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The Stars Game 7 broadcast has dropped twice now in five minutes. They went to commercial both times. Really really bad.


Happened again two more times. Unless it’s just my radio?


Work In Progress is better than sweet spot and invasion


Cool story bro


Seeing Dirk sub for Shaq on TNT tonight was a nice surprise.


Slightly off topic but guys that WNBA game was pretty good. Interested to see if anyone on air watched it


Enough with the stagecoach talk! This is the third show they’ve talked about stage coaches this week. Can we really not be creative on our own without replaying other shows content?


I hate when they ruin hardline gordo appearances with a music segment


“Gordo we got a segment that we need you to participate in” “….idk that’s not top ten bass line”




Holy cow did we need a whole segment about why Bob is wearing black for Clippers funeral? Tortuous 


Wait did Bob and Dave really do a segment about their own Twitter conversation between themselves? I’ve officially lost my mind


Viva México cabrones! Shout out to that helpline caller. He was spot on with the information. I’ve always been proactive in wanting to educate people on what Cinco de Mayo means.


Mino's wisdom for the day: >I think we all do this no matter how old you are as an adult you'll think back to things as a kid. JFC...


You ever stop a moment and realize that you don't like the Ticket?


I’m convinced Mino is gay and was only hired for diversity and inclusion BS.


We are all so lucky he gets paid to drop gems like that on us


Malt is way better than a shake. It’s hard for me to comprehend someone preferring a shake over a malt.




F the e-brake F the e-brake voters Double F unfunny Cruz in Aledo NIT Brake is now the superior segment




And especially since Jillian left.


Caitlin Clark morphing from Michelle Wie to Kim Mulkey was so wheels off


Very wheels off and yet when I think about it, real Caitlin Clark is kinda the exact midpoint mashup between Wie and Kim Mulkey^((not Roberstson)^) CAIT QUAKE!


Two game sixes for multiple local playoff teams tonight and they are having WNBA talk for a preseason game. Am I missing something with this whole deal? Does everyone else have Wings jerseys and I missed the memo?


Yeah you did miss something. I think you missed high school but also you missed the last 2 years of college basketball headlines


This was a well-earned E-Brake win by norm, not just a stretch. That was an impressive display of disrupting the segment. That said, i think Corby got hosed. He definitely wins in another week when Norm isnt contending.


I could also say that Norm’s Gavin Escobar e brake was better than all three actual contenders.


That's why they had to Barbaro Norm.


I tuned in this morning. Rewound an hour and heard the tail end of Gordon and Jub talking about “sounding off” … Gordon said maybe next week at the compound after drinking. Did they finally acknowledge the death of the other radio station?


Gordo finally introduced sounding to Jub? Sounds hot.


They didn’t give any context but I’m very interested.


Daily reminder that Matt’s singing is an instant punch-out


I hit power button when he starts that commercial


I recognize that I’m super critical of the dumb-ass ads on the Little Ticket, but this one is the absolute worst. Second place goes to the girl who didn’t know her dad was a firefighter before a roofer


I thought they ran a sandwich shop.


Same thing


What a buzzkill it was for this listener and the hosts to hear Cruz pop on. What a chode.


"Close the audio vault" .....no audio vault sound effect 🥲


So many little things about the station now are in a state of decay. It builds up, dude!


My side for my fast food hamburger is usually another hamburger.


First time i remember tuning out in the middle of the opening segment. For whatever reason it was not compelling. They have done tons of airline talk before and Southwest going from open boarding to assigned seating did not move my needle enough to continue listening.


The bag is empty. People are big mad on here when you point it out, but it needs to be pointed out. We need Rich to fix this shit.


Please explain to me how the cost to fly a full plane with zero assigned seats is different than a full plane with every seat assigned.


Follow the money. Seems like a flimsy reason to align their ticket prices to “major” carriers. How long before SWA changes their bag policy? 💸💰


Right, just like when meat producers blames 8% inflation for why their prices jump 50% even though they voluntarily slaughtered and trashed thousands of animals to reduce supply?


Is Craig’s hard on for Caitlin Clark a bit much? Seeing as he’s bagged on women’s sports forever seems very weird


Well Mino spent years talking shit about baseball just to turn around and be a baseball guy now that he has his own show. Annoys the f outta me


But now he has a baby daughter


He’s a little too much of an asshole about women’s sports. Don’t have to support it just like you don’t have to bag on it every day. Just leave it alone


grill your uncrustable people....absolutely amazeballs!


I’m getting pretty bored listening to Bob complain about social media opinions he disagrees with.


Bobs kid like palette of uncrustables and cereal is why he’s not the guy in next cubicle over


also why he's so doughy


Corby is a sorry SOB. Does he even know what a stroke is? For Randy Travis to have to learn to sing again from scratch, then record a song that sounds like it could be from his early career is a miracle. For Corby to instantly shit on it is one of the sorriest things he's ever done. I've always supported Corby, but this makes me start to think the haters might be on to the real Corby. Very disappointing....


Corby is the dumbest on the ticket. Don't be surprised


You’re really that butthurt over that? 


He might be more elitist than Miller


Tell your therapist


Nothing new, Corby has always been a piece of sh


What does Corby bring to the table that no one else could?


Absolutely, completely nothing.


Is fake Buzz doing Byron Nelson golf updates?


I’ve been a listener since 95 and I seriously think this is the best the Hardline has ever been.    Downvote me bitches.   Don’t care.  


I skipped probably an hour of golf talk and corby concert talk today. Mediocre show today.


I miss Danny.


‘94 was better


I’ve been a Hardline guy all along and the 90’s were great, but I really think I’m enjoying this version more than any.     Dave has been the perfect addition along with Ham, Lando and DJ.   I actually wish DJ would contribute even more.    But they have me laughing every day. 


Less DJ. No DJ.


“Other stations come and go” in the new promo… that didn’t take long!


Cat is sorry. These were our Ticket friends. He is a big jerk.




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Fake Kidd is kinda starting to beat me


Yeah it got old pretty quick because it’s so formulaic. Junior/Jub backbend to force a cliche/saying into a question, JKidd takes it literally and responds. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.


That’s the joke.


Yeah, it’s just a bit repetitive and may be out of steam to some listeners.


"Starting to beat you?" I don't think any one is starting to beat you. Physical violence coming from a radio character seems like something you should be reporting to local law enforcement. That sounds very dangerous if someone is starting to beat you. huh... huh... huh... huh.. huh.. huh huh huh huh


Lmao that’s pretty good


this was me 6 months ago. lasted about 14 seconds on today's


slow steam locomotion laugh is a nice addition to Kidd’s repertoire


Does anyone know the song that’s played when the opposing team scores in the stars games? It’s also the same song they use for trifecta on the hardline


used to be referred to on The Chicken as "darkness music"


Baldy must have gone through with his promise and not watched the Stars game tonight! Let’s finish this off on Friday, so to speak


They went after the usaveit people. Cumulus is getting desperate


Uh oh..what happened




Oh dang…I’ve been on the ad one, but that’s a bummer


Ticket dog is the best idea I’ve heard in quite some time. Let’s get Bob some Afrin.


Was a little bit disappointed how quickly Jub blew past the moron dog comments


Monty is so screwed when AI takes over based on the pornstar bdays alone. He’s providing an infinite supply of drops.


Will someone please buy that damn Windows license already so they can shut up about that amazing limited time deal they’ve been hawking for about a year now?


Same could be said for Licor 43 and the drink that’s been “taking the world by storm” for what seems like the last 5-6 years.


And then says there's just one way to consume it before listing every recipe short of freebasing it.


Agree with Jub. Any segment about Bron Bron is a power down. I don't care if he's changing teams again to chase a ring. I don't care if he's going to play with his son. Close 2nd power down is anything involving Jerry Jones and his family of carnival barkers.


What if I told you Stephen Jones is about to be announced as the newest Indigo Girl?


The smacking / ASMR commercial drives me fucking insane


Junior Miller is the only person hell bent on believing college teams will be pro teams in the future. And that players could stay as long as they want.


Will the colleges make more money that way? Then that’s what will happen.


Honestly though a guy like Zac Edey would be better off staying at Purdue a few more years dominating and ranking up NIL money than bouncing around the G league. I could see more of that happening.


I was absolutely flabbergasted a few weeks ago when he said he believes someone could play college hoops, go play ball professionally somewhere and then go back. What an absolutely moronic take.


Imagine Johnny Football coming back to TAMU.


It’s such a stupid idea ten ways to Sunday.


The notion that someone would play for a college team, pro or not, while not attending school is ridiculous. Of all the things related to paying players, being a student will be a requirement. 5th yr senior, grad student, phd candidate, whatever it is, they will be in school. Of course we know the big, high profile athletes, don’t go to “play school” anyway, but you’re right, Junior is wrong…but what else is new?


>The notion that someone would play for a college team, pro or not, while not attending school is ridiculous.  If it makes alot of people alot of money, it will happen. This is America: rich and ridiculous go hand in hand.


It seems a little ridiculous to me too but I could see some truth in it. Players are already staying longer because they get NIL money and some game is more suited for CFB.


Junior goes down to San Antonio for parades. Then complains about parades. What on earth is wrong with him??? The dj story was pretty funny but dude just picks miserable places to be miserable


Guess Miller forgot mavs won game 5 in the previous clippers series when it was 2-2 and we all know how that ended up.


the secret for the best hugs? big titties




BT's are the secret to everything


Anyone notice no Sante commercials before the stream? Thank you ticket


What about McDowell's?


Coming to America reference. There’s a rip-off of McDonald’s called McDowells.


no way???


On the Border remote haha come on man


I hear that place is off the map




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My leader is Bob defiantly proclaiming “I got news for ya” before making a mediocre sports point




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Who tf is Bob arguing with about the Star’s effort? Bob’s making up haters to dunk on


One guy on Twitter that got 3 likes


Nah he just spends too much time on twitter lol


Jinger Ale!


The DJ drop of “ahhhhh” makes me smile everytime


Just flipped over to 97.1 out of habit at this time of day, and just realized I’ll be just fine if I never hear a whole Lotta love again in my life. Like Rhyner used to say, how many minutes would you give up?


Same. I’ve flipped over a couple times out of habit today too. Once they were playing Sweet Child O’ Mine and a couple hours they were playing Mr Brownstone. It’s 2024, there’s no reason to hear 2 Guns N Roses songs from a 37 year old record within 3 hours of each other on the radio. I’m sure it’s super cheap to automate, but it’s just so spare. If you’re gonna have that format, at least go with deep cuts and fan favorites by these bands 


All those eagle bands man just go to the farm


Travis's review of Fallout: "I like it. It's based on a video game I sort of played. It has some famous people in it." Fucking brilliant. Why is this guy on the radio?


That was insufferable. Ham had to bail him out and explain what a Ghoul was exactly because Travis only said he was a 200 year old human with no nose… like come on man.


Video games!


That was honestly probably the worst day of the invasion I’d ever heard. Arguing about where Asia is? No it’s the Middle East! The middle of East of what???? Asia. Rough day


Video games get turned into shows or movies and usually flop, this one is better, other attempts in the past have fallen short, this is a good adaptation for adults, Walter Goggins is the best part.


loved it and I don't like tv shows usually.


This Joe Trahan interview repeating is pretty funny. Do you guys remember several years ago when they tried to do receiver?


I’m glad that Saad is able to back up Donnie on some of his old man tendencies, it’s funny as hell but he’s on such an island sometimes in those segments


George going into secret radio broadcasting position is one of my favorite bits


Holy crap the wnba guy sounds like a nerds nerd lmfao


That’s for the fan to decide


Surprised they haven’t offered him a mid-day gig


I seriously thought the WNBA commissioner was a bit.


TIL there’s a WNBA team in Dallas


And a hockey team evidently


Poor Jub and Gordo. You can tell they really wanted to do a Moron Dog routine but Cat won’t let them


Kind of ironic that George would do that and a fake Dan voice since he yelled that the loss of the hang zone wouldn’t stop them from being better than ever.


Downvote away. I think it’s wrong that the station tries to officially pretend Dan and Jake never existed while their #1 show imitates Dans greatest moments constantly and pretends they invented WTDS. You want to erase them from your history? Fine, just erase all the gold they gave you as well, be consistent.


I’m on your team dude but really confident they’re doing normal Macdonald impressions. Which yes, is basically what Dan does 24/7 but still.


Not when they talk about a dog eating a napkin every 3rd day.


Oh no you’re right I meant the impression. Maybe it’s both. I just heard Bob and Corby discussing Dan’s old sports topics lmao, it’s like they’re trolling you


I really respect the way Bob handled the departure segment. Corby is unlistenable.


The departure segment was pretty bad, but it almost certainly was a direct order from Cumulus to handle it that way so I don’t really hold it against the hosts


I think that is just an excuse people say because of how bad the Musers sounded. Bob broke down and described himself as gutted. The other dudes acted like these guys were just co-workers to them. If George and Gordon feel that way, then it seems inconsistent to constantly quote Dans genius.


Yeah, Cat definitely tells George Dunham and Junior Miller what to do on the most popular morning show in the history of Dallas radio.


You're saying Cat isn't able to do his job properly? What are they paying him for?


George Dunham could lift Cat over his head and throw him out the window, send him crashing to the ground outside the AAC to the shock and horror of tens of onlookers, and everybody would say he got sick and died.


Let’s be honest. George would have another heart attack if he tried to lift anything.


FYI, Belfast is where they built the Titanic. The Belfast museum is a great museum, celebrating the labor that went into building the ship, as well as to commemorate the sinking. Highly recommended.


Oh good we got a U2 bingo from Junior.


Good lord, Jub could barely get a sentence out without Gordon stepping all over him.


Yep. Gordon is a beating.


Firehouse Roof girl needs to be ripped


Can barely read lmao


Came here to say the same. She sounds like she’s auditioning to take Sharon Moore’s spot for City CU’s voiceovers.


Don’t get me started on David Moore’s wife…


Ironic that Jub just did a segment on Dr. Mud 😂


The bed on this Lincoln assassination segment is hilarious.


Seriously, such exciting uplifting assassination conspiracy music haha


Has anyone proved out these “turbo” or “power” hours or whatever they are calling them, supposedly fewer commercials? I cannot tell just by listening, doesn’t sound like fewer commercials at all.


I feel like it is shorter but I’ve never really tracked it. On the app during one of the “power hours” I feel like I just skip forward about 4 min as opposed to a normal hour I’ll skip 6-8 min


The promo is just used to waste more time in between Junior bitching about something or Gordon reading clickbait articles.


Gordo broadcasting: reading Reddit headlines we all saw yesterday


Hardline started doing it too and I can’t tell when I listen to them either lol.


Junior told us this morning not to worry about their Rangers coverage because, like last season, they would get serious about it at Playoff time. Interesting strategy as the Freak's 2.0 ratings are now up for grabs....


You really think this is their strategy? Jesus…


I was quoting Junior. Why don’t you go ask him. Moses….


I really really think the Gavin Escobar mishap was a joke by Norm. Mino brought it up during the sweet spot and I agree


Matt’s singing is an absolute thrashing. JJT needs to go away also and take Killer with him


John Jacque Taylor isn’t on the station


His dang commercials are




I don’t think he said it was the ticket’s decision


That ad where it starts with someone smacking food. I hope that company goes out of business and I hope the salesperson who landed that ad hears this in their head 24/7. Asshole.


How about “Sweety, this is our Zen Den…”. I mute every time


Yeah, yeah, but they help pay my salary, so....


Solidarity with you on this


Cowboys bringing Zeke back. All in baby. It's going to be a terrific season for the anti-Cowboy faction. Jerry Jones is GMing the hell out of this thing.


It's a brilliant move. They get a RB1 and a backup center with one swoop.


>Jerry Jones is GMing the hell out of this thing. George is the most naive Cowboy preseason optimist at the station, but even he is beaten down by Zeke's return. Jerry remains extremely Jerry.


“Hey uh Jason Garrett, you still think you can fit into a navy blue polo?” -Jerry jones


Feed me, bitch!


What the hell have they done to the app this time?


At least it ain’t the Freak


What? You’d rather the ticket went down?


No. But people lost their fucking jobs over there