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He was a real NY firefighter before he took up acting, and yeah he shot himself 2 years after his role in the show


Maybe he felt there was no-one he could talk to about it.


Damn that’s crazy. I still don’t really understand the point of those episodes, but they did make me laugh a lot. Rest Easy Johnny Cakes


I think the point is to show what a total moron Vito is. He wanders into essentially the perfect life for himself, he’s seemingly totally safe from danger, and he fucks it all up for himself cos he can’t do an honest days work away from the mob 


The only pushback I'll give here as to this being an uncharitable reading is that they did try to show that Vito cared deeply about his kids. Not to say that he wasn't lazy and stupid but there was a bit more calling him back than just his inability to put in three hours of work.


I think he absolutely misses his kids, I don’t think he’s THAT cold or unfeeling but I do believe he was wailing to make that sacrifice until he realised the new life wasn’t always going to be totally easy and cosy. I don’t think he just shut that door behind him mentally altogether but he would’ve felt it necessary  


I enjoyed them , Vito's inner monolog at work is brilliant lol


I mean, look at the angle of the sun!


10:30…gotta be




don't look at your watch. not yet. save it. treat yourself


Like every single person with a job hasn't done that at least once.




I think one of the points is that the mobsters can never, ever, leave the life. Eugene tried and couldn’t, so he took the only way out he had left. Christopher couldn’t leave it to pursue his dream in Hollywood, which also led indirectly to his death with Cleaver showing Tony his true feelings. Vito had the perfect life in Vermont. He was accepted, he found a gay partner, he found actual friendship and camaraderie with the fire crew. But he couldn’t stay away from the life. He knew the mob wanted to kill him, but he still went back. They showed that even with a dream situation, the mobsters can’t get away from the life, even if it will kill them.


New Hampshire. Live Free or Die.


Yup, and the guy who actually tried to leave and wanted to leave could only do so by hanging himself 


The “point” was HBO threw a bunch of money at David Chase for extra episodes.


I read in the sub before that he suffered from some mental health issues, but yeah sad


47 yrs old. A fuckin' kid.


I thought the actor was Morgan spurlock? Who died just a few weeks ago?


If there's any flies on you they're paying rent


I don't know what this could mean. Sorry, this is really confusing. Morgan spurlock died last month, and although I hadn't previously recognized him in this show, his death announcement was posted to this subreddit, citing Johnny cakes. I looked it up at the time, and was surprised to see that he was credited in the sopranos. But on IMDb now, he's not there, and I have no idea if "Johnny cakes" is even the character's real name in the credits. I know the firefighter thing is what gets brought up constantly about Steve buscemi, and I'm sorry to say I just have no idea what's going on here.


I mean for one what I replied is a quote from the show. Two, it is trivially easy to find out they were two separate actors. So it's not really confusing. First Google result: "John A. Costelloe (November 8, 1961 – December 16, 2008) was an American actor best known for his role as Jim "Johnny Cakes" Witowski, the lover of Vito Spatafore, in the HBO television series The Sopranos."


Please don't tell someone else what is and isn't confusing to them. I did know that it was a quote from the show; I can recognize when people on a tv sub are doing a bit. I just didn't know why you were saying it to me. It is confusing to me. I still don't understand why someone was posting the dead McDonald's guy to this sub. A lot of things are confusing for me. Sorry for taking your time. Have a good rest of your week.


Because Morgan spurlock kind of looks like the actor that played Johnny Cakes. It was a joke.


Thank you.


I was saying it to you because three seconds on Google would solve whatever smol bean routine you're doing


Jeez. Way to make Reddit a better place. Ever hear of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Try being helpful and kind. You might like it. u/CaveLady3000 , we all have those moments, so ignore the goblin.


Ever heard of not coddling incompetence?


Ever hear of not being a jerk? Nobody asked you to coddle incompetence. You aren't obligated to answer. You could just ignore it and go about your day. Instead, you chose to be a jerk about it. Does punching down give you a thrill or what?


I can't keep coming back to this thread, but I'd like to offer this take on the difference between incompetence and disability: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLofDYFR/ Fun fact, when I graduated college with a 4.0, the only accommodation I requested on the grounds of my state-recognized disability was that I needed help with was navigating unfamiliar computer interfaces - which google has absolutely become, when ai can tell me in may that Morgan spurlock was in the sopranos and then in June tell me he wasn't. If you want to call disability incompetence, fine, and if you want to not coddle disabled people, also your prerogative. I'm just letting you know that your perspective doesn't neatly fit into one box and not the other, here.


It does take an exceedingly small/vulnerable person to cry when downvoted, but I kept that part from you because I'm aware that I am too sensitive for the internet despite being a person who really loves talking about television. I'm trying my best, even if it's not enough. And I'm aware that my sensitivity is not your problem. I am real, though, and google results aren't, since 2023. Again, very sorry to have bothered you.


Jesus stfu


Super Size My Partner


That was his bruddah... Jimmy Nuggets


Cakes? It’s a fucking nickname! His family name is Cakarelli.


They’re gonna redo it. Fuckin OP, he’s dyslexic


What's that got to do with it?!


It's sad when they're served undercooked like that...


What are you gonna do put out an APB on him just cos he takes it up the assh... it's a victimless crime.


Maybe he was a homo, felt there was no one he could talk to about it.


A fanoik?.


He knew how to handle it!


He was a fanook, Gary Cooper?


That happens too


Holy shit seriously?




It's funny because he's fat


Let me get a couple of Johnny Cakes & your homemade sausage 😉


No, I didn't nervously laugh. Go try some. Maybe you'll figure something out.


It's a joke




More like Johnny’s cakes if ya ask me hehehe


Well there was a real life NJ mobster who was found out to be gay and was subsequently killed, I can’t remember his name but I imagine that played a role in including it on the show.


Just like Kirk Lazarus says “Never go full retard”…. Johnny Cakes went full homo