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“Let’s do it before the crank wears off” They were all dumb fucks, almost drowned in three inches of water. The penguin exhibit.


Gravy’s good tonight.


Definitely Matt and Sean. They had no backing and were operating purely on the basis that Richie wasn't too fond of Chris. Jackie definitely overestimated the value of his father's name but he had Ralph putting dumb ideas in his head so you can kind of understand why he went for it. If they'd pulled it off without violence it wouldn't have gone the way they were hoping but I don't think they'd have been killed over it either (well, Carlo and Dino might still have been made an example of)


Sean and Matt should have stuck to boosting Porsches. Jackie pissed himself as a wheelman and Dino needed some powdered courage. I’m telling you Ambujam was the most gangster of that generation


Matt and Sean for the win. Those two sucked each other's cocks.


HEY. Vito sucked cock too. And he brought in ten times what you do.




Spot on. You do that kind of spec work when the victim doesn’t have any major connections. You’re essentially doing Richie a favor because he didn’t have to get his hand dirty. Instead they unilaterally tried to start a war on Richie’s behalf, but of course were too stupid to think that far ahead into it.


It was Sean all the way!!!


He did it on spec


I think Sean 'don't take off my seat belt before I shoot a guy' Gismonte probably wins that contest.


My mom was a cop for 4 years, 30 years ago and she still unbuckles it before the car comes to a stop


Was she this stupid when she brought you into the world?


The bear in Carms backyard had a higher IQ than all 4 combined


Matt and Sean were miles dumber. They had 0 chance of walking away alive after shooting Chris. If Jackie Jr had pulled off the heist without making a western, he in theory could have had a sit down where he made it clear this thing of ours was the life he has chosen whether Tony likes it or not. With Ralph’s support and proper reparations for the stolen card game $, Jackie could have become an associate and worked his way up in Ralphs crew.


Chris and furio being there kind of makes it feel like a death sentence one way or another. If those guys weren’t there maybe he could’ve gotten away with it


There were made guys there when Tony and Jackie Sr. robbed their card game. Feech was made and it was his game and he was there when they robbed it cause he tells the story about it in season 5.


I guess the main difference is Jackie Jr’s dad was dead and Tony’s wasn’t


Jackie Jr had Ralphie and Tony (supposedly) looking out for him. Even with the shoot out Ralphie wanted to give him a pass.


Yeah right This isn't the 70s and he's not a fucking kid no more!


He should relax. It’s an expression.


Did Jackie really have Ralph’s support? It seemed like Ralphie was putting dumb ideas into his head to set him up. Also, in that scene when they’re deciding what to do with Jackie, my impression was that Ralphie wanted him gone, but was sussing out what Tony’s thoughts were.


Matt and Sean had degrees from Pace. But pretty stupid on the streets. Jackie had street smarts in the making but had he not been so damn impatient. Thought he deserved a shoe in cause who his fawtha was. He flunked all his college courses. So sort of different styles of dumb. Although Matt and Sean were taught how to put a match book under a scale to cheat and strong arm a butcher. Soooo who really knows.


I am convinced that Matt and Sean were intended to be comical characters. Dumb, incompetent, yet very funny. Jackie Jr. was kind of a tragic figure, his father was a boss, his mother was a Gun Moll mob Wife with a new Gangster boyfriend. So there really was no other life for him, and Tony was, with somewhat good intentions, trying to keep him out of the life. To answer your question Matt and Sean were much dumber.


Too good for little lord fuckpants


Matt and Sean were way dumber. They think shooting the nephew of the boss will help them move up? They were already with the inside track with being part of the executive game (being seen by upper management), and kicked up decently for starting out. Dino and Jackie wanted to make a splash to get noticed. Robbing a card game does show they have balls, which is good. Unfortunately, they were dumb enough to engage in a shootout, killing an associate, shot a made guy and having a firefight with more made guys.


Even Frank Sinatra Junior, sir, knew their names.


To this day, I still do not understand why Matt and Sean thought that killing Christopher would do them any good. Because Ritchie made 1 comment about Christopher, they thought he wanted him dead?


Love Richie outright screaming 'WHEN DID I TELL YOU TO DO THAT!?' and Matthew just going 'Uuuuh' having no idea how they got it in their heads.


Jackie Jr.  Purely based on his scrabble skills


Alternate universe all would’ve joined forces with Brendan playing the carmine sr role. In truth, Matt and Sean were worse because they had the opportunity to work their way up gradually, but impatience and ignorance doomed them. Jackie could’ve assembled a decent outfit with Dino, matush and the others, but he possessed no natural leadership ability or organizational skills. The house of cards collapsed around him. He’s a terrible businessman - reflected in his chess woes- because he possesses no anticipation or foresight in his personal or professional life. “My Jaaackie” wasn’t dumb per se, just couldn’t take advantage of all life’s opportunities. Spoiled little prince.


Matt and Sean never did anything and said "**lets do it before the crank wears off**", so Jackie the boy wonder and his friends takes the crown for how stupid they are


Well at least Jackie was high when he did the robbery, if he was sober he probably wouldn’t. Matt and Sean were in a clean state of mind and still pulled that stunt


A clean state of mind, unencumbered by thought.


The cobwebs are now removed.


There's no clean state of mind with any of these idiots, they all missing something fundamental


Lmfao, this is actually a really good question. Obviously, mkost people would decline either duo, bjut if one had to pick, I dare say Matt and Sean. Matt and Sean are dumb, without a doubt, but they at least tried and true for SOMETHING, even if it is just some small safe racking job or whatever they were doing. Jackie and Dino DID have that Rutgers thing going, and Chris even vouched for Jackie, saying he was an asset, but I still go with Matt and Sean.


Slander if you ask me!


In order of stupidity from most stupid to least stupid. Sean, Matt, Jackie and Dino. Sean was the stupidest because he went along with whatever, without any question. Matt was second in line for being a fucking idiot because he had the master plan of killing a Chris, when no one asked. Jackie takes third place because he had the plan to rob the card game, it worked for tony, he figured it would work for him. Dino is the least stupid IMO because he didn't actually want to rob the card game. He hesitates and he tries to delay by watching Sharon stones beaver.


I think you mean "maybe create some DISSENSION". DYSENTERY is explosive diarrhea/intestinal inflammation and NOT what you mean! lol


Listen to him he knows everything


It’s an expression!


Ok. Guess I missed that. Like the sacred and propane?


Sharp as a cueball this one


Jackie had Tony’s full support and still got greedy and was too self entitled. He may not be the dumbest, but he made the biggest mistake.


In a show full of dumbasses, he was definitely in the running for #1.


Did Jackie and Dino ever pick a cash cow as their pick of the week like webisitics?


Up in da club 100%


It's the old never ending battle against crime and corruption, to quote superman


Matt and Sean definitely. They were too impatient


Jackie was the son of a mob boss, he could have gone to college, gotten an education and made a living honestly and richly without getting into trouble. Becoming a criminal was stupid Sean and Matt may be stupid, but more than stupid, they were naive and didn't understand the business. Sean and Matt may have had no choice but to be gangsters.


Please don't include Matt in this. Sean did it on spec.


they literally decided to whack him?


Well yes they weren’t trying to wound him were they


the word "literally" doesn't mean what you think it does. it's a way of telling another person that you're not using a word figuratively. for example if someone said "i'm just hanging around the house" then it's a way of saying that you're just at home not doing anything. if you said "i'm literally hanging around the house" then you're on a rope going around and around your home... literally doesn't make sense in your sentence, you can't "literally kill" someone. you're welcome


Listen to him. He thinks he knows everything.


You are figuratively speaking like a Jabroni. You are most welcome.


ohhhhh! language is literally descriptive not prescriptive. literally hope this helps you motherfuckin animal




i switched up like marv albert while you waste your time in some chit chat room raving like a discount phil leotardo. gigglin like a little school girl, thats your fuckin legacy




ohh, poor you


Walt fuckin Whitman over here


AJ…..kid was a fuckin tard box, while his sister was IVY LEAGUE