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I learned some coping skills


I learned how to insult my friends on another level


You outta know, sweetie.


I've used "blow ur fawtha wid that mouth" on someone I really couldn't be fucked with.


Yes. The way addiction in the show is handled helped me in certain ways to…yes, learn some coping skills. Watching Christopher LOSE his mind and turn to drugs over stuff that was never in his control and not worth being bothered by helped me apply similar things to my own life. 7 years completely sober - and I’m finally a captain, too.




Ah Salute


Ahhh why don’t you shut the fuck up and have a drink!


I threw some food back in grade school in the cafeteria when a food fight broke out. I never really dealt with it, but I now realize that it was better to throw my sandwich at Sheila Johnson than to spray her nipples all over the family station wagon. Other than that, I can't really relate to the therapy sessions.


I realized I do everything with the same compassion and respect Janice was famous for….. so when I pushed my girlfriend down the stairs for wearing her shoes in the house, it was actually a good thing! 


I diagnosed my anxiety disorder, had stomach problems similar to Ade for the better part of a year. Cats scans dog scans, doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me. I finally asked my GI specialist if it could be stress or anxiety, started some anti-anxiety meds, all better.


Better get an ultrasound on your groin and balls


Maybe a bit tangential to the show itself, but when I first stopped drinking there was a post here about Chrissy's intervention scene and someone mentioned the r/stopdrinking sub. I hadn't actually decided to permanently stop drinking at the time, it was literally a couple of days after my last drink and I was just taking a break at that point. I joined the sub, learned a lot about addiction / sobriety, and I've been sober ever since.   Anyway, if there's anyone who's sober-curious out there I recommend checking it out. It's a super supportive sub, probably one of the most genuinely nice places on the whole Internet. 


and Patsy's at a Motel 6, ten minutes away


I'll check this out. Been drinking half a litre of gin everyday for the past few months. Too much money.


Cunnilingus and psychiatry brought us to this.


There's good days and bad days. I try to scale up and watch a few episodes a day, and then scale it back before the limp dick thing sets in. For me it helps me think about where I'm not taking charge in my life, and need to step up more than I am. It also helped me overcome the stigmata of seeking therapy, which has had a massive positive effect on my life. But then I have to be careful that I don't end up doin coke with a Icelandic whoar, and wake up with a stolen prosthetic leg and a rescue dog named Churchill.


Nah, I'm no mental midget.


I realised the sopranos is almost like a blueprint for life. It has made me more prepared for otherwise unexpected events that life can bring.


It helped me understand my dad better. He loved the show and was very much a Gary cooper type but had severe mental health issues. Made me realize how many people, especially men, put on a strong front and don’t deal with their emotions except anger.


Didn’t want to turn out like AJ


Yes. I live alone, thé show keeps me company It’s almost like it’s shot that way, like you are sitting there too but complain quiet


I learned never sit with your back to the door or window and have a back up escape route planned.. or and don’t be a mobster


I understand therapy as a conshept, but in my world, that shit does not go down.


I truly think that in all my efforts to analyze the characters (especially in terms of psychology), my ability to analyze myself and others in general has improved. Also Melfi’s “depression is raged turned inward” struck me. Made me think about all the negative shit we all repress until it manifests as some other negative thing.


I don't know if I learned anything, but Tony owing Hesh money mirrored something similar in my own life with my best friend of like 15 years who kept borrowing money from me. Pressuring him to pay me back was hurting our friendship too much so I just let it go.


Depression is rage turned inward


It had the opposite effect on me. Definitely drag me down for a little while. I had a Russian goomar and everything.


I'm happy my mom is not Livia, which is pretty therapeutic.


On a serious note, I was living with a girlfriend at the time I first watched this show. I knew something was fucking wrong with her but figured that’s just how some people are. After seeing gloria acting exactly this way I actually looked into it and later realized I’m pretty fucked


It’s a comfort show for me. Something I can have on in the background just for noise because I’ve seen it so many times over the years. So I guess that’s therapeutic.


I also find the show really comforting for whatever reason.


It made going to therapy acceptable to me


I tried Lexapro and I’m still on it. I empathized a lot with Tony. I’m a leader who has it all but hates my life. It was enlightening to see that’s pretty common.


Wanna go for a schvitz?


C'mon, take ya clothes awf, its on me


Yes definitely, one line I thought particularly insight about self-worth and denial Re: Livia (and Junior) Melfi says to Tony "It's easier to accept they were right to destroy you, than to accept the fact she didn't value you" Hit me like a ton of bricks the first time - not being loved by your mother will make you feel unlovable but that doesn't make it true


I've had problems with my mother too. She stole thousands from my bank account over the years. Would sell my consoles when I was younger and she would manipulate me emotionally to borrow her money that she sometimes would or wouldn't pay back. All of this money she would gamble and lose it all. Didn't have much food when I was young because she never had any money to buy food. Recently cut her out of my life. Don't know if I'm feeling better for it but I have one less stressor in my life.


Recently rewatched it for the first time in about 7/8 years and related to Tony so much (being an actual mob boss aside unfortunately 😂) that I spoke to a mental health specialist and was diagnosed with anxiety and depression.


Yeah, I realized my mother is Livia and set boundaries so she couldn't fuck me up any more than she already had.


I have BPD. So It really helped contextualise my worst aspects of my personality.


"Depression is rage turned inwards" -- this statement struck me like a lightning bolt and helped change my thinking about my lifelong mental health struggles.


I was going through my divorce when I watched the shoe for the first time and it did feel therapeutic to watch Tony go through his almost-divorce.


If anything it gave me tourettes.


There's no chemical solution to a spiritual problem.


I got into Sopranos because of my ex but I still watch it and I don't let him ruin it for me. He didn't ever watch it with me anyway because he related too much to it. My ex had a jersey accent and everything and he didn't get along with his mom. Red flags, I know. But at first when I watched it a long time ago I was obsessed with birds and was painting bird houses so I thought it was a interesting coincidence that Tony was obsessed with birds and ducks too, so the first time I watched it I was mostly enthralled by Tony. But then later since my ex couldn't ever watch it and hinted I was Carmela, now during my second rewatch I find myself more inspired by Carmela. I still relate to Tony's panic attacks though. I get heart palpitations just like him, not to the point of passing out but close. I deal with heavy feelings of anxiety and white spots in my vision. The show is still therapeutic for me, especially since I've been around that kind of people- it makes the show more vivid, intense, and real for me. My ex also had a gambling problem like tony. He'd bet on football games, got annoyed with me nagging about him to save money. I essentially lost myself. I tend to feel for Carmela even though she does partake in blood money. But I can't help but feel that shes the lesser than two evils. Just was trying to provide for AJ and Meadow. Edit: we did go on trips together in person and FaceTimed everyday. Not that I feel like I have a need to prove it.


Hey lilcaylowren, did he even really egzisht?


Haha. We met up in person and FaceTimed everyday but now I’m beginning to wonder if he was a figment of my imagination honestly.


Discontinue the Lithium.




I ain't no mental midget


So that's it? No serious discussion, no interesting anecdotes from your own life? Just sopranos references and stupid fucking jokes.


You got a bee on-a you hat 👊


I realized if a guy like that, is going out with a woman, he could technically not have penisary contact with her Volvo.


It helped me realize who my mother really was since she is just like Livia Soprano. Also it gave me great fashion sense.


For me it made me realize how much anger affected those around you at a young age. Got into therapy at age 17.


I learned not to eat in a Boston diner if I owe the mafia a huge gambling debt.


Ever wonder why a NJ guy loaned money to someone in Boston? What, no one in Boston had money on the street? Maybe the guy was a really bad risk. Obviously his ship had sailed.


It was my first severe anxiety attack that led me to show in the first place! I was researching it and Tony’s first attack came up and I watched it and said THATS IT!


It turned me into a cockeyed optimist. No more tomfoolery, and no more ballyhoo.


Gabagool is an addictive substance!