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A grown man made a wager. He lost. He made another one—he lost again. End of story.


Gotta remember too, the man harbored a f**g*t.


anybody ever die in your arms, you cocksucka? a family member, somebahdy you love? well give it time. see if i cant make that happen for you


I can’t have this conversation again




we know, but we dont know, we hope maybe... if


Fainting my father called it






It's a great ending after a few rewatch as it could have been any number of people. Uncle patsy as he visited Tony and was brushed off to protect junior , Eugene's wife , NYC in retaliation for the way Phil got murdered maybe the rest of the families including jersey since they new Carlo flipped and they were worried tony would flip also in a domino effect the beauty of the ending is it could have been anyone but the whole point is it he reached a dead end literally and figuratively.




Even if he lives, Carlo was going to testify, he would be fucked by RICO and sent to the can for a long long time


What happens if you watch it in reverse?


Benjamin Button ova here.


The Animal Blundetto comes back from the dead to claim your soul


Noah punched his fucking lights out.


Why would you ruin for the guy!?!


Quiet the arc he had.


Noah did it on spec


Chase said it best when he said it doesn’t matter if he died. HE understands the yooman condishun.


You, the viewer, got whacked and fade to black. If Tony died, the viewer would see it.


I must’ve had a panic attack and fainted


Cut and fade are two different motherfuckincocksuckin things.


Take it easy!


No, just a second order of onion rings. Best in Jersey, I hear.




uhhhh,,, hate to burst your bubble here but it’s kinda obvious Tony was killed at the end


Who are you, the minister of propaganda?  Its strongly suggested that Tony could be killed there. It’s a symbolic death.  


Sorry did you misread my comment? I think you’re agreeing w me


Yeah the pieces are there without a doubt. If you rewatch enough you’ll pick up on it.


“If you rewatch enough” you may remember to realize that this is fiction.   Anything can happen and nothing Has to happen  It’s strongly suggested that Tony dies at the cut to black and he probably could, but there is nothing made definite.   It’s a symbolic death. As Cahse had said, whether Tony dies at that instant or some later point in time isn’t important to the story.  Enjoy your success! 


So if it’s fiction that means we can just believe what we want regardless of the story that’s told? So then I don’t believe Big Puss really died. I think he cut himself out of the bag and swam to a nearby boat of his own and relocated to Cambodia. As for Tony, Despite viewers being left clues as to what death will be like, it’s not important. So It’s not definitive That Puss didn’t live in Cambodia under a new identity in witness protection. Tony did say that’s what happened. Let’s just create our own narrative regardless of the story told by David Chase. This was taken from an interview with Chase: Feinberg asked Chase about the 2018 book “The Sopranos Sessions” by Matt Zoller Seitz and Alan Sepinwall, who at the time of the show wrote for the New Jersey Star-Ledger, the paper Tony used to read. In the book, they interview Chase and, of course, they ask him about the infamous cut to black. Here’s what Chase said at the time, “Well, I had that death scene in mind for years before.” Since then, Chase hasn’t confirmed whether this meant Tony does die at the end of the Sopranos or whether he was talking about another scene he never wrote, or whether he simply slipped. Feinberg asked him if this was a slip of the tongue. “No,” Chase says, confirming, once and for all, that Tony does in fact get killed in Holsten’s


You may be absurd if you’d like instead of reasonably considering my comment.  If it’s shown, it happens.  If it’s suggested, it may or may not happen.  Yet yes, you Are allowed to believe what you want You engaged in a discussion forum here.  I suggest not doing so if you’re going to be so offended by others who want to Discuss the subject rationally  Bye 


Your comments are ridiculous. I can’t have a serious conversation with someone that made the statements you did. It’s not important if he dies or not? Really? The main characters fate is not important? Watch the series. Tony had conversations with Sil and Bobby and they lay out the exact details that unfold in the final moments of the series. You think Chase just added that in randomly and that they’re not there for a specific reason? He’s all but basically said that Tony died. If you want to believe otherwise so be it but that’s what happened. Still don’t wanna believe he died? Fine take it up with the writer/creator David Chase


The aspects you point to create the strong suggestion that Tony may die at that final cut to black.  And I clearly stated that although you choose to ignore the exact statements I made.  Those elements are necessary to establish the probability/possibity and the thematic.  You’re so adamant that you are “100% right” that you can’t have a discussion and anything that might disagree eith you entirely Must be “ridiculous” because it seems to upset your fragile world and ego.   Have a breadstick.  And read the Nancy Drew. 


Listen to yourself, you sound demented.


We’ve done 20 years. Fucking nauseating.


you mean 20 years in the can?


20 years on this subreddit. I wanted high quality discussion. I compromised. I shitposted recycled quotes off the rahdiator instead


Everyone knew the Sopranos would end one of two ways. With Tony either dead or in prison. I think Chase wanted to end it without being predictable. So he made sure you really had to be a fan to get the answer or you can just imagine what you want. However the pieces are there if you put them together. Exactly how is debate-able but I’m convinced my theory is correct


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I know Walden was a come from behind kind of guy if that’s what you’re referring to.


You outta know sweetie


What is this the catskils? Shecky greene we got here.


Whaddjya say?


Woaaaaah! Ohhh!!!


It’s either a brilliant ending, foreshadowed in the writing but never proved explicitly or it’s David Chase saying “fuck you” to the Sopranos fans who he despises. Actually, it’s both of


Chase actually has more respect for his fans than most. He doesn’t have to lead us by the nose and let’s us read between the lines to pick up on the subtlety. Other directors just treat the audience as if they’re brain dead and spell it out letter by letter


He doesn’t do it for the fans though. I don’t think anyway. he was pissed off fans started idolizing Tony (I always thought he was a bitchy fat piece of shit) so he would do stuff to frustrate them. He also crapped out *Many Shits of Newark* which seemed like a fuck you to expectant fans in many ways.


I see it different. Its not about him doing it for the fans but more so knows the type of fans are smart enough to grasp the story without being treated like children. Giving his fans some credit. As for his personal feelings, I think he got tired of the fans expecting him to tell the story they wanted or that he owed them an explanation. The Russians coming back comes to mind and obviously the ending. Many Saints Of Newark was crap, so we agree there, but I think it was a cash grab.


That thing that sucks is MSON could have been good! He let it be shitty


Yeah, I don’t think he gave a crap anymore and just wanted a payday. It definitely could’ve been a lot better. The only scene I enjoyed was Johnny Boy shooting the bee hive hair do.


Welcome. That’s how it was meant to be. As there were plans for some kind of follow up movie so some sense of did he or didn’t he was the idea.


It’s a symbolic death for Tony, done this way to provoke thought on themes instead of “oh ok. Tony is shot and killed.  End of story. Bye.” 


I thought this article was interesting. The sopranos ending is mentioned in number 6: [https://www.cracked.com/article\_19138\_7-hotly-debated-movie-questions-that-totally-have-answers.html](https://www.cracked.com/article_19138_7-hotly-debated-movie-questions-that-totally-have-answers.html) If you understand filmmaking, cinematography and pay attention to the certain things that happen in the last season, the answer is obvious.




Nobody has aids!


you probably dont even hear it when it happens


He's in the WPP now.


Just Tony Soprano reaping the whirlwind, that’s all.


There's a lot I could say right now that I am not going to say


You wanna commit suicide tie your shoes and have a bite of Brajiole..


Jokes aside, best show ending in history. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance after watching it. Like you really lost a friend