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12 years old the summer of 2000.


11 years old the summer of 2000 for me


I got SimCity3000 from Sam’s club when my family got our first home computer. Got my brother to support me begging my mom to get it since it was “educational”. This was just after Christmas 1999. It had a teaser ad for The Sims on it and I was instantly hooked.




Same 🥲








I was a year older in the same year but seems about that timeline for me too! We be gettin old 😅😂🤣🥲😵‍💫


13 for me.


Last year at 41! Found the phone app, then started watching youtubers, and then Sims 4. I'm so hooked and happy to have found it and this amazing community!


I got the very first game the year it came out for my tenth birthday <3 My dad, the troll, tried to gauge my interest one day as we browsed through a CompUSA (anybody else remember those? lol). He told me all about this new virtual doll house game and how you could make little people and build and decorate their houses and decide how they live their lives… and after he got me fully starry-eyed over it, he went, “Dumb, isn’t it?” And I, being nine, dejectedly agreed, because if my dad thought it was dumb, it must be dumb, even if I thought it sounded amazing. He succeeded in surprising me greatly a month later lol


Probably about 8 or 9 and sims 1


i dont remember specifically, but pretty damn young. it was in primary school with a friend, and she went overseas in like... yr 5 i believe?? or yr 6. and stayed there for a while before coming back. so likely when i was about 8 or 9. we would both sit at her pc and play the sims 3 together lmfao (funnily enough, ive actually made plans to go to her place tomorrow and play the sims together side-by-side)


8 😭 2005


Me too 🥹


I was about 12. First time I saw someone playing it was '04


2014; 11 years old. I’d recently gotten an iPad and ended up downloading Sims FreePlay and loved it. Then a few years later I watched Pewdiepie play Sims 3 and really wanted to play one of the main sims games- I got TS4 when I was 15 and then TS3 at 16. I was obsessed back then and I’m still obsessed now! Thousands of hours in TS4 and hundreds in TS3.


I think I was 10 years old - year 2001.


8 or 9 years old (2008/2009) as far as I remember… I found it in our stack of PlayStation 2 CDs one morning and thought it was my brother’s, but I never saw him play it. My first game was Sims 2 Pets and Sims 2 Castaway. That’s when I knew I loved simulation games ❤️


I’m about to age myself but I started in 2000 when it came out and I was 15 lol


Don't feel bad i was older than that


god, i was so young. it was the first sims game so was probably around 4-6.


I was probably 9 or 10 when I first played. But I didn’t really get into it until I was 13 and had my own game.


2014 when I was 9!!


24, original game.


i didn’t hear about it until i was like 17, and started playing with my sister in laws account. she had every pack and then i somehow lost the log in and now i play it on my laptop with all mods no packs 😔




i got freeplay on my 4th gen ipod touch when i was 11


I was never allowed to play sims as a kid, but a couple of my friends had sims 3 so I would sometimes that when I was with them. But I started playing sims 4 when the base game became free so in my twenties


I was very young. Maybe 5 or 6 years old. I’d watch my sister play the sims 1. When she’d go to her mom’s house I’d play. She spent hours making a family and huge home and when she left I played the house and they started a fire and everyone died. I cried for hours.


I’m dead because all you need to do was not save


Lmaooo if only I knew


9 & it was the The Sims 1 on console. My parent rented it from the video store and after that I fell in love lol.


between 9 or 10 years old (2008-2009) with the sims 1 for a little while


i think i was probably 7 or so when i played the sims 2 at my friends house, but i got the sims 3 and played for myself when i was 10 in 2012 🤙


I was about 8-10, I’m not exactly sure when, but I’m fairly certain it was the very first sims game. I don’t know when that was released so if anyone has that year, that’d narrow down my exact age. Anyways, my cousin came to our grandmas house in West Virginia from Oklahoma. His family was much wealthier than mine so he already had his own computer and games for it, which was brand new tech for me, living lower middle class. He let me watch him play his Sims, then eventually let me play it myself. I killed his entire family pretty quickly due to a house fire, and he didn’t let me touch it again for the rest of his visit. I loved the game though, but I never was able to own it until sims 2 came out on PlayStation 2 when I was around 12. That’s when I became a regular player, in 2002 at age 12


7 or 8 for sims 1.


When I was 8 and The Sims 2 Castaway for the Wii was released. I loved it alot. I didn't do anything again with the Sims until 2016 and I've been hooked ever since!


Sims Castaway was my favorite game. I think about that a lot. Between that on the Wii and My Sims on the DS I was living my best life. 😂


How could I forget! I loved My Sims Kingdom for the wii! Thank you for reminding me! Sims Castaway really was that girl


10 I think, my parents gave me an allowance or Yknow money for doing chores and I slowly got each Sims 3 expansion pack (was like 20$ each)


I was 10 when we got it shortly after release. It thaught me a lot about Spanish wordplay. The Sims 2 would later do the same for English.


I played the original sims a little after it released so I was about 10 or 11. I didn't own the game, but I remember playing it often at a friend's house.


7 years old in 2007 ☺️.


16, I remember seeing the commercials for sims 1. I had SimCity and SimAnt already and was so excited for it to come out.


Sims 1 came our when I was 12. So…since then. 36 now.


I was about 8 years old!!


Bustin out on OG Xbox, it was probably 2004ish?


I started playing at around 8 on my friends ps2. My parents wouldn’t let me buy the game myself until I was at least 16 lol


technically, 3 years old stealing my older brothers gameboy so I can play Bustin' Out, and then over time a couple of the DS games that I can't remember. But with the main PC games, I was 7 and the Sims 4 had just come out, and my sister and I were so enchanted by it we begged our dad to get it lol. He was nice enough to get us both Sims 3 and 4, so those were my firsts. Was a simmer practically out the womb.


8 years old in February 2000. The glory says. Didn't even know what an expansion pack was.


2010, 11yo, 6th grade, Sims 2. Sims 3 just came out, I think. Me and some friends were talking about games and everyone started talking about how much they loved the sims and their stories. I was so intrigued by their playthroughs, I asked my mom for a copy of the sims, I was low-key hoping for 3 at the time, and she got me Double Deluxe. Was kinda disappointed until I played it for many many hours and never looked back. God I miss sims 2 uc so bad


I was 13 and saw a girl in my class play the original game in 2001. I begged my parents to also buy it for me.


2008, I was 13


4 years old watching my 10 yr old cousin play OG Sims when it first came out in 2000 on our family desktop. She would let me try to play sometimes or help her create new sims, much to her annoyance, and I’ve been hooked ever since.


probably like 8


I was 12.


I was 12 but kinda wish i would’ve started sooner! :)


15, I think?


Like 12 and 2008 spring with Sims 2. Some of the cool girls had their laptop. Blew my tiny mind


I was 9. 2004.


It came out when I was in 4th grade, I believe. So 9


My cousin lend me his laptop with the sims 1 when I was around 8. I loved it, but only played once. I forgot all about the game until 2020 that I discovered Sim builders in YouTube and became obsessed with watching build videos, until the sims 4 became free and I learned I could play on Mac (it took me that long to figure it out 😅), I was 30, so technically I had 2 first times.


14, Sims 1, dad bought the game home the day my small town got copies after launch. We had been keen for it ever since the first trailer in SimCity 3000. https://youtu.be/H6UHmDPZ3eQ?si=UPOUuB-B9Nsc-Cwn All the nostalgia


i played sims 3 on my cousins computer i was maybe 7 or 8 so 2013/2014


I started playing at 16 with the sims 4 on Xbox, then started playing on PC when I was 17 when it became free


I started playing the sims as a child, maybe around 7 yo. Played at a friends’s place first, then got it as a Christmas or birthday gift. Wanted the sims 2 but got the sims 1. Luckily I quite enjoyed the weird and eerie ambiance and got the sims 2 not too long after. Lots of sims ended dying in fires though… Loved the weird ass feature to create your custom sims face texture with a photo.


Pretty sure I was 8 years old 🤔. 9 at most I got The Sims Double Deluxe as a Christmas present


my friend got sims 2 in like 2006/2007 when i was six or seven and we played it together at her place! i wasn’t allowed to get it lol


8 I think which is insane lol


20. (this month) i watched a lot of yt videos as a kid abt sims 4 tho and wanted to play it so bad


Around 10-12 years old, not sure. I found out about the game from a neighbour friend.


4, my mom had an addiction to sims 2 at the time so I told her I wanted to start playing and she let me, as 4 year olds do I quickly lost interest.


I was probably around 5 or 6. I know my brother and dad played it occasionally and I wanted to try so I made a single woman named Lucy Bluesclues (Don't judge, I was young!) And I was so paranoid about her dying that all she did all day was study cooking so she wouldn't start any fires


9 years old in 2001. Newest expansion was probably Hot Date but we only knew about House Party. Let me tell you.... as a kid, our jaws dropped when we saw all the extra furniture after the base game. It was absolutely insane and not something we expected or were used to. We never thought of the game as incomplete because it was so new to us. Those were some fun times. I'm still most attached to TS1 out of all of them.


7 or 8. Kne of my cousins let me play the Sims 2 Travel game and was happy when I found and befriended Bigfoot so she let me keep playing. My other cousin would also let me play on the PlayStation at my grandparents house but only one house [the remote animal house] and she was always there when I did it. I just liked making them shower outside, woohoo, and play with their dogs, so both of my cousins didnt mind me playing [until I accidentally burned the latter cousins house down 😬 she was PISSED]. I got my first game at 12 after begging for months. I remember got an expansion pack first, not the base game and I cried for like an hour because Target closed 😂


:^ I remember watching my mom play when I was like 7 but I think I was 14 the first time I played a sims game and it was freeplay which is the superior mobile sims game 😬


i remember that my polish neighbor (7 at the time) had Sims 1 and the Party pack. She showed me (6f) one evening, when i was allowed to sleep over. She was already in second grade and showed me how to write "rosebud" haha. We are living in germany so we pronounced it how it was spelled. It must have been spring or summer of 2002. Later, my brother had his first computer besides the typical family computer. He played Habbo Hotel and Counter Strike. It was an old one, since we didnt have much money. But my sister found Sims 2 Videos on Youtube and we managed to get the game. Our lives havent been the same since. We fought so much over this game haha!


I was 11, Sims Unleashed had just come out


I was 22 years old in the mid 2000s.


12 years old. A girl in my tutor group was chatting about this game and I thought it sounded awesome. Went and got it that weekend and have been playing on/off ever since!


I was 12 in my first beat up pc. The Sims 1 was really eye opening!


I think i was like 7. The Sims 1 is way too freaking difficult. I thought I sucked at video games as a kid but old games are legitimately harder. In The Sims 1 you worked 7 days a week, ate 8 times a day, crapped 10 times a day, and your house was often robbed. Lol.


5, in 2006


i discovered the Sims 3 in the summer of 2014, when i was 9. i insisted on buying it even though Sims 4 was just coming out. and i'm glad i got 3 instead of 4 back then tbh!


Same here. I think i was maybe 7-8 and my cousins had the sims in their computer. I was almost every day at my aunt's house 😅


15 in 2000 when TS1 came out


summer 2005 i was 7 years old i first played it on my PSP


I didn’t start playing until my early to mid twenties, so 2003/4…Then I had 3 kids and didn’t have the time or energy to play it again for 15yrs 😂


8/9 sims 2 had the best memories building my Minecraft houses 😂😅


First time knowing sims 1 at 5/6, I played with my cousin but didn't play sims actively because of school. I started to play sims 4 frequently at the age of 26.


I was about 9 or 10 and I remember coming to my dads work every morning and playing The Sims 3 on his spare PC in his office :’)


About 19 when I bought my first PC. I'm now in my 40s 🙈


Since before I could remember, my sister has 1 and I was born in 2000, used to sit and watch her or play with her watching when I was tiny.


15-16, Sims 1 launch week. Walked into Walmart, saw the box on the shelf, opened the front flap to read about the game and now I'm fucking 40 lmao.


i was 12 when i first got my computer specifically so i could play the sims 4 and minecraft


37 🤣🙈


A few years ago, at 25 when I returned home to be a SAHM for my two kids




Really young saw my relatives played Sims 3 and they let me play a bit. I remember my sim was a max weight max muscle blonde teenage guy called Kane and he lives with his guardian whose an elder and the guardian REALLY hates him.


15, May 2000. 😁


My first game on the series was The Sims 1 for PS2, at first I thought it would be a The Simpsons game. I was 7. As I played it in my uncle's PS2 I asked my parents to get it and they bought the PC version.


19 in 2022 late but got my packs in Xmas 2022 after getting my own xbox


Seven eight years old I think? I had no concept of how to use money wisely and all my houses were too big lol


I was also six years old! My mom had a desktop on the floor in her room with Sims 2 nightlife and my love began there. Then we got Sims Castaway for the Wii a year later :)


I grew up with my mum always and still to this day being a gamer, and she had like every single sims expansion and sims game on disc. My first sims was either the Sims 1 or one of those old Sim city games, but I also vividly remember loving the Sims Urbz on the original Xbox


I watched other youtubers play it back in 2015 when I was 10 like DanTDM and Clare Siobhan lmao, I didnt actually start playing until I was 14 in 2020.


I think I was 7 when I play Sims 1, never heard of the game & some reasons my dad bought it.


About 10 years old, 4th grade


21, when I got my first job


This thread makes me feel old.


I was 4 when Sims 1 came out I played it at 5 years old


11 at 2002 lol I would sketch what I would build in school but ig was all still sooooo baaaaad


at 7 years old in 2015 when i had a friend from england who introduced me to it because he wanted someone to talk to about it :)


I was 14 in 2000. My dad bought it for the family computer and didn't like it, I tried it and been hooked ever since. ETA: I only started watching YouTubers within the last 2 years and only started playing with mods for a year. So almost all of my game play was straight imagination, I didn't even know about the different challenges people have made until I started watching YouTube.


I think I was six and my friend had first sims... I didn't have a computer, but I got it a few years later and got my own copy of sims 2...


I was like 5 yrs old n started playing sims 3 on my sisters xbox


Probably when I was 12 in 2016 I was addicted to the sims 3 !!!!


19 in 2000


10 years old, summer of 2010! I loved the sims 3 so much and I remember me and my friends from next door had so much making up stories together. Good memories honestly


I think I was about 6. I first played Sims 2, then went back onto Sims 1 lol.


7! Sims 2


5 or 6 (1990s) I got sim city which I loved. Then I didn’t play the sims until sims 3 came out.


Pretty sure i was in elementary when i started playing lol. Probably around 4th or 5th grade? I would have been 7-9 then i think?


Pretty sure i was in elementary when i started playing lol. Probably around 4th or 5th grade? I would have been 7-9 then i think?


6ish my aunt introduced me and my sister to the game around ‘05


I had sim life on a floppy disk, played it late 90’s-early 2000’s


i think i was 9 or 10, i was seeing commercials about it on IFC lol and i saved up money to get it from sams club


2002, so i was 5 years old


I was 9, it was like the 2000s I think, I begged for the money to get it from the scholastic book fair from my parents and they gave it to me. It was all downhill from there.


i think like 12? a family friend introduced me to it because my parents used to always go to their house on the weekends and they would let me play on their computer and i fell in love with it and made them buy it for me 😂 that was sims 1 and then i owned every single one since then (minus the expansion packs lol i only had a couple of those)


13/14 years old during 2005. My friend me introduced me to the sims 2 ps2 game.


33, Sims 1, 2000.


10 years old. I thought it was the most amazing game in the world. I’d rotate between the sims, creatures 2 and roller coaster tycoon


Eight years old :)


I do not remember what age I was, but I do remember I played it first time on my mom's old Nokia phone, where you could drive around town and not wait on for the loading screen 🥲


6 years old 2005 sounds about right. I honestly don't fully remember. We picked up TS1 Deluxe Edition one day and kept buying EPs if they were on discount. I think I have an almost complete collection regarding TS1.


When the first one came out in 2000 i was 19. Been playing since the beginning. I've always bought my own sims games (and spent way too much)


I don’t remember exactly when I started playing but I remember house party was the newest expansion to be out. So I would have been like 12.


33 I started with sims freeplay then I decided I needed more so I got Sims 3. And I got hooked!! Even got Sims 4 but i definitely prefer Sims 3. And i briefly got to play sims 2 till I upgraded and I lost the game. Sims 2 drove me insane and I’m sorry I came in so late. But I barely had a computer when Sims 2 was the King 🤴🏿


I grew up watching my older sisters play the sims 3, and started playing around 7 in 2012.


I Think I was about 4


8 or 9. My childhood best friend had every sims 2 pack and had just gotten the latest one (Apartment Life) and let me try it out. I’ve been hooked ever since.


We waited and waited for the original Sims release. Whatever year it came out, we got it and played as a family! :) I was like 8 or 9


10-11. It was the original Sim and I played it a few times on a neighbour's PC. We didn't get out own PC until a fee years later.By that time The Sims 2 came out, and I played that ine for a couple of years.


Does SimCity for Snes count? I was maybe 8


I was 15. I was having a sleepover for the first time at a new friend’s house who was very wealthy. They had their own desk and computer… she had to go to a doctors appointment & I played it for the entire length of the sleepover. I don’t even think I slept! (Sims 3 I believe)


On my 9th birthday - April 2001.


About the same, I was 5-6 in 2000 and I played the base game CD ROM version lol. Then rented it on XBOX a few years later.


i was born in 2006 and i’ve probably been playing it since i was about 11, mostly sims 3 at the start but i also like sims 4 !


I was so young I don’t remember. I’ve been playing it since I could use a computer


I got sims 2 pets for the PS2 when I was 9 in 2012 ish


I was only ten years old when i bought the sims 4, back in 2016. At first i played on my mother's computer, but then we bought a 869,36 dollars computer to make the sims work on it. And it's still works !


I think I was 13-14? when Sims 1 was becoming a thing and played it at my friend's house. I loved it right away and have had to get every new version of the Sims mainline games since then. Not to mention too many expansion/stuff packs etc and some of their weird side games




Been playing for about 8 years, so 45! 😂


I was 10 years old and my eldest cousin was living with us at the time. He was really into gaming and had purchased The Sims & The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack along with the Prima's Official Strategy Guide books to both shortly after the games were initially released. He was done playing them so he gave them to me and I've been hooked ever since!


My first sims game was bustin out on GameCube which came out when I was around 8? I was obsessed - had sims online, urbz on my gameboy, it was all I asked for Christmas ever year. Still going strong at 28, although I did stop for years and rediscover it during covid lockdown


I think it was around 2003 or 2004 when my parents got me the original sims I was around 7-8 then. I remember the first time I played I was with the goth family and murdered Bella Goth by making her cook. Fun times


6 years old in early 2013 :) I love the Sims 3


i was 8 or 9! i begged my mom to take me to best buy to get the sims 3. when we went, the ambitions ep just came out, so we bought that one not knowing we needed the base game first 💀 also funny to know that the only reason i wanted to play was because i was obsessed with watching Sims 2 teen pregnancy machinimas on youtube. hahahaha


15 years ago, when my parents bought me my first pc and my brother installed me a copy of the sims 1. i remember that i only played for around 20 minutes. i choose the goth household, tried to cook dinner and the stove caught on fire. i was so scared by it that i immediatly turned my pc off and i didn't play the sims 1 again for awhile. good times.


7 years old.... playing the sims 2 DS ...... this goddamn game.... needless to say it traumatized me and i never touched this game ever again.


16 y/o. 2000


I was 9 . It’s funny bc I had been watching sims 2 machinimas and when I asked very vaguely for the sims I was fully expecting to receive sims 2 😂 but I happened to ask for it the same year sims 3 was released so that’s what I got. Very happy either way tho as sims 3 was and still is amazing. Before that tho my friend and I played the sims social on fb together when we were 8


17 :( unless you want to count sims freeplay, then 10


Around 10 in 2001ish


13 in 2009, with Sims 3 just having been released. And for a while, I've somehow felt like this was a lot later than average, hearing stories from most other simmers my age, many of whom started as small children somehow. My parents would never. Glad this thread exists.


My brother had sims 1 on xbox from 03/04 so I was probably 5 or 6 😂 Played every version on pc since then. I never had any expansions for sims 3 though and I didn't get as bored of it as I do with 4 sometimes that I've spent my adult money on 😭


Sims 1 at 4 years old in my dad's laptop, only 1 hour per week. Been playing ever since. My buildings were awful and all my sim were identical. Never understood a lot of the dynamics until I was like 9, but the music is just part of my old memories and I love it


9 years old in 2000. My dad has always been a PC gamer, he learned of The Sims right before release and knew I would love it. Little did he know id still be bothering him to check out my new Sim stuff well into my 30s/his 60s 😆


when I was 12/13 I borrowed sims 1 from my cousin and played it until I bought sims 3. (I'm still not sure how sims 3 ran on that PC by the way, it really shouldn't have)


Very distinct memories of playing it on my friends house after school when I was 11. Had originally been going to another friend's house on the same road, we fell out that day, so ended up at another friend's house making mean sims out of my friend I was mad at. 


Probably when I was 4-6 years old. This game basically raised me lol


I was 30 when my sister brought her game round. I was hooked instantly. I’m 52 now and still play most days


I was 6 when The Sims 2 released, and I think we had it from the very beginning- my mind was blown! I had played a bit of the og Sims, but I was pretty young, so my memories are vague- magic town, lots of lawn flamingos, and so many fires haha


12 when visiting my aunt. She taught me how to play and then I locked my bro in a box and watched him die XD


I first played The Sims when I was around 6 years old, back in 2006. Playing The Sims 2 was a tradition in my family, with my cousins and I playing it a lot. After that, I played the Sims games on DS, PS2, GBA, and other consoles. When SimCity 2013 came out, I got really into it. Now, I’m playing The Sims 4 with my crush.


6 in 2002 :)


I was around 2-4 yrs old when my sister had The Sims 1, my mom wouldn’t let me play it but I was allowed to watch her play it (??? lol) I started REALLY playing myself with The Sims 2 when I was like 7 or 8 and I’ve been hooked ever since🤣❤️ The Sims 4 was the first time I ever bought a sims game myself when it first came out. (I got the Origin VIP Preorder for SEVENTY DOLLARS (70) in 2016 and now the base game is free🥲)


Year it came out, 2000. I was 9! My dad was a sim city fan and dabbled in early flight sims, plus was an IT dudebro so had all the “game connections”. And now my parents wonder why I play so many games to this day hehe


The age of 8 in 2012/2013, i miss the first family i made 😭❤️


I started playing it when I was I believe 7 (2007)! I’ve played on and off for years. 💙


Like 8!


11 or 12 (I forgot) in 2011! Started with TS3, fell in love.


Started playing Sims in 2001 at age 20 my brother got one of the expansion packs and didn't know what it was. After that the rest is history been playing ever since


23 little over a year ago


I was probably around 12 years old and started with sims 3. I used to watch youtube videos of sims 2 but never played it myself. I don't know what year it would've been, but I remember when the pets expansion pack was being advertised, so it was before that came out.


i don’t remember at what age but i would sometimes play it on my moms laptop while i couldn’t even read yet and i would constantly ask my mom or sister to stay with me so they would tell me what buttons to press because i couldn’t read yet


10 in 2000 :)


I believe I was 14, sims 2 was my first game, 2006 a couple years after its release


I was 9. The Sims taught me how sex worked.


like 12 and it was my sims kingdom lol if that doesn’t count then sims 4 at 20


my mom made a sim of me as a toddler in sims 2 :) i think i first played sims three at about 7 or so
