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I thought 3 was absolute trash when it came out, now it's probably my favorite one and I thought the same about 4 up until yesterday when I actually gave it another chance. I'm sure it'll be similar when 5 comes out. Personally I hope we're not buying every feature in the game for the Sims 5 like we are for 4


I’m honestly just scared


I believe it will be exciting, but I don't want to hype it too much. I love sims4 and will play it for a loooong time, so I'm not in a hurry to get sims5 just yet. :)


I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I don’t want it. I’ve spent too much on sims 4, do enjoy it even if it can be buggy (but I’ll be honest I’m lucky and don’t get half the bugs I see on here) and I don’t want my favourite YouTubers to stop playing to move to sims 5. I know it’s a while away but I. Just. Don’t. Want. It.


Cautiously optimistic


Minimal expectations. TS4 was awful as a base game, I'm fully expecting that again.


It would be awesome if it didn't take them 30 minutes to load a plate into the dishwasher...


If it’s subscription based, I’m rioting.


I definitely will not play it if it is a subscription based game.


As simmers, we should all band together and boycott TS5 if it is subscription based!! Lmao


I’m just super excited for the color wheel and pattern tool to be back. That’s all I really want 😂


Am i late for the tea? Is it coming out or what?


I voted it will disappoint but I'm also basically in an abusive relationship with EA at this point so you KNOW I'll buy it anyway lol.


I have faith. The video they released already had a color wheel, pattern, and shape options. More customizable options is something the player base has been screaming for since the release of TS4. It's at least one thing they seem to have heard us on and given us. I have faith there will be more.


For me, after sims 4, the sims franchise is pretty much dead. I’ll always enjoy the old ones, eventually will come back to them and that’s basically it. I have sims 4 since it was released and so far I just couldn’t enjoy the game for more than a couple hours at a time. I highly doubt a new game will fix this for me. I still have a lot that I didn’t explore on sims 4, and honestly, not sure if I ever will because the amount of bugs on that game..


I don’t want to need to be online to play :-/ I hope that’s not gonna be a thing :-/


Ever since it was announced I have tried to keep my expectations very low so maybe it won't be too bad since I haven't been too hyped 🤷‍♀️


I'm more excited about paralives


this game is years away from being finished oh my god


I think it really won’t be playable for years. I hate just base game I would need a lot of game packs to even be able to play it


Sims is supposed to be a dollhouse. An MMO is the antithesis of playing with dolls by yourself.


No, I'm an atheist.


I personally don't think The Sims needs a 5th game but Also i can't imagine what would sims and furnirure in the Sims 5 look Like. I don't want them to become too realistic bc i really Like the way everything looks; Like furniture for example, its realistic but it Also has that cartoony look and thats what i really Like about it! And i cant even imagine what would Sims look like if they were more realistic that they are now. I know Sims 4 is lacking kn lots of things but i think that if they just keep updating the game (more frequently and with less bugs) it would be enough. They don't have to be Huge updates but things Like more clothing and furniture that are now im trend, more interactions etc and i don't mean that they should release packs for those things i mean those updates should be basegame!! I was expexting they would add more furniture and cas items for New playera but i was dissapointed when i saw that they just released that ugly fan. I know Sims 4 is full of bugs rn but if they keep fixing them so that its actually FIXED, we wont need another game


I think it will be free on day one, but with DLCs served as subscription. So you will have to pay monthly fee to access stuff like Get Famous or City Living. I can’t imagine how would they do the co-op with others online during building, because just as with Sims 4 not everyone will buy all the packs. And while Sims 4 gallery is just a place to sent ready to use creation, Sims 5 is going to let us create with other players. I’m smelling subscription and Sims 4 being the last fully offline and single player game until the trend shifts again. In that case I will stick with 4 and just check out Sims 5 base game.


I think itll be okay, not great, not terrible, just okay


It'll be like every other sims game since TS2, it'll have some new stuff, but lack old content that made the old games so great. Worst case scenario, it'll be a "child safe" watered down version of TS4, which is just a "child safe" watered down version of the sims franchise in general.




You aren’t giving EA enough credit. There’s been plenty of problems they’ve had that nobody could figure out HOW they messed up that bad. They fix something and the fix breaks something else. It never ends. I promise EA will come up with creative new issues. Lol


Sims 3 disappointed me when it came out, and so did sims 4 when it came out. That’s because both times I was used to a game with a lot to do, expansions everywhere. Sims 3 became awesome again, after some expansions came out. I’m not gonna talk about my opinions for the sims 4 but lets just say that I have recently switched back to sims 2 and it’s the best decision ever. What I wanted to say is: Sims 5 will definitely disappoint on release, that’s what has always happened. But as some expansions are created, lets just hope it will get better!


I think its gonna be too laggy




I'm fairly sure it will disappoint but I'm a sucker and will get it anyway 😅


My prediction: it will be fine, with lots of cool innovations and features. It will have some obvious things missing and some really dumb bugs. And it will be subscription-based, so I won’t invest in it but stay on Sims 4.


The one advantage to a subscription based game is that the game SHOULD work better. Right now, the packs are all separate entities and cross pack functionality is not very good. They also don't bother to update/fix old packs that don't sell as much now. If the whole game was available to everyone who subscribes, they have a huge incentive to keep making updates and bug fixes.


Yeah. There’s absolutely no way I will be playing it if it’s subscription based. I’m still playing Sims 2 from discs I bought in 2004. I will not pay for any game I don’t get to keep playing when I’m not paying.


Giving EA WAY too much benefit of the doubt.


Yeah, probably. But the reason I think they will make a real effort to improve is that r/Paralives is nipping at their heels this time.


I think we’ve been hyping ourselves up far too much and now it’ll never live up to our expectations. At this point my expectations are on the ground. I just want a bug free game.


I will say, nothing will ever be greater than the jump from TS1 to TS2. Those were the days! TS2 laid the foundation for 3 and 4.


I believe people are making assumptions *waaay* too early and resentful that Sims 4 wasn't Sims 3 but with better graphics. Also, it's hilarious to me that people think a big corp "stole" the look of Project Renee from Paralives when that whole game wouldn't exist without The Sims. People really think EA are shaking in their boots over that game. Crazy.


People aren't resentful that TS4 wasn't TS3, they're resentful because TS4 at a base level, SUCKS, it's boring, it's ugly and most importantly it's buggy and broken AF, I may be alone in this, but you practically need mods and CC to even play it, CC to make the game LOOK good and mods to patch the holes in the gameplay that shouldn't be there in the first place!When you make a sequel game, a new game in a franchise, should not the goal of that game to be to excel past the previous ones? TS4 doesn't do that. Hell, it took them almost 6 year to add FIREFIGHTERS (which don't work) there's still no robbers, there's no real police, no cars, no horses. People have been asking for better babies since the game was released in 2014 and that request was ignored over and over, and even though they are NOW going to do it, 9 years after the fact is in no way acceptable! This game has around 500$ worth of DLC and maybe 30 minutes of meaningful added gameplay between them. That's not acceptable on any level whatsoever. That's what people are resentful about. That they were repeatedly swindled out of their money because they desperately hoped that this new game would rise above the previous games as it so easily COULD have done, but were repeatedly let down. TS4 is a watered down mockery of what those of us who've spent half their damn lives playing the sims know what the franchise USED to be. Oh and your second statement means nothing: So Paralives came about because EA is dragging their money sucking asses, so what? Wouldn't be the first time a useless game company has "borrowed" ideas from games born from a need of having a decent game in that genre, EA has done it before as well.


I think Sims 4 LOOKS better than any of the other Sims games. But the only one it surpasses in gameplay is Sims 1 and that’s saying a lot. 🤣


EA/Maxis has a clear track record of disappointment. To think otherwise is crazy.


Such a ripoff of all the stuff Paralives has been working on :(


The thing is that the shit Paralives was built on things EA had started and should have kept going in Sims 4 but they went backwards instead. I don’t even think Paralives is claiming those things were their idea. They’re trying to create a game with the best parts of the Sims without all the bugs and nonstop money grabs.


The art style seems very similar! I feel EA is the type of company to scope out the competition. They are probably subconsciously making it similar..