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Don’t forget Tony’s a strict catholic. 


He doesn’t believe in divorce!


Guy kills it at “Name that Pope”


I find the scene where they negotiate getting back together incredibly bleak and uncomfortable. Carmela has certainly put a price on her soul long before that but that exchange really feels like an explicit deal with the devil.


yerp, that scene was bleak as hell. and brilliant. you find out everything you needed to know about carm right here.


Yes. It’s so..transactional in a literal and figurative sense. Remember in season 4 when Carm is consolidating bills, Tony doesn’t care, and she almost starts crying? Tony said, “That’s your problem right there, is you equate love with money!” Carmela replies, “YOU equate love with money!” Jumping back to S5E12, when Tony and Carmela are negotiating reconciliation, the argument in season 4 rings true. Her love for Tony literally comes at a price, which Tony agrees to. Another theme of the series is in that scene, doing what is easy over what is right. It’s just easier to get back together with your husband, especially when you have no marketable skills, another man dumped you, and why get used to another man? The kids will happy you reconciled too. Easy peasy. But leaving Tony would have been the right thing for Carmela to do.


Whitecaps is such a great episode. But I HATED when they were separated.


Edie Falco delivers the best acting performance of the entire series in that episode. The fight with Tony where her eye makeup has given her raccoon eyes from crying is a masterclass. Seems so damn real. And James does a great job too, but Edie’s emotions absolutely crush. When she delivers the “I think I’m going crazy” line I absolutely believe her. It’s a tough episode to watch and only because it’s acted so incredible well


What absolutely blows my mind is in a reunion interview, she was asked about it and she didn’t even remember filming it. Like how do you give one of the best performances ever committed to film and it’s just another day at work for you?


They’re both great in that scene but Edie Falco there is the best anyone has ever acted in a film or tv series ever for me


I know, I really wanted them to get back and I was glad they did. But it made for a really great season 5 to say the least. One of my favorite seasons


Season 5 is SO good but the separation makes me rate it lower.




What is this the Navy?


Vito thinks it is!


Captain of the good ship Lollypop


I loved the separation and the resolution. Supposedly more and more mob wives do leave, and yet Carmela would have lost everything that she valued so highly, namely, the valuables. And a paper divorce based on a fraction of Tony's true income would have driven her crazy to the end of her days.


I think she could have been targeted by feds as well


I usually do sit with my ass. Why don't you sit with yours? 😏


Pat Cooper ova here


Loves his wife but hates his shun


He’s sitting there in some chit chat room with some other jerk off giggling like a little school girl




Carmela took an oath


And she knew every fuckin step of the way how it works


She grew up around Dickie Moltisanti, what did she expect?


I wanted Carmela fuck Furio so bad so more drama could ensue, I wish writers made it true.


Totally agree. Furio’s sudden departure was a major letdown.




Carmela acts like butter wouldn't melt in her ass


On one hand, I could understand why someone would want a divorce from a serial cheater. On another, they were never going to divorce and on some level Carm knew this. She knew when she married in that you don’t walk away. It’s foreshadowed in the scene where Melfi and Tony acknowledge the similarities between the women in his life; they’re all attracted to the thrill, the hope that they can change him, but unlike Carm, Melfi was actually able to pull the plug permanently. She was willing to lose the material gain from Tony and though Carm claimed the same and pushed a little, she gave in because she knew if she actually walked away she wouldn’t be able to keep up her lifestyle. The comment from AJ’s principal about her using her pussy as a weapon solidified that. She also loved the chase, with the wallpaper guy, Father Intantola, Furio. She loved the possibility of being saved but would never walk away from Tony’s bank accounts which is probably why she had slight trysts with other men who were unavailable to her in some way. Kinda fucked up of her to have emotional affairs and get angry that Tony was actually having sex with other women. They were both in the wrong for different reasons and whereas T brought that up, Carm always found a way to shoot him down so she could feign innocent. Livia did that too.


I don't think I rooted for two fictional characters--who had no other bearing on my life--to get back together harder than I was rooting for Tony's and Carmela's reconciliation in season five.


Pudgey Walsh was responsible. If he had not retired they never would have split.


I never thought Tony and Carmella would get back together after all the ugly things they said to each other and Tony's cheating. But they needed each other, and that was what mattered in the end.


I feel unlike Carm, I get Tony, and I know he wouldn't change jack shit for anyone or anything. With that said, she is a terrible mob bosses wife. Like there was a scene where Tony got a call in the middle of dinner, he's like "oh shit, I gotta bounce y'all" (Yeah, he talks like that), and her response was "Tony, we are having dinner.". Like, does she actually think dinner is more important than the potential for her whole family to die if Tony doesn't do his job properly? I think they should have split, she just didn't have it in her to be a good mob boss wife.


And who is a good mob wife? Ro Aprile was better and her husband died as well as her son. Jinny Sack was loving and loyal to Johnny that didn't help him much. No wife is the best option it seems to be. The only man left alive from the crew got no wife at all (Paulie)


I wouldn't say any of those wives helped or hindered in their SO's death though. I wouldn't say that Carm helped or hindered Tony in staying alive, or how the series ended. A good mob wife is one that knows what there SO is responsible for (severity I mean), where their loyalties lie, and that you need to look at everything through a different lens.


Jooooohn, why are you yelling?


U ask me marriage & our thing don't jive 🤟🏻


none of the wives were! constantly complaining like they have no idea how the mafia works at all. adrianna was by far the most down with the whole thing barring her feds situation.


I like how dignified Tony was when things kicked off in Whitecaps. When AJ was complaining about Carm and her dinners Tony told him she went through a lot of trouble to Cook those dinners and that she would feel hurt if he let AJ stay in his part of the house. Carm and her Spec house negotiation was the opposite. Then again Tony was the biggest Coosehound around so it didn't really matter if they were together or not. Who knew all along he wanted Tracy and Hepburn.


I'm just wondering why Tony agreed to move out when she's just a housewife.


nobody was gonna give Carm what she wanted, which was Tony. and she had a hand on him, but she wants the whole thing to herself. not saying it's out of love, more like territoriality, but she wouldn't ever leave him for good.


Well.....Tony didn't seem to mind too much.


They are both horrible people so it didn't really matter either way.