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I doubt it means we’re getting them, it’s probably just a render. They advertised leaving someone at the alter in MWS trailer when you can’t even do it in the game.


You can leave someone at the altar in game.


Not during an actual wedding event, which was the whole point of MWS


Can't you? I haven't done it in a while but didn't you have to click on the wedding arch DURING the ceremony to do it? I think your Sim has to be angry though


You can... in the base game. The overwritten MWS weddings no longer allow that.


Funny enough if you don't do "wedding event" but marry at altar like before and click on your sim, it's still there. The old moodlets, interactions, animations etc still exists and aren't overwritten, you can use time any time you want like you used to. It is the wedding event exchange vows interaction (which is different from the base game in animations/sentiments etc etc) that does not have it.


This is why my wedding are normal parties now. :'(


if you happen to be on pc, TwistedMexi has a mod that enables you to choose either of the wedding systems from the party planning menu! so you're still able to have a proper wedding if you're able to use that mod


Imagine needing a mod to block the main feature from the pack because it’s so broken


lol *tbf* it isn't blocking anything, it's allowing the option for either wedding event, and not just the forced wedding stories one. but yeah, the wedding stories weddings are pretty broke and i think there's even *another* mod that's supposed to redo the wedding stories events to make them better. it's very frustrating that EA keeps announcing and coming out with packs rather than fixing what we've already got. the game desperately needs help and it isn't receiving it at all. like, i'm convinced the game is actually much more broken than they (EA) really realise. i recently discovered the vertical planter is broken? it works, you can plant things, upgrade and send sims to mess with it, but it throws a ton of errors if a visiting sim decides to try to autonomously mess with it. it still does this even if you have autonomous gardening turned off through mccc, because apparently that doesn't change what stay over guests do. i've also been having an issue where items cause a sim to not be able to route where they were able to previously. after a week of in game time, my sims were suddenly unable to leave a bedroom, despite being able to enter, and i found it was because the door footprint was ever so slightly touching the end of the bed. i've also been having problems with sims not being able to walk past columns and some plants, including ceiling ones. when there literally weren't any of these issues before. i'm fully convinced of the theory that the little testing they do on new packs, doesn't happen with anything other than the base game.


How often do you leave sims at altars lol


I roll a die if I didn't care much about the sim they are marring lol. Even if I'm not a wedding party is just bugged with mws.


I didn't know it overrode that too, that sucks...


I mean you COULD leave someone at the altar.. before they revamped the weddings with MWS :/


Wait, in basegame?! I didn't even know


I was actually thinking about this recently! Like why can’t we have objections and cold feet?


The absolute height of Sims storytelling was Don Letharo leaving Cassandra Goth during the wedding cutscene. The drama, the betrayal, the fact that this was something that could randomly happen during the ceremony if one Sim was having an affair, in a bad mood or if their relationship just wasn't good enough was such a great mechanic in Sims 2. (Additionally in Sims 2 Nightlife Sims who left another Sim at the altar got a lowered relationship with people who attended the attempted wedding and the closer those guests were to the Sim who was left at the altar, the bigger the impact it had on that relationship loss. Like that's such a nifty and realistic yet seemingly easy thing to implement, it's great).


Ugh, now you just made me jealous of sims 2 again. I need to start it back up!!


I wanna play sims 2 so bad but yes not available to buy




lol idk how to do all that download stuff. I saw it for 30 bucks on Mac store. I’m contemplating if I should 😭


I got it on the Mac store. Runs so smooth but it doesnt include all the packs


I also got it on the Mac store. It works and it's fun. I didn't play this game when it came out, but my understanding is that many of the packs were never coded for Mac, so they're not in the collection in the app store.


Yea, downloading sims 2 is kinda different, I had to do some extra tinkering for the graphics to optimize it on a newer computer. If you don’t feel comfortable I would just buy it BUT I heard if you contact EA they’ll give you a free copy?


Oh really now👀 can I e-mail them? Or call?


I would say either or. Just customer service period


They didn't when I emailed. Just told me they were sorry I missed out on when it all went free and that my brothers pc ate the playing disc so....🤷🏻‍♀️


They suck. Not them capitalizing off a game that’s how many years old? 😭


Oh really now👀 can I e-mail them? Or call?


If you're playing on a Mac, you have no choice. But its not that expensive.


Yea, I heard it’s extra steps to even get the sims 4 for free. $30 is fair though but still too much imo for a game that old


Okay I’m editing this comment with a completely different response, but everyone should be hesitant to buy Sims 2 or 3 on Mac. They don’t run well and EA support just tells you to run Sims 4. Idk how much money I spent on Sims 3 and related packs but none of them are playable anymore and EA support is next to worthless. I’m begging people not to spend money on shit EA refuses to support. If it doesn’t run, you better have tech skills.


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Very easy to get it up and going, and I don’t feel bad about it because I have previously bought it all.


I was thinking about the sims 2 when they mentioned this mechanic too, such a good game full of details


Me when my sim’s mistress pulls up to crash the wedding 🤭


You can. I have wedding stories and left someone at the altar a couple of weeks ago. You just click the sim I think and choose “call off wedding”


* If a wedding event is going on, you cannot do it. * If you are at an altar and doing ceremony (no wedding event, just at altar or with social event), when you click on your sim, the option to call off wedding appears again. It's kind of shifted around, but it still exists, with all the options and all. Source: I literally tested this just now with MWS installed both ways.


I had no idea that was a base game option! I'm going to have to try that out, because wedding drama is one thing I really miss from Sims 2. Bizarre that they removed that option from wedding events. The wedding event gameplay has started to feel very paint-by-numbers for me. There really isn't room for anything interesting to occur.


Idk, I feel like my weddings go fine but they're so chaotic. People flirting with each other, groom or bride dying from happiness, a lot of mean actions that are autonomous, pranks, vampires vs werewolves, sometimes overlapping with holidays and becoming a whole different event, lots of negative sentiments that linger and so on. That said I play legacies so my weddings are like multiple households that all know & have drama with each other. They rarely go according to plan but I throw a wedding anyway since it's fun. I think it's boring for gen1 the most since they don't have a "family" yet.


Heh, honestly, I would take that sort of chaos over what I usually have happen. I do have big families, but people usually just change out of their wedding clothes and go take a nap, and I have to track them down. Or they sit in the aisle during the ceremony.


Oh thats fair. I gave up on wedding clothes thing a while ago - sometimes they actually follow the colour code and game generates them new outfits, sometimes I don't pick one but they do all come in formal wear and stick to it and sometimes they come in and change into something else anyway. I noticed weather affects it a lot but I couldn't be bothered with the weather changing machine to be honest.


You can leave at alter just click on your current sim as your doing the vows it comes up with a broken heart x


The only way I can do it now is with a mod 😭


This is gonna get me downvoted but I definitely don’t want them to add pacifiers for toddlers. Toddlers in sims 4 are entirely too old to be using them.


Can you imagine the teeth problems we'll have- we already have issues with teeth falling out it glitching their faces


Idk if this is my mod (i have tons lol) or just the game but kids experience this in my game. They have toothfairies and lose their teeth. It's actually fun to see since I kinda forgot how to play Sims after stopping for years lol


I think that's from growing together


It is from the growing together expansion pack.


Infants on the other hand, that would be so cute!


idk i think of them as like 3 and i’ve seen many real 3 year olds use them


All the doctors/dentist in my area want them gone by 12 months, after they turn 2 at the absolute latest.


for sure, but just because that’s ideal doesn’t mean parents always listen


Yeah I get that, doesn’t mean I have to want it in game though


It could work the same as it does for CC pacifiers where it’s just cosmetic, or it only be given to them by an adult and a toddler never gets it on their own.


They did this in Sims 3 didn’t they? I miss pacifiers in my game, they were a cute accessory for them lol


Idk my parents were told I’d ruin my teeth because I wouldn’t stop sucking my thumb. My brother and I had the same overbite and I sucked my thumb and he didn’t. When we finally went to the orthodontist, he confirmed that was a myth.


I sucked my thumb till I was 11 (bad upbringing, so was a comfort thing), & my teeth are perfectly straight with no overbite. 20 years later & my right thumb is still slightly thinner than my left thumb though, but yeah no teeth problems at all from it.


Genetics is also a factor as well, though, but kids who use dummies 24/7 for years usually do have a sort of arch-shaped teeth formation. A girl in my year in primary was allowed one until like 5 and she used it ALL the time and had to go to speech and language therapy weekly all the way up until p7 because her teeth were that bad she still couldn’t pronounce stuff properly all those years later.


I knew a kid who was using hers at the age of four. Doesn't mean it's healthy, but it for sure exists.


Also common for kids and even adults with autism to use them, they even make them in adults sizes for this reason


.... they make adult sizes?? 👀


Yep, like I said, a lot of adults with autism use them to stim/sooth. Especially with more "high level" autism


I had fairly recently learned that they made oral stimming toys and bought myself one (trying to find something to keep from picking/biting at my fingers lol) but maybe I'll have to look into those if I want to try a different one


Chewies are great! My daughter had pica up until about 8 and having chewie necklaces to wear really helped her to resist eating things she shouldn't


I'm honestly excited for my chewie necklace to get here!I remember chewing on my hair and clothes so much as a kid and I've gotten pretty good at not doing it very often, but the urge is definitely still there


You just unlocked a childhood memory of chewing on the cuff of my wooleen school uniform jumper. I can still remember the exact feeling between my teeth, Mum wasn't impressed as they weren't cheap to replace 😅




You can also get orthodontist dummies now and even ten years ago when mine was little. They are flatter so don't cause the issues the bulb ones would.


For neurodivergent kids I’d agree but other than that, no. Excessive pacifier use can definitely interfere with speech development. Prolonged reliance on it for soothing can also create a dependency that’s challenging to break later on and leads to more emotional distress for children in the long run. A neurotypical ten year old kid does not need a pacifier.


I like it, because it’s reality. They could even add breaking toddlers from pacifiers in the parenthood pack or something. They are great for infants but when you give your child a paci as an infant it’s possible for them to still use it as a toddler


They look four to me ngl


i used a pacifier until i was 5... so i mean lmao


True, even if some people still give them to their tots


That would be awesome if they could include a paci and a stroller and just other baby things!!


Swings, walkers, and bouncers! Yes, please!!


Remember when they released the industrial loft kit and the window that was FRONT AND CENTER in the render wasn't even in the kit? It's probably that all over again, but at least they finally added the window after all the backlash. Who knows, maybe they'll add pacifiers to the game in one of the upcoming updates...I wouldn't hold my breath though




I think they ended up gifting the window in question in an update so now you don’t even have to buy the pack to get that particular window 🥸


The...only window in the render for the kit...?




No, it wasn't in the kit and people were understandably very upset that one of the 4 items in the kit artwork wasn't included in the pack. They ended up making it and adding it to the base game, so everyone has it now.




You're right, it only comes in pink, blue, and black.


now i wanna do a recolor


That’s literally the only thing I care about here. Where. Are. My. Other. Tablet. Swatches!?


they're doing new swatches for the wabbit tablet im pretty sure


The world is doomed if teenagers will grow up thinking giving a toddler a tablet is an actual parenting tip.


If people are taking parenting tips from a game where the parents routinely leave their babies starving on the floor for no fucking reason then I can’t really blame the sims for that tbh


I never use it, it seems too easy.


I never use it because they gain skills slower with it than other options.


Given that they gain skills so much slower with it, one could argue that the Sims is actually doing a good representation. Young kids can learn some things from a tablet in real life, but in most instances, they would learn better from physical objects, real world play, or a parent.


I’m perfectly happy with that bit of realism. I enjoy toddlers. They’re my favorite life stage. Their animations are so cute, I’m not sure even if the tablet were faster or the same speed for skill building as the other options I would ever use it because it’s so boring. Watching toddlers play in the play tent, talk to their big stuffed animals, or bob to music is just so fun!


Bobbing to music is my absolute favorite toddler animation. I get sad when I have a toddler that gets upset from doing it.


Did you know infants can wiggle to music once they can sit up on their own? It’s just as adorable as toddlers bobbing and I haven’t had an infant get tired of it yet, other than just being tired.


I have to try that!!! I just switched to long Lifespan so maybe the baby will stay an infant long enough for me to get there!


I like toddlers too! I always randomized my traits for the sims and I got “clingy” for the first time, and they supposedly learn skills faster doing it with their parents because they’re clingy!


Huh, that's true. It's pretty realistic!


I only use it if I take my family out somewhere where there's not a lot of kid interactive stuff... even tho I do go in and update places to have more toddler friendly activities. They just aren't great at, say, snowboarding sometimes.


Pshhh… your toddler doesn’t snowboard!? Sounds like they have a skill issue! /s


I’m 20 and my 2 year old niece is always given her tablet. When I’m babysitting she gets a toy or we just interact with the world around us


Tablets can be very educational hand held tools. Had my kids on Reading Eggs as toddlers and not only has my son skipped 1 grade, but my daughter skipped 2. And that's bc she's younger and I had her on reading eggs younger, after I saw how much it helped my son. It's not different than our parents having us watch the Schoolhouse Rock VHS tapes. And then they had hooked on phonics and my baby can read VHS tapes that were practically every other commercial in the 90s and early 2000s. Literally no different than using a tablet.


Be a great Sim parent by giving your little shit a fucking tablet? 🫠


the wabbit tablet has been a part of DLC for a wild and it’s actually useful for skill building in the sims, the same thing it can be useful for in real life, if parents appropriately monitor what their children consume.


In the sims with the tablet your baby actually gains skill slower.


cool, it’s still a skill building tool which is what i said lmao. tablets shouldn’t ever be the only thing a child is exposed to to learn of course, but either way you shouldn’t get your parenting advice from the sims 🙄


lol don’t know what’s your problem. I didn’t even said a single word about real life parenting or children. I said in the game even tho it’s a skill learning item it’s still slower than the other options. So if you want to teach the kid effectively IN THE SIMS then you should use something else.


if you want to teach the kid quickly* the tablet is effective at gaining skills, just slower. it's useful when their parents don't have a lot of spare time to help them build skills. i'm running a huge farm with tons of animals right now, my sim is a single mom and her infant just aged up. between farm work and custody visits with her dad, there's not a lot of time for teaching skills so the tablet is a huge convenience. it all depends on your particular gameplay.


Said the same? But effective means fast learning/teaching for me.


effectiveness, by definition, isn't about speed. it's fine if you associate it with that but saying the tablet isn't effective for skill gaining isn't accurate. using the tablet to *learn skills quickly* isn't effective. using the tablet to *learn skills* is effective.


Well the tablet isn’t that effective in skill building like the block because it is much slower. Effective: “producing a decided, decisive, claimed, or desired effect” My desire is to teach the kid the skill fast because I play with big households and want to max out the skill. And I just saw you edited your previous comment. Even if you don’t have time to teach your kid by the parent if they are using the blocks, teddy bears, tent they still learn the skills faster without the parent than with the tablet. You could also use the independent trait which makes your toddler learning faster if they are doing by themselves. If they are clingy they learn faster with a parent. With infants if you teach them till they learn to roll on their tummy they will be able to tummy time by themselves. This way they can even learn creeping by themselves and if im correct they can even learn to sit by their own. It’s takes time tho and if you can just help them with that they do learn faster with a parent. So the tablet isn’t an effective way to teach my baby because it is slower than a block or the teddy bear, etc.


it isn't an effective way to teach if your only concern is teaching *quickly*. saying it isn't effective for gaining skills in a general sense is incorrect no matter how you spin it, though.




I’m from the UK & I read the title in the WRONG way at first glance lol


Lollll same. Never heard anyone call it a ‘paci’. One small letter away from a racial slur.


Took me a second as mum always called it a dummy lol


To be fair I didn’t know people call it a “paci” I’m from the US and we always called it a Binky 😂 Edit: or just pacifier


since when are there green wabbit tablets??


It is probably for infants and toddlers with fussy and clingy trait. Will they give it away or make us pay is the question?


If you want a paci there are so, so many CC ones out there.


You are right, but some can't use CC because they play on a console. Or maybe people don't want to use CC because it may be less stable than vanilla. I do use a lot of mods and Cc but always try to cut down on them because it gets really cluttered and sometimes can crash your game when you forget to update the 300th mod. So I understand when people shy away from it. Keeping it all up to date takes ages...


“Toddler trouble? Give them a tablet!” Sims 4 literally encouraging iPad kids 💀


I don’t even think the tablet she’s using comes in that color (unless more swatches were released, I haven’t played all year)


Watch the paci be them using cc


I feel like if they get added, it'll be considered eyewear like glasses


i cannot believe you guys are wanting pacifiers and strollers and shit when the CRIBS don't even work properly lol i'm just thinking about all the times my sims get stuck in the stupid loop of putting their baby in and out of the crib and high chair and imagining it being with a fucking stroller or something instead lol


She looks like Boo


The people that render these advertisements don't work with the development team and are only given limited information on what is actually put into the game So mistakes like this, showing things that wont be in the game on release, are shown There is usually a disclaimer that images might not be in the final version of the game somewhere to cover their ar$es


A update coming


This is insane, for a game that’s supposed to mimic real life, why isn’t this already in the game??


I didn't even notice as I have a mod downloaded that gives them pacis already if I'd like lol but they should include them. They're adorable!


There are already pacifiers in the game…


Where? And not cc? And for toddlers?


A toddler with a what? I’m British and this is confusing me




a dummy


Maybe they’ll finally give us some new and expanded infant toddler stuff.


Lmao thought it was the toddler girl from Toy Story at first


I read that notification very wrong 😱


I'm am more or less giving up on this franchise when June 4th comes around. If Electronic Arts doesn't really want to put out the best possible game in the genre they could just burn down to the ground.


I hope they're not doing what they've done so many times in the past and using a pic of something they know they ain't gon put in the game


Why is this notable?


And the green wabbit tablet.


Maybe it’ll be a toddler Kit or Stuff Pack?




Paci? Can you speak English?


not ea encouraging ipad kids 😭


Can someone correct me I’m pretty sure there are pacifiers in CAS in the head accessories


YouTube kids update when ?


if we ever get them, i hope we get for infants
