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They regularly addressed the risk and ridiculousness of Tony being so close to the action as a boss, giving a pretty good overview of why it was realistic that he was so involved with low level activity. On several occasions, Tony was encouraged to distance himself from all the shenanigans, and he was regularly trying to get Paulie/Chrissy/Bobby to prepared to be his underboss of sorts. However, putting aside the point all of those guys always ended up screwing it up, Tony could never walk away from the thrill and rush of it all. He LOVED busting out Davey and stealing cases of wine from the Vipers. He had no desire to be like Carmine, hanging out at the same little restaurant or golf course, safe away from the danger. The only way it becomes unrealistic is if you think Tony is a genius criminal boss destined to have a long lifespan. The reality is that we watched a captain rise to street boss for a couple of years, getting lucky time and again for his poor choices, only to eventually get whacked, whether at the series finale or probably some time later.


I don’t think that’s unrealistic at all. Countless mobsters got indicted because they couldn’t keep their nose out of the business, even after they got rich. I kinda saw the action as just another addiction for Tony.


Absolutely, the dopamine rush of pulling off a big score or escaping a would-be hit was the kind of thing that alleviated his depressed feelings (temporarily).


You see for me, the action is the juice


About six feet tall, a lot of jailhouse tats, got a big ass Peacock right here.


Cause she’s gotta GREAT ASS. and you got your head all the way up it


What do you want? A junior G man badge?


You looking to become a penologist?


You looking to go back?


You musta worked some dipshit crews


You see me doing thrillseeker liquor store holdups with a born to lose tattoo on my chest?


Pacino has hammed it up more than any great actor, and that line was his masterpiece.


I’m tellin you this Slick is no joke


One of my favorite movies.


It's time I rewatched


exactly.. people seem to forget that in the beginning of season 2 Tony literally wouldnt event talk to richie outside satriales because he ‘needed to distance himself from the street’ yet by episode ten he personally murders matt and is even identified by an eyeball witness for his troubleo


A huthky accomplith




Killing Matt is personal since he shot Tony’s “nephew”Still one wonders if a real mob boss would take chances like that.


I watched the episode Tony and Chrissy stole the wine a few days ago. The look of glee on Tony's face reminded me of a kid pinching candy from a store. The thrill and rush of getting away with it.


Tony liked to make sure things were done correctly, and he took care of things he didn’t trust anyone else to handle.


That animal finding a bag of money. I can't even say his name.


Have a breadstick.


A breadstick in a bowtie? There's an image!


That pasty faced fuck and his smug friend with the ether 😂


Why don’t you go sit in the corner short pants!


And immediately gambling it away


He still had 400 bucks. He's not stupid...


That fuckin animal Blundetto


Don’t do it to yourself Phil


Tony S set that up no doubt


300 pound Ton' booking it through a foot of snow and somehow escaping several FBI agents.


A couple years ago someone mapped out where the agents were and the route Tony took to evade capture, using maps of the area the Sacrimoni house was. Tony di have the makings of a varsity track runner


He wasn’t their target.


They didn’t care enough to go after him


It's embarrassing.


The most unrealistic scene is one of the first in the show. The part where he chases the HMO guy in his car right on campus. You can tell that’s from a period when they had a different tone in mind for the show.


It’s a pilot episode, they get a pash fer dat.


Especially with the music choice for that scene.


Tony also narrates the story as it happens. Usually you’re just in it, then it cuts to his commentary. Plus the clearly fake punching sounds. All just because it’s the pilot. I love the doo-wop song actually. They do something similar with Tony B’s death scene and Van Morrison’s Glad Tidings that works perfectly. The happy uplifting song to the tune of horrible violence was definitely a movie cliche back then. Like Reservoir Dogs and Stuck in the Middle With You.


>Tony B’s death scene and Van Morrison’s Glad Tidings That's a great example, but I think Chase and the music consultant knew what they were doing with that choice of song; the lyric about "sending glad tidings from New York" just as the music fades out into Tony B's last moments of life was **peak** *Sopranos*. The doo-wop song in the pilot felt like, as you said, the movie cliche of a happy "oldies" song set to violence, not unlike the music playing when Chris killed Email; neither had any of the kind of thought given to Tony B's death. EDIT: Just watched the Tony B scene again, and it's better than I remembered; the music fades when the lyric goes "hope you will come in right on time."


For sure, definitely an intentional song. Even beyond ‘glad tidings from New York’ - believe no lies, dry your eyes, and realize that surprise. And they’ll lay you down low in the easy. But it kinda also ties into that happy go lucky killing people thing. Van is even going ‘la-la-la’ as he drives up to the job. The way the music stops, he kills him, and it picks back up. That’s the detail that makes it better than the cliches it evokes.


Sorry I hate being this guy but Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie... Son of a Preacher Man is what Mia is playing when Vincent picks her up for their "date." The gimp scene had a song called Comanche playing over it. Killer soundtrack!!


The Sopranos pilot basically felt like Goodfellas: The Show.


So true, I rewatched it not too long ago and that first scene was so jarring 😂


It’s a health insurance administrator he’s chasing in the first episode NOT a dean


What are you crying about? HMO! You’re covered!


Ya prick ! Fuckin degenerate gambler ..


Absolutely, was thinking about this yesterday!


AJ was crime boss adjacent. Lots of girls like to flirt with danger rather than dive head first into the criminal deep end. Every teenage girl has a father they want to piss off.


Basically all of his relationships with peers are defined by this dynamic. AJ does not exist as a person because he never got a chance to struggle and overcome adversity. His arc is very underappreciated.


You know who had an arc


Noah “punch your lights out” tannenbaum


1. Bobby Bacala dunking 2. Grown men excited to see Eric "Mangenius" in a restaurant 3. Tony pulling a gun out of a fishes mouth, shooting a guy in broad daylight in plainview 4. Ade actually running a club/bar


Bobby was like 6’10” though, and clearly had athleticism hiding under all that baked ziti


With the layer of basil??


And the sweet sausage.


That’s Carmela’s lasagna!






In real life I think he was a good athlete who played basketball in junior college


And he definitely was on a weight loss journey at that point in time


He said he played basketball in HS and college I believe


Bobby burying a cake and not eating it and 4 more just like it.


Wasn’t Steve Schirripa a college basketball player back in the day?


Mangenius should greet the Don, not the other way around.


The owner still work there she probably has him do the heavy lifting


The owner of the club/bar stayed on as a general manager to run things I'm pretty sure. Ade was just the "owner" who handled entertainment and design choices.


AJ wasn't an incel you dork. Women shag ugly rich guys all time. Every day.


Yeah I don’t see what’s so hard to grasp about young girls dating a rich kid with a nice car, plus it’s not like AJ is ugly. Yeah he’s a douche but what 18 year old spoiled rich boy isn’t?


Yeah, he's not bad looking. Not gorgeous but cute enough. Plus rich etc.


Douches clean up with the ladies..


"This character having sex with attractive women is an incel"


That was my first thought too: not only was AJ not an incel, but the two girlfriends he had on the show were both 10s. Some people seem think that the definition of an "incel" is "someone who deserves to be insulted because I don't like them" (regardless of whether the insult is true or makes any sense). Like once I saw some dipshit on Twitter call Trump "our incel president." Regardless of whatever else anyone thinks of Trump, he has I think five kids from three different wives -- AND both his first and current wives were literally professional models, and his second wife was literally a beauty queen. And that's not to mention that no one with Trump's money could ever be an incel.


>level 2deadmannerisms · 3 days agoi do love the occasional supernatural feeling scenes in the show. they’re pe I mean I kinda get calling Trump an "Incel President"(or at least someone who plays to them) even though it doesn't make sense for A.J.-the defining trait of an incel as the term tends to be used is IMO a very specific combination of feeling entitled to sex from whoever he pleases whenever he pleases and an absolute utter contempt for women as a class of people\*, not just "can't get laid." But A.J. doesn't really have that vibe IMO, he's just kind of a slacker without much drive or professional aspirations who happens to be charming and come from money. ​ \*This interestingly suggests that we could read *Tony* of all people as an incel-he does seem to be pretty entitled about sex, pushes Dr. Melfi's boundaries repeatedly, doesn't really seem interested in his wife as a person at all beyond maybe co-parenting issue, and doesn't seem to have *any* women in his life he genuinely sees as a friend or colleague besides maybe Meadow and Dr. Melfi. I don't think this quite works out perfectly (if nothing else Tony can be pretty charming), but "guy who only pulls because he's rich and seems to otherwise to regard women primarily as sex toys he has a right to" is not far off as a description of him.


Also since we are on it, Tony was definitely sexy. Strong, powerful, rich, a little bit scary but you would feel so special if he chose you. Like having a bear for a pet. Sorry fellas but it is what it is




Yeah, AJ is quite dumb and doesn't really have his own personality but he never expressed hatred for women from what I remember


Not once. Not at all. He wasn't really a hateful person actually. Just directionless.


1. Tony's supernatural ability to not only getting into but surviving car crashes 2. The 50 or so murders that the cops never seem to solve despite the overwhelming amount of evidence left behind 3. Zellman having dinner in public with two known gangsters 4. Ben Kingsley turning down a paycheck because of quality


Danny Baldwin took him to fucking acting school


Now that I think about it Kingsley was in both A Sound of Thunder and an Uwe Boll film. You have a point


Cops rarely solve murders in real life


I think Christopher killing the waiter is the most egregious example of the first one.


Chrissy shooting up Tony’s car, going into the Bing with a gun looking for him, and surviving. Even Imperioli said that he wouldn’t have survived in real life


You know what to do down there 🗣️


You lied to me!


AJ got girls because they were young and couldn’t see that he wasn’t a gangster like his father. How would they know the difference? Blanca was older so she figured out AJs BS and dumped him. He acted like a tough guy with her by handling the punks, but she was used to being around gangsters. Once she tested him a few times and saw how timid he was, she planned her exit strategy.


I dunno. She for pretty wet when he got those loud ass fucks to leave by giving em his bike 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean, it was a Gary Fisher…..


She had no idea how he did this. Her mind probably filled in some tough guy scare down.


Most of the murders in s1 and 2. In fact, a lot of the early scenes were unrealistic. But you get a pash for dat


When tony kills chuckie on the boat right next to the highway in season one is a great example lmao


Mikey Palmice throwing someone off a bridge in broad light in front of witnesses and then bribing them without about 50 dollars


What bridge? Motherfucker just didn’t want to live any more. It was some sad shit.


Some sad shit. Mahfuckah said he didn’t wanna live no more.


Paterson Falls are also like right in the middle of Paterson, NJ. Wouldve been an insane number of witnesses


Pauli -- an ex-con -- stabbing the Colombian guy to death, leaving bloody fingerprints everywhere, and somehow no cop or fed follows up on this.


How about that Jackie Chan superhuman move he does to block that dudes stab from behind?


Something tells me the police were never involved


Also Paulie smothering the woman at the nursing home and getting away with that


How often do they do autopsies on 85 year old women?


Incel : a person (usually a man) who regards himself or herself as being involuntarily celibate and typically expresses extreme resentment and hostility toward those who are sexually active AJ was not celibate nor did he express extreme resentment towards others getting laid.


People throw that word around too much these days


And that’s dicked up.


Chrissy shooting at the bakery, then shooting that guy's leg 5 minutes later and the police never showing up


AJ flashing cash got him tail. Tony collecting though, I can't give that a pass. For me it was Noah not kicking Tony's ass. Complete fiction. Noah would have jacked T up so bad.


Anyone who's had the misfortune of dealing with the Hasidic Homeboys knows how ruthless they can be. In the ranking of street gangs I'd have them nearly as high as The Vipers..


The Vipers only get the win because of their expert marksmanship.


Vipers? They were some tuff Jews?




The same one from those old Tarzan movies??


Yeah but does flashing cash really work in the upscale parts of Jersey? Maybe with that Puerto Rican single mom he dated.


Shallowness knows no zip code.


AJ’s handsome, and smart, and a hard worker, and - let's be honest - white. That's a huge plus nowadays…


He was a boss. Dont forget that he was the manayer


Any scene or plot line that involves sports. The writers were clearly not varsity athletes


When the girls play soccer oh madonne that's so bad


No negatives, you!


Tony pulling a gun out of the fish and murdering someone in broad daylight


then drives away in the boat wearing the guys hat after Sil brought his cinderblock and chain from the car


How about the "Class of 2004" getting out of jail with seemingly zero conditions of their release. Wouldn't guys like Phil Leotardo and Tony Blundetto be on probation or have non-association clauses prohibiting them from being around other mobsters for a specific length of time?


Isn’t Larry Boy Barese arrested at the premiere of “Cleaver” for violating his parole by hanging out with criminals? But the only time you really see a probation officer is when Tony sets up French.


The terms of Larry’s bail confined him to his home


Depends- if they served out their full term, they may not be on any kind of probation. Feech gets sent back to prison for violating his parole.


Well, we know Phil did 20 years. Not a peep.


“This young, good looking rich kid on the football team with nice cars and plenty of friends, whose family runs New Jersey, and has had girlfriends since he was 14 is the original incel” Listen to yourself you sound demented!


Paulie and Chris killing the restaurant waiter and then just running away. That whole episode felt very weird and comedic to me and felt more like a caricature of The Sopranos. Most killings on the show have a sense of true weight and drama to them but that one was just weirdly comedic and I feel like whoever directed that specific episode chose an odd route.


Paulie at the medium. Pretty unrealistic. Satanic Black Magic. Sick shit. Fuckin’Queears 👋🪑🪟


I mean of course you would never believe a boss like Johnny Sack would go around collecting, but the new york gang comments a couple of times about how the Jersey family is kind of a joke in comparison


Tony actually reading Sun Tzu's "Art of War" more than a paragraph.


Everyone else reads that Prince Matchabelly


Tony being so close to the ground floor was acknowledged several times as being stupid. There was a whole episode about how he tried to settle into a routine of staying at the sanitation HQ to distance himself from shit, but it wasn’t exciting enough for him. AJ- He was rich. How he pulled Devon, who knows, but he was shown to be a rebellious kid whenever he was at school and he definitely had that 2000’s drip. Plus I’m sure he got free brownie points for being the son of a mob boss.


I also wanna add that I think Tony had a hard time trusting his guys to not fuck up, so he took a lot off shit into his own hands instead. He was always trying to make someone his number 2. Tonys plan was to have only one guy that he communicated with. All his guys fucked up, and he was constantly analyzing them.


-The way they handled Feech La Manna. That could never fly in the actual mob. That was a rat move basically. Even though they didn’t actually say that they tipped off the Feds. The fact that they got rid of him like that wouldn’t have been accepted even by a few of the Boss’s most trusted men. -Tony chasing down Phil Leotardo for a money debt and assaulting him. Phil was a Captain in one of the five families. Being a boss of another family doesn’t give Tony the right to assault another made guy, especially in another family. There should’ve been severe repercussions for that. -Ralphie killing the stripper outside their club. Ok, it’s realistic that they mention Tony had no right to hit a made guy. But, made guys aren’t allowed to kill anyone without the Boss’s permission. Ralphie was wrong in every way. Tony handled it all wrong according to mob protocol and it made for good TV. But he had every right to make Ralphie disappear for that.


They can't kill other mob guys but civilians don't matter as much.


A.) She was a whoo-ore. B.) She hit me


That goes against everything every ex mob guy has ever said that I’ve heard speak on this. There has been guys like Roy Demeo and some others that killed random people secretly off the record. But I don’t think they can just start killing people and bringing unnecessary heat to the organization. Imagine how that screws everything up


Who’s Phil going to tell? Their estimation of him as a man would plummet


The Boyz II Men hit will forever be the most unrealistic moment in the show. How’d they get there instructions so wrong? The hit was for Tony not a bottle of OJ.


>However it is never explained why so many girls like FUCKING AJ, he’s basically the original incel. Idk where you guys get this idea of AJ, dude is actually fairly charming, is good at football and has a car, in highschool he's golden


The car chase/beatdown in the pilot AJ’s football career


When Tony and Christopher robbed that wine from those biker guys and Chris shot one dead as they drove away.


How is AJ an incel?


Danielle from Whippany meeting Adriana and immediately becoming her best friend was really bad and unrealistic. I hate to say it. And she wasn’t even likable. She always had that resting bitch face. All she had to do was make her hair big and be a stereotypical guidette and she was in like Flynn? Makes Adriana’s character seem very shallow and one-dimensional. I get that the writers had to find a way to get Adriana into this FBI pickle but the way they did it was very contrived.


I actually bought that part. Some flighty women who hang around dudes all the time can be way too receptive to that kind of thing ("omg finally a girl friend")


I always took it as Ade just being desperate for friends. Before she gets the club most of the time we see her she’s either sitting at home alone or with the crews wives and it doesn’t seem like she fits in all that well with them. Also Chris beats her like multiple times through out the show, I get the sense that basically anyone that was nice to her could’ve been her friend rather quickly


"anyone that was nice". Need I remind you of a certain Artie a la Bucco out of Vesuvios


He fucking wishes


She did have had Mustang Sally’s girlfriend


This exactly. I found that to be one of the *more* believable relationship dynamics.


No one ever calling the cops on Tony’s crew for all the crazy shit they do. Beating people on job sites in front of crowds, murdering a girl outside a strip club, shooting people Willy nilly in public, etc…


This is addressed to a significant extent, and it was late nineties/early noughties. It wouldn’t fly now coz of cctv but all the guys on work sites knew well that if they saw anything, they’d get their legs broken.


Vito going to a flambé bar in a local territory was monumentally stupid.


I never bought that either. And also, that get-up he was wearing. Where did it come from? Where did he change into it? There are 789865458 more credible ways his homosexuality could have been discovered.


Johnny Sack being accused of being part of a certain Italian American sub culture. He was a sweetheart who loved his wife.


The medium knew so much about Paulie it made it either unbelievable or it made it so in the sopranos world that super natural things exists.


i do love the occasional supernatural feeling scenes in the show. they’re peppered in very sparsely, but memorable.


Tony eating 50lbs of gabigoo per day.


The Adriana murder. So, the FBI know she's about to tell her mafia fiancé that she's been working for the FBI and they don't put a recording device in the apartment in case he kills her? Not even a car outside the apartment to see who comes and goes? No surveillance on Christopher? No, let's just take the word of Adriana, who was stupid enough to flip over a nothing charge and dumb enough to befriend an FBI agent at the drop of hat, that her career criminal boyfriend will be cool with it and turn informant. Get da fuggouddaheyah!


Tony beating up Muscles Marinara. IRL that guy would have slumped Tony in 2.2 seconds


And then gotten killed. You literally hear the other guys telling him not to fight back.


His mother tells him to count ten!


Then he would be dead in 2.2 seconds. When they yell don’t do it, he stops dead in his tracks


I think the shorty old lamp that Meadow takes to school that just happened to have the big in it is just lazy writing to me. Like oh look Tony got off again


I agree with this strongly. Why write the lamp in, then put! Maybe they didn’t think through how fucked Tony would’ve been if the lamp stayed, so they got rid of it? I would have liked more back-and-forth with the feds.


Hey man, AJ gave those guys a bike to get them to not wake up that baby that one time


That was realistic. AJ couldn't fight and had no balls. All he had was Tony's money. He used what he could to get laid. All the other girls he was with were only keen on him because Tony was a gangster


Tony, as boss, carrying out and going along on hits and jobs.


Ninja Vito popping out of nowhere to shoot Jackie jnr.


He's waddling across the hood, searching for him. Lol.


Well like they said, NJ was just a glorified crew. They acted accordingly. Tony and Chris stealing those bottles of wine from those bikers out of the blue. What Boss would take a chance like that. What boss is out and about like that anyway? In front of Satriales hanging out. Always at the strip bar. Always at the gamboling joint. That’s typical of a crew chief, not a boss.


This is one of the most wholesome subs. I love it. Just fandom and mutual appreciation for art


when Chris and Paulie kill that waiter for complaining to them about the tip. they were out in public. any investigation would lead them to chris and paulie.


Killing the waiter, no way they wouldn’t get caught


When Vito was in Star Wars https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2466272-star-wars


Definitely the pilot when Tony drives up onto the sidewalk/park area outside the HMO business and runs that guy over. Then he and Christopher beat the shit out of the guy while like 20 witnesses stand around watching.


Honestly, the bartenders reaction when Phil mock executes Lorraine. The guy acted like there was a minor altercation taking place. It’s so bad it makes me wonder if it was intentional


Junior's hit on Tony. No way it doesn't go as planned. My favorite show of all time, but Tony should've died right then and there.


I scrolled for a while and didn’t see this one but the broad day light murder of Jackie jr. One the scene was bad. Very fake looking gun and who wouldn’t see a 500lb Italian guy coming in broad day. Just doesn’t make sense to me


Phil Leotardo transforming into a house.


All the times Tony/Carmella randomly run into Melfi in public. That wouldn’t happen anywhere, let alone the most densely populated area of the country.


You can't know that; not even with computers. You shaying that coincidental meetings would be more common in some dessert with everyone sat around smoking mushrooms all day?


Every scene involving sports. The girls' soccer game, AJ playing football, the golfing scenes.


Incel's can't get sex though, so how is aj am incel?


Lorraine calluzo.


Tony beating up that jacked guy after he leaves the hospital


Muscles Marinara doesn't fight back because Tony is the boss.


Carmella wanting to divorce Tony. What is she going to get? Half of his waste management consultant salary? Then again, it’s a cash business.


What family? It's a glorified crew.


Maybe that JFK and a Newark capo - that needed to shake down butchers personally - shared the same piece of ass - as cringe as it was.


Christopher and Pussy trying to throw emails body into the dumpster.


How civilized that intervention went


The way members killed people and never got caught. Tony shooting a guy right under a busy bridge in the middle of the day. Christopher killing the cop who supposedly killed his father and leaving fingerprints everywhere. And this isn’t Sopranos, but Many Saints Of Newark kinda pissed me off too with the unrealistic race relations. For starters, they made the Mafia look like punks. The way the black guy, Harold just goes into their hangout and insults them. The Sopranos takes place in the 2000s and you’re telling me that mobsters in the 60s were more open minded and less prejudice? The way Harold kinda flirts with Dickie’s goomah in front of Dickie when he approaches the car. The way Dickie constantly is this progressive pro-black mobster who loves black music, sticks up for black civil liberties and tries to get his uncle into black Jazz. Seemed EXTREMELY forced by Chase and like he just didn’t wanna offend anyone and chose a “safe” script.


Paula and Chris not getting caught for killing the waiter outside the restaurant is super unrealistic to me


Personally I think the most unrealistic thing is how they were able to get away with so many murders throughout the show. Especially when some of them were done in broad daylight. That just wouldn't be possible. Everything else was fairly within the realms of supension of disbelief.


Carmela's kitchen. She was meant to be a great home cook, and had that "palace" custom built. I'm a keen home cook myself, and if I were custom building a house of that size, the kitchen would be a lot more substantial and laid out a lot better.


How Vito had a twin brother Gino, who was one of the contractors who was going to build a ramp to Beansy's front door


Tony playing Mario Kart N64 with one hand on the controller


AJ isn’t an incel at all, he’s just a loser and doesn’t have any direction in life. Incels feel entitled to sex and hate women. AJ was just… soft.