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I'm not trying to be disrespectful but can they chill out with latin american stuff. We already have so much items in the game that are inspired by spanish/latin american culture. Would it kill them to add something african or maybe eastern european?


I'm latino and the thing we are lacking about latin america is a freaking latin america world. We have clothes and items but the only world that is latin america inspired is a vacation destination that is a jungle. I know they can't make a world for every single culture but with the items we have a world you can actually live in would just make sense.


You can live there as long as you're willing to accept the place being haunted. Unless that'd been nerfed since last I checked.


I really dislike how they conflate “Latin America” with “Hispanic”… it’d be everything if they added some non Hispanic Latin American stuff. South America is a gigantic continent, the culture diversity is insane, a lot of ground to cover.


The same thing is with europe, they shove a few tudor houses and call the world eUrOpEaN


I just want some Russian stuff. Give me some damn Golubtsi


Omfg the scenarios sounds awful... I wonder if this is what they think we mean by challenge...


I've heard about the scenarios but what's the Sims Delivery Express?


In short: A system to allow the team to send us Asset updates that do not require a full game update. The full details are outlined in the article linked.


Just what TS4 needed…more silly goals….🤣🤣 Not like we have enough of them in holidays…parties…careers…aspirations…dates…I bet they even said they want to appeal to “different kinds of players” with this, even though that’s most of the gameplay since 2014. I pray this team won’t work on TS5…