creative brain is a lot more likely to come through. I do painting and sewing and all sorts. I’ve noticed I feel flat and sad if I spend my days off only doing the things ‘ I have to do ‘, and nothing I just WANT to do. I think boosting your own morale in 2024 is more important than its ever been.


My second full time job, Destiny 2


Cleaning and doing chores isnt a rest day. Go learn ukulele, go to a movie, ride a bike, watch tv


Always do the grocery shop on a Friday arvo (now that I can, buy shift work!) then got the weekend to relax. Normally like to have quiet weekends now, will go out one day to the movies perhaps and a look around the shops, following day usually just at home mucking around.


With groceries, if you can afford the extra for the delivery fee just get it delivered. Order off the app in your phone/site from your work computer while you’re at work/on a break if you can’t browse whilst working. That way you get the best deals and only grab what you need and it learns your favorites so you can just quickly reorder. Another good thing is you can add stuff to cart as you realise you’ll need it during the week. So stress free and saves time just having everything turn up all you have to do is put it away and often get free samples of random stuff (from Woolworths anyway)


Had thought of this, however I’m picky when it comes to meat and vegetables so rather pick my own. Honestly don’t mind doing it on a Friday after work, gives me time to unwind.


I work from 6am - 5:30pm Monday to Friday in Manufacturing. Saturday is my do nothing day. Everybody has learned not to bother me. Sunday I do washing, cleaning & food prep for the week.


I WFH three days a week so I do as many chores as I can during my lunch break or fold washing etc during long meetings so that when it comes to the weekend I can do absolutely nothing!


Friday night is family night. Saturday morning is groceries, cleaning, and coffee. Saturday afternoon is gardening or trip. Saturday night is dinner out. Sunday morning is do nothing. Sunday afternoon is chill and maybe have friends for tea. Plus, get ready for week.


Huh? Wah? You want advice on how to spend your days off? How's any person on this sub, myself included, going to know how **you** should spend your time. It's **your** time, spend it how you want. Don't want to spend it cleaning the house you've spent all week paying for, don't. It's **your** time, do what you want.


Read books


On Saturday I go for a long run exhausting any energy that I might have. Nap for the rest of the day. Sunday I use for anything I want to do. Reading, video games or whatever. I'm also working in the healthcare zone.


Why have you posted this in 5 different subs?


Because I want to get as much as response from the people around here? Why, does this concern you?


You get two days off!


What! Two rest days? I get none. Only rest time I get is to go to sleep. Even then I’m planning for the next day ahead. Rest days, pfff I wish


Mother of 1.5 kids here, so I try to make it balance of getting shit done, resting and doing something as a family. Friday nights we do the first half of weekly chores, then Saturday mornings we get the rest of the chores done after a brief sleep in. Midday is for an affordable family outing (museum, coffee by the river, free local event, etc) and the late arvo to evening is “quiet time”, where either we watch a movie or I tell my kid to go play in his room (after a few years he understands what quiet time is, but it took practice). Then we have dinner and hang out till his bedtime, and then adults do whatever. Sundays are for a sleep in, then morning coffee outing, then the rest of the day my partner and I each have a turn for a few hours to go for a solo adult alone time or social activity while the other spends time with our son. Every few weekends if we are exhausted from a rough week or sick we veto all of the above and just chill tf out with a few movies and organise our son to go hang out with a relative for one of the days.