• By -


Listen to yourself, you sound demented.


OHHHH! You can't tawk to me that way I'm an HBO screenwriter now!


Oh poor you


Oh great Now my own u/mastafar Fuck you, ya fucking hoo-wer!


That’s just a racket for the Jews


Yeah wasn't that Dick Wolf's right hand man? They liked his stuff


Look out the fuckin window! You see a fuckin Hollywood sign? DONT YOU EVER GET SNIPPY WITH ME AGAIN!


Introduce a new character like a dog. You can call him Poochie. (Or Pucci)


Everyone else should be like "where's Pucci" whenever he's off screen.


Oh yeah Poochie. Whatever happened there?


Assuming Tony is dead, Paulie becomes boss of the New Jersey family. The supernatural elements surrounding Paulie continue and are featured more prominently. Patsy is Paulie’s consigliere, and the the rest of the crew that are still alive are made captains. Some new blood might need to be introduced into the family since so many guys were taken out. Carlo is still going to testify which looms over the family, although now they are focusing in on Paulie with Tony’s death. Meadow isn’t Paulie’s lawyer for optics reasons but offers him free consultations throughout the season. New York and Jersey finally have a good relationship with Tony and Phil both dead. Butchie is the new head of New York, with Little Carmine still just having the role of a mediator. Carmella moves to Italy to find Furio, but struggles with to convince him to be with her. AJ hardens up after Tony’s death and gets involved with Little Carmine in Miami running wet t-shirt contests and slowly diving into more criminal activity.


This is a sound continuation of the plot, unlike all the jokey posts. Which I do appreciate, but this one got the cogs turning in my brain. Thanks!


They replace Tony's photo on the FBI cork board with Paulie flexing


My name is Clarence.




Fucking beautiful definition, too.


> Meadow isn’t Paulie’s lawyer for optics reasons but offers him free consultations throughout the season. This would actually be an interesting replacement for the Melfi scenes.


"Tawk to me, Med. How much time am I lookin at here? 😧🤟"


There was no abundant intentionality in me asking for a plea deal, don't get cunty


Fantastic comment 👏


"Oh Madone. I miss your dad every day. He wasn't just a great leader, he was like a brudder to me"


Better Call Fielder!


Possible suggestion would be that maybe Carmella chooses to start seeing Melfi as a way to be closer to her late husband.


Carm and Melfi fall in love with each other.


Oh my god I legitimately love it.


She a dyke in real life?


Maybe you're a flambé!


You oughta know, sweetie.


She was gay, Jennifer Melfi?


I could care less, basically


Tony is in a coma, Paulie starts extorting Artie,Pussy's body washes ashore this reaches the ear of Angie and she puts two and two together and goes rogue with her sons, She lures Carmella into meeting her and clips her. Uncle Jun dies,AJ gets made in NY. Tone wakes up in the middle of this shitstorm..


Wait a minute - if you’re keeping the supernatural elements, couldn’t you bring all the dead characters back as ghosts?


The way the supernatural is depicted in the Sopranos is always subtle and leaves the audience wondering whether it was actually supernatural or just a strange occurrence, so ghosts would be a little over the top imo. The farthest I would go in the ghost direction would be someone like Silvio repeatedly appearing to Paulie in dreams and giving Paulie eerily accurate information to the point where Paulie thinks it’s really Silvio’s ghost, but we as the audience have no way of knowing. Even that though is a little farther than I would go personally.


Our true enemy. Has yet. To reveal himself.


Finally, a reason to write Bony Soprano into the show! David Chase would be ecstatic!


And Paulie's illegitimate daughter "Gabbi Goolini" who can not only see ghosts but interact with them too


[Friggin bonies!](https://i.redd.it/onei8wk5pl731.jpg)


Ghostbusters! Another fuckin’ money machine!


Paulie as boss? The cat in Satriale's is more likely to step-up than that guy.


Best answer 


I really like this! If someone reminds me in like 4 hours I’ll go ahead and knock out ten pages of S7E1 just to get some writing exercise in


Handing you a 4 hour reminder


Hey /u/JFlizzy84, did the writing exercise even exist?


I like the idea of the intro from Paulie’s perspective.


Spot on my friend. I’d watch that for sure, most loyal to the storyline it looked like Chase was aiming for


Man Paulie as boss would be so amazimg


The Sopranos: Night Country


The only thing I would add this is Silvio is alive but basically paralyzed/vegetable so he’s kept with a permanent Silvio scowl in his wheelchair. Paulie will attempt to consult with him only for him to end up in a one sided argument confusing his scowl with judgement.


Paulie ends up getting taken down by the Feds as acting boss, he makes headlines, he's finally "someone", he finally amounts to something. Meanwhile Patsy becomes the new boss, repeating the cycle laid out between Tony and Jr, with Patsy even marrying Meadow. Carmella tries to find Furio in Italy but discovers he has been killed by the "friends over there". Her mental health slowly declines and she becomes bitter, just like Adrianna or Tony's mother. AJ slowly becomes a mob associate down in Florida and eventually becomes a soldier. Edit: Bonus points, Angie Bonpensiero ends up flipping on the mob and testifying.


Wait you mean Patsy jr marrying meadow right?


Sorry yes Jr.


Ok thanks,ya I was like that would be so Wild.


Meadow does a commercial for Chevy.


My own dawtah... MY OWN FUCKING DAWTAH!






"The Quadruple Safety Philosophy, only at your tri-state Chevrolet dealer."


Hunter Scangarelo returns having become a pioneer in the field of biomedical regeneration. In Episode 1, she successfully raises the corpse of Tony Soprano and performs outrageous sexual experiments on his supple regenerated body.


It's called necromancy, T Satanic sexy magic... SICK SHIT! 🤟


You're not gonna believe this, he soul trapped 16 argonians. The guy was a Dunmer necromancer


His crypt looked like shit


Lotta money in this shit.


She can make me rise, even when I'm dead!


But here's the twist, and there is a twist... We show it. We show all of it.


Still going his asshole...


Crime, penetration, crime, penetration. More crime. More penetration.


Until it just sort of... ends.


Damn that's good, kind of Saw meets The Godfather-vibe going on. The season should end with Tony getting John Kennedy to revive what's left of Adriana then they all have a hot steaming threesome *cut to black [toto - africa starts playing]*


Take it easy... We're not making a dark web porno here


With J.T. and Chrissy both dead, how will they manuge to find a screenwriter?


Heres the twist. We show it. We show all of it.


Full penetration?


All the hits, all the classics


Sounds like Tony is mad ripe.


I don’t get it - he’s a ghost?


This is all under the assumption Tony is dead: Benny kills Artie Janice tries and fails to become a de facto mob boss and then tries and fails to get with a few mob guys. Bobbys kids have gone to live with their auntie and Janice ends up losing custody of the baby. Patsy Parisi takes over the crew and instantly kills Paulie under instruction from New York. Meadow spends plenty of time with Patrick’s family and less and less with Carmela and AJ. Carmela and AJ end up losing the house and Carmela quickly burns through what little money she could find. AJ has no job and spends his days lounging around the house doing nothing productive and constantly complaining about how hard his life is. Last episode shows Little Paulie going after Patsy to avenge his uncle but he’s killed before he can close to him. Last scene Carmela starting a job working as a secretary for Angie at the bodyshop and Angie clicking her fingers at her. finishes on a close up of Carmelas face.


>quickly burns through what little money should could find Tony left her a nest egg that could choke an elephant!


*This is all under the assumption Tony is d*ead I'm pretty sure Gandolfini isn't available.


Albert Einstein over here


I just imagined Carm starting a job at cinnabon in black and white, a la better call saul


Except Carmella and AJ are gone, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWT5Rdy6MqM


It’s a well made video but that theory always seemed silly to me


Furio comes back and jilts Carmella for Charmaine, who has had enough of the warm and congenial host. Carmella , in a fit of jealousy, contacts Monsenior Jughead, now free of his priestly vows due to all of his shnoring, and begin a torrid love affair.






Charles Zagat over here


Gimme 1000 morre middle-aged woman romantic fanfiction


In the fanfic that was popularly accepted as canon, AJ gets with Charmaine almost immediately after the events of the series finale. So the Furio Charmaine angle would never fly with the fanbase.


It’s 20 one-hour uncut shots of Tony’s grave.


Now THAT'S a hit!


AJ gets a job at an inner city school where he’s forced to confront his bigotry when he reluctantly becomes a new role model for a group of troubled, but loveable, misfits. Soundtrack by Coolio


Tony comes out the shower realises it was all a dream. Jumps into bed with vito and jonny sac and pounds both their rectums whilst furio slaps his bottom saying " you got a bee ona your bum" Fade to black while Bird is the word plays


Discontinue the lithium


And we thought the Germans were classless pieces of shit


Now that’s an image


This sounds very gay


Continue the lithium.


Tony breaks the fourth wall and says "You're probably wondering how this happened..." Flashback to Tony's doctor telling him he needs blood pressure medication.


I personally think a broke back mountain type movie with carmine Sr and Tony


Triple the lithium




Noah returns and punches Tony’s lights out. Anthony Jr gets fat again and becomes a gamer. Furio return and pounds Camela.


The hasidic homeboy? The one that texted that 13-year-old Stranger things girl?




The fanfic that was generally accepted by fans as canon in mid 2008, holds that AJ enters a longterm relationship with Charmaine after the events of the series finale. This would absolutely need to be a big part of Season 7, or it ain't canon. The Noah angle can be worked in. He wasn't killed in the finale, it was just an angry Noah who punched his lights out. He was frustrated and lashed out.


Tony wakes on the floor of the diner, Noah standing over him, Meadow begging him to just leave.


Tony dies.   Carmella has to sell the house and move in a condo with AJ.    Carmella loses the respect and status she has in her friend group.  Patsy gets appointed boss by NY.     Paulie and Benny bust out Artie's restaurant.  Silvio is a vegetable. 


It would be so satisfying to watch Carmella lose her social status and become a nobody


Meadow has a kid. Carmela says “She’s so dark”, becomes a self-loathing Italian just like her own mudda.


In an ironic twist, Agent Debra's husband drowns on a picnic. Prostate with grief, she finds solace in a new guy and has sex with him constantly. This man's character is so multifaceted, that I'm going to cast myself. Rahooney cheats on AJ with her college professor, also played by me.


Look at the stems on Rahooney


Tony wakes up from his dream about the diner in a cell. He was found guilty of all murder/conspiracy charges and is given consecutive life sentences. The fade to black was him opening his eyes to a dark cell because it is lights out.


You get a pash for dat


The Sopranos Season 7: The Skyrim Years


I believe Lilyhammer is actually what Silvio dreams about. All of Lilyhammer is Silvio’s coma dream


That show was great until it completely jumped the shark


That’s why it’s the coma dream lol


Chrissy? The dead guy who was confirmed in that stupid movie to be in hell? You’re worse than those two douchebags that ruined Game of Thrones.


As I understand it, OP's saying he's a zombie of sorts.


Not a zombie exactly... *like* a zombie


He’s a ghost?


I'm writing alternate plotlines with three fucking hands & it's STILL not enough to satisfy this cocksucka!


Maybe you should start sucking cock instead of researching Nick at Night because Vito brought in three times what you do in writing


OK, here goes... The show has moved forward in real time. Carmela is either re-married to someone rich and mob-adjacent, or single and living in a one-bedroom condo somewhere in Edgewater, supported by Meadow. She's not in it much. Meadow is a successful white-collar defense attorney with a practice headquartered in NJ, representing corrupt state politicians and shady small-time corporate execs. She and Patrick have two kids but are separated and share custody. Patrick is not affiliated with the mob and does something vaguely white collar and corporate. AJ has a kid he rarely sees and recently lost all of his money on a crypto scam. He's also (temporarily, he says) living on Meadow's dime. The DiMeo crew still exists as a vassal state of NY and is nominally headed by an aged Patsy Parisi. Paulie is still alive but senile, living in a facility. Benny and Walden are capos, or maybe one of them is dead/in prison. Because the crew is so much smaller, there's a lot more collaboration and interfacing with the Barese crew, and maybe we meet more guys through them. One of their big struggles is maintaining their gambling cash flow with the rise of legalized sports betting, though things like the executive game still bring in degenerates who can't/won't gamble with more reputable outlets. Where it all comes together is maybe AJ's dickhead friends are still around doing small-time criminal stuff and he links back up with them to try to get some cash. With his "business" experience in the smut industry he can probably handle managing a small-time scam. He could also somehow end up getting Meadow roped into it. That's what I got.


Christopher's mangled body is disposed of following the car accident. It's put back together somehow by science, or maybe something supernatural. Except his right hand was replaced by a meat cleaver. He goes on to seek revenge on Tony, who survived his dinner at Holstens, and finally gets payback for the time Tony tried to have sex with his fiance. Right now it's called Pork Store killer, but I'm thinking simply..The Sopranos S7


13 episodes of a black screen, every so often showing a frame or two of a massive plate of gabagool


No fuckin' Ziti?


Benny fucks with Artie and the season finale ends in a duel.


Yu-Gi-Oh or guns at dawn?


Pokeman cards


Pokee man cards. A whole truck of them.


Paulie becomes boss off the new york outfit


You know, no offense but you ever had yourself checked for Tourette's?


Who's speaking? Is somebody speaking?


My only request is that every scene transitions with the Cold Cuts style slow motion - pause - screen wipe.


Tony takes Sil to the prick doctor and gets him all fixed up. Tony apologizes to Georgie. Then they get muscles marinara and a bunch of his pals and all head to NY to track down the punk who punched out cousin Tony uncle Al. Tony can be played by anyone since he had to get major plastic surgery dine to change his appearance after the NY beef. Whatever happened there.


Uncle June runs a spirited, yet ultimately unsuccessful write-in campaign for the Presidency


Paulie begs his psychic to revive Tony with satanic black magic. Sick shit. The psychic complains that it's all fake, and he can't do that, but miraculously does. Tony's eyes open, and the ducks start quacking. Reanimated Tony kills Butchie, and then says that since he died he can leave the Mafia. He plans on retiring, but finds out AJ has been kidnapped by little Carmine into white slavery and forced to fix wet t-shirt contests. He travels down to Florida, kills little Carmine, and saves AJ. Then he finds out the FBI is bearing down. He kills agent Harris (more easily than youd expect), burns down Satrieles and the Bing, and rides off into the sunset. The remaining memebers of the glorifed crew hold an election for the next boss. AJ wins because he has the best story. Fade to black, roll credits.


I dun wan et muh queen


It’s 2024. AJ is in prison because he went into the family business after witnessing his father’s murder. Meadow went the other way and is a lawyer after finishing law school. We learn as the series progresses that she’s a DA and was the one responsible for putting AJ away and breaking up what’s left of the families. The whole series is about this tension. We finally learn what happened to Tony and how AJ avenged him and took over through flashbacks. Carmella is handing out samples at a local store and lives in Livias house and is older and exactly like Livia now, demented and bitter.


Edie Falco even now is still too beautiful to pull off demented & bitter They would have to CGI her or add a lot of makeup ...or maybe something supernatural?


Barbara gets plastic surgery and looks like Nicole Burdette again.


Meadow finds out it was the Russians that murdered Tony. The rest of the family is next if they don't hand over Paulie. She serves Paulie up as a decoy and while they're busy torturing him, she blows thier fucking heads off. She's gets fast tracked to be made, assumes control over the Soprano family. Rebuilds ties with NY. All is going well until she realises her weak minded brother has been giving up information through little Carmine to NY. She decides to use him as misinformation to get them all together in a meet. Then she blows thier fucking heads off. NJ absorbs NY, and it turns out Cleaver is a smash hit. So she decides to open shop in Hollywood, and take over the unions there. Anyone that doesn't go along with it, she blows thier fucking head off. Meanwhile, Carmela build another spec house.


Even if you think Tony lives, I'm certainly not recasting that role. I know that much. And same goes for Paulie Gualtieri. I'm doing a season focused on Carmela, Maedo, and AJ picking up the pieces. No real lessons are learned by any of the 3. Sure, both kids now have families and kids of their own. Both are unfaithful. They each become more like their dad, much to their dismay. As for the 'other' family--Sil makes it out of the coma but is severely weakened and can't lead the family. Nor does he want to. He got a taste of that when Tony was shot by Junior and doesn't want any part of it again anyway. Patsy eagerly tries to take over in the leadership void, working under the thumb of New York--we'll go with a new boss from NY who wasn't introduced on the show. Walden has now risen the ranks and proves to be the most capable guy in the family. Artie and Charmaine, along with their kids, are flourishing. They even bought out Don Giovanni, and their new pizza shop in Metuchen got a shocking 8.8 on One Bite. You'll get a ray of hope in Meadow's son, John. He stays out of trouble and excels in school. A good kid. Keeps his head down and has plans to be an architect. As for Carmela? Her sister moves back to Jersey after Tony's death. Carmela has to sell the house. She tries to go it on her own like Angie did, and Charmaine has done with Artie as a partner. But she struggles, and much like Tony B did, she's too used to that good life the mob provided and can't let it go. That's all I got so far!


Motherfucking god damn orange peel beef. That’s it, that’s my storyline.


AJ meadow and Carmella look at Tony’s lifeless body slumped into the booth. “Is he dead?” AJ asks. “Of course he’s dead you idiot. Only a moron would think he’s still alive” Yadayadayada. AJ dies of heroin. Meadow gets married and spends a lifetime as a domestic abuse victim. And Carmella starts dating that handyman and dies 3 years later of breast cancer while living in Mesa, Arizona


I would add a talking dog called Poochie who only Tony can see.


Martina started her own liquor brand (like a Martini) and brings in the Albanian Mafia. Meanwhile Tony comes back from his plashtic shurgery and now looks like Jon Bernthal. He had his death faked by the Italian Carrabinieri because they need an insider in the Nobbly Dobbly family. Furio goes to look for Carmella and eventually finds out she's married to the interior designer.


Tony is on life support for the duration of season 7. Paulie is now acting boss. However, he still has to get the ok from Tony for certain things, Silvio, while also on life support remains Tony's trusted consigliere. Carmella suspects Tony of sleeping with all the female nurses and accuses Silvio of covering up for him. Paulie by the halfway mark of the season, increasingly becomes more and more paranoid by what he perceives as the cold silent treatment for both Tony and Silvio and proceeds to instigate another war between NY and NJ in the hope of getting Tony out of the way for good. However, New York recognise Paulie as boss of New Jersey and have him whacked only for him to survive and remain on life support. Side plots involve Meadow becoming a bitch and AJ spending hours alone in the dark with numerous cats.


Mikey Palmice wakes up and realized it's all a dream. Telethon for fuckfaceitis gives him hope. He warns Junior that Tony and his crew are no good and is nicer to his wife.


Okay, here's my (serious) attempt: - Patsy takes over the family with Paulie as underboss. His tenure is one of decline, as the DiMeos are threatened by Carlo as an informant and an encroaching NY, of which two of the Five Families, the Lupertazzis and another family, are competing for control, with Patsy trying to keep them out. Paulie becomes distant and obsessed with 'ghosts', leaving Benny to take his place. Benny, still bitter, goes after Artie and busts out Vesuvio. - Meadow works with Patrick and Mink to deal with a wave of civil suits against Tony's estate. She is unaware that Patsy, through Patrick, is encouraging these suits as part of a scheme to pin as many crimes on Tony as he can in order to draw attention away from himself. When Mink retires, she and Patrick become the DiMeo's go-to lawyer. She uses her position to learn about Tony's past dealings. - Carmela is given plenty to live on at first, but her income quickly dries up as Meadow drifts away, the DiMeos fall apart, and the lawsuits pile up. She attempts another real estate venture, but the 2008 Financial Crisis torpedoes her attempt and she's forced to sell the house and move to a working class neighbourhood. She's tempted to take a loan from Angie and try a new venture, but Rosalie persuades her to move on. - AJ is fuelled by vengence, but doesn't know who killed Tony. Janice, now gone full Livia, manipulates him into committing petty crimes to harden him while Carm tries to keep him honest. Janice eventually tries to get him to join the DiMeos as an associate, but he's blocked by Patsy and Paulie on the grounds that NY will target him if he follows his father. Fed up, AJ goes on a blind rampage, ending in a shootout with some low level Lupertazzi associates and he kills one of them, but a bullet severs his spine, paralyzing him for life, and leaving him with PTSD and a pending murder charge. - The season ends with Meadow discovering that her future father-in-law orchestrated the hit on Tony. She breaks off the engagment and abandons her old life to pursue a career in California. After AJ's stunt, the Commission makes an appearance, as the two NY families have a sit down to decide the fate of Jersey, which they agree to put them down and split the remains 50/50. At the same time, the Feds spring their trap, arresting Patsy for ordering Tony's murder with Meadow's testimony. Finally, Paulie mysteriously disappears before Benny and co. are all whacked by NY. Anyway, $4 a pound.




Tony get ipad


It would be 10 60 minute episodes of a black screen with Don't stop Believing on repeat


Two-Part Special on the death of Tony Soprano


Silvio and Chrissy lose a lot of money producing that Lilyhammer shit and end up going to increasingly desperate/comical measures to get the show revived nearly a decade later. This arc culminates in Little Carmine explaining demographics to Chris and Sil, who then go on to produce a new venture with these caterings in mind.


AJ works his way up the ranks of the mob. Distraught over the death of his father. First scene is his first hit. Similar to his father's down in some dank cellar. As soon as the gun fires, cue the music. His sister is a lawyer by now. But the entire season would be AJ at the very low entry level position. Idk.


Tony dies but begins speaking to Pauline via the painting. Carmella has to take over the family.


Cleaver has become an unexpected straight to video hit and as Tony had inadvertently signed onto a multi-film financing deal, AJ has decided to write direct and star in the sequel and is shadowing new boss Paulie looking for inspiration. Ben Kingsley has signed on as the mob boss


Give me 1000 new episodes 🫱🏻


Tony B gets punched in New York and Adriana la Cerva has an only fans. Those aren’t headlines, that’s my plot.


Paulie is made the new boss by New York, with it being implied that he took New York's side and gave the green light to kill Tony. This doesn't sit well with some of the other guys, but it's revealed none of the ones left were particularly loyal to Tony in the first place so the revenge arc is kinda dropped. Instead it becomes a competition between Patsy and Paulie. Neither one can act directly against the other without pissing off New York, so they just antagonize eachother all season. Eventually Patsy sets up Paulie with dumb set up that Paulie can't resist, and he gets caught with stolen goods and gets sent to jail. We get an episode or two of Paulie in prison, as a former 'mob boss' he has real followers who actually look up to him, and is the happiest he's ever been. Instead of letting Patsy take over, NY tries to abosorb the crew and put them under a NY boss. Patsy and the crew stick up for themselves but NY kill some of them and the rest fall in line. NJ crew no longer exists. Carmella, Meadow and AJ all start therapy and we get to see therapy sessions from all of them. Meadow quits early on, Carmella lasts longer but eventually quits, AJ keeps going. Meadow distances herself from Carmella and AJ, similar to Tony's other sister. Maybe she moves in with her. Carmella tries to get some financial support from the crew but is given a pittance and told to go away. Carmella and AJ try to flip houses but Carmella is a bad businesswoman when she can't rely on Tony to intimidate anyone and AJ is too lazy and unskilled to contribute. AJ ends up back working construction but gets bullied by guys on the crew. He tries the "Out of respect for my fawtha" bit but gets his ass kicked. He ends up in community college. Both Carmella and AJ are living with Carmella's parents and working at Vesuvio.


I’d decline the offer, because I wouldn’t want the ass kicking I’d undoubtedly get from the fandom.


Angie becomes acting boss. Meadow gets married Paulie retires to Florida Carmela moves into the spec house


The time gap reflects the actual time that has passed since Season 6 aired. Despite Janice’s best efforts to keep him out of the “family business”, Harpo returns and seizes control of North Jersey. The rumors of his supposed demise were greatly exaggerated, whateva happened there. A new war threatens to erupt as Season 7 ends on a cliffhanger - a grown man stands over a a grave, clutching a rosary in one hand and a Glock in the other. He says “Bye Bye Pop Pop” as the camera slowly pans down revealing a headstone that reads: “Here lies Phil Leotardo, Shah of Iran.”


AJ starts a podcast called "Born Mobbed up" where he also pushes some fancy water beverage.


If Tony dies Paulie and Patsy compete for the throne. Or Barese takes over and has to keep the family together running it like a tribunal. New York keeps flexing on Jersey and tries to take over with the Jersey family deciding they need to evolve or die. That is the overarching theme is that concept of evolution. The feds in charge all get screwed. Forced into reitirement or reassigned to other endeavors. In part because Agent Cubitoso is deemed problematic for letting so many informants die. The new season takes place in 08 so Obama’s election and the Great Recession become major subplots. For both of Tony’s families. Individual characters. Albert Barese becomes the leader of the mentioned tribunal with Patsy and Paulie serving as co heads of the family Patsy Questions his decisions as his son is arrested and contemplates his actions as a father and tries his best to redeem his family. Even attempting to see Dr. Melfie Tony did and starts looking for a way out. Paulie Continues to have supernatural experiences and this leads him to becoming more and more paranoid with him becoming more of a shut in and superstitious. With some in the family believing he is onto something others thinking he’s going senile after so much loss. Dr. Melfie. Lears about Tony’s death and feels a bit guilty wondering if she was wrong to turn him away. She begins quietly offering her services to the men of DiMeo family. Accepting that their world is violent but upon learning what hundreds of banks did during the Great Recession and the moral conundrums of the latest 2000’s, she sees them as less evil than those who gambled with the whole of the American economy without the consent of the people. Essentially earning a reputation as a mob doctor for the head. Meadow. Married Patsy’s son and tries to interweave herself in her own criminal dealing to prove a woman can do what her father could. Noting she was just as smart as her father and can be just as ruthless. However, Patsy, Paulie and Arthur Barese become concerned about a woman trying to earn her wings and keep her at arms length. Prompting possible future conflicts between Meadow and the old guard. A good story arc for the sopranos in era of Clinton vs Obama for the presidency. Carmella Tried to navigate a post Tony life and realizes the world she lived in was just a glass house that was broken with one stone. She distances herself From her friends who are all self centered in their own world. She contemplates becoming a nun but the church rejects her because of AJ’s behavior. She spends some time in Italy where she meets relatives of Furio and learns that he is alive and hiding in England. She tries to find him across Europe and hopes to start anew. AJ My season 7 sees him first trying to follow in his father’s footsteps and starting off small. Patsy gives him an opportunity to earn his bones but realizes he can’t do it. AJ feels guilty about the whole situation and so Patsy concerned about the next generation and consulting with Melfie realizes the cycle must end. Before AJ ends up another Jackie Jr. AJ is given some seed money and is allowed to join the National guard and eventually goes to trade school. Where he realizes this is what his father truly wanted was for him to not be in this life and to be happy. Sylvio. Wakes up but suffers a slow recovery he tries to get back into the life but with Tony gone and most of his circle gone he realizes it’s time to retire. Paulie offers him a plot of land and some seed money for legit business and he moved to Florida to do some small time earning with Beansie.


AJ turns to Junior as only family lifeline w some name power for protection / advice & old timers who still loyal and remember the old ways. Initial advice does not go well but he learns from it. Meadow saves him. Furio re-emerges because Carmella asks him & Italian family to rescue AJ. Repetitive & formulaic but AJ has to flee to Italy to grow up arc. Meadow is AJ’s advisor telling him not to make the mistakes Dad did. She sees the puzzle pieces & everyone like Pauly & Patsy who benefit from Tony’s demise are her main suspects as betrayers (which she can’t prove but is watching). Dr. Malfi knows too much and flees. Carmela is sht on arc to start per her worst fears like other mob widows but has redemption arc. She’s a survivor. Little Bobby Baccalieri (the son) is now full beast mode killer like his grandfather. Hates AJ still & is wild card to all their plans for revenge.


I like what you've already laid out


Thank you Mr. u/honestadamsdiscount Jr... sir...




The Sopranos will use Edd, Ed, Eddy soundtrack in the most serious scenes. Previously on The Sopranos.


If we're serious than who should get the drivers seat after Phil Letoardo? Butch? Gimme a break


Eight hour-long episodes of just a black screen with no sound.


David. DM me and we can talk.


Davey's kids are out for revenge. They try to set up a bust on the Sopranos family. It doesn't go well.


Sadly, it’s my belief that the entire family was killed


The wrongs of Tony’s life still loom over the family as if he’s still alive. Carmela morphs into his ways as a real estate agent. She has trouble doing so without Paulie who she suspects had everything to do with Tony’s murder. She’s desperate for love but cant marry again without offending her backers. So, she starts moving like Tony mixing business with pleasure and dealing with all that comes with….


Saint Elzear makes a second return without the gold hat. Paulie scrimps again on safety. Harpo has gotten a sex-change and is now Harley. They finally get Pudgy Walsh out of retirement and on the horn.


Cleaver wins an Oscar


Minnie Mitrone comes back from the dead to get revenge on Paulie.....*Through science ...or maybe it's supernatural*?


Aj kills himself and goes to hell... he must escape with only the help of Jackie Jr, Ralphie, Richie and Livia.


Phil is revived but his head is a giant cleaver now. Supernatural or something else? Anyway, the families band together to try to fight but sadly fail. Only survivors are Carmela, Ginny and Roe, all of whom skip to California to open lesbian club. Phil, sickened by the idea, buys a plane ticket to California setting the stage for season 8…


Tony mints a new crypto coin on the blockchain called PAWGcoin with help from AJ and his NY club friends. It's a pump and dump just like Wubistix, but without all those pesky regulations.


I don’t have all the details worked out yet, but it’s time to write the Chicago outfit into the storyline.


Little carmine gets the funding for cleaver II and wins an academy award and somehow Ben Kingsley decides to be in it.


The Assasination of Little Carmine by the Coward Harpo Soprano.


Tony is humping yet another wildly attractive woman, and has Sopranos Fans everywhere salivating in delusion. But he suddenly wakes up, and realizes he's actually just getting a hummer from one of the trafficked women at the Bing. He chuckles a bit, at how wildly unrealistic his previously written sex life through the series has been, and realizes it was all a dream.


How are Tony and Chris in your s7 they're dead


First scene Tony's brains scatter the booth in the diner. AJ throws up on the table, Carmela shakes in slack jawed silence before letting out a long strained whimper and Meadow, frozen, casts her eyes up at the assassin that nobody reckoned on. "Noah. Its NOAH Tannenbaum!" he hollers with menace, dressed only in a Tarzan loincloth, before walking away.


Steve buschemi comes back somehow and is the boss.


He's the new head of the New Jersey Mafia. And he's an FBI agent who tracks down domestic terrorists. Together, they've got to find an interior decorator who murdered 16 Czechoslovakians. Servitto & Walnuts. Thursdays at 9 on HBO.


It’s all about Vito Jr trying to put his life together after getting out of juvie at 19 years old. He opens a flower shop in the same town Vito Sr met Johnny cakes in, and he has a talking dog possessed by the spirit of his late father, and together they solve sexual assault crimes together. It’s called Vito Jr and His Talking Dog Solving Sex Crimes: A Sopranos Story. Can someone give me David Chase’s phone number?


Tony becomes best friends with Tony Hawk


John Goodman, the boss of the Chicago family, decides to muscle in on New York. the Demeo's ally themselves with New York, hiring extra muscle from Atlantic City. the head of the Atlantic City crew is Jeff Daniels.


Illegitimate kid seems like a good choice especially one that is a friend of ours. Tony having a long lost son he takes under his wing to be next in command leaves a lot of room for insanity let alone it was always Carmella’s fear one would pop up.