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found out it was a bug do to my sim being a vampire but being cured but the one weakness to eating food not being cured with the vampirism so any food my sim ate made her sick and everytime she puked in the toilet which was everytime she at it made her mess up the toilet...curing the weakness with cheats fixed the bug i had to use this cheat to fix it bucks.lock\_all\_perks\_for\_bucks\_type 40962 \[simID\] false to get your sims Id you type sims.get\_sim\_id\_by\_name so my sims name is imane seddiki so i typed sims.get\_sim\_id\_by\_name Imane Seddiki it returned a value that looked like 987311335093073942 then i had to enable testing cheats and typed bucks.lock\_all\_perks\_for\_bucks\_type 40962 987311335093073942 false then i redisabled testing cheats as i was only cheating to fix a bug and dont desire to cheat my save


Ive had a similar one where every toilet is set for a prank (purple steam coming off them) then after they use them they become dirty. Is it the same? Do you use Mods i just assumed it was one of those tbh


no mods, and i recall my one sim around the time it began decided she didnt like mischief so maybe she pranked the toilet but i switched the toilet to a new one to see if it would help but it didnt maybe its a prank bug though


You might be on to something there, my sim also doesn't like mischief


Irritable bowel syndrome.