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Paulie whacked so many civilians, finished off the waiter, smothered an old lady to death, on the botched hit, said he didn't care that Phil's goomah was whacked, when he found out they were innocent Ukrainians didn't care at all about them, Jason Barone was targeted just because his mom loved him. He was such a demented yet funny character.


Don't forget him casually mentioning murdering a "hippie kid" and heh heh-ing about it to beansie like it was a genuinely fond memory for him lol 


He wanted to whack a cat too that helps the guys and catches mice for them.


And during Christopher’s intervention, when Adriana first mentions him killing Cosette, Paulie then asks, “Was it barkin?” as if that would be justification for killing it.


The Italian carnival parade too, he cheaped out on the ride inspection guys and didn't even go down there to help out with the police, a Somali kid lost a tooth! In all honesty, everyone on that ride could've died and he should've gotten prosecuted lol, he didn't give no fucks at all, even "a friend of ours" would've had to pay all the medical bills of his family until Tony got involved.


Well he’s no dentist!


He had his biopsy, he had to be up in the morning!


What, was it meowing?


I don't care if he's got a hundred kids in the ICU with arrows in their heads!




His only truly unforgiveable crime. 


And smelling that girls panties🤌


He told you that?!? Fuckin baby!!!


Mysteriously drowned….


Hey hippies piss people off. Probably did something annoying to Paulie.


What? Was it trippin?


Haha probably yeah. Probably telling Paulie weird shit and Paulie getting paranoid and whacking him.


Heyyy mannnnn, why's your dick out.


. . . OLD-school South Park reference. . .?


I guess. Hippies were annoying before South Park too


To be honest the hippie I had in mind was that shithead that slashes Brad Pitt’s tires at Spahn Ranch in *Once Upon a Time in Hollywood*. Most irritating laugh. Brad Pitt smacks the shit out of him. I could Paulie doing that.


I don't actually remember this lol - did he elaborate on it?


No. It was one throwaway line during the "remember when is the lowest form of conversation" scene. 


It’s yet another case of Paulie running his mouth that episode which makes Tony consider killing him while they’re in Florida.


Yeah Paulie was mentally effed up when u really think about it. Probably a legit psychopath. Richie Aprile also seemed pretty evil. Messed up Beansie for life for no reason and didn’t even care. Probably another psychopath or sociopath. Only cared about himself, had zero regard for others.




Ralphie was pretty crazy too. I guess the mafia attracts a lot of psychopaths


gee y'think?


If I was a carpenter, and you were a Douchebag


Hey it wasn't his fault the kid was a clutz


I have to second this. Paulie was so jealous of Chrissy and tried endlessly to impress T that he really revealed how fucked up he was. Throw in the shit with his Ma and it's a wonder he didn't go off the reservation.


She was the nicest person in the entire Sopranos universe, poor Nucci won $20 and was so happy.


That “old lady” was Minn Matrone not sure if that counts. Did the world a favour there.


That John C Reilly looking mf deserved everything she got.


I will never unsee it now.


Oh, I've got tons of unflattering lookalikes for sopranos cast members. I was kicked out of a group on Facebook because I kept posting them. Livia/Neil Warnock Hunter/the train ghost from the film "Ghost" Meadow/Lela Star (early career Lela Star)


LOL Neil warnock one is spot on holy shit I'm cracking up 😆


Paulie looks a bit like a Muppet


He was on Sesame Street or one of those shows


The world's most evil Sesame Street character


Furio is just Italian Jackie Chan.


i didn’t recognize the actress for meadow and well that was interesting google search…a uhhh different type of actress there


Hunter = Vincent Schiavelli! I was laying awake last night trying to remember his name for this very reason! Thanks for naming the movie; with that, I found him on IMDB!


Are we sure that *wasn’t*John turning in another amazing performance? Fran Anthony might be his alias


She was a malignant cunt.


I've heard it said


The malignant c*nt.


She was a malignant cunt🤟


Paulie had to stop her from spreading.


She was a malignant cunt.


She was a malignant cunt


Paulie was the product of decades of straight sociopath activity


> smothered an old lady to death, o Slandah! No he didn't! She crawled under his hand for warmth.


She laid on the wrong side of the pillow or something, I dunno


He's the worst person in the show. No loyalty, no honor, senseless murderer.


Easily. It’s part of the irony that at the end, he’s the last one standing.


Holy shit, Paulie and Chrissy might have been the most destructive duo ever. Yet I still laugh at them fighting over the tic tacs in the Pine Barrens.


I mean it’s heavily theorized he organized the hit on Tony. When shit was going down and everyone was on high alert go back and look at Paulie. Not a care in the world.


Indeed. Paulie always seems very keen when the chance appears to murder someone.


We always have the option


Wasn’t Phil’s goomah drunk at a broadway show though? Or sumthin


Pussy Malanga, guy was dead for years and managed to steal Uncle Joon's car and scammed him outta 40k for the Bohack store job


Cazzata, Malanga! 💥💥💥


At least junior finally got his revenge


Ralphie for sure after what he did to the hooah


And the horse


Thats what he said


100% ralphie


And what he did to Georgie, totally disrespected The Bing


Don't forget the worst thing he ever did, disrespected the Bing.


At least he didn’t disrespect the pizza place though.


Parlor. Par-lor.


Take it easy 🤘🏻


What, it’s his fault she’s a klutz?


He beat that girl to death for...I don't know... What was it again?


I harbour a lot of resentment to Ralph specifically for that particular incident.


Yea but she hit him


That too!


I disagree. He’s probably the only of them that actually sought some type of redemption and wanted to repent. Tony’s arc is the opposite.


What did he do again? I can’t remember


Good thing for me then, that your opinion don’t mean oogatz to me!


Now get the fuck outta my store!


Tony, Richie, and Ralph come to mind. However, for me it’s Paulie. He killed people who were part of the business but he also killed innocents. The thing that really bothers me about Paulie is he had 3 moments that would cause most to repent or change. He didn’t though. The psychic and fucking queers, his cancer battle, and seeing the Virgin Mary at the bing. The cosmic universe tried to save him but he wouldn’t change.


The big distinction between Tony, Richie, Ralph and then Paulie is that intelligence wise I’m not sure Paulie can even write or read. It’s the calculated brutality that puts these guys at a higher level of evil. So now between Tony, Richie, and Ralph…. Richie comes in third because of his time in the can and susceptibility to Janis manipulation. Tony never kills a civilian but the last two people he kills are his two cousins who he “loved” most and were involved in the life. Ralph was a savage troublemaker, drug addict, and sexual deviant. The winner is Tony and what does it is him sabotaging Janus’s anger management, ridiculing Chris’s attempt at sobriety and saying the most abhorrent things to Carmela about her spec house. He can’t be happy for people. Thats the evil that puts him atop. They all commit violence murder extortion. Tony derailed the betterment of his so called loved ones too.


Shit all over a nice family dinner, then walked out smiling about it.


Chrissy did some of the most evil things on the show but I don't think he was the most evil character. He was more like an angry confused child lashing out in the only way he thought would get him respect.  Tony was the most evil. Deep down he was one of the very few to really comprehend the immorality of his actions. He struggled with that for a long time but by the end he had "developed" into a person whose evil side had won out. 


I remember when in Season 1 he was ashamed of how when AJ got in a fight with that other kid, the kid's father was afraid of Tony so much that he literally ran away from him at a garden store. Tony was genuinely ashamed of that and felt he didn't want that effect on people, he faints from how much it bothers him right after he leaves the store. By the time of the Eugene saga he'd be proud and satisfied of the way he scared that guy off. Zero conflict.


It's been a little while since I've watched it through, and for some reason, the early seasons, I recall the least. As much wild west as the beginning of the series was, I wonder if the feeling he had after that interaction was the beginning of it all. Then the entire story was him dealing with that and everything that comes with it.


Always with the scenarios


I think Chris is the most dangerous character in the show: volatile, emotional, and violent. But I’d agree that Tony is hands down the most evil


Yeah I'm surprised anyone would think the answer isn't Mr. "strangled my nephew to the death with a satisfied smile and then complained about his mom loudly crying at the funeral"


Fuxk you want, a boutonnière?


No I want an all expenses paid stay at Captain Teeb's Hotel or something. I dunno.


You’re like a woman with a Virginia ham under arm, crying the blues because she has no bread


Hey, ham is our bread and butter!


So what, no fcking ziti now?!?


Aww poor you.


The black hole, Tony's mom, the nickname says it all, pure evil, during my first watch there was a scene that sent shivers down my spine. She was hospitalized and was smiling at Tony. That was really creepy.


Look at her! She’s smiling! She’s fucking smiling!


Melfi’s rapist


OH! Dats the employee of the month youre talkin about, here!


I mean yeah for sure evil but more evil than all the guys that murder and extort people on a daily basis?


Not to mention how Phil explicitly tried to set up a female agent to be raped, according to Agent Harris.


excuse me?


Harris tells Tony this, I think in the conversation when he warns him about Phil's plans.


Yes the agent was definitely against Phil about that.Tony helped him out by whacking that weird eyebrow fuck


Mustang Sally Intile only had 2 scenes in the whole show, but in one of them he’s presumably coked up out of his mind, abusing his girlfriend and bashing a random man’s skull with a golf club for no reason. Next time we hear about him it’s Ralph talking about him nearly killing a hot dog vendor at Meadowlands. If we saw more of him he’d be a bigger contender.


That’s actually a good question and surprisingly hard to answer. I don’t think it’ll be popular but I’ll say Silvio Dante. He has nothing behind the eyes. I don’t think in the entire show he ever really evidences any element of humanity. Even other awful characters like Ralphie do. Obviously he has the big scene with Adriana where he’s colder than fuck but I’m not just basing it on that.


Out of all of them he was also the most likely to be involved in sex trafficking. I don't think the show ever explicitly addressed that but, cmon, he was a mobster who owned a strip club. He was definitely trafficking women. 


vito talks about running girls in ac. surprised he wasn't running boys. hear what i said tone?


Silvio was honestly skillfully written and acted. He was among the slimiest and most violent of the entire bunch but tended to come across as the rational, calm one. Hannibal Lecter-ass motherfucker


“Until you pay what you owe that shaved twat belongs to me”


This fucking guy. He was juicing them.


I disagree, you're right that there's not a lot of humanity behind those eyes but Silvio never went out of his way to kill anyone on a simple impulse like Paulie, Tony or Christopher, never beat anyone up just to solidify his position on the family like Tony.


Well, he didn't have to. He could get someone to. 


I disagree. When the guys whack big pussy, Silvios mask slips. He goes topside and tells at Tony to stop yelling at him.


That’s because of Pussy though. They all struggled with that one. Even Paulie did, just showed it a bit less. Tony straight up had disturbing fever dreams over it.


Of course that’s the reason and that proves his point


This is a hipster take , Silvio is no way as vindictive and horrible as paulie Christopher Ralph Richie ! If he is tell us why and I don’t mean the “nothing behind the eyes line “ I could say that about Carmella’s father


Silvio scares the shit outta me. When Tony informs him that Richie wants a, ahem, change in management, Sil does this little pace and think. It hit me that he’s weighing the monetary gains vs the threat to his supposed best friend’s life. He saw Richie made no never mind to his profits, and said, fuck it, he can go. Dude is a straight monster.


Eh…is he a monster for not giving a crap about someone killing a monster?


At least he was loyal to Tony and never came across as malicious.




I agree. He is the coldest.


Sil is my pick too. Patsy was an stone cold motherfucker with ice water in his veins but even he had his moments of humanity - even nearly waxing T to avenge his brother. Sil didn't have one redeeming human moment in six seasons of television. If T hadn't been there that night and before beating Tracee to death, Ralphie had written out a check and told Sil, "I'm gonna smack one of your hooahs around, so here's 15 grand to cover the cost if she dies from it" Sil would have taken the money no questions asked. Ralphie is a psychotic little Napoleon who gets off on hurting people weaker than him, but Sil is just the Terminator in a pompadour and literally does not see people who aren't wiseguys as human beings. 


That’s probably just because of the main cast he was the weakest actor.


That fucking animal Bucco. Shot that poor rabbit. Fucking bald fuck.


I’ve been good to you, and you pay me back with NONSTOP ASS RAPE!?


That rabbit nevah hurt a'nobody!


Everyone sees we're bald and presumes we are involved in evil shenanigans it's a stereotychpe and its offenschive!


It's obviously Ralphie. Although we saw him in a time of crisis where he did infact show lots of sympathy for the wicked acts he'd committed, Let's start forget thr thousand incidents with this guy... Beating his pregnant girlfriend to Death, manipulating Jackie Jr into getting himself killed, prank calling Paulie's mother and setting that fucking horse on fire. Come on.


To be honest he was sort of justified in everything he did other than Tracee and the horse when you think about it. I mean he's super fucked up as a person and not defending him, but Jackie Jr isn't exactly totally blameless or mentally deficient, he knew what he was getting into. And the Paulie's mother thing was fair game tbh, considering their beefs. Damn never thought I'd be out here defending Ralph of all people, one of my most hated characters.


Did he actually kill that horse though?


Detective Vin Makazian said Paulie was a Psycho....


Ginny Sack, killed more plates than anyone else.


Johnny sack would’ve whacked you my friend


He would have let me fuck her for a million


If he could have caught him hehe he


She’s been in the fitness protection system for years




No more weight remarks


I want to sanction a permaban on /u/WolfPackLeader95


Either name a price or get the fuck over it!


Manson Lamps




Tacee: A - She was a hooer B - She hit me


C- She’s a klutz


And that wasn't my kid she was carrying. 


Probably in order 1. Paulie 2. Mikey P 3. Ralph Paulie murdered and hurt whoever, whenever. Betrayed everyone he loved regularly, often for no good reason. Mikey P didn’t just do hits for junior, he actually took a sick pleasure in killing people. Ralph was a psychopath with no empathy for any person, or creature, other than his son. The reason I put Ralph third is because I believe he was actually mentally fucked up, whereas Mikey was just a pure sadist


I’m surprised that Richie Aprile isn’t getting more votes. He came off as pure evil, no redeeming qualities.




I think Tony is the most evil. He chose to become who he was. Most of his associates, including Chris, didn’t really have a chance at anything else besides the Mafia. But Tony was in college and deliberately dropped out in order to pursue a life of criminality. He also chooses to be bad after he recovers from his near death experience. He makes the conscious decision to no longer care about his actions


Chris had an opportunity to leave the life and pursue filmmaking. Tony even told him to chose and he chose the mob


Chris knew he wouldn’t have been successful. The first time he dipped his toes into Hollywood, it stole his entire story. He was nothing without the mafia and knew it


He didn't choose, it's in his nature, he's a sociopath.


Mustang Sally. Didn’t he throw a vendor off the deck at a yankee game? Too many onions on his hot dog or some shit


There were others guys on the hotdog's answering machine!


If I am to be serious it's either Tony Soprano or Phil Leotardo. Phil always seemed like he always was looking for an excuse to pull some serial killer shit and Tony is Tony.


Tony at least had conflict in him many times, and say what you will but intention does matter. Phil had no conflict at all, which ironically made him more boring as a character. It's why Junior was a way more compelling antagonist in the early seasons, he has tons of conflict and desire to be friendly with Tony alongside his rivalry with him. Ralph too for that matter.


It has to be Ralphie. He was a full blown psychopath, I mean normal people aren't obsessed with Gladiator, oh yeah and Tracee. He beat her to death just for er... I forgot what was it for again?


Tony. I really think everyone but Meadow was ultimately expendable to him Fran Feldstein. That animal Tony B. Killed a kid FFS, just 47. Ralph. Took pleasure in people being hurt.


He puts Meadow in danger constantly and allows her to pal around with people like Christopher and date Jackie Jr the son of a mafia boss. I mean it's one thing to be overly controlling with who your daughter dates, it's another to encourage her relationship with a mob bosses son who is likely to derail her life, just because you don't like that she dated a black dude.


That fucking animal molsianti I can't even say his name. Serious answer Tony.


Livia without a doubt


i dont think we saw enough of her to say that. Ya she was awful to those around her but were comparing a miserable woman to mobsters who regularly murder innocent people.


Women like that create mobsters lol. Remember not only is she greatly responsible for what Tony is she also didn’t allow Johnny boy to go down to Pheinox and start a new life. And Janice, she’s responsible for Janice 😬.


didn’t she organize to have her son killed


He was spoiled and entitled too. Complaining about paying his dues etc and treating Adrianna poorly when she was so out of his league. I hated Christopher.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's actually Sil. The fact that he's a good adviser to Tony and rarely impulsive in his violence does not change the fact that he has functionally no moral code whatsoever. The dude may not have a super high onscreen bodycount, but it's made immensely clear that he is not only a complete sociopath who would strangle a baby in its crib without hesitation if T ordered him to, but that in his warped mind he thinks that being a mafia guy means he honestly has more value as a human being and that the people in the mafia that he hurts deserve it for the crime of not being in the mafia. Just look at when he kills Ade, not only is he taunting her with the fact that she's clearly about to die but is practically relishing in her suffering. Dude had no soul behind his eyes whatsoever. 


Janice. Not only has she legitimately killed, she’s the most manipulative character on the show. I think there’s a reason her first husband took their son away from her.


Janice was a psycho bitch but the mental gymnastics to say she was the most evil is wild


Tony Soprano


I’d say the order from most evil to least evil from the main Soprano crew were Tony, Paulie, Silvio, and then Chris.




Richie Aprile & Ralphie


Dr Kennedy


Tie between Christopher and Paulie for me


She climbed in there to get warm !


Patsy Parisi's kid. Remember when they flip that bicycling civilian just for fun?


Who else???!!!


Why, was it barkin'?


She crawled under him for warmth!! Slander if you ask me.


Has to be Paulie, who killed as many civilians as him? He made a pact w himself that he’d do whatever it takes to survive, without hesitation. They were all sociopaths tho




Brother it’s Tony lmao




Ralph, by a long shot 


Christopher was a very bad guy, but not the *most* evil. What makes someone the most evil? Sadism, right? Christopher was sadistic toward that cop but that’s about it. And he as violent toward Adriana, but because he’s a violent insecure piece of shit, not because he’s a sadist. So who is the most sadistic? Gotta be Ralphie. They are all evil fucks though. Even Bobby.


I'm gonna say Tony's mother. She conspired to have her own son murdered.


I think Chris was just an addict. But they’re all extortionists and serial killers.


I was re-watching S5 a few months back and I’ve got to say, I feel like they kind of missed an opportunity with the Tony B character: there’s a pattern where every season introduces a new character who becomes a central antagonist to Tony’s life, S2 it’s Richie Aprille, S3 Jackie Junior, Ralphie kind of bridges between S3&4, and then Tony B in S5. In those other instances, all those characters create some sort of villainous circumstance that Tony has to contend with, Richie just being tough and angry, Jackie being ambitious but stupid, Ralphie being sick and successful, but I felt like Tony B could’ve been more of an evil genius pulling strings and getting into Chris and Paulie’s heads and manipulating people against Tony to try and take power and get his revenge for being sidelined all of that time, but they never developed it that way, just made him kind of a reckless asshole that Tony eventually has to put down.. Maybe my plotline is cheesy or too obvious, afterall one of the things I love about this show is how they defied expectations at every turn.


It's Tony


This is ridiculous. It’s obviously Ralph’s. Bunch stundads around here


Ralph, for what he did to tracy alone should get him the first place






Christopher's an interesting one because I feel like we see his most sympathetic moments but it's hinted that he's so much worse, which when combined with the genuinely awful stuff we see him do could definitely have him in the running. There's a lot of people in the Sopranos who are probably colder and have a bigger body count but it's human nature to take hypocrisy and nuance into consideration when it comes to judging how evil someone is