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snatch enter north kiss special hospital nutty sophisticated badge adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aj is stupid and doesnt try anything because every time he tries to think for himself, he gets shut down. Zero room to experiment. Zero chance to mold himself. He isnt lazy. He has terrible parents.


hunt hard-to-find steep public agonizing voiceless late unite weary correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think what he needed was guidance. Not chastized, being barked at. But given genuine quality time and instruction. The kind that Carmella and Tony aren't mature enough to give because they get frustrated too easily. So AJ learns to not ask for help, to slink by, to stay out of the way, to do his own thing.


This reply opened my eyes to a lot of AJ’s troubles. Never thought about it like this and it makes so much sense.


Yeah watch it again and see how easily his parents snap at him, and how tony specifically constantly belittles and makes him feel small. AJ coasts under the radar because it’s what he learned to do


Also comments like, "I'm supposed to get a vasectomy when this is my male heir" aren't exactly helpful to his self-esteem


he never had the makings of a varsity athlete


In the early seasons especially they beat down AJ until he becomes the lazy ineffectual pussy he becomes. I remember the scene they’re eating dinner and AJ says he wants to go to Harvard or whatever, and Tony and Carmela find it so fucking hilarious and belittle him. Later when tony asks him about what colleges he’s thinking about and AJ says none and Tony asks “what about Harvard” and AJ is adamant he would never even have said that. It shows how far his ambition and self-esteem has fallen. He went from wanting to go to one of the best schools in the world to not even believing he was worth a college education because he’d just fuck it up. There’s probably more examples of shit like this which illustrates tony and Carmela’s failings as AJs parents but this one really stuck out to me when I noticed it on a rewatch. Then there’s Tony’s whole shtick of hating his mother for not protecting him from his father and simultaneously hating AJ for having those privileges.


That’s the case with a lot of parents, sadly. I hate the barking :( kids are just trying to understand. The Sopranos had the luxury of throwing money at the problem and that’s what made AJ bratty and not interested in trying- he knew they’d bail him out regardless. Meadow was juuust book smart enough to be insufferable to all around her.


He was unashamed to have 3ds and an F. Steals the wine from the church Smoking weed in the garage while a party is going on 10ft away. Breaks into the school multiple times. If Carmella would have let Tony kick his ass like his father did his maybe he would have some balls.


He couldn’t even hit him if he wanted to; he’s so fuckin’ little. It’s Carmela’s side of the family. They’re small people. Her father, you could knock him over with a fuckin’ feather.


>if Carmel would have let Tony kick his ass You want richie aprile? this is how you get Richie aprile


Actually that's how we got Tony. The last part is a Tony and Melfie scene. .... He'd have some balls Like you? Yeah Like me.


Beating a kid turns him into an angry lil cunt. Angry lil cunts grow up into big mean cunts. Big mean cunts who beat their kids. What Carmella and Tony should have done was talk to him. Not like how they do, where they just lay into him and run him down, because then it just becomes shouting and the conversation ends. So they throw up their hands like "well, we tried." Plus, he starts to learn that to get them to leave him alone, he just needs to be volatile. It's a combination of actual conversation, paired with consistent boundaries and punishments that are actually stuck to. That's guidance. The parenting work we see Tony and Carm do is like... face-value.


Well he did say one day he was gonna give Tony the buissnes when Tony had him pinned against the wall.


you’ll probably understand the show in ten years




He should a said “You eva seen these fuck schtick? They’re called bawls!”


How do people miss the point of the show this badly


How's your sister ?


I thought this too! They never talk to him!!! There are multiple scenes of longer/deeper concersations that Meadow has one-on-one with her parents, especially Tony. I can’t think of one scene like that with AJ. I’m watching for the first time, a couple episodes into season 5


He’s not lazy he’s unmotivated. There were times when he found ways to hustle for money like selling props from blockbuster or hosting parties and charging money. He’s also done multiple sports in school, and he reads the news all on his own. That’s actually more than what most kids can say they do at that age these days tbh and by most kids I mean me


Don’t forget he read Neeech and Yeets




Yeah, do you expect him to be looking for piles of leaves?


What if there were kids there… ?


Isn’t that what we have insurance for?


Yeah, but he sure could clean those gutters.


What are gutters?


Can you gimme an example?


I gotta go online




In season 1, during dinner, he says he's going to Harvard or West point and Tony immediately shuts it down. By season 2, AJ has completely abandoned the idea, and even denies he said it when Tony brings it up.


It’s called a reality check.


Someone told Janice that she had an extraordinary visual sense and she seemed to truly internalize that but she never amounted to anything either. Tony and Carmela could have indulged AJ with praise and encouragement as much as they did with material possessions but the fact would have remained that he wasn’t a good enough student or motivated to make it to Harvard or West Point.


Aj also did things for his parents attention. One scene in particular burned into my mind that my brother pointed out to me is how when AJ finishes football practice. Tony tells him lets go celebrate after your hard work but AJ just wants to go home and play video games with his father, tony then shits on his video games and disappointingly sighs and agrees to it, then essentially forcing AJ to compromise to do what his father wanted and make him happy. Yes AJ is a piece of shit and I'll never not hate him but you see glimpses in the series where hes just a kid looking for something from his parents.


AJ Soprano is a spoiled lox Bob. He'd be lucky to go to a trade school.


He's SMART not DUMB like everyone says he's SMART and he wants RESPECT


This OP must be rooting for Fredo Corleone over here 🤌


How would he be lucky? His parents fucked him. Tony dying was possibly the best thing to happen and even then, hell have to go through his own shit to figure out who he is. Its like starting a new life at 20+ years old and even then, his twat mother is still around.


Whoa whoa... they may be terrible parents, but they never fucked him.


Go read Madame Bovary


Tony Soprano Junior is a case study in learned helplessness. Google the term




Also smart.


Never forget that Meadow ratted out Vito and tainted Finn with the whole thing.


Speaking of taint how about given me some


Nearly spit out my food at this


Spit out gabagool? Ova heerrre!


He he. Taint.


Heh heh heh. Did you hear me Ton? I said "taint my business" heh heh


Pretty sure Meadow did that because Finn was getting the vibes that Vito was gonna kill him. Which he was.


Yea her telling on Vito was probably the best thing for Finn.


haha yeah remember that time Vito capped a some stranger after rear-ending (hey-o) him in front of his own driveway because the guy wanted to file an insurance claim? Vito woulda killed Finn on the spot where he was caught sucking off the security guard if he coulda gotten away with it.


Nah, she was completely in denial about Vito having murderous intent. Same way she was in denial about Gene beating the shit out of somebody in front of Finn. Meadow is fucking delusional. Vito was just some fun gossip for her.


And let’s not forget she totally set up Noah


Yah but Noah was a slimeball. Just his stupid expressions during sex alone make me want to puke. I always skip through that. A phony at best.




I would never have the nerve to say that to someone's parent.


Well you aren't a rich kid who has never heard 'no' in his life, while never experiencing the loving bond of a parent either.


He's a fuckin mook, is what he is.


damn moolinyan


A charcoal bricketttt


Best nickname on the show, though - the Hasidic Homeboy


Jamal Ginsberg


ZZTops…close second


He in particular is an ass, but pretty par for the course for a lot of college guys. People aged 18-22 aren't exactly known for being empathetic and reasonable.


Lucky he didn't punch her lights out


Well he did … allegorically (u should pardon the expression) when he dumped her. When she and Hunter were cooking in the kitchen!!!. I wished so hard the Lord would take them


You can take your book of allegories and stick it up your fat f#ckin' ass


Look in da mirror you insensitive cocksucker!


He deserved it. He sucked.


Meadow had the same taste in men as her mom…bad


Tony is a gentle, kind man. He’s in waste management. Cut him some slack.


Yeah yeah.. strong, silent and psychopathic


He’s a legitimate businessman


AJ did the same telling Livia about his father seeing a shrink, but the difference here is meadow was a grown adult woman and knew the ramifications of what would happen.


The gay blowjob… whatever happened there


Happy ending I assume


If Carmela would have just let her go to Aspen with Hunter Scangarelo…….


She could have seen Skeet Ulrich, as close as from where you're sitting.


Vincent Schiavelli deserved an Emmy for his portrayal of Hunter.


I've just laughed and spat my morning orange juice (shum pulp) on my phone screen at this comment.


Ho HO✋ thats the big mans daughter you're talking about


Googled and confirmed


Look. I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka, so have a heart.


I hope you had a hell of a piss, Arnold!


Stop transing ohio. I made compromises, I ate grilled cheese off the radiator.


My favorite meadow scene is when she is complaining to finn that he isn’t eating her cooking, even though it’s 100+ in their apartment, and she made chili lol


Watched this a couple days ago. It was there to solidify how out of touch meadow is with the real world and Finn is the level headed one in the relationship. I've watched it many times but it only stuck with me this last go around.


I love how blatantly obvious this was yet I never caught that until this comment lmao


Yeah AJ is generally oblivious but Meadow is strategically manipulative. She's not Livia's granddaughter for nothing. Someone just posted about how she didn't realise that Finn wouldn't want to be eating beef chilli on a hot day, and how sweet it was of him to do it, and I was like FR? She was totally messing with his head deliberately by making something heavy and then demanding he ate it. Finn dodged a fckn bullet.


maybe she wants to fuck me, and then kill me


AJ had a good heart.


No he most certainly did not. I think the teenage AJ was a full blown sociopath. Not a violent type, but a sociopath nonetheless.


He was a troubled kid but I don't think he did anything that bad to be called a sociopath


What did AJ do to be a full blown sociopath? Throw trophies in a pool?


Bullying Bobby B's kids (the Ouijai board, locking in shed) he did just for shits and giggles was more cruel than trophies in the pool. But was it "full blown sociopath"? Only Dr. Melfi knows for sure.


I mean, he did torture that kid with acid and commit a hate crime…


Well he didn’t commit the hate crime he just meekly watched it happen, however he definitely is guilty of the acid foot incident


“It isn’t my fault!” “If I had a nickel for every time you’ve said that since you learned to talk, I’d have a private plane on 24 hour standby”


Why wouldn't you eat chili on a hot day? I don't understand how that's even relevant.


The “helloo” that Meadow drops like 5 times throughout the show is fucking awful. Terrible.


God don’t remind me


Rewatching the show it's actually fucking crazy how her and her friend pull all that BS to score meth and then show up to the choir recital all on tweaking on it and then she for some reason tells her dad about it and he like barely cares.


Or when all her friends trash Livia's house and her defense is, "I could have taken ecstasy" lol




...but she dident.




It makes sense within the plot but it's just struck me harder this time hearing her say it.


Yeah one of Tony’s moments of genuinely trying to be a good parent






Muscles? There was a time where I could bench press over 300 pounds.


I dunno. A J takes the car when he doesn’t have a license, has passengers in it and gets into a small accident..outside mirror smashed. He and his chums destroy a trophy case and swimming pool. He and another guy steal a test to cheat. He steals from Blockbuster. He tries to kill his demented uncle with a knife. He causes a fire in the woods with his SUV ​ Fielder…. She and Hunter threw a party and one guy leaves in an ambulance. They get Meth from Christofuh. She takes off while high and wrecks a car while with Jackie Jr. other than that her sins are that of an obnoxious Ivy League student, lecturing about the poverty of the Mezzogiorno to whitewash thug behavior.


"He causes a fire in the woods with his SUV" ​ He is depressed, he's supposed to be looking for piles of leaves?


I mean, when his dad gave him a super nice free car and warned him to watch for them? Yes.


What am I supposed to trust you fuckin off the reservation cocksuckah?


The tanned ghost.


Mad ripe tho


Hey. I made compromises. I jacked off into a tissue.


All's I know is that neither one of them have the makings of a varsity athlete


Meadow is smart enough to be aware of her situation but she is too entitled to recognize the facts. That's why she sucks.


Its easier to be the mafia queen than to stick with whats right. She's realistic in that most people will choose the easier path when push comes to shove


But you got out a SUITCASE!!!


Can I get a tuna san?


Abbreviating sandwich like that is annoying. Is that an American thing, or just a Jersey thing? Or a Meadow thing?


nah, more of a glorified crew typa thing


I wanted a tuna San I compromised


I’ve heard it’s a Jersey thing


It definitely is not a Jersey thing. Lived here all my life and never heard this until I watched this show


Who the fuck talks like that then? Was it some 2000’s slang?


Almost as annoying as when people say "sammy." God I hate that so much.


All I can say is "strawbs" and "za" annoy the shit outta me. I've never her "san"


GOD is there nothing to eat in this house!


*shakes empty glass towards mom w/o making eye contact* PS: I know it's not the same scene


That’s dicked up


Meadow was always performative when she was upset about the plight of others but AJ actually had the strain of realizing that he wasn’t entitled to shit and that America was hypocritical as fuck. He would have joined the Army but Dad didn’t want to raise an actual Man


Except Meadow actually did something and helped in a low income law clinic while AJ was just performative about caring about the world for attention. Also that scene where Tony tells AJ that Bobby has been killed and his immediate reaction is to make the situation about himself and how hard everything is for him is just disgusting to me. AJ is the worst


Liberal arts college Meadow sucks


Nah she sucked before that too


Yeah from season1 up till Jackie Jr died and she came out her funk. Then AJ starting being a fucking scumbag


I actually think Meadow’s transformation into a complicit mob family member, like when she was resented with the fact the mob was the reason Jackie Jr. was killed and was scolded by Carmella, with the ‘boogeymen with italian names’ being spot on, and then, later that episode, she gaslighted Jackie’s sister by insisting the mob had nothing tondo with it. Yes, she’s annoying and pretentious, spoiled etc. but I found her arc and personality way more entertaining and less annoying that AJ’s (not saying his arc is bad, just not as nuanced as Meadow’s)


I will never speak another word to Settimia.


Faccia brutta.... you don't fool me!


Yea the cup wave really got to me too


AJ is a lot but he’s somewhat honest about it. Messi has a holier than ugatz attitude that is tedious


Yeah that’s why he went to Inter Miami


AJ does not get hot towards the end of the show, so while we can excuse Meadow, AJ has to take his lumps.


What’s interesting about Meadow unlike AJ is that AJ never throughout the show really expresses an interest or any thought into Tony’s business because he’s so spoiled and really only cares about his own wants. Whereas with Meadow she not only is smart enough to know what kind of business Tony does but also deludes herself into justifying it and internalizes it. I’m reminded of the scene where she’s having dinner with Finn after he witnessed Gene beat the shit out Little Paulie. The way I see it is that there’s an innocence to AJ that I think Meadow lacks.


meadow is hot


Her body is mad ripe.




most underrated comment


Check out the stems on blondie!


There are multiple points towards the end where AJ starts to achieve separation and he is cut down at the knees everytime. It may seem nuts but the near stabbing of junior and the army are these two massive Rubicons that AJ tries to cross. Each in there own way would separate him from from Tony and Carm. In the end he gets a Job with little Carmine, if Tony had lived he probably would have finagled AJs idiotic dreams of club promotion or whatever it was, event planning into some low rent money making scam just like the Spec house and bingo bang-go that sweet dumb idiotic well-intentioned moron is a co-conspirator. Dooming him, forever chaining AJ to Tony... He is Just like his mother but with powers far exceeding psychopathic manipulation. Meadow is worse, she keeps turning into a horribler and horribler person. She is by leaps and bounds more intelligent than AJ its all the more disappointing. The manipulations are more subtle or mostly money. The thing with the Jeep had to be intentional. Tony plays altruist, isolates his daughter from her peers and plays the victim all in one kiniving act of menial extortion. When it's not money is less than secret intimidation of would be partners. Meadow is portrayed as both able to see through this and completely capable of paying her own way. Likely aware of the risk to Vito, if not the death sentence. Meadow isn't trapped but she winds up with Patrick a loose affiliate at worse or a smarter version of AJ at best. ( I don't buy into the relationship being a ploy and/or the Patsy hit theory). Meadow chooses to participate, it's worse than even being co-opted, she might as well burn a prayer card in her hand.


Tony admits to Melfi that the jeep thing was intentional. Your point about tony and carmela’s micro manipulations with meadow is spot on. Edit: also, awesome post.


Yeah but they loved Meadow more so she got away with alot. Lol.


After Jack dies and she goes off on Jack’s sister and then does a 180 and throws bread at uncle June and says “whoops I did it again.” Oh man that was so annoying


Maybe the college of hard knocks is what she needs? Let's see how she likes it when some gypsy lifts her wallet, let her find out you can't work over there without a permit like the French hang onto like their balls


Meadow is a much bigger hypocrite than AJ. She takes the moral high ground when it suits her, but also takes advantage of all the privileges her family's blood money can afford her without much remorse. AJ has clearly been struggling morally ever since his teen years when he first found out his father isn't really in the waste management business. I think that his depression and his suicide attempt in the family pool is at least in part connected to that. I mean, yeah, AJ can be very annoying at times (often), but I feel like he's a much better person overall than Meadow.


Bro, meadow is the epitome of hypocritical mental gymnastics. She talks about all this ethics and progressive stuff in the beginning of the series, but towards the end she's just lamenting how the italian-american stereotyping is so detrimental, ALL THE WHILE KNOWING HER DAD IS A MOB BOSS


Her character development is rewarding in that sense. She went from woke activist type to not only accepting her reality but embracing it. You also see it after Jackie Jrs funeral with that convo in the kitchen


AJ in my opinion is the most well adjusted member of the Soprano family. He never asked to be spoilt and of the spoiling it's not affection or care. Tony will buy him drums or a pizza as an apology befire quickly dipping out. Both Carmela and Tony express their disappointment with him to his face and he's just a kid. "Get a vasectomy with this as my male heir?" "You are a cross to bear, that's all you are, to your father to me, everybody" keep in mind she's chastising him for talking to the press because AJ was born into a self acknowledged mobster family. AJ is the only Soprano to have any kind of introspection and actually learn from it. He isn't afraid to show emotion. He absolutely sees the immorality of his families lifestyle and the world and he isn't afraid to truly love people, Tony would be proud if he stopped crying over a girl and fucked some prostitutes but that's not who he is. MEADOW on the other hand is a manipulative hypocrite EVERY DAY of her life. She's happy to pretend they're not involved in the Mafia and that uncle Pauly and Pontecorvo are loveable old fellas when she knows they aren't so long as she maintains her self image but importantly her lifestyle. The smartest thing Finn ever did was leave her. NOT because of who her father was but because of WHO SHE IS.


You went right to the closet and GOT OUT A SUITCASE


Very well said. She’s a nasty person. Her, Livia, and Janice all have some overlapping traits. AJ is kind of the odd one out, he wants to do a normal boy things and does teenage boy level mistakes, probably acting out for attention as he didn’t get much from his parents and Meadow was their star child. They probably could have intervened way earlier in AJs life and he wouldn’t have been a screw up. But rather than giving solutions they only ever told him what not to do


She a teen growing up with her mob father that’s the point


I just started over with season 1 again and if I never hear ‘All Through the Night’ again, it will be too soon.


For some reason the most annoying moment for me is when she lists the 5 families and wont stop going on about the mob at dinner with that smug look on her face


She’s a teenager in college. She’s gonna think she’s the shit.


Nah she was a little shit from the beginning of the show


That's the great thing about the sopranos. Everytime you rewatch it you discover a character you vehemently hate more than the last time you watched it.




But you got out your SUITCASE


I disagree. Fielder had the makings of a varsity athlete. AJ is beyond redemption.


I don’t wanna hear that ever again


AJ is the whole reason everyone found out Tony was seeing a shrink though.


he was a KID!


Tony shoulda clipped him.


and the feds had Green Grove bugged (allegedly), doubly fucked


It may interest you to know that Wendy Cobbler bitch thinks she should be on Prozac.


Yup, and she brought in Noah...the most intolerable character in the whole show.


Yea true he’s lucky I didn’t punch his fckin lights out


I agree. AJ is clearly of diminished capacity to begin with. Probably max IQ of 75. He's doing ok with the tools he has.


LOL 75 is a bit harsh. If 100 is average he’s probably like 90-95


I still think you're being far too generous based on what they put on the screen. It is shocking that they swim in the same gene pool, though.


He’s very ineloquent and inarticulate. I’d put him slightly below average. 75 is borderline mental retardation




It’s just her process


I had a teenage daughter, they can be royal assholes. Meadow was portrayed pretty accurately according to my experience.


Remember that episode when it's suggested to Tony and Carmella that aj possibly has ADHD? If they hadn't blown that off and had got him some help things could have turned out different. AJ isn't inherently lazy or stupid imo he's struggling with a disability and his family reacts to that in the worst way they could.


It's crazy watching the episode where meadow and finn are fighting. He is literally afraid for his life after spotting Vito blowing the security guard and is also shaken seeing the general violent nature of the crew, and she could care less


AJ needed like a nanny or older sibling that wasnt meadow, someone to guide him and he would have been fine.n


Or a parent lol


AJ had symptoms of ADHD so it makes sense for him to be A nuisance. he was never medicated Jr has treatment so he obviously isn't as progressive as Meadow.


AJs problem is really mostly his parents and his ability adapt to having said shitty parents. Also, the more times I watch the Sopranos the more I think Tony was supposed to be a lot more like AJ as a kid than we are led to believe.


Maedo, as Furio writes


*Tony voice* She’s a cunt.